JESUS Christ Is Why.

This is a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders, for the Main Site click:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

JESUS Christ is with [You Christian Leader, and/or with] a person when some

are gathered together Praying In His JESUS Christ Name (Matthew 18.20).

JESUS Christ is also with a person, including if secular, when reading the

Christian Bible words that JESUS Christ said (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on translations, on Lexicon, on Commentaries,

and on Christian Dictionary Defining [so perhaps ask a Christian Leader about

a verse if with a question or comment, prior to forming an opinion; or look at

other similar verses])(in the secular a war was almost started when a leader,

Khrushchev, at the United Nations, UN, said "We will bury you" which also

more toward peace meant "Our system will outlive yours" proffered as an


JESUS Christ can also visit a person (see Hebrews 13.2 and Matthew 25.35


JESUS Christ can also visit a person in the spirit realm, such as to hear, see,

touch, and/or otherwise sense (sensors made by human hands can also

perceive, faith amounts apply Acts 19.12).

So secular people and secular low level spirits and dust can also be aware

of the presence of JESUS Christ (Matthew 8.32 and "a greater" "is here"

1 John 4.4, Exodus 18.11, & Matthew 11.11) also such as the amount that

a person is of Christian Faith, so through time and the whole created distance.

So a person is able to change the past and the future at any location now

instantly: a Benefit from JESUS Christ.

Be careful not to misuse benefits, for secular example to Edify in the secular

movie series with redeeming social value Back to the Future there were times

Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly started disappearing when straying from the

[plan] course.

Also Christianity agrees for good [as much as goodly faith amounts] with the

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and similarly with the linear

wiki/Misner_space (wiki).

So if to see God, JESUS Christ, then no longer as the former person, the

lower level person becomes better and higher level, though may ascend more

or revert (Save Firmaments Apply: Rejoice Christians); "better" in this sense

refers in the personal sense as Victory Benefit Over former ways such as

no longer a lawbreaker and/or sinner and/or ignorant and/or naysayer and/or

backslider...though "better" Victory is conditional in the positional and group

sense of such as a person or group having passed or failed, and/or being qualified

or not, and/or being aware or not, and/or for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

(John 10.38) or not, and/or whether a Truly Caring Person And Helping And Best

Guiding or not; so "better" refers to both secular repantance (amounts of faiths

and talents and such spirits) and to Best Ascending.

JESUS Christ Wisdom Gives this Anew Awareness Gift for to Benefit others:

that repentance is an ancillary subset so lower level under and contingent to

Ascending (Best Ascending).

Ascending / Baptism (person) [or Anoint (other than person)] / Repentance.

JESUS Christ also holds that neither "Baptism" nor "Anoint" are higher than

the other, but higher level conditions apply: for instance a Christian may

Baptize [a Christian may not only Ascend yet also go on a lower level

Mission to Baptize] (see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This

Series on JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, on Original Plan, on Anointing

[preferred though reference situations and Church criteria] such as to Baptize,

on opting [if to Agree to be Baptized], and on Christening [like Baptizing

though Wisely Distinguish]).

Learning secular levels and ascending (such as grade school), is hardly the

same as Best Ascending Wisely In JESUS Christ since with JESUS Christ

comes Wisdom from the Heart [Love, Soul, Father Good Spirit Eternal] Of

JESUS Christ One.

Secular learning is with limitations (Firmaments) and parameters (ibid. in a

sense: the Vertical Ascending Tube Of The Christian Faith Path). The secular

is limited for instance (in a sense if to be defining) to [as some have taught]:

A. Who?,

B. What?,

C. When?,

D. Where?,

E. Which?,

F. How?,

G. Why?.

Subset levels include such as "How" to? or "How" many?.

JESUS Christ said a person could know others by their fruits (see

matthew/7-16.htm with Matthew 3.8)(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermons In This Series on pertinent conditions specified in detail).

A low level spirit (evidently / previous sentences) spoke clearly to the writer of

this JESUS Christ Sermon this morning, December 23, 2019AD, proffering

that [these] Sermons [and/or legal advocacy,...] should explain "Why it could

work" (such as JESUS Christ USA Law and JESUS Christ UN Law, see recent

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons and

"Why it could work" is already stated in the title of this Sermon. So if to be

Evangelizing and/or if to be Edifying Your Christian Church visitors, then as

stated above to move to lower level responsibility (ibid.: conditions are

specified) and so as JESUS Christ Taught (the same Words apply), though

normally hardly as a lofty Sermon of things too magnificent for lay people to

be able to understand, sometimes (and they might have things You might

not think about, such as how to crack a safe).

Yet JESUS Christ Gives a vertical middle ground so to speak, so the following

lines symbolize Christian Faith levels (in a certain talent) and the person to

be made more worthy for to lift.









If You (on level 8) Give "them" (on level 3) all Your Wisdom,

Good, though such has often fallen on deaf ears (heart

failure in the Faith sense Acts 28.27).

If You speak with "them" on the same level then they might

be hardly impressed that You know as much as they.

Yet if to speak with "them" on the same level quickly then

speaking on the next higher level (4) and then the next

higher (5...) then more likely in JESUS Christ to gain their

attention, admiration, and interest (this is also defending

Yourself, that they treasure You).

Though if to ascend too rapidly or too high a level then

perhaps to lose them along the Way.

So JESUS Christ Gives these Anew in New Christianity

parameters and levels Wisdom for Best making Worthy.

Even so, this is hardly as a light switch that can be turned

on or off, and rather Give them room to opt as JESUS Christ

has Done.

So the above popular secular list A through G can be utilized

such as in preparation for Evangelism and lobbying. So A

through G is seven total, so seven questions You can answer

(as JESUS Christ Stated, and reference Your Christian Church

Criteria) and prepare for Your Evangelists and lobbyists (levels

apply with respect to each type of hearer). So you can answer

"seven" questions formally (so becoming part of Your "Criteria"

if opted) plus subset questions (ibid.) so to be Best Prepared

for the Prophetic Future (Matthew 3.3).

So if already so "Best Prepared" In JESUS Christ then this

Anew Gift is Given from JESUS Christ: Victory Over the former

delimiting factor of Matthew 10.19 (see above "a person is able

to change the past and the future").

Even so, this does not mean win every court case, nor to be

the new living Ark Of The Covenant, though Matthew 4.17


Obey JESUS Christ In Highest Purpose Original Plan, so this

supersedes the previous sentence level, [work together,] Best

Be Functioning Together, allow Thyself to [learn and rather to]

gain Wisdom for to Give. Earn in JESUS Christ rather than win

(Leap In Faith may apply, Ecclesiastes 9.11 applies and so be

with Victory In The Name And Work Best Over Matthew 16.26

that also applies).

This morning December 24, 2019AD in a dream a person escorting

police kindly approached explaining a situation of a "belligerent"

"woman" [on the highway, in the way, police working to control her

evidently] and the person kindly identified himself as "Willie" totally

giving of himself (like unto JESUS Christ) and he reminded me of

Charlie Wilson's War character McGaffin (Joe Rolan).

Because of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series including

such as JESUS Christ UN explained somewhat, it seemed that

[the spirit of] "Willie" would have appreciated a better (see above

on the word "better") way to handle the situation. JESUS Christ

Offers per se of Precepting, right to left:

"better" / Charity to be in One Best Work / JESUS Christ UN Signing.

The (ibid.) conditions apply as stated above. Some things such as

Baptism can continue largely unchanged (though see ibid. above for

to Best Distinguish as hardly Christening in the sense normal to this

current generation, see Moroni 8.8).

Some other things would change at slow rates including counted as

if conditional upon lower levels [such as lawbreakers and/or sinners

(amounts of faiths and conditions apply)] though of JESUS Christ

Grace rather of Highest Purpose.

So JESUS Christ Gives (to all, such as for "Willie": as much as Agreeing

or as much as pertinent under laws currently) this Benefit including

Awareness (Matthew 5.17 [Victory already in some Christians]["Willie"

might be Christian though I awoke from the dream prior to so discussing]).

This Benefit is coming as somewhat already discussed in previous Sermons

In This Series is likewise with Charity as a key in factoring Over rates

[conditionally] and what to do, and so how to Best Handle situations

(like unto Charity consider what is written in the right column lower

section with Old Testament verses at

30.htm [cash is hardly the only type of Charity, though appropriate for

starting with Christian President Don Trump for Christianity, and

appropriate with Signing (reference also gradual economic change)].

For to "Best Handle", consider that JESUS Christ Gave [back then,

and likewise now Christian Leaders] the keys in One Faith for casting

out demonic spirits as written about in Matthew 8.31 (Matthew 9.29)

and 32 (JESUS Christ One Highest Level [merely higher levels can

also apply often: be aware of the risk as this also applies to the above

"lines" that "symbolize Christian Faith levels" so reference JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on New Christianity and on

Best Ascending]).

Consider what is written [prior to Exorcism] in

29.htm Berean Study: "'What do You want with us, Son of God?' they

shouted. 'Have You come here to torture us before the appointed time?'".

The "how to Best Handle situations" Prophetic point is: "demonic spirits"

[fear and more importantly in this aspect] don't want to be given "torture":

they don't want to roam in tombs, they want to live in mansions eternally,

they don't want to be falling into fires nor quicksand, they want good even

if they don't confess such.

So here is a key "point" of JESUS Christ Precepting With Best [or at least

"better" than former ways of this JESUS Christ Faith] Ascending. JESUS

Christ also Gave an an even more excellent way than Exorcism: the Best

Converting Benefit [Mutual Benefit].

So JESUS Christ Gives this Anew key to many now in these

months toward Prophetic Signing: JESUS Christ Gave Hope

for lower levels, and after a person has Victory Over some

lower level(s) JESUS Christ also Gave Anew Hope that the

former lower level person had not yet been able to comprehend.

In other words, a parent gives a child a piece of candy, and

after the child becomes worthy, the child may go to the cupboard

or buffet and gather as much candy as they opt ("worthy" such

as to fill the cupboard with candy and foods for all).

So the same precepts JESUS Christ said, that applied to lower

things when a person was a child, apply Anew in higher levels

as the person ascends in JESUS Christ.

In JESUS Christ Exorcism was Victory Over demons and/or

demonic spirits. In JESUS Christ Best Converting is Victory

Over [mid level or former] Exorcism Way(s).

Note capital letters often indicate Christianity, and "Way" is

with a capital letter, so not of former laws as if to get rid of

"Exorcism"(s), rather allowing lower levels Grace and Mercy

as much as Best In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, such as

if to perhaps opt to perform a Christian Exorcism, though the

more excellent Way In JESUS Christ is High Grace Lovingly

to Be Best Converting for Highest Purpose and so for their

(the lower level [with turned] spirits and lower level vessels)

sakes (note "turned" may be pertinent to the type of Mission,

for instance a rocket may be Straight On Course even though

the "Course" is "turned" and orbiting around the Earth [until

such as Final End Time Straightened ([toward such see]

Revelation 6.14)(hence eventually [though for instance Luke

21.34 may apply in situations] One JESUS Christ and no other

name Acts 4.12 & John 8.9).

So of JESUS Christ:

More Excellent Already In Your Heart / Convert / Exorcisms.

Exorcisms / Baptisms / Full repentances if with Baptisms.

You know the future, and that converting to your side is as if

better than exorcisms but only if you are best.

JESUS Christ is Best.

A person with a talent to write is not necessarily the same

as a person with a talent to preach.

Here are some levels as written at

study/scriptures/nt/1-cor/12.28-29?lang=eng&clang=eng#p27 :

"And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily

prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings,

helps, governments, diversities of tongues".

Now who can offer "miracles" and why?: "governments"?, not

necessarily since a lower level than "miracles"; so "teachers"

or higher though if "teachers" then as stated above in this Sermon

then high risk relative to "apostles" yielding "miracles".

Note: this note is for Edifying In JESUS Christ so for Highest

Purpose though now for the sakes of any if lower level and this

is not to say any is an animal though an animal is utilized symbolically

in this example for their understandings: a dog may pull people

out of a burning building and such might be called a "miracles"

(that are from JESUS Christ), but such does not qualify the dog

to be a person nor over people (see above on Signing and on

rates though rather see the Fourth Testament already long ago

presented to government); the "dog" has it's reward already

(though can be rewarded a little more but not so much as to

wrongly tempt the "dog" nor a lower level, nor other as the

condition of 1 Corinthians 10.13 applies).

With the Loving Goodness as with the Precepts of JESUS Christ

this Best Path such as Over "how to Best Handle situations" Will

(Prophesying) become more clear (rather than UNKNOWN GODS

Matthew 23.24).

As written in Romans 8:28 Berean Study: "And we know that God

works all things together for the good of those who love Him,

who are called according to His purpose".

JESUS Christ Gave the Highest Good Grace Purpose, and with it

JESUS Christ Gave the Way to Be One Fold Loyally [There (Traveling

as JESUS Christ One) with JESUS Christ UN as a key step and door

through which to Be One So Traveling)].

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose / Grace liberty / obey worldly laws slavery.

In other words if a person is in prison because they broke the law, but were

obedient to stop breaking laws then they having served are released, so

they were under laws (past tense): now what are they under?,

prison walls and bars?, no, guards and police?, no: they are at liberty;

but not so with God: that person is under JESUS Christ Grace or

under risk.

At liberty to opt to be Best Ascending In JESUS Christ Grace

is the Enabling the Giving the better toward Giving the Best

Good Joy to Guide to Give Heaven Perfectly.

In the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon the power

of the Great Pyramid was further explained (not merely up,

yet also down and both for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Yet as shown below is the Great Pyramid power horizontally

of talents in greater than linear layline arrays and mere

surface area, rather concerning JESUS Christ and Prophetic

Jerusalem through time, and even the space time continuum

as cities and regions are (Best Converted [Perspective per se])

Holy Anomalies of the Heavens of the Heavenly Levels (with

"talents"...values [levels and anomalies]) on Earth beyond

former ways, such as to see the past of a distant star as the

light is of a rate of travel from that star, yet JESUS Christ is

with that star and with earthlings (

[the letter of the law Lexicon is unable to fathom, decipher,

decode, nor such as biochemically prove nor disprove nor

measure "literally or figuratively").

You cannot have those former ways constantly (Miracles).

The Miracles can be with gaps: so JESUS Christ Grace

Faith Liberty Applies. It is like unto seeing a brick house

(each brick symbolizing a law) and so knowing how to lay

bricks but not allow to tear down another person's wall to

use if for the self (Grace Awareness Applies, and if illegal

was opted then laws cover toward punishments).

JESUS Christ Grace Rewards.

"JESUS Christ Gave the Highest Good Grace Purpose,

and with it" "the Way" (see above "Traveling") and this

higher Faith "Way" is shown in part below in this Drawing.

The above Drawing was made in sections including

because it may not appear properly on TV and/or

on a computer monitor. Note Preachers can utilize

the address line (such as for this page: 0www.20m


jesuschristiswhy.html&editor=tinymce or such as like unto a TV channel

(such as to Google search it on TV through a TV

game system such as PlayStation3 [no legal

affiliations, legal criteria may apply over such

entities] as with the game handheld device and

as with a pertinent keyboard). Note this (ibid.) is

of value such as for broadcasting to Church Members

that cannot attend such as for physical reasons such

as [with advance agreeing] meeting with government

leaders concerning lobbying JESUS Christ UN.

Now as shown above JESUS Christ told Disciples to go

to where the colt was and bring it [for as Prophesied for

the Lord], so the Disciples went according to Faith and

found the colt.

Likewise a JESUS Christ told a Disciple to go [about the

coin in the mouth of the fish] for to not insult government,

and likewise according to Faith the Miracle resulted.

The situation with Moses parting the sea is very similar,

according to Faith, yet distinguish. A person can follow

clues in the world, such as a treasure map.

Moses went according to Faith yet [without treasure for

to prove, and] without Miracle proof to so find: Moses

traveled Righteously, Faith Best Fitting On Best Faith.

Moses went to the sea, not because it was the

Promised Land, Moses went Faith On Faith, unseen

on unseen, lack of proof on lack of proof, as often is

as the novice begins to see Faith so to speak.

JESUS Christ Faith works, not so much because a

person can have a Faith amount, rather the Creator

changes Heaven And Earth (Original Plan, Living,

Leaping) to make room [Way, Path, Road] for the

Rightly Ascending.

What is the Miracle?, the Miracle is hardly Faith

(though it is according to spirits of JESUS Christ

Faith amounts even if the spirits naysay), so in

JESUS Christ Wisdom Edifying and so Grace Gives

that the Miracle is such as including dusts and TVs

and sinners and energy groups and other vessels.

So JESUS Christ Gives this Edifying key of Best

Ascending that Miracles are associated with the

Tree Of Knowledge, while JESUS Christ Best Faith

is with the Tree Of Life.

So if not to kill a person, then agreeing at least in

part, with Best Ascending. If not to act as if an

animal, and with the Golden Rule if not to call other

humans animals nor to treat other humans as if

animals, then to likewise be Best "agreeing at least

in part": "agreeing" with the Tree Of Life in a person

as the person agrees with JESUS Christ.

The next sentence should [Ascendingly] be in the

past tense sense, though for Edifying for the sakes

of lobbyists and Christian Leaders and others this is

stated in the current sense. What do sinners do?,

sinners do things such as hide and secretly plan to

steal info and kill people if they opt it needful as part

of their plans; and what does government do?, the

same, formerly at least, until the Grace Of Signing

comes toward Enlightment.

See, this is you charity first [Heart, Soul], then other

charity such as Birthday and Anniversary gifts yet

importantly for the economic system given is Charity

for JESUS Christ Church(es) for to Best Help each

and all such as that Christian Churches Give to any

in need [such as in other faiths as is often the ongoing

situation (as the Signing is toward their agreeing for

best solving as requested)].

Creator of Faith And Life JESUS / Faith on Faith /

Faith on after-the-fact Miracles in former lower level

ways such as dust blown in the wind (Psalm 18.42).

This JESUS Christ Sermon Grace Signing is Victory

Over the former interpretations of destructive ways

(of ibid.). This is the Living Signing, and yet of the

various talents and positions let each be doing their

Good Best [Part (Rather Whole)].

Moses left civilization (left the Miracle) and went to

the wilderness (see parting of the sea at JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermon at

promotions/fromdeadtocovenants.html). Out there,

as if cast out, out in the "wilderness" was not the

Promised Land Proof.

Long ago such as in terms of creating life systems on

Earth (also true today), such as with amoeba attempts

to endure, yet also with [Marriage] formerly lower level

[sedimentary layerings, splicings, and matings] things

learning processes that failed until learning Wisely in

love amounts toward greater Faith amounts, there

were organisms that tried and died (leaving organics

so to speak, rather Enlightening the spirits in their

faiths amounts [talents], see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons on first life forms in trial and error

attempts including failures and the higher Heart Love

successes at

FamilyValues.html and at


So the spirits did and undid until learning the Faith

Path per se toward forming humans (see previous

JESUS Christ Sermons with pertinent illustrations


and at


JESUS Christ throughout history visited every nation

and civilization (in person and/or with Angels delivering

the needful Grace information excellently [far more

than minimum sufficiency]) including going to both

the Ascending and those failing and becoming extinct,

for instance the naysayer followers faiths amount

yielded their rewards such as in unAscended former

ways of secular interpretations of the Book Of

Revelation as the spirits of the stars of the sky

agreed to let them see the results in the form of

raining large fiery brimstones (JESUS Christ is

in charge Matthew 8.32).

Best Ascending is not leaping carelessly nor

unaware of the situation. A Righteous Faith Path

Does Exist and it is Christian.

Moses devoted His Life to it, though it was known

by another name then (lower level) included in the

current Christianity and that in New Christianity,

precept on precept, new wine in new vessels:

New Christianity / Christianity / Chosen People.

Back then they were Chosen People or extinct

former Egyptian soldiers and followers of secular

ways of confusions yet even now the vessels they

left behind at the bottom of the sea are with goodly

convincing values for toward saving people in

JESUS Christ.

The UN has been with the same pattern of

"followers" such as said in naysayer sinner

former ways in popular cliche on a secular TV

show this Christmas week "seeing is believing"

(is confused and very misleading,

mark/15-32.htm [their works try to kill Christianity

and all other faiths in order to make themselves

and their own works appear as if supreme but

such is not supreme nor joy for others nor JESUS

Christ Grace]).

Secular cliche "Look before you leap" is the same

effort to try "to kill Christianity and all other faiths"

[(has often been less is confused and less misleading

than the previous sentence) though Luke 12.48

continues to apply].

The above JESUS Christ Drawing to the left is

far more than about as shown, the stars surround

Earth; this is about each and every nation and each

and every goodly value of each and every nation

(many such Drawings specify the values of nations

per se in Sermons at


These come from JESUS Christ putting values into

each and every nation vessel.

JESUS Christ UN / Nations / Goodly of each nation.

The former lower level ways have been:

UN works / Nations together yet separate / Each.

Victory over the previous triad word and work about

"separate" has been an unseen key to lower level

perspectives that under laws they could not see that

separation is as the divorce that Moses gave but for

their hard hearts (Matthew 19.8): their hearts wanted

to sin against others insead of to be Faithful for the

Highest Purpose.

Nations failed, individual civilizations failed, so what

does failure mean per se?, [dead in lower level

perspectives toward misinterpretations though

actually it means as to sleep though more toward

put to sleep by having opted sin instead of JESUS

Christ God One.

Failures of nations is unawareness of the greater

Good. So even if told in advance, the same failures

can result.

In the beginning was the Word [for Good, but per se]

and then Good with other (at least counted as though


There have been many stories of the first humans,

such as created of higher Wiser JESUS Christ, and

the same evolved (more often it has been a sinner

perspective not giving JESUS Christ the glory nor

reference value).

To evolve has been chance (Ecclesiastes 9.11), and

then natural selection (formerly face value, later to

know their fruits Matthew 7.16), then breeding, then

intelligent design such as inserting DNA into a

vessel (miracles) and such as JESUS Christ

Transfiguring (Faith, such as three verses Matthew

16.28, 17.1, & 17.2).

Even as a New Beginning indicates, there are

"New" options (the previous sentence had options

yet Better Anew options are coming) yet continuing

is the Best Option Path In JESUS Christ.

So along this Path (rather than a timeframe

snapshot vessel miracle after-the-fact such as the

first human Adam) includes many versions of a

story about Lilly, called the first human at least

symbolically (see above many "civilizations failed")

and Lilly had no sex organs (like unto Angels in

the Spirit (this is about a level of the Heavens),

and so rather than about a snapshot of "Lilly" is

the better known Awareness of goodly Angels

watching over, and so the Watchers (ibid.).

Like unto Eve, Lilly failed, hardly the same reason

yet with similarity: Eve helped Adam rather than

God, Lilly helped herself rather than God (Word

to and for Watchers).

This Sermon title is "JESUS Christ Is Why", so to

Best Edify, "Why" did Lilly turn against God?, it is

because Lilly found unawareness (a faith amount

so a lack of Faith amount) being no longer mere

spirit (of a Heavenly level though of a level) of an

Anew [Beginning] Vessel type.

So for instance if a pimple appeared on the mid

back of Lilly, and without a helper to overcome it

(even though a helper is not necessarily needed

such as to innovate an antibacterial spray yet

rather to Pray JESUS Christ...) it is a low level

thing if to opt to blame the Creator (a likely

possibility of the JESUS Christ Good evidence

and rather Faith Path), rather than to blame

the self (also reference a person working to

exhaustion in previous in this Sermons Series).

In other words each person without sexual organs

can perhaps be more likely to be about their own

selfish survival, while a Christian [Baptism...]

Marriage transcends that selfish aspect, as does

so being with family, and national loyalty likewise.

Though "each person" is as each nation, so as

"Marriage" to Anoint each individual nation such

as via Signing JESUS Christ UN (see above "amoeba"

references with timeline and


A lower level pattern has existed, if a person encounters

a problem and there is no one to blame, the person

might wrongly opt to blame any higher such as the

former ways of nations blaming "an act of God".

So each nation and the UN and the "Watchers"

should opt to be aware of that pattern of risk toward


More importantly, though do not leave the previous

sentence undone concerning JESUS Christ Faith

Responsibility For Victory, is the Ascending: so

a problem [another word for failure] is about the

self [nation, UN,...] while the success "Victory"

is come [already] from Above Given [freely

(often interpreted likewise as of liberty)] so to

include for each and all. Even so, be aware in

JESUS Christ that a temporary victory has been

the ways of sins (conditions apply such as

Ecclesiastes 9.11).

The above JESUS Christ Drawing to the right

shows secular levels each as a barrier, such as

a corporation not sharing information and

keeping patents even if unused even if to be

able to help the nation(s) tremendously: New

Christianity rates apply: Love is for not to harm

(such as "a corporation" nor "nation(s)") yet in

Signed Grace to rather Best Ascend to Best


So there are failure rates such as as fast as

lightning, and rather higher successes (the

secular agrees: the secular plans: so the

secular realizes there is something better

than the secular is) with rates though far

beyond former secular ways to measure

such as to measure the rate of lightning,

and rather Transfiguring and Prophesying.

JESUS Christ Gives Anew Grace for the UN to be

Signing. So what is Grace?, why should it be

Signed JESUS Christ UN [Grace (Grace, Joy,

Giving Spirit, Allocating Spirit, Best,...One)]? and

concerning all other questions can Grace be

explaind for in these future months?, Yes.

If the question is perfect then already "Yes"

since already "Grace" to be able to so be One

Agreed and rather Agreeing in JESUS Christ

One Righteous Liberty In The Talent Of Grace

For Highest Purpose.

Therefore including this JESUS Christ One Edifying

for the sakes of any yet to Perfectly Ascend: "Grace"

in the Highest sense of the Straight And Narrow Path

In JESUS Christ is Good Word And Doing without

legal requirement (without threat of punishment,

without being coerced), such as an innocent person

injustly being sent to prison and opting of their own

soul to praise JESUS Christ and all Goodness and

to be cleaning their temporary cell while aware they

would be likely moved to the permanent cell at any


"Grace" for the UN to be Distinguishing from former

reliance on merely [lower level (as much as done)]

laws is like unto the JESUS Christ Above Drawing

with Moses symbolically there Agreeing with God

JESUS Christ One as JESUS Christ One Hold the

walls of water, back then the people feared being

slaughtered or enslaved and persecuted, rather

JESUS Christ Grace is with none chasing the UN

and yet the UN opting to Say the Best and to Do

the Best and so now in these months the UN

may opt to be Signing: JESUS Christ UN, as the

new name for the UN (like unto as written at http://

If chased by modern terrorists, many people would

flee (as shown above), though of the calling of Grace

of JESUS Christ many Christians are already (ibid.)

coming to the Lord JESUS Christ whether others

view it as going or fleeing. The Christians today and

"now in these months" are as written in the

psalms/23-4.htm verse though Best Ascending In JESUS

Christ Grace is hardly of the former translations and their

ancillary lower levels of interpretations talents as shown

in the Lexicon as if something "To" be done if opted

(such as Good News Translation) rather Best Ascending

in Grace is Doing As Highest Best is Already Doing as

in the Lexicon about "Your staff" as "sustenance"

sustaining even now as the UN considers whether to opt

for or against, while this Grace Ascending In Christian

Faith is as by name per se "a walking-stick" of the Lord

and hardly about a resting stick while debating nor

while warring, now while considering whether to be

walking, rather Best Leadership is already with Best

Doing ("walking") as the UN should Sign.

The previous sentence does not mean no vacations,

even more toward the opposite as the slave has worked

hardest in serving relative to the served, even so to opt

to Host is to Serve, as many Kings and Rulers have so

opted to Host.

So a key the UN understands already is no slavery

even as a slave has served, and rather grace to invite

and Host for the invited.

Should the UN seek to be the Best at doing good? Yes.

Should the UN seek to treat others likeminded most

excellently? Yes. Yet let the UN seek most Perfectly,

and such is to be therefore Perfectly Perfecting any

people or higher that come and likewise the lower

levels coming in such Peace.

For example, a person might opt to do as a dog, but

if to opt to be with the UN then let the person opt to

be as UN people, therefore let the UN [per se] first

Best Guide the "person" that the person be in Best

Grace to [in liberty (parameters)] come so hardly as

a dog to be cast out or of former (not detailed here,

for instance much is for each nation to vote as the

Best Ascending progress is happening)(a person

pretending to be a dog casts their self out [into the

lower levels] though above the lowest Firmament

level of humans (though even in these current ways

many including many confused people have been

working to as if remove the Firmament between

humans and lower animals)]).

That Firmament is a concern not merely under legal

terms, yet also for the UN to be with Best Wisdom to

be Best Ascending [As Exemplar (Do As JESUS

Christ The Exemplar though Give Credit to JESUS

Christ The Best Exemplar)].

King Herod tried to kill infant JESUS Christ and so

slaughtered the infants of the region (Save JESUS


Lexicon "arouse" and "vanish" [so Ascend in Highest

Spirit for the Lord JESUS Christ Infant One Sake])

and beheaded John The Baptist, so as of the turned

to lower levels paths Herod opted as written in https:

// Berean Study:

"Immediately, because Herod did not give glory to

God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he

was eaten by worms and died".

So this key Wisdom Benefit comes Before-The-Fact

for the UN concerning Signing JESUS Christ UN:

that King Herod "died" but his kingdom did not die

(Matthew 21.43).

With this key Gift from JESUS Christ is another key

Gift Benefit for the UN and not delimited to merely

the Spirit Of Wisdom (in the mere knowledge with

awareness sense as about JESUS Christ Prophesying

for the sake of the UN as of the former interpretation

of the previous key fulfilled in the way it had been

as Herod opted [Herod caused so Herod was

affected (embarrassed) and effected (no longer to

function even though the innocent people raised

no weapons against Herod during that event [that


This added key Gift for the Benefit of the UN is the

UN opts to agree (or Matthew 21.43 as much as

pertinent [reference previous in this JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons Series on faith amounts and on

lack of faith amounts]), and so if impure applies (ibid.)

then conditionally: this key is that the Best Ascending

needs not worry about former ways of Herod and


The UN worked hard to overcome poverty ([thank

you] the previous sentence applies [to "terrorists"

and to poverty]). So this Anew Victory key applies

Over "poverty" (and for JESUS Christ [since Signed

JESUS Christ UN in the future]) and so also Over

Matthew 26.11!

Now, Prophesying in this generation, UN (after Best

Converted) can have it's Victory Over poverty.

Never before of this civilization has this been so,

Save as JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave (reference

Christian Loaves And Fishes, and Manna From

Heaven,...the Straight And Narrow), yet if each nation

agrees then as never before this Benefit.

Though let the UN be aware that a pure UN is not

necessarily a pure Earthlings set, so rates and

lower level self conditions apply, for instance a

person might be remote and not aware of the UN

nor much concerning the Signing event (though if

Signed then it is a great Spirit event especially if

Unaminous and so of JESUS Christ Spirit Father

Joy to likely effect every [soul] spirit and not merely

the humans (above Drawing top center, and like

unto the Heavenly bodies of light for to be Best

Guiding the Magi from the nations [Herod got what

he requested, and the Magi Gained the Eternal greater

value for Good and Gave what Good They could:

Giving Themselves and then Their Gifts as things

They Heartfelt valuable to the Infant King Of Kings

Sustainer Empowering Making Worthy for Kings as

they may opt whether to agree]).

So "the Magi" "Gave what Good They could" and so

after Signing let the JESUS Christ UN Leadership Do

Likewise, broadcasting into the remote tribes [for they

have values too, even so for Good Highest Purpose].

And seek to Grow according to the Original Best Plan.

Moses helped the Chosen People though deviated an

amount (about divorce) and while a Heavenly Patriarch

(Mark 9.4), seek to be Best yet allow "an amount" of

Mercy as Grace Guides vertically up (at least

symbolically [see above on rates and conditions])

yet also concerning parameters [Tube] and rather

the [theoretical] Straight And Narrow line (and rather

a Tube for JESUS Christ to be able to Travel through

it [so a person can travel through it]).

Yet if the JESUS Christ UN is Given Good Gifts, then

let the formerly governed under laws [of persecutions

and/or threats] be made Worthy to be Lifted to be with

Gifts to Give [the Un, and importantly] to others.

Now be Wise in all things to Do for Highest Purpose

as JESUS Christ Father Spirit Of Only Good, would

that You Do (such as Giving Love, Good, and Grace),

so then be vigilant (including careful not to stray and

not to cause others to be too tempted lest they may

opt to stray) concerning this Prophesying statement

in this bold font: cast down the former UNKNOWN

GODS ways via Best Guiding making sure they

are Worthy if to lift them: this is like unto a former

parole situation though of JESUS Christ UN One Grace

concerning rather a high level by the former measures

sense. Since JESUS Christ UN integrity and dignity

applies with the leaders of nations (such as negotiations

at times even if disagreeing), likewise the former entities

that were considered "GODS" back then, may have

been sinners astray, though also were leaders with faith

types and amounts. Another perspective is the former

led Wisely in JESUS Christ including Giving the Glory

for JESUS Christ [through civilizations as many records

perished while other records become realized (proper

Ascending)] though of meager means back then were

incomplete interpretations by many likels;

for instance Herod rose to power for a reason, including

being obedient to those that could lift him to such

higher and higher levels in their opinions: JESUS Christ

Gives special criteria set over the higher Firmaments,

such as written in [put no other name above JESUS Christ]

So it is not merely of former ways as to obey laws or be

punished, rather Eternal hence Prophetic God In The

Given Faithful Son Name JESUS Christ (above UN save

if JESUS Christ UN can be equal at a Given Moment

[if so then Prophesyingly: Moment Righteously On

Moment Ascending In JESUS Christ UN]), so God can

Overcome even the innocent so to save them and

others from sin and lawbreaking contaminations

(hence not merely a vessel opts, yet also God as

One Highest Vessel Opts and Alway Best).

Note always is more for the learners, while alway

in the singular sense is in the JESUS Christ One.

The former UNKNOWN GODS (any that came in

their own names instead of in the name JESUS

Christ) fell to sleep, and so even your little children

are greater than they. But if to lift them then a risk

to you, your children, and others. If to lift any vessel,

then a risk, so this in former ways was to rule against

lifting, such as to not let a child skip a year in grade

school even if worthy (straight A's), and such as was

the relatively descending path to hold back a child

a year.

In other words a person is of more value (see previous

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on levels and on

Ascending) than an animal, a plant, a machine, and

a person is more valuable than a weapon of mass

destruction (see above "dignity" (as also in the UN


so if there is a terrorist [a person] then plan ahead

and rather than plan to shoot the terrorist let the

JESUS Christ UN plan to First And Alway Pray

JESUS Christ in the Heart and then JESUS Christ

UN Highest Purpose Likewise, and per se such as

to plan to protect [in a sense] any mass destruction

weapon from contaminating any people [for JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose (so including so the "terrorist"

needs not fear it nor be motivated it as it is in a lower

level than the person), but that is a lower level

reaction related matter; so let the JESUS Christ UN

be lifting people Faithfully that the people of Grace

be no longer the people of lower such as terror, and

this includes overcoming not only poverty yet also

excessive cravings risks such as about over eating,

and other addiction cravings (such as to be best in

the former ways and so "terrorist" to have fun as

Herod did, and/or to prove able to outsmart the

former UN ways (security, weapons,...).

JESUS Christ Already Gives a person the power

(Ascending applies) over "to prove" therefore to be

able to Plan Before The Fact as "to prove" is after-


So JESUS Christ Give this key Benefit, the person

anxious "to prove" can never prove except by chance

[luck (many have been addicted to gambling)

(Ecclesiastes 9:11)]: this is not to mass destruct

corporations that offer gambling nor gaming nor

weapons, save if rather the JESUS Christ UN first

plan to opt to remove the addiction attractiveness

and so to first reveal the Perfect Way that none can

resist (see Ellicott's Commentary on "The Lord" at [hence

Anew Benefit key for JESUS Christ UN Future

Planning]): so in the former sense others could "not"

resist or such as be shot, though of Best Planning

JESUS Christ UN can offer Grace Benefits at least

as they see the Miracles that follow JESUS Christ

UN (this in this Sermon is Prophesying, this is one

of the results if the UN Signs, this is the result if

the UN Unanimously Signs [in JESUS Christ I Pray

and also as Witnessed Likewise through Ascending

and so with such Attesting]).

People of many types of faiths in this generation,

and as reported by the previous generation, and

recorded earlier said much from the many nations

and each goodly thing they gave for to be heard

and accomplished was also said by JESUS Christ

[and also be aware of this precept (from as written

in Hebrews 12.2 NIV "fixing our eyes on Jesus,

the pioneer and perfecter of faith."...)(see previous

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on

perfect hence perfecting, and on Christian Faith

therefore with Miracles).

Perfect : Perfecting :: Christian Faith : Miracles.

So JESUS Christ Gives in Your Loving Kind Heart

(Christian Leader In The Name JESUS Christ):

How to be Perfect, likewise how to have Christian

Faith (any goodly aspect agrees with Christianity

and Christian Faith and the JESUS Christ Faith

Path). JESUS Christ also GIve Wisdom Over how

to Be Perfecting though of a talent, and another

talent is the creating of Miracles (Leaps Of Faith,

note slower rates at the other end of the range

of measures the asymptote of tiny increments

of value such as precision though often can be

automated with little need to witness each of the

repetitive tiny steps of mathematics and the long

and exhaustive list of references [save one: in the

name JESUS Christ] lest to become dull counted

as if reason to stray [such as a class clown has

done (also often of values though let any works

be for Perfecting and Better)]).

Concerning the word "increments" reference geologic

and evolution rates [at (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon] in the

sense of the egg shell prepares for the higher level

value of the better, the life within the egg shell.

The egg shell prepared the way for the life within.

The protective parents prepared for their children.

The fort prepared for the people as one people.

The UN agreeing nations prepared for the better

coming anew in the hearts as one.

Now concerning "the people as one people" and "The

UN" "hearts as one", see the above concerning Lilly.

In other words becoming JESUS Christ UN comes

with Anew type of tougher responsibility [(

mark/13-23.htm with

hence to make the UN aware Before The Fact is New

Christianity (

JESUS Christ).

The UN is not the final victory over the world: the Good

Joyous Giving Love Best Properly Eternal Story Is

Enduring Forever Improving so from being Worthy to

becoming more Worthy Over Greater toys and machines

and planets and created elements and powers beyond

former comprehensions yet Wise And Best And Good

And In This JESUS Christ UN Signing.

When will...?:

will%22 , and your other concerns are answered in

like manner(s).

None is Perfect Save JESUS Christ One Eternally For

Best Good. So none is Perfecting Best, Save JESUS

Christ One Best.

So for the sake of the former UN ways, rhetorically,

and to be Best Edifying if to be Truly Prophesying

such as for planning for the nations then with the

Best Plan, and so to know the Best Way, even if

[the nations agreed] this is with Best Faith In

JESUS Christ as each has said many times and in

many ways.

Note the following sentence and references have

struggled to lift words such as "argues" and "argued"

[toward lower levels: wars and confusions (not the

United Nations Peace Effort)] and so is not sound

logic (logic by itself does not argue nor make wars,

similar to a light switch, logic is from the Tree Of

Knowledge from [Heaven (2 Corinthians 9.12 Berean

Study)] the Tree Of Life from JESUS Christ (ibid.).

Immanuel Kant has been "the central figure in modern

[secular] philosophy" (,

"Kant also argued that his ethical theory requires belief

in free will, God," (

Terrorists believe in their "free will" (whether each or

a terrorist group leader).

God is not a terrorist nor a destroyer of the Good that

God formed.

In the often fun though secular MacGyver series many

technological innovations have been advanced (in the

secular horizontal timeline sense, talents such as to

combine chemicals and to makeshift catalyst

mechanisms), and MacGyver (reference Immanuel

Kant Philosophy in the above text) proffered "The

supernatural is just an easy way to explain what we

can't understand" then [to work to insert a course

correction] MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson)

quickly added a modifier "Well, at least"...; so the

words "we can't understand" "argued" against both

"God" and Kant.

Such has been the ways in lower levels: against both

God and against all the people (


Even in the MacGyver statement was his confession

as if about other people but it was his own opted

confession about himself "we can't understand" but

if true (within the quotes) then character MacGyver

doesn't "understand" in order to so explain per se.

John's Testimony about JESUS Christ Does Wisely

And Righteously explain as written in

john/3-31.htm "The One who comes from above is

above all. The one who is from the earth belongs to

the earth and speaks as one from the earth. The One

who comes from heaven is above all. [verse 32] He

testifies to what He has seen and heard, yet no one

accepts His testimony" (this was said toward the start

of the Ministry of JESUS Christ).

JESUS Christ warned against mere logic (ancients

for instance ancient Greeks) and mere knowledge

(ibid. compounded in ancient Jews that plotted to

crucify [JESUS Christ taught daily at the Temple


1-cor/1?lang=eng&clang=eng) but his logic and

knowledge and Wisdom and Love and Respect

And His Living are no longer able to be crucified.

Likewise the faith types in lower levels containing

[see above text on egg shell] former ways are

Overcome With "Signing".

JESUS Christ Was Baptized and yet is Over

Baptism. JESUS Christ has Power Over logic,

Over banks of knowledge, Over all knowledge,

Over former lower level worldly methodologies,

Over privacy, Over broadcasting, and Over other

people and their ways including in dreams and

visions: needful for the UN (see above text on

Best Prophesying).

JESUS Christ is also Over Love. JESUS Christ is

Enduring since Enduring In Love (And With The

Highest Father Spirit One), and rather than laws

that have not perfected is the Christian Faith Way

to so Accomplish: JESUS Christ Grace.

MacGyver sought for instance to "understand", yet

JESUS Christ had already been known in that

character, though the character went against it

and opted instead and said "we can't understand",

even though JESUS Christ explained we could.

MacGyver was with many goodly aspects, doing

as JESUS Christ told him to do, such as MacGyver

properly adding a chemical to a chemical, as JESUS

Christ had comprehensively said precept on precept.

JESUS Christ UN is a better enabling (A) of the

nations and people, each and all, to be benefiting

better enabling (B) through the name JESUS

Christ UN that others realize the source of the

Charity the "others" receive.

This is distinguished from the former UN charitable

ways of great goodly values, rather this Anew Giving

Charitably In JESUS Christ UN is not law alone, yet

more [with magnifying] in the higher level Grace,

like unto as written at

move mountains : to move mountains of gold, to

move mountains of souls; and these things for One

Great Purpose In JESUS Christ UN.

Spirits often speak with the writer of this Sermon or

to or at (many have attacked, sometimes similar to

pavarazzi solicitous plagues yet see previous JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Pastor TV Evangelist

Ernest Angley Righteously Distinguishing spirits

including in His Church Building during Service).

In pertinence there are currently Christian Bibles

and other books and the Internet with resources

available for the writer of this Sermon, along with

many notes written daily (some with stars for

signifying immediate importance and pertinence)

such as while watching television [hardly as to

critique toward "argues" and rather for JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose Grace and often for to

be Best Charitably Edifying (by far the Word alone

is not the same as Charity, save such as a

Christian Leader may opt, see previous JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermon on the movie We're No

Angels (1989AD))(James 2.26).

So in other words there are [small, manageable

(Galatians 5.22)] piles of information and most of

it relatively as if less important (lower levels as much

as pertinent in the current JESUS Christ Given

Mission, in this situation this Sermon Preparing

And Writing (which brings to mind the secular cliche

"You get paid for doing that?" [watching TV?: and

hardly about a paycheck nor income]: Yes. The

Benefits are great in the Lord though many others

might not notice and might have many advantages

they have considered far more valuable.

Note: so rather than ignore the Christian Leaders,

sometimes JESUS Christ makes a statement and

so a Miracle others cannot ignore (though might

opt to later stray even having been put on the Best

Path and they knew: such is the Tree Of Knowledge).

So there are piles of Bibles and Sermon notes and

other (sometimes the desk is cleared), and there are

piles of stars that may not make it into a current

Sermon because of the more pertinent Anew Better

Star notes as JESUS Christ Grows And Leaps In

The Christian Leader Heart Precept On Precept.

So a Sermon starts at a level and ends on a higher

level (power, benefits, and leveraging Charity) all

in the same Good Best Spirit including such as to

answer why?, JESUS Christ is where Yes is found

though via perfectly.

And so in the Eternal Good Yes is found, but in the

world as much as not in the name JESUS Christ

there has been yes or no.

So the same question in the Eternal Good can be

with the answer "Yes", but in the lower levels it can

be according to the unprepared faithlessness amount

(see above text: immediately "eaten by worms").

The UN should not let it's charity be (ibid.) nor to

attack the lower levels (rates apply).

So JESUS Christ UN is a Victory and a step for

protecting and defending the Charity sent to them,

and likewise for protecting and defending them

including any and all goodly aspects though conditions

apply according to obvious faith types and amounts

and according to the not obvious unseen unperceived.

Because of the pressing interest (JESUS Christ

Maintenance Responsibility over Faithful Spirits And

Pure [And/Or Innocent Likewise] Matters and so

including over ancillary confused spirits "pressing"

issues they thought were important though already

opted against: see above "the Best Path and they

knew") the smaller "increments" are now Given.

In point, some spirits were offended concerning

copyrights and patents, and in a dream the concern

was raised more Worthily.

So of such Preparedness Through JESUS Christ

the answering was enabled [already, though] in the

sense that the answer would not make them such

as immediately "eaten by worms", reference for

instance the secular cliche

"one man's meat is another man's poison" (Roman

Lucretius thefreedictionary).

So as their spirit mentioned (in a very limited way: "your

book") the Affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath

Of Jesus Christ (GodMath Testament, Fourth Testament)

started with the copyright and Biblical explanation, yet

now with Ascending that part of the GodMath Testament

is become similar to the Old Testament arguments and


Furthermore a prior secular comprehensive plan over

the 26 National Gambling Impact Study Commission

arguments with proven answers, was rejected and

instead sent to groups for further studies to find the

"answers". This JESUS Christ proves that the trend

of the secular has continued since prior to and

including the House Of Bondage.

It was stated in the secular in their own language

and as they proved and "they rejected" "their" own

"pledge", "they rejected" "their" own "faith" (biblehub


Again the word "comprehensive" applies and not

delimited to the Gambling nor to the former House

Of Bondage ways, rather over all addictions.

Verily, verily, similar to the ways of the days of the

crucifixion, JESUS Christ is not entirely in favor

of this civilization (amounts and types of faiths).

A top though secular physicist goes to their office

as usual and begins diligent work but not

necessarily thinking about the formulas for the

floor and chair.

So the "top though secular physicist" is not

comprehensive and so not comprehensively

prioritized and so not with the perfect unified

theory nor similar.

The UN needs go higher over that person, as only

JESUS Christ UN can do.

If a person might be "eaten by worms", even if a

worldly King, then such person, King, and/or

nations would not per se be Best Aware, and if

unaware then hardly able to perfectly defend, and

perhaps not even come close (e.g. "eaten by


Why?, to not be "eaten by worms", is not the Best

answer, it is merely an example; rather Why? is

JESUS Christ for JESUS Christ UN.

I Pray each and all Happy New Year and with Prophetic

Exemplar Signing in 2020AD of Christian President

Don Trump with JESUS Christ USA!

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon December 31, 2019AD.

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Prophetic Christian President Don Trump UN seeks requests best likeminded

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game systems, spirits faith amounts Evangelism Signing Grace individual Preachers

above colt and fish coin Heavenly levels rather Moses on Faith Firmament, secular

Kant philosopy Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Misner spacetime timelike curves

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amoeba egg shell prepared the way Great Pyramid map Jerusalem Sirius precision

increment; rather New Christianity Charity prove added Prophetic Benefits if UN

unanimously Signs Golden Rule need as first human Lilly civilizations failed

Watchers argued UNKNOWN GODS pavarazzi solicitous plagues so walls

became House Of Bondage rather Transfiguring Prophesying Ernest Angley

Righteously Distinguishing spirits movies: Back to the Future Michael J Fox

Marty McFly Charlie Wilson's War McGaffin Joe Rolan We're No Angels 1989AD

MacGyver Richard Dean Anderson; Best Ascending Victory Over Bible Testament

Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ copyright corporations gambling gaming sports

comprehensive plan over National Gambling Impact Study Commission

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bondage laws Khrushchev United Nations We will bury you Herod eaten by worms

Exorcism Sermon In Series.

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