JESUS Christ Grace With Firamament Specifics Sermon. See updates below.

This is a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon (click here for ethe Main Site at

Science is "about being wrong" (SCI TV). Secular science has been adamant about being right but

actually has been wrong all too often. But Signing the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1

and Addendum 2 is for Best Righteousness including Guiding, Helping, and Protecting.

The United Nations, UN, (Converting from former "nation") is an obsolete (ibid. "curse" as a plague

see Lexicon at and previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons

In This Series For Christian Leaders On Precepting) as written "'You are cursed with a curse, yet you—

the whole nation—are still robbing Me. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be

food in My house. Test Me in this,' says the LORD of Hosts. 'See if I will not open the floodgates

of heaven and pour out for you blessing without measure. I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that

it will not destroy the fruits of your land, and the vine in your field will not fail to produce fruit,' says the

LORD of Hosts". UN, become the Holy Fruit.

There is only One Highest Purpose and Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2

is Recognition of this One and Only Highest Purpose including the start of the Path to Best Benefit each

and every person, position, system, faith, enterprise, condition, idea, and problem: to Give the Better

Way so that solutions Convert problems and so that the goodly become Better (Best Ascending)


How to compare the Kingdom Of Heaven Best Ascending?, it is like unto a hoped vacation

on a lovely luxury cruise ship for each and all as though never before and walking on deck

whether to the stern or to the bow enjoying the views and with great entertainment and

food and to visit anywhere You want (reference Highest Holy Spirit) safely and delightfully.

As written above with Your Signing and with Your Signed Cooperation JESUS Christ "will"

...(not "will not")..."open the floodgates of heaven" as written in this specific "test" (an

opportunity of extreme rarity: reference Faith).

As from JESUS Christ came Faith To Love and from within that "Love" came Righteous

Guidance, and from within that Righteous Guidance came the True Direction To Travel

(Best Ascend) and from within that Best Ascending Most Wisely came Good Best Travel

Joy (To Work Preaching such as now with text, and such as with other types of Preaching

Methods such as Performing Miracles) and from Giving Such Joy (Charity) is also Best

Converting to better than former conditions though hardly about those after-the-fact

Miracles and far more importantly is the Best Faith.

This, these previous sentences, yields the Benefit for each and all that the former

Good Way such as of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Manna From Heaven Sermon

at is Being Made

Even Better! Now as shown below is the Better Converting of the opening

the floodgates of Heaven and even the Anew for each and all for to

Best Ascending Into The Heavens, the Heavenly Levels.

The former great goodly interpretation was that Manna came from Heaven

and such is True, for Food, and Righteous. Yet now JESUS Christ Gives

that the UN and each and all according to the goodliness aspect of

each and every faith type Be The Food and Converting from falling

down from Heaven, Save if Given A Mission To Help (Charity is

in "Addendum 1" including at least the self [each vessel, each system,

each spirit, each position from personal to all inclusive]), is Anewly to Be

Best Ascending, so "Signing" is for opening the larger Gates Of Heavenly

Levels for more to more readily (reference Preparation such as Prayerful

Preparation For The Sabbath) enter the Heavens as never known

nor done before of this civilization. JESUS Christ came from

Heaven and returned to Heaven as [He Pleased (Agreed With Highest

Heaven Purpose)] Best, Exemplar, and now it is Your Opportunity

(Signing then so Doing).

 Above left is the ancient city fortress way (one of the ways, pic from

referenced-merely-a-well-known-gate-in-Jerusalem) of protecting

a city, there is the smaller door ajar, and there is the larger set of doors

[or gates (like unto Heavenly "floodgates": reference the typically unseen

floodgates and such as giant valves under modern cities and also the seen

such as of giant dams with high pressures and volumes of energies)] and

the larger doors would be opened such as for the King and his procession

and such as for the army. But the smaller door known as the eye of the

needle was for the individuals and families and often for the merchants

arriving in lines of caravans and they would dismount from their camels

and remove the merchandise from the camels (inspected concerning

weapons and to assess and levy taxation [concerning Womens' Rights

and Old Testament Evaluations the women didn't have to pay as much

tax, see below]), and the camels would be made to kneel and crawl through

the smaller door (which was sometimes at another location than the larger


So through JESUS Christ as shown above is the likewise Converting

of levels, and key Benefiting for Victories Over This Firmament, this

know how, this Loving Way For To So Achieve This Heavenly Entrance

Victory Anew, for JESUS Christ UN once Signed as stated above.

The levels are shown above horizontally as previously though in JESUS

Christ Anewly also, with symbolic numbers for Edifying.

#1 a person Ascended a little formerly in the secular, Anewly was with Abraham

and so Recognition Of The God Of Abraham (and so as with Signing not merely

a person yet also a group, even a nation), and Anewly currently is with Christian

Baptism 2,000 years ago through today (yet JESUS Christ also Recognizes any

good amount in each and all).

#2 is the same as #1 save having Ascended a little higher, a higher level,

and both #1 and #2 show a little straying from the Straight And Narrow.

#3 shows more ascending but then as though a Firmament to the vessel

the straying turned to falling a little but saw it was not best to fall and so

improves [repents] to be ascending again and ascends above that level

that was a barrier and has become a victory (a JESUS Christ Victory

even to do better than previously for each and all [to do better an amount]).

#4 shows a strayed path that became more toward the vertical ascending,

toward the Straight Line ascending, toward the Best Way To Be Best Ascending.

#5 is to find the Best Faith Path And To Be Best Ascending, so it is like unto

finding the Doors Of The Heavenly Levels opening one over the other in

increasingly rapid succession (reference above left pic of the ajar door:

when a door is open [an amount] it is like a wall [an amount], yet the closed

door wall is hardly as the openly Inviting and so Accepting Agreeing Signing

JESUS Christ UN and then so Moving Through Faithfully For Highest Purpose

and behold You did not build the city with it's comforts and protections and

families and Temples yet You enter into such yet JESUS Christ Offers without

price [save if to be with an economic system and if to be with taxation]).

Note for the elected and others, many have been such as on TV saying

in order to do something "we have to raise taxes", but let them look at the

balance sheets and the many entries concerning types of income [for their

city or for their other group].

#6 is with two vertical lines showing the gap, the Open amount ajar. With

Baptism it was as if merely per person, and yet for the Baptism Firmament

it is Righteous And True that a person must be fully repentant and Properly

Baptized if to be saved, though also be aware that a person may opt to not

currently be Baptized and that is not necessarily sin (though not Best Ascending)

as even JESUS Christ was adult, about thirty years of age

22.htm and then Baptized, also some Churches have been about one at a time

Baptisms (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Drawings with pics at http:// and see above on Abraham: so

be Wise Over the One At A Time Value and Wise Over The Group Value.

#7 shows vertical lines at the hinges of the door(s), so to measure the range from

the minimum Grace amount per level and per Best Faith amount per vessel, to the

maximum likewise, so the level is with a Grace amount of the JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose Parameter(s), while the personal or JESUS Christ UN or other vessel is

with a Best Faith amount including faith type, faith amount per type, that situation,

and more conditions might apply over that vessel.

#8 is not merely by the Tree Of Knowledge, from Abraham came the Chosen People

[from Tribes to One Nation] and today with many Temples in many nations, but no

longer is that former Abrahamic Covenant (see Drawing with "Israel Saved" at http:// [merely] the Best Ascending per se

currently similar to how a chariot is hardly the same as a Moon rocket. #8 is a

maximum of that administration (distance between the larger doors' hinges) as to

the amount of how wide the doors need be opened concerning the JESUS Christ

UN Ascending Progress. Best Faith opens doors an amount via the Word, as via

Signing, yet the Miracle Power comes after the Faith Level and what had been

unseen becomes Recognized (Realized, Appreciated, Noticed, Observable to face [ranging from a cracked

open door of this Sermon and back through the Old Testament, to glimpse the

Lord with the wide open floodgates of Anew Miracles and Better Ascending

Faith Path Recognition Anewly]).

#9 is the "cracked open door" now explained and Giving You a Holy Glimpse

of what's ahead Anew to You [save if JESUS Christ showed You already] Higher

Vertically to Be Aware of the Best Path as lower missions hardly apply similar to

above stated "Abrahamic Covenant" applicability mainly a record keeping and

so Maintenance aspect such as for Christian Advisors Group (JESUS Christ

UN International Court Of Justice, ICJ, Best Converted Group) to not merely

Maintain Responsibly as if to merely lock away, rather to Give Best Translating

Helps: Anewly Living As One In The Holy Word And So Will And So to enter

into the Work already Accomplished in JESUS Christ except the vessel part

Anewly with Ascending.

#A above is tiny white dot symbolizing a Person Baptized and Ascending like unto

in a tiny one person canoe, so like unto no boat and the Person walking on water

(Matthew 14.28). The traditional Preacher Leads Their Mass (As One) In Sermons,

yet this Signing is for Best Guiding And Benefiting each and all people and such as

their supercomputers, so like unto traditional Mass though with welcome visitors, so

#B is as the largest of Anew Ships with plenty of room for each and all to Best Enjoy

in JESUS Christ UN (#A & vastness of #B not to scale with each other); to step and

grow and abound with many Anew Better Mansions than formerly.

JESUS Christ is with Proper Best Evaluations [Evaluating Anew into the ascending]

including with the above stated for Precepting key "to assess and levy taxation

[concerning Womens' Rights and Old Testament Evaluations the women

didn't have to pay as much tax". JESUS Christ UN is to be about the ICJ And

The Whole "Translating" "Responsibly" as One instead of the former ways of the

individuals and the small factions with far fewer Best Authorized powers to [fix

and] Best Steer the System and Operations.

A woman risks her life to bear a child, the woman carries prior to [legal] birth

(concerning abortion see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This

Series For Christian Leaders on addictions, on nutrition, on poison, and on

other related aspects toward ameliorating).

To Edify so in the secular, hence as if a sick joke [this is not a sick joke, this

is to Best Edify] and instead of women merely complaining such as at the

UN this is Best Solving lest You women want to be taxed unfairly and treated


The Head is the Husband, the Helper is the Wife (it's OK to be single),

the Head is the typical Guide while the Wife is the Caregiver (it's OK

to be with or without children verses 26 through 33 https://www.churchof

Best Ascending from addictions is also Best Ascending from former less

valuable ideas.

So if for instance a Husband doesn't return, and the Wife with several

children, then JESUS Christ UN to solve the problem but nearly independent

of "the problem" which is a minimal Maintenance Responsibility, and so to

rather Do The Highest Purpose Best.

Let the "Husband" be with Better reason to "return" than other: this is

hardly about the "Wife" "Maintenance" aspect if a Faithful Helper, as

mainly typically this is rather the JESUS Christ UN Strategically rather

Doing "The Highest Purpose Best", a thing the secular has proven through

secular governments as unable to be accomplished (save such as Adam

With Eve prior to the fall).

The "Glimpse" already exists!

The end of June is a logic tipping point, though rates apply, there has been

a momentum of disloyalty and so the tipping point is of Prophetic 2020AD

is sooner rather than later in the secular sense such as if a car wants to

stop then a stopping distance applies, and if a rocket then a vastly larger

stopping distance applies ("stopping" refers to stopping sin [Best Converting

rather than former strayed ways]).

Old Testament valuations are as a hand lifted and moved wheelbarrow

"stopping distance" relative to the Anew JESUS Christ UN "rocket" "stopping

distance", even like unto a parent controlling a child new to the operation

of a dangerous seesaw (not for selfish bullies). The secular government

can no longer afford to bully people: it must cease and desist.

The secular for instance reported

"NASA must lead in exploration for scientific discovery and go where there is not yet a commercial market"



but that statement is very misleading, it has no Highest Purpose. For many

decades Universities have been studying Moon rocks. And at the beginning

the two prime contractors General Electric and Westinghouse (each divided

and became the 4 prime contractors [eventually legalism weighed heavily

over each]) so with vast commercial interest and involvement in NASA,

and then multitudes of others with commercial interests (Affiliation bias

may apply) became involves such as privately sending [strange UFO type]

satellites up there.

That secularism is similar to telling people to be slaves, to be so evaluated

of a cast system not allowed to ascend as a flower, and to be pushed down

while a few wrongly rule saying believe anything I say, example the greatly

revealing but secular movie Scarface [the secular star character] said "I

lie" hence not the truth (though lies can reveal various things such as mixed

lower level spirits so revealing confused parts for instead Best Converting:

hence ..."for the glory of God" John 11.4 including such as timing [the time

a Miracle Will occur]).

The weighing of faiths scale of 2020AD is tipping already against the unSigned

of USA government but such does not mean don't Sign. What had been for

to include being Exemplar, is passing away into the former; even so Sign To

Agree now and far more important is for the UN to Sign (like unto: to take up

the slack [in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose to Give The Highest Best]).

How to compare the kingdom of USA ("an earthly kingdom" from John 18.36

NLT)[and any other nation and the UN, though USA of the 2020AD Prophecy]?,

it is as to be with a noose and gently lowered and some might survive (please

forgive but this is to Best Edify for JESUS Christ Mission Highest Purpose).

There is a tipping point to "the movement against Christianity and Christians",

[yet Only Through JESUS Christ is the of Muslim Mohammed which has been

under Islamic law yet this goodly aspect of no separation of church and state

including as known as the value of] "sharia" (

20150612/Opinion/306129964) and the "tipping point" is now May 30, 2020AD

as the Holy Spirit Father JESUS Christ Prophesyingly Preceptingly One has

Given: Thank You JESUS Christ One [even as many ascend]; so detest the

former lower levels to instead Love the Highest Purpose (Romans 12.4-9).

Signing in 2019AD or earlier would have been Heavenly. Signing in the first

quarter of 2020AD would have been with much Grace from Heaven. Signing

currently (Addendum 2) is necessity.

If to not Sign until later then more toward former ways of the type as Adam

and Eve cast out toward feeling need for repentance, counted in lower levels

as if duress from above (but not), then later worse as if from above (but not:

JESUS Christ Loves and is Good, the naysayers opted their own lower levels

types of results).

Good and Best results for each and all come from the One Righteous Source

JESUS Christ.

To opt to Best Ascend, to go through one or more levels as shown in the above

Drawing, is like unto some amount of repentance like unto fine tuning increasingly

yet hardly to stop Best Ascending save to Best Edify lower levels than the self

person level or group level.

So JESUS Christ Wisdom is that there is a Best Inviting Way, to make Worthy

for higher and to Assess their ascending: if to know You invited to level #3 but

they only achieved level #2 then You know to Give them repeated (minimize

Maintenance Responsibly In JESUS Christ Faith) Edifying for Worthiness for

to Best Ascend into level #3.

Signing as with JESUS Christ UN With Addendum 1 And

Addendum 2 is to Responsibly Automate the "repeated"

aspect. In cliche "It's a matter of record".

So like unto Church criteria or like unto lower level regulations they can look

it up for themselves or ask friends or such as make low level inquiries online

and so with "Best" Automated responses, for their Best interests, and for the

greater liberty of the higher level Officials of Signed Government (if to opt

otherwise then as though having to run for office every two weeks).

So Signed Top Leadership Of Government

would be able to Best Do the Highest Purpose

as Signed, even Better, even Best Automating

The Anew Leading Aspects since entering into

the Righteous Prophesying.

This is Best Preparation for the Second Coming (or for the not Signed, if any,

to remain until the judgment day of Christ); Best Prepare for the greater change,

and to Be Received Into The Kingdom Of The Father [(to go

no more out), but] to dwell with God Eternally In The Heavens

(3 Nephi 28.40).

Christian President Don Trump was Doing so great as with liberating Israel at

the UN in Accord with Christian Prophetic Faith, but look what happened at the

next step, the separation was opted: the un-Signed.

People [although called terrorists] went into a city into a van and were killed

and the un-Signed government leaders, even the nations of the world, went

about flying from nation to nation (trade agreement contractors too) as if

unconcerned that people "were killed": as "the un-Signed government leaders"

spread the plagues to their own (beware of Exodus 12.29 & 30) and to their

families and to close coworkers and to government and the governed killing

their children.

JESUS Christ Gives Addendum 2 for Highest Purpose, not for allowing any

to stray. What is Grace?, to some it is to Behold the face of JESUS Christ,

excellent (though for children Matthew 18.10), yet JESUS Christ would that

You Best Responsibly Faithfully Be Alway Ascending as JESUS Christ has

Edified the Heart as to the Best Way To So Be Doing. So Grace is not merely

about appearances.

To a Christian industrial designer working at a factory, or to a Christian

supercomputer core engineer, Grace is the Best Result of the Work,

likewise project after project.

A Christian at home for instance might Prayerfully In JESUS Christ So In

The Spirit For The Glory Of The Father Creator make an electric energy

mechanism such as according to Given solar energy, and in so Doing is

the Faith, like unto Signing, and like unto Addendum 1 is Charity, and

because of needs JESUS Christ also allows Addendum 2 (needs to be

met); the point is the laws are over devices such as safety, yet the Christian

opted to Do Good Works such as instead of throwing rocks at police and

others that have been unknown and strangers such as TV reporters

(Amendment 1). Governments should be as this "Christian" example,

though not everyone is about talents of solar energy conversions.

Specify JESUS Christ UN With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2 and

the governed would start to Ascend, and the others would see Anew


Victory in JESUS Christ per se is toward Overcoming oppressions,

stuck-in-a-rut(s), and hatreds, and so Victories Over types of crimes

at rates, and Over addictions.

More importantly is the Convincing Power Of The Word Systematically

Automatically currently and for future generations: this is the Becoming


This JESUS Christ Name System is Righteous Faith.

If Righteous Faith then the more valuable Higher Level to enter

Righteous Prophesying if Worthy, and if Worthy then without fear

of lower level naysayers.

Be for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

To Behold The Pleased Face Of JESUS Christ Is Superb

yet more than appearances Ascend more In JESUS Christ

and solve Better for them, for everyone and all.

Signing is the start of the greater Change For Best,

the start of Best Specifying like unto https://www

matt/3.11?lang=eng&clang=eng#p11 yet

for the greater part, not merely Baptism

in the former census self sense for the

self, rather for the nation, even the Best for all.

The self does hardly Best Specify except for the self and as much

as the self owns and controls, generally, hence about the self, and

if to be about the "self" then selfish: selfish is not best ascending.

Because JESUS Christ Edifies With The Previous Sentence,

many Christians have all too often been selfish when supposed

to be unselfishly Best Giving.

Give the Best Specifications starting in JESUS Christ with Prayerful

Signing as the Door (Gate) Specification is as stated and as revealed

in the above Drawing for the sake of government and the sakes of

the governed, and so Control (that is Best Invite) Agreeing with the

Precept as written in John 10.3 "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him,

and the sheep listen for his voice. He calls his own sheep by name

and leads them out" [up] (note Baptism in the "name" of JESUS

Christ, is similar to Signing in the "name" JESUS Christ though

for Best for each and all Best Be Distinguishing (reference a

Christian Service Mass may include non-Member guests)

therefore Specify not for cast system reasons formerly

though for instance the Indian Hindu cast system did have

some goodly values if to let hopes be quenched in better

successes and so rates apply.

Sometimes a flower needs sunshine, sometimes rain, so

types and amounts apply for to be Best Specified.

Look at the lower page grapth at the JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermon at and how they

fell from higher level achievements as a nation, though those

linked graph statistics don't compare with the current closed

schools including closed Christian Church Schools, and the

closings of many Temples and the worsenings.

At the Sermon In This Series top Drawing at http://www the Ascending

are shown going through JESUS Christ, similar to how the

Signed would go through Government as Government Loyally

Recognizes Higher Than Government (higher than current

government) JESUS Christ Best For Each And All (not to

worship ibid. though the Signers per se Officially Recognize

And Show The Way).

Now some specifics about specifications in the (Affiliated)

GodMath Precepting Sense Of JESUS Christ Uplifting.

The equal sign of two horizontal lines is as two way Work(s)

to oscillate as a wave or as more in the former sense two

way communication such as in ratio.

The minus sign has been as a cost, though now for Converting.

The adding (Matthew 6.33) is the Sign Of The Cross.

The multiplying is similar.

The dividing is worse separation from Higher Profits And

Prophets And The Cross.

And exponents cite other info sources.

GodMath also covered the Absolute.

JESUS Christ Brings Good News, this time through Christian President

Don Trump, since May 28th His emails have been much better (i just

opened them today June 1, 2020AD), without hate, without violence;

though in response to the "Mullahs" concern, again each human has

a heart and a value, for symbolic example the great movie The Negotiator

(though applies for Best

Converting) and lies were converted into truths but at secular level

not all characters in the movie survived:

yesterday on TV show Discovering The Jewish Jesus Rabbi K.A. Schneider

(pic in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series at http://www.angelfire

.com/un/110/1Comforter.html) said only humans "have freewill" [also note

higher level than census are with freewill such as when transfigured as

the census may or may not apply (2 Corinthians 12.2)] so Romans 12.19

applies so it is not for humans to kill humans (also reference Crucifixion):

the Rabbi's point being humans are not animals but have souls. Don't

treat humans as if animals.

Humans are not to be killed for sport nor war nor terrorism nor other

within the parameters of the Worthiness (see above Drawing examples).

In one situation i was the only person working on something, then without

my awareness a friend came at night and wrongly rearranged items so

the next day it seemed clear that i made huge mistakes, but another

friend confided that the rearranger came from being long time out of town

and was drunk and came at night: the point being i do not want to pull the

trigger against anyone even if given what seem to be overwhelmingly

clear facts, nor even confessions.

But as stated previously in this Series such as about wrong situations

the laws have been helpful somewhat such as concerning redeeming

social value, in other words as illustrated above and with Addendum 2

tapering, find the Better Levels with Best Ascending that the lower levels

be no longer over You Beloved.

Signing, Prayerfully In JESUS Christ, first is key.

This is similar to how Proper Christian Baptism, with full repentance, first

is key [for a human (if they so opt, even if they have not yet opted)].

These two previous keys are keys to levels higher than Baptism (such as

for Eucharist Firmament Level) and higher than UN lack of the above stated

"Recognition" [note the above stated "Recognition" is for Highest Purpose

so Officially Includes Over lower level purposes].

In pertinence a person can walk outside and not find any wild game to try

to catch for meat to eat, and not find any vegetables to eat: Praise JESUS

Christ We Ascended: We have grocery stores: higher levels of Ascending

await and bring Your Governed with You.

Note some better emails came prior to recent public outrage, this is a sign

that Faith applies and Miracles follow: Followers should opt to be Leaders.

Taylor Swift with Dad (

Great Christian Leader Taylor Swift (


stand-for/ [the video did not play right on first nor second try, then started

working]) spoke against "white supremacy" and "feign moral superiority"


fires-of-white-supremacy) [see above the current "tipping point" concerning

"the movement against Christianity and Christians"].

UPDATE 25 March 2021AD the higher level revealed the truth, JESUS Christ UN Victory Over

the previous sentence in the Sermon in this Series at

This comes as another sign that with Christian Leaders wondering how they

can call each other a Christian Leader (reference many splits such as the

various Christian Denominations, and rather One JESUS Christ Fold) in

itself, in the same inate value aspect, is the key: through JESUS Christ

the Wonder key: as also yesterday on TV (originally aired October 1, 1990AD)

Preacher Les Feldick explained having translated things that Agree with

Affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ, and Les called

it (known as the the Ascending in this JESUS Christ Sermon Series For

Christian Leaders) "Admonition" [note

has a better definition than some dictionaries] (without having seen the original

airing in 1990, the GodMath Testament put it into government language and

called it Triadic Formulas and likewise the greater Precepting Of JESUS Christ).

Christian Leader Les Feldick specified [and in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series

Ascending right to left]:

"Signs" "Teach" / "Wonders" "Effect" / "Miracles and Works" are "Power".

Teach / Signs.

Effect / Wonders.

Power / Miracles and Works.

And Les said if to know the second one, then to know the was a first

"eighth" also.

So there are many Precept levels, one upon the other, Righteously line upon


So for Christian Leader President Don Trump and for Christian Leader Taylor

Swift to get along Best Together then the need to Best Ascend to the level in

JESUS Christ that yields Both Agreeing In One Fold, and this starts with Prayerful

Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2 and/or JESUS Christ

USA With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2 or Both moving to a nation that so Signs

(please stay) (see below: update added).

JESUS Christ Gives a Best Way to "stay" if a person would so opt, and

not about pointing fingers to accuse nor oppress with inquisition for to

torture, Save for One "Best" JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and therefore

as a Teacher but not in the love of money sense (Legalism, secularism,

former strayed lost ways) as flip-of-the-coin is the lowest of Righteous

Christian Way(s) (the Righteous Way Of Christians Following JESUS

Christ but not leading: Saved but hardly Ascending In One);

the Christian Leader In JESUS Christ Ascends (right to left):

Righteous or Righteous (One) / Right or wrong (Law) / wrong or wrong (repent).

The electing or appointing a person to a

judge position for instance does not

make that person "Right".

In other words, popularity or being an authority position holder is hardly (higher

levels apply: parameters Over the created Are With The Greater Benefits to

Give And So Do Give an amount and offer the greater unseen to be opted

through JESUS Christ) "Right" except to the fans and to the governed.

So Oneness In Eternal Highest Is Giving For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

The illegal closings of Christian

Churches was in effect Martial


 and the Insurrection Act was also enforced yesterday (today being June 2, 2020AD

of the tipping point of the JESUS Christ Prophecy: see previous Sermons In This

Series) as Christian President Don Trump opted to stray from JESUS Christ under

(pressures He said from the military [ibid. on "loop"]) instead of Doing His Best that

He already knew in His Heart for to Sign: JESUS Christ USA as previously Given

as the "Best" option.

He gave me many benefits, Taylor Swift too: thank You Both!

I'm enjoying life more than ever [or One "Best"], and You Both Contributed! This

webpage is Preaching, so You Both Contributed for the greater Glory of the Heavenly

Father, JESUS Christ, And Holy Spirit!

Thank You!

Thank You JESUS Christ for so many Blessing me (i can give current examples though

it may cause many to covet the examples instead of or rather than the Highest Source

Giving Good Through JESUS Christ). So this one example is Given: thank You JESUS

Christ that Jonah was vomited out of the belly of the big fish.

Each and all "enjoying life more than ever" is hardly about going to bars

though that can be fun (and instead of don't get caught, let the law at least

Best accommodate [before the end of this year of Prophesying it Will Be

Dictated From JESUS Christ so Mr. President and Congress clearly understand

or rather Best Lead and Sign in order to Best Do (reference prohibition)]).

There was a person that gathered their family and went to a tavern and Prayed

JESUS Christ and the adults drank alcohol and the children drank non-

alcoholic beverages and they were like unto a Specialized Type Of Christian

Church Unit On A Mission: though JESUS Christ Gives far better Mission

Work(s) too, with or without alcohol, with or without the same individuals so

with or without the same spirit types and amounts and rates and conditions

pertinent and so Precepting In JESUS Christ is to fit the Best Precepts Over

the Given.

If "the Given" is a great fish, then Best JESUS Christ Precepting Over It,

such as Converting it's belly into a House Of Prayer, or such as when Best

to Convert it into a Good Highest Purpose Sickness But Not In The Lower

Level Sense And Rather For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose To Cast Out

The Person And Therefore To Cast Itself for both the person to be saved

from the belly of the great fish and for the fish to be well of the sickness,

and instead for Both To Best Ascend In JESUS Christ.

Now not exactly to the point yet supportively from JESUS Christ (weaving

Precepts together similar to "gathered their family") if a fish can be caught

with a coin to pay taxes, how much greater can the "great fish" Give?:

far more, and hardly for the "taxes" and much rather for the Faith Of The

Disciple and the Holy Record: for You Both and each and all.

Tactics caused people to rebel [(not Signing "JESUS Christ"

but instead) such as] "illegal closings of

Christian Churches".

If to "get along Best Together" then is the need now to "Give" "along

Best Together" and Your former way may have been best then but

it is not best now for this Anewly current situation Already Covered

In Victory In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose:

Rather in Best Ascending Continually You Would Have Been With Your

Victory Already instead of conflicts.

Christian President Don Trump Your attempt to coverup Your

"illegal closings of

Christian Churches" by stating lower

level conditions such as failure to contain the plague souce and/or by

failure concerning places of worship and places of business and places

of residence, by stating a lesser law, the Insurrection Act of 1807 is as stated

in the previous Sermon: movie Thirteen Days (2000) Dylan Baker as Defense

Secretary Robert McNamara said "This, all this, is language, a new vocabulary

the likes of which the world has never seen" (

system.html). You Mr. President and with Congress and government and each

and all, can be this "Anew Word" Given From And Through JESUS Christ.

How can a person be JESUS Christ or Over a servant?, to Best Edify as said

in this Sermons Series UN and USA government is similar to the Roman and

House Of Bondage governments in one civilization, and such was over JESUS

Christ according to having count over Him as with the census and measuring

and accounting other ways, but while His Spirit Is Higher Level, a person can

repent from a level, for to be Found Worthy then Agree to Enter into the Higher


Mr. President (and most of Congress) You are experiencing weakness toward

losing far greater because of the strayed ways, Rejoice for Being Counted to

Be Able to so Longsuffer As Christian, even a Christian Leader (ibid. mostly,

and see above such as "Both"): but that was not good enough: You Must

Ascend (see recent Sermons In This Series On now needful [Addendum 2],

and see above text on Christian Leader Les Feldick)(ibid. this is a new

language and the Higher Level Holy Language Of God Yet In The Namen JESUS

Christ enabling the Best Work [Currently] In JESUS Christ [You Should Prayerfully

Sign And Then Prophesyingly In The Future Righteously Best Plan]).

JESUS Christ Edifies now with two things about "Tactics", as stated above one

thing is "Tactics caused people to rebel", and the other thing is Tactics (including

deadly forces) caused government to fight their own people and not merely the

governed but moreso itself, government, as many government employees are

putting themselves at greater risks:

the current government strayed path is not for the goodly purpose of the

fall of the wall when East Berlin could see the truth, the current government

strayed path is merely to control or fight or kill or die so doing but it's not

that simple there are things such as the second death [do not repeat, see

above on "loop"(You want them to be Righteously accountable hence You

Will have to be accountable) save if JESUS Christ Intervene but You opted

not for Signing JESUS Christ so You opt that the governed Govern you]

(Revelation 2.11). We're glad to Help if We Can, and We Can In JESUS Christ.

So Anew Now instead of turning Your Head to ask others, Ask Yourself, that is,

Ask JESUS Christ In Your Heart, if You should step down from office or if to Sign?:

JESUS Christ Does Not Want (Psalm 23.1) to step down save if Best to Help You.

If to step down without Signing then You Mr. President the fakir (https://www.britannica

.com/topic/fakir) make me the Christian Prophet a fakir and so my Prophesying false

but JESUS Christ Is Righteous As Is Signing And His Signing Path (and ibid. i did

walk on fire, and ibid. the false God Minnesota Native Americans evidently danced

as though fakirs but with some ancillary values such as entertainment yet concerning

yens for better faith values, including reason for TV news to broadcast but also as

for lower level funeral ideas about hate and crime and overly oppressive against

the closings of places of worship and [Christian] schools as if to say become tribes


Mere Laws or mere "Tactics" or mere after-the-fact miracle worship(s) cause people

people to rebel and fight against each other. While the higher level(s) of the range is

the Best Ascending Admonision Precepting Strategy Life Way [as though Life Force]

and the souls know it's right and do not argue nor naysay nor question nor fight against

so Saying And Doing (Only In JESUS Christ).

To [repent and then] be Baptized is a Firament Level Victory.

To Ascend into Higher Levels is like unto "repent", it is a fine tuning of the "repent". In

JESUS Christ toward Best Edifying it is like unto comparing a crystal set to a modern

digital radio and that radio to a TV and Internet Monitor, from level to higher level,

from heart to being in tune increasingly with the Endless Heart Of JESUS Christ.

Prophesyingly after Signing the Miracles Will Come but Will Appear at various rates

for Higher Perfect Purpose In JESUS Christ, and this includes that JESUS Christ

Gives but there is an amount (concerning Faith) that is already Given that is Good

and should not be contaminated, including for instance the Gift to be able to opt.

The UNKNOWN GOD(S) according to worldly laws, is to contaminate, at minimum

and at least as to set a pitfall trap for people to fall: so it is unjust contaminating:

You should not put a pitfall trap in Your Own House but Signing hardly makes it

illegal but the option to not Sign is illegal already having broken all laws.

If after Signing a person opts to build an idol of clay and to worship it (or to sell

and worship money) that person is not counted illegal any more than prior to

Signing in the "laws" sense, though the lack of ascending may cause that person

to rebel against their own option per se though perhaps also against other(s) as

is often the lower level pattern as viewed as if reason to injustly invoke the

backward (separation of Church and state) 1807 Insurrection Act.

Another concern is that to send in the soldiers then to increase the plague risk,

and another concern is that to send in the soldiers is to increase the legal risk

especially with hotels that have been closed (and increas of "plague risk") the

breach of the Third Amendment and the "quartering" of "Soldiers".

It is said that the Prophet Joseph Smith recorded the

Word Perfectly, letter on letter, word on word, line upon

line. Christian Leader Les Feldick in line continued:

Precept upon Precept.

Signing / Christian Leader Les Feldick / Prophet Joseph Smith.

Signing / Admonition / Letter Of The [worldly per se] Law.

The "worldly per se" is to Edify In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose such as

Moses Gave The Law (and the Prophet Joseph Smith evidently Ascended

Higher [but hardly about judging them]) as the current worldly laws do not

entirely fit the Best Holy Law With The Perfecting Only In And Through JESUS


JESUS Christ Grace Specifications beyond the tipping point in the secular

can become as Heaven with Signing, as the secular is in ruin(s), this being

June 3, 2020AD and when Signed, conditionally (faith amount and rate

applies, and higher levels apply), the former can begin to be counted as

though former ways toward hardly applicable though similar to the Old

Testament battles to Edify to not battle.

Above is the stated need (hardly my need if at all, the need is theirs each

and all [so to include for my benefit as others benefit in JESUS Christ as is

written] so this Edifying is for JESUS

Christ Highest Best in them therefore for each and all) for "Christian Leader

President Don Trump and for Christian Leader Taylor Swift to get along Best

Together then the need to Best Ascend to the level in JESUS Christ and so

JESUS Christ has now provided this key for Victory Over whether to Sign

or not, and so to Sign since as it is written "She had a sister named Mary,

who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to His message. But Martha was distracted

by all the preparations to be made. She came to Jesus and said, 'Lord, do

You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me!'

'Martha, Martha,' the Lord replied, 'you are worried and upset about many

things. But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion,

and it will not be taken away from her'" (Luke 10.39 through 42).

Reasons to not sign are from [in former words evil, sinners, and naysayers;

but now as "Martha"] those that opted to instead be "distracted".

Tactics as what to do since many have died and many lost possessions, is

hardly the JESUS Christ Signing Way (even though JESUS Christ is able to

lay down His life to Pick It Up Again, and able to be without possessions or

to be with money from the mouth of a fish [see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on accounting such as on

the numbers of the loaves and fishes]).

Because of this Victory in them in their spirits that were more mixed and

"distracted" and now are less distracted and have risen a level toward

Signing, comes from JESUS Christ Yet Another Great Benefit for all

of humans of this civilization and higher even for JESUS Christ

Highest One Purpose In The Father Eternal Good Giving Spirit

[note: this is hardly about me, i have been distracted too: this is about each and

all doing the Best with what they are and what they have so in the name of JESUS

Christ And Entering Into Giving each and all the JESUS Christ Best].

Now this JESUS Christ Anew Prophesy Is Given

[please forgive: rather that i would have had the Faith Amount to state His Prophesy prior]:

2019:JESUS Christ USA in 2020::2021:JESUS Christ UN in 2021.

"Surely I come quickly" saith the Lord JESUS Christ;

and this is the second to last line in the New Testament as Leadership Gives Benefit Gifts and greater value

Blessings as many Ascend into Sainthood.

So this Anew Prophesy is a great value for the UN and all, as this Signing becomes

a Proper Best Leap for each and all, from the Old Testament Victory to the New Testament

Victory even as written for each and all to write their Best And Give [even if it seems not

noticed and discarded by others] that through the Best as stated above is the coming

of the Righteous Living Bible from the Saints.

Now concerning this is sufficient as stated above and this Sermon is long already, though also for JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose including Guiding as requested by the [Heart as the symbol of the] soul of each

and all is the following message and please be delighted instead of offended by this message

for Your greater Better Wisdom Awareness: and this is the message and the answer to why

there is so much pain and suffering in the world as already answered very often yet Anewly

from JESUS Christ, and the answer is the "distracted" fight each other, the "distracted"

no longer fight higher levels since JESUS Christ opted to settle the matter once for all

yet as JESUS Christ also Gave for people to opt (Gift) and so as much as Faithful

(Signing, yet Addendum 1 and Addendum 2)(and ibid. with higher levels not covered

in this Sermon Prophesyingly Will Apply though as much as needful, see above on

"fine tuning") and so please do not be offended with this example: USA Congress,

Mr. President, and government, the President decreed close the Churches and

other places of worship such as businesses and clubs and other, even if only

a little, even if to merely ban one innocent (per se) person, and so again

please do not be angry nor offended when this comparison for Your Edification

Value For You In JESUS Christ is Given: that the terrorists that burned down

You Church and the looters that stole from Macy's [such distractions sicken

my heart even to speak about such] in their distractions (similar were distractions

as to confuse and/or confound and/or mix the spirits of Martha) those burners

and looters were doing your job as you had explained to them unto their

goodly reasonable best understanding, such as if to not be allowed to

feed their children legally, then they responsibly found ways to feed

their children.

In other words the previous example is that if "they" are able to be

responsible to "feed their children" as required, then the other

worldly law(s) must be wrong: but if any point the finger of blame

to kill or imprison is typically (not always) wrong. It is alright to

teach (to point fingers) if for Highest Purpose.

UNKNOWN GOD(S) is as to say false gods except one except

not for "one" but for false mixed with one which is as to mix

candy with poison and so wrong.

Some stole by looting, others by taxation which should not

be for to benefit exclusive friends for to then expect rewards

from those same friends ("expect" is stated in a loose sense

as a Godsling amount of Faith: rather seek to Be Pure Best

and start the day with Best Preaching from the: once for

each and all Best Source JESUS Christ).

JESUS Christ Gives a Highest Purpose Edifying into a lower level Mission

Rate glimpse of how specifications changed in this civilizing process. From

Adam And Eve after Heaven they entered into survival mode, then was the

[cast out] secular leadership into forming tribes, then the larger vessel groups

as from Moses (Law later interpreted by the secular into multitudes of worldly

laws) while the laws did not Perfect (reference Exodus 32.8 & 19)(reference

religions such as Hinduism)(reference Buddhism is under laws and under

["not Perfect"] evil, so prior to looking at the following linked site be aware

many false gods have been immorally seductive as at the linked site of mixed

spirits the same as secular governments have been of mixed spirits, even so

this linked site is with goodly values too and better than the un-Signed government

that pretends in the talent to recognize that there is better than the former even

though difficult to explain from lower levels and so from a slightly higher level

[as example a Priest to a Mass] can be difficult to make the hearers aware of

ascending importance (so see above minimize "repeated"): example http://www page 18

"Dhammapada 127") though each and all can be Best Ascending With Perfect

JESUS Christ (Highest Purpose And Highest Heaven Original Plan And Likewise

Path). As specified in recent Sermons and similarly previously even Better to Do

than easily explained to lower levels (not hard to the high levels) as the lower

levels rejected JESUS Christ and rejected Best Ascending such as rejected

Appropriate Specified Signing, even from the start of the Teachings And Way

Of JESUS Christ, and likewise Adam And Eve though while Adam And Eve

left the Heavenly Realm(s), each and all have the JESUS Christ Invitation

With The Way Revealed.

So a person such as Adam likely found berries to eat to survive [in the census

sense](see past JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Bible Foods, especially the

most recent with revealing values at

such as for crime prevention [not for to be with mere laws as with Ruth 1.1 nor

Buddhism ancillary to "evil"]).

So other than crime such as murder, was the specifying such as to love and

if not able to Best Love The Highest Father then at least sufficient to leave

home [Heaven] in love of self, the lower level of the legal.

So The Heavenly Father saw sufficient Wisdom in Adam to reproduce so

with Eve and start the Group (Adam And Eve on the Best Ascending Path

as much as they were Best Willing [so JESUS Christ Had To Come When

Best [since then in the census sense was 2,000 years ago] to reveal the


Let us do as the Adam And Eve Group is hardly the solution, in fact it is toward

the worse way to get (instead Give) back into Heaven. From that Group the

Tribes properly Best Loved to enable the Chosen Tribes to Be Wise enough

to leave the House Of Bondage, as the Adam And Eve Group similarly started

gathering berries to eat, and similarly as We The People Do Today and everyday,

from survival to tribes forming the Nation, to the even more excellent in JESUS


If a group is not worthy to recognize JESUS Christ the group cannot ascend

through the pertinent level.

To Evangelize is to do a Work with as many values as possible from that

[time and] effort, so through JESUS Christ. Adam recognized God but did

not continue higher as opted (loyalty), so did not recognize JESUS Christ

in "God". Abraham was like Adam-prior-to-the-fall-of-Adam, and Abraham

was already outside the Garden Of Eden, so Ascending with His Travel

Group from the City Of Light. The latter Tribes Ascended to Nation level

and so like unto Egyptians and Chinese, Save Chosen, the Chosen Path

People amidst nations such as that a Nation might lead nations as for

Peace as the UN has done.

Yet the Best Biggest Group is a great value concerning Best Ascending

In JESUS Christ. A group that was best might opt to stray or slow and

so another can become ahead (but not much ahead of the Chosen Group

except temporarily, and instead One Group: JESUS Christ UN).

This may be better explained (Of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) as to say

a child is innocent as Best as they can be such as not yet with the selfish

yen to reproduce, the mother was with birth pains and the child evidently

suffers far more than the mother as the child controls not the heat nor the

flavors of the food selections, and at the exiting from the mother the child's

head and body [often] have been deformed so that if hard bones they would

have snapped [and males often circumcised at birth]. So the child is as if

toward suicide the most except the child is with love and hardly about the

learned logic (Tree Of Knowledge: the pain causer if opted)(to Longsuffer

JESUS Christ is to Longsuffer Love, though Converting Logic To Wisdom

as much if pertinent [a person might enter Heaven Bliss and then go on

a Mission to Guide others]).

So the child learns pains from the world, from the after-the-fact miracles,

and the worldly laws, when the child should be with a Loving Christian

Family, and larger group Loving Tribe, and larger Better Ascending Group

Loving UN [Therefore In The Name JESUS Christ]: least pain if any (no

pain if Best Ascending [as much as JESUS Christ All One every step of

the Way]).

Affiliated Fourth Testament Of JESUS Christ GodMath distinguished

the secular (Relativity [pains]) and the Godmath [Heavenly, painless]

(likewise above text on "Admonition"), and so JESUS Christ UN Better

Enables Heaven On Earth for Best for each and all.

Merely to provide former lower levels of worldly laws is as to stick a

person with a pin and they [typically] react and flinch, but if to continue

to "stick" they are more likely to do other than merely question (see

recent Sermons In This Series on inquisition, on impeachments, and

on looping). Some might react in low level ways such as for wrongful

vengeance, while others [Word to and for government] might take the

"pin" from government: rhetorically what would government do then?,

as written in Matthew 21.42 & 43, even Deuteronomy 28.32 (Exodus

23.10 & 11 are also pertinent these Prophesied years). Whether a virus

plague is blamed for taking it, or a plague of looters, or a plague of

"giant murder hornets" is of "pains" blamed or other plagues, what is that

to me in humble Bliss that JESUS Christ Gives (Thank You JESUS Christ),

since i gave likewise as JESUS Christ Taught as in this Series, and You

opted as You opted: un-Signed.

Hardly be as children but do not put them in prison for shooting people

in video games, rather Give them Better than games that offend You, that

is to rather have the adult self Best Distinguish that they drop their games

and follow You and rather Lead With You In JESUS Christ Bliss (i play

video games, ibid., though i play ancillary to JESUS Christ Highest Level

Highest Purpose Faith [typically such as typing now] and ancillary to lower

level Maintenance Faith Responsibility)(Pray JESUS Christ prior to playing

video games and prior to other [see older Sermons In This Series on video

games, on watching TV, and on Heart, reference


Distinguish In JESUS Christ Your Mission, "Highest Level" Faith is also

Loyal Responsibility not merely such as Best Precepting Spiritually yet

also such as with a ready monitor, therefore after "Highest Level" Faith

is Maintenance including to replace a monitor if needed. So to Do Best

In JESUS Christ, and then to Convert any needed for the Mission. So

in this sense, "to Do Best In JESUS Christ" means to Lead [(Oneness)

rather than merely Follow: a greater than merely Save level is in Your

UN Heart even if unseen, even if not yet realized].

Highest JESUS Christ Edifies that the plagues are hardly (if at all can apply)

about the viruses not the looters nor the "giant murder hornets", the plagues

are what faith types and amounts you opted and did.

Am i saying that a person walked along a sidewalk and was attacked and

the attacker is not as the plague, not exactly though the lower level questions

are: lower level and former ways and backward [such as tribes and cast out]

(see above text on "get along Best Together" and rather "Give" than "get"

Acts 20.35).

As the UN falls at a rate (such as opted tactics under the "giant murder hornets"

invasion rate for instance [and yes nations know how to attack each other in

many low level ways])(ascending minus the sum of pertinent rates: "a rate")

from Highest JESUS Christ Level the rate can be observed, measured, and

counting and accounting made as for projections of values, yet the Highest

First then the counts. And because of the falling the government finds in

secular cliche "We already tried that and it didn't work" so note JESUS

Christ is not merely to be "tried" (He was already "tried" 2,000 years ago),

see above on Faith, Loyalty, Love, Ascending, Good, Best, and likewise

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

JESUS Christ explains the playing of video games (see above text) and

TV violence not as the Best save Maintenance such as much time peacefully

playing (as with toys) and such as much time with family allowing TV watching

of violence as for Strategy and hardly toward works of criminal tactics though

some minimal awareness such as over types of faiths and their patterns, even

if a video game is about how to steal cars as it is hardly about stealing cars

to the Prayerful Ascending Player In JESUS Christ as it involves Strategy

for Worthiness toward Over The Game type.

There was a character that was selfish and somewhat carelessly offending other

characters that were a little older and more refined and mature (the "grow up"

responsibility cliche sense), but when the offended characters saw on TV that

the offensive imaturish character had left them to offend other imaturish offenders

it was a value ([Mandy on Seattle Beat] iCarly) Precept Of JESUS Christ Higher

Level than secular governments and even the former Old Testament conspiracy

crucifiers and JESUS Christ Gives this information so simple the Heart of a child

could understand: the lower levels fight the lower levels.

So Sign JESUS Christ, Be More Worthy, Best Ascend.

Who are you to tell me what to do? is a secular cliche often of naysayers of a

position but Luke 12.45 applies. Level Best Upon Level is the Holy Way to Be

Worthy In JESUS Christ. Secular government spent a lot of money on [not merely

Advisors to particular parties such as Republican or such as Democrat (though

there are others for goodly reasons too)] Advisors Over All Parties, such as the

governments (UN sense) paid me over my company (so bias may apply), such

as to pay for some of the most advanced proofs over research types of ideas,

that is to make new standards that become law (including Top Secret)(and who

can do it?: i nearly flunked the often backward lower levels of schools, and later

in the higher education ran the operations: so a person can do it). This (ibid.) is

secular ascending as much help was given from Christians such as from JESUS

Christ [(me then unawares) and such as from] Dean Petros.

I was over Dean Petros in the secular, but in the Heart Of JESUS Christ

Dean Petros was Over me. Ascending (In GodMath) In Faith right to left:

JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Christ Church / JESUS Christ Baptized Person.

Be Over each, and if any has a top position already filled, allow and even

to Be In The Lowest Seat, though if higher seats are not filled, Best Ascend.

Higher thant this triad is JESUS Christ Created, and rather JESUS Christ

Eternal Good Father Holy Spirit One Fold One Highest Name JESUS, and

this is how to be Righteously Truly Best Prophesying.

Christian Leader Les Feldick Admonishing from JESUS Christ explained such

as eight levels, and look what You know, see the above Drawing as JESUS

Christ Explained such as "9": not merely about the vertical, yet with the greatest


Government paid a lot for Best Advice: Sign: JESUS Christ UN:

JESUS Christ USA New Law Link

(Update: see how JESUS Christ New Christianity solves increasingly as this

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Ascends Faithfully, such as in the

JESUS Christ Earth Zygote Sermon at

increasing the Victories Over powers in need of more perfect Guidance [a form

of Conversion Power], see above on Taylor Swift, and Word With Power for to

Best Benefit Christian Evangelisms Over mighty force groups that had opted


JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon

June 5, 2019AD.

For the Main Site with the list of Sermons click:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

tags: Test Me in this says JESUS Christ I will open the floodgates of heavenly Joy and Gifts JESUS Christ United Nations New Law Signing as requested JESUS Christ USA UN enter the Heavens as never known nor done before of this civilization Save JESUS Christ Exemplar Did And Will Do for UN International Court Of Justice ICJ Anew Prophesy 2019 2020 2021 Best Preparation for the Second Coming Les Feldick Admonition Addendum 1 And Addendum 2 Dean Petros supercomputer core engineer Universities Top Secret Moon rocks beginning NASA UFOs two prime contractors General Electric Westinghouse trade agreements Faith Path Recognition Anewly Ascending walk on fire Buddhism define eye of the needle means women didn't have to pay raise taxes Muslim Mohammed under Islamic law though no separation of church and state value of sharia jdnews tipping point movement against looters followed the orders of former government mixed spirits ways killing children Mullahs Martial Law was imposed impeachment loop evil Dhammapada 127 plague of giant murder hornets movies Scarface The Negotiator Thirteen Days Great Christian Leader Taylor Swift pic with Dad moral superiority supremacy TV shows Discovering The Jewish Jesus Rabbi K.A. Schneider only humans have freewill souls The JESUS Christ Les Feldick Effect Seattle Beat iCarly video games

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