JESUS Christ Months

This is a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders, for the Main Site click:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

JESUS Christ Gives for Your Prophesying Wisdom

that greater things than these shall be with the

Second Coming.

JESUS Christ Gives for this generation in these months

to be aware of the leveraging aspect increasingly is

and Will Prophetically Be on JESUS Christ First

including according to Your Whole Faithfulness

(or a measurable amount)(with Best Success Rate

Increasingly or pertinent rates).

JESUS Christ Gives this key [with the previous in this Series

(as One becomes more Worthy)] concerning Heart Distinguishing

Rightly (Victory over the former secular laws and court systems

including each and all secular aspects) as written at biblehub

.com/mark/12-43.htm NKJ: "So He called His disciples to Himself

and said to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow

has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury;'"

now the NKJ version is shown here because at the site it is the

only version that Best Emphasizes (with Capital letter) JESUS

Christ (previous Sermon Title: "JESUS Christ First"). Many

Churches (including many on TV) emphasize this verse

concerning Tithing [of values often (often for ibid.)], and to

be Rightly Distinguishing Best (judgements settle disputes

but this is not about any "disputes" per se) and the Lexicon

at the site explains about the word "more" as if "Accusative"

but JESUS Christ came not to accuse nor imprison, rather

to including the release [liberty] and the Guiding into Heaven

as Family. The word "more" is hardly in the former sense of

"comparative". The word "more" is for making Worthy such as

for respect of higher spirit(s) as in "quantity, number, or quality;

also the major portion".

But JESUS Christ Gives this key as to what this verse is really

about as many Christian Preachers have stated, this verse is

about people, and hardly about lower level money. A Christian

Leader leverages people, nations, and greater (and the lower

levels). This Female ruled the "other" (NIV) people. Note that

in this verse JESUS Christ states the words "this" and "those":

the JESUS Christ Oneness is with "this". The Lexicon explains

"those" as "others" "I cast" ["out" (v. 44)].

None are "cast" in, nor drawn in perfectly, Save through JESUS

Christ so Doing.

The above verse (43) is also not about counting the amount in

the Temple Treasury at the time of collecting [to compare people

("hardly" "comparative", not for esteeming vertical higher levels

according to lower levels, though indicators can be considered

in awareness)] since 2 Kings 4.3-6 applies. In other words if to

consider whether a Christian Mass Member is Worthy to be

Lifted to a certain position, the Christian Priest might consider

"Does the Member Do Good Deeds" (though see next sentence

rather than "How much money did the Member Give today".

Sometimes JESUS Christ had the Treasurer put money in the

bag, other times JESUS Christ was without money though

more important than deeds of the hands is Christian Faith,

so to consider the Good Fruits of such Faith.

So this is the rate of people. In these months here is

Christian Lobbying to be Accomplished, and yet being

with Awareness is greater is the JESUS Christ Original

Plan Highest Purpose Faith Oneness, including Praying.

In a recent Sermon it was time to be a Good Samaritan

though normally not to deviate from the evident Path

so when JESUS Christ Oneness Faith is counted as if

"to deviate" it is actually the Straight And Narrow for

the pertinent person, like unto with money or without.

Some people are with more time or without (in a sense).

There is a timeline of recent months Prophetically in JESUS

Christ with Christian Signing for liberty for Best (right to left):

President Trump at UN for Christianity / Jerusalem / Accord.

Accord was leveraged.

Jerusalem was leveraged.

UN was leveraged.

What Will Be "leveraged" next?:

rather JESUS Christ Plans to leverage greater, and

better than previously Accomplished: in the same

Christian Leader and in the same Christian Leaders,

in the same Family Of JESUS Christ.

Though if not You, He Will Find Another Worthy or

to make Worthy (this does not get "You" off the hook

in lower level secular lingo).

JESUS Christ Faith is for You to be Aware that the secular

wants proofs, yet in JESUS Christ Faith Best Ascending You

Have Proof Once For Each And All therefore in Charge of

what Proof is.

The secular did many types of things without giving God the

credit, and from those "things" the secular formed definitions

and accordingly translations and such including goodly and

including sinful ways the secular considers credible factual

proofs, but rather Be as JESUS Christ Taught And Did

(and Does openly though often as if unseen).

To Guide the UN part way and then stop Guiding,

generally, is only to have Accomplished part of the

Whole Faith Loyalty.

Be Aware JESUS Christ Faith is in Your Heart, so

Pray Best In The Father Spirit. Yet the above verse

(43) Female was not without sufficient Miracles of

Faith Fruits for each and all present to witness and

so attest, as was Her [Maintenance (see previous in

this Series)] Responsibility in JESUS Christ.

It is not because of the money, except for those addicted

to money (those that opted to serve as enslaved to money

[and typically also regulations,...James 2.10])(so JESUS

Christ One Victory is through 1 Corinthians 8.13 hence

JESUS Christ Gives this as a reason to fast key).

To "fast" from money, is a key [from JESUS Christ] unto

it's own reward (John 10.18 [Power over former])(Best

Ascending). So to be without money or to be amidst

money is not the same though in the "Best Ascending"

Power Over such as key Victorying in JESUS Christ.

The above triad timeline was with the first two events

(middle and to the right) together, while the latter (to

the left) came later: so not a straight linear progression

rate. So the next greater leveraging JESUS Christ might

normally opt might be a parabola shaped timeline (from

today) though see the shape of the timeline in the Drawing

from Adam and Abraham to JESUS Christ unto now and

how it continues Second Coming until Final End Time of

this world: at

This as stated in the Bible on approace to Final End Time,

is a time in this generation, as a time of great events;

as a time of great events and then greater. This is a time

of a pace of Victory Making, and then in this time a greater

value pace in JESUS Christ.

Former secular physics laws continue falling aside, away,

and cast [in cliche as in hopes of snagging something]. Those

secular projections have been as to measure time over distance

as at a rate that a person walked, though as worldly laws

contradicted themselves, a person might walk a short time

on a plane and travel a great distance as to make the former

distance relatively insignificant. Yet each person in JESUS

Christ is not "insignificant" and so neither their travel distances.

Their times and efforts have not been insignificant nor in vain

if in the name JESUS Christ. A great distance can be traveled

through time (reference time space) with a partial step for a

moment on a gas pedal: a leverage of power. JESUS Christ

is not only over the fuel power yet also over the leverage ratio

pertaining to the timeline Lobbying Mission for Signing Anew

Victory: in the name JESUS Christ UN.

If to be rewriting the Precepts, the building blocks of

God, then to be rewriting the UNKNOWN GOD(S)

particle(s) though rather the JESUS Christ Particle.

Make them aware when You are Lobbying, that if

they reject Your JESUS Christ UN efforts, then to

make themselves as the moneychangers [or physicists

or managers or other] of Matthew 21.12: those efforts

ended when met by JESUS Christ and the whole

[faith of, Heart of] the community understood it, so

a key: how hardly to beg court mercy if the whole

community is foresaken (though such is not excuse

against Mercy). Even so let Mercy reign in the name

JESUS Christ (Matthew 18.22). Consider how this

key functions so to be toward the Wise understanding

of all keys: from JESUS Christ is the Mercy per se, so

if they continue to reject such then without such

Mercy though hardly Your Doing, but how they opted.

Other faiths can be allowed, though hardly if You Love

them (yet a thing of Grace for JESUS Christ Original


JESUS Christ would that You [for to lobby JESUS Christ

USA and JESUS Christ UN] Gain to Be with this Wisdom

that Your Member Work (that is, in this Functioning) is a

key not only for their sakes (You can be their Miracle),

yet rather for Original Plan to Vault this civilization over

a great hurdle historically: so to be aware of Your Role

In These Months [possibly weeks (if They Be With Strong

Faith In JESUS Christ)] and so this key is not merely of

the current weeks and months yet key to the Time Standard

Of God so for toward understanding this Time Standard

for toward Best Understanding God.

The Drawing below is for to Help You so be Wise. You have seen webs

of lines like unto the Trammel Net (of previous in this Sermons Series)

for to represent the fabric of [outer] space and to symbolize wormholes.

Below left is shown a wormhole though rather than about merely lines,

it shows lines of numbers such as to symbolize years.

This wormhole, such as of years [or situations or formulas or numbers

in groups of Masses or nations or other], shows each anomalie in the

fabric of space can quickly become complex and hard to understand

in former lower levels of logic ways, and so JESUS Christ Gives for

You to be with the Wisdom to Give [the Standard(s) keys, such as]

this Standard key [such as for time travelers (e.g. outer space

colonizers)]. If to travel from "0618" to "0918" for instance is to

travel not through the wormhole at all in the traditional sense

(according to the above Drawing as symbolized), rather travel

according to the JESUS Christ One True Standard, hence

according to Your Given JESUS Christ Mission(s): Pray; and

Do as much as You undertand of Your Holy Heart to Do In The

JESUS Christ Original Plan Best Highest Purpose Of Giving


As written and shown in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon

at the above

wormhole numbers are as Laniakea crumpled and folding in

outer space including the Milky Way, and as the fabric of a

blanket changing shapes flowing in river currents, and since

"fabric" then the numbers shown above follow God Given

patterns for them to follow [yet You can Conquer and travel

as Best In JESUS Christ]. Though "crumpled", You can be

aware of the non-linear arrays, but the life of the sinner is

hanging by merely a thread (

66.htm GW): their knowledge and understanding Will Prophesyingly

fail them as they work to search out this truth but for their ideas

for selfish sinful lusts. Yet You Of Best Ascending Will Prophesyingly

Overcome Victoriously for the Holy Honoring, Verifying, And

Glorifying Of JESUS Christ, finding Your Way through the

[previously unknown to the former world] passages Best.

Above center formulas are shown symbolizing [somehwhat]

a dream this writer had in recent years with the formulas flying

above [as of a clear sheet save the formulas being seen] in

outer space; though this morning toward 4AM another dream

showed this writer (seeing the back of the self including the

back of my head [though perceptions in dreams change and

distort] and then normally seeing through my vessel eyes)

on hands and knees on the floor putting formulas together

which became clearly known as precept on precept, going

along the floor like unto laying patchwork quilt small rugs

or tiles fitting together, from one room into another (along

the larger [left turn toward more importantly shown vertical

direction) green arrow]. Similar to as shown many formulas

fit together (lattice to know of a certainty [rather than dendritic

toward artistic, so JESUS Christ Gives this Wisdom Victory

of Love over "lattice" symbol Knowledge]: Anew Standard

in the often or typical sense).

So the formulas that properly fit together (better than shown

in the above Drawing) were as rectangular tiles (and like unto

the words on this page as shown to the left margin while

toward the right uneven margin is Grace and Love of

JESUS Christ Sermon Text.

But the formulas were rectangular in pattern, both margins

were straight. In the Drawing above right were formulas

not yet fit into the [levels] pattern. In Edifying In JESUS

Christ, the above symbolizing formulas are that Formula

A, not Formula B, fits properly next (for Edifying, according

to the symbolic referenced website though it is a secular

website), and then Formula B (ibid.).

In the dream on the floor when heading the direction

of the large green [after 90 degree turn] arrow, along

the Straight Path shown as Vertical, was a door; and

so JESUS Christ Gave the Love yielding the Knowledge

Idea that to continue Straight was to continue into the

unknown yet Best Properly Precept On Precept out

there, out into the Love and with to make [Knowedge

Wisdom] sense out of it (God and all the created and

so much more): note that while You should lobby currently,

the "Straight Path" is not merely to go out the front door to

meet with the people, in fact the "door" was the back door.

Note that in neither dream did this writer understand what

the formulas mean (I understand many formulas but haven't

bothered to understand these formulas: Behold many are

already put together properly as much as evidenced, though

the formulas were not calculated nor figured by this writer:

Thanks Be: JESUS Christ Already Did the harder part);

in Eternity there is plenty of time to figure out the formulas

though for now this writer must continue to [Give] Do this

current JESUS Christ Mission [Series] (it is like how You

Advise secular strangers to read the Book Of John [rather

than such as Advise them to [merely] read the Book Of

Philemon even though it is a brief easy read.

The "Straight Path" is hardly as if for to lose Your Vessel

(sleep, die) as a path might have been to a window [or

a wall,...], rather to Continue Properly in the JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose Liberty Spirit to Maintain Pure Flesh and

Be with such Together One Luke 20.36.

In the Holy Spirit, JESUS Christ may visit, may stay and

dwell with You, or may stay only until You learned [from

the Heart] the current lesson (for You to Give such as in

Your current Sermon being prepared). So JESUS Christ

Gives You this key, that if to have "learned" something

from JESUS Christ [and then not seeing nor hearing...

Him], then a Faith Path Reinforcement Step though

often (in this writer's case at least) vanished if not to

note it immediately for Remembering JESUS Christ

Original Plan Father Spirit Highest Love Purpose.

You are Advised to be with a note pad near bed

and where You watch TV and where You travel

(if a great show is on TV, You don't want to miss

much such as to wait for a computer time, so be

with a pen and paper, perhaps write in the dark

[time off and vacations may be another matter:

JESUS Christ is also Giving From Full Of Grace:

reference Host yet far more likewise to Be the

Best Host: not a competition]).

[Jewish] Albert Einstein said "As far as the laws of

mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain;

and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality"


So JESUS Christ Reveals Now For You In These Very

Months: the Victory as shown in the above Drawing,

the key Victory Over the years if to travel (shown to the

left) and (center, then right) the key Victory Over the

physics formulas flying above, overhead, not understood

and out of reach in the Heavens shown years ago yet in

JESUS Christ One Converted from above and out of

reach to beneath and while still not [unraveled, not]

understood (2 Peter 1.20) as rugs pieced together

Faithfully like unto putting together the holes of a Trammel

Net (not for sifting, yet for Grace safety) like unto forming

the Knight piece pattern leaping over the chess board.

This is like unto a previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon

In This Series at

as the lower Drawing shows a multitude of formulas over some

types of processings of weaving fabrics [as part of the far

greater whole fabric industry, as part of the far greater future

of the fabric industry, as part of the far greater of formula

making] as the values of types of talents grows (not for to

be undone such as by purchasing departments if such

expertise is not understood) such as to improve fabric making

and such as to improve purchasing departments, and so

in the name of JESUS Christ First (also reference for lower incomes:

"Charles Schwab Stock Could Surge After a TD Ameritrade Deal" [et alia], as previous Sermons In This Series discussed

yet here showing secular goodly results from "previous" doing goodly

in the secular levels: miracles, yet see below text on key Giving

JESUS Christ the Glory)(also reference ["in these months"]

historic-deregulation-benefitting-americans/ such as "help

save American households an estimated $3,100 each year")

(ibid. is as Prophesied "in these months" "7 years of great

harvesting" Main Site

A trade deal involving millions of dollars with another

nation means little to most people though $3,100 can

mean a lot to many in poverty households.

In the name of JESUS Christ, verily, verilly, Your

lobbying in these months Prophetically resulting

in Christian President Don Trump Signing the

JESUS Christ USA ACT Wit Addendum 1 is as

millions of dollars in many households (in JESUS

Christ USA, and elsewhere [including Being Exemplar

for others as for JESUS Christ UN]).

JESUS Christ USA loyalty fabric Exemplar is Converting

Righteously toward Best Good Giving (not leaving undone

the mutual good Responsibility) as the "blanket changing

shapes flowing in river currents" though rather as the

blanket Converting into states and whether "in river currents"

or as the JESUS Christ USA Flag waving in the air that for

instance pilots would now see their formerly unseen

pertinent "currents".

And since the other nations see the JESUS Christ USA Flag

Directional Help then as the other nations do likewise then

hardly as an isolated flagpole and rather as a weather map

victory to more comprehensively do likewise and that all become

better "aware of the non-linear arrays" like unto the flags

or the UN and rather each being for Best Value for each

and all as the JESUS Christ UN Flag [of nations rather as]

One Best Most Loyal Good Effort together leading and

representing planet JESUS Christ Earth, that Ambassadors

in Truth may say to others "We come in Peace".

After the Chosen People reached the Promised Land

They conquered [by fighting (JESUS Christ rather Gave

the Peace Mutual Victory Path And Greater)] and after

having some victories many others heard of the Chosen

People victories and rather than be attacked they


Prophesyingly others Will [perhaps counted by some as

though surrender, yet rather Will] agree all the more:

they Will see the signs and wonders coming with

Convincing Power(s) concerning improving.

For Your Before-The-Fact Awareness, You of course are

in this world, so be aware as You Best Ascend, some or

many others may opt to become jealous of You, Friend.

JESUS Christ Gave You the above state "gap" Victory

(such as perhaps "years" as stated) yet longsuffer to

bear in mind the Cross and JESUS Christ Will see to it

that You are not [tempted nor] challenged beyond Your

Ability (Galatians 6.1). So continue up, Whole Faith is key.

The throttle is not key anymore than the brake, and the

steering wheel is not key, JESUS Christ is key: then let

the others be added or if need be: Converted then added.

Ascend / Add / Convert / Ascend.

If to leap imperfectly, then perhaps to skip "Convert". If

so, go back and fix promptly if appropriate (consider the

Highest And Good Part Of This to Best Lead You Luke

17.18 rather than led by lower level concerns yet leave

not undone Responsible Maintenance) or "continue

up". The previous sentence did not say be callous.

For a moment consider what is at the bottom, it is as the

nations as one to behave as lower level animals to destroy

Earth and more. Now consider JESUS Christ showing the

more Gracious Peaceful better way to live. JESUS Christ

did turn over the money changer tables but not all, only

the disloyal faithless ones (1 Timothy 3.3). JESUS Christ

did tear down the Temple, but not the lower level Temple

with gold for mortar, the crooks tore down that lower level


JESUS Christ physics allows the opting, that the lower

level opters tear down themselves; He even tore down

Himself with respect for to be with Heaven Above yet

once for each and all: so Best Convert the tearing down,

and if to tear down at all then at least allow the lowest to

truly wholey repent that they self inflict breaking off their

own sin pieces (see formula at


JESUS Christ Truly Is The King Of Spirits.

So something unknown, above center in the Drawing, has

become in JESUS Christ as a staircase escalated in recent

history in these months and days, and Faithfully, though it

required years of Faith amounts before the Miracle became

Victory Anew Talent.

So JESUS Christ Gives this key to be Aware (right to left):

Faith Before-The-Fact / "years" / Miracle skill after-the-fact.

So Behold! JESUS Christ Gives Gifts to the secular person

that opts to say "Prove it, then I'll believe" (of great though

in lower levels of ancillary values), it is the same Gift

(or "Gifts") that the Faithful Christian Best Ascending is

Given but the secular person opted to resist God and to be

with a time gap of years: warriors against JESUS Christ

and secular nations are "years" behind JESUS Christ

(though the timeframes vary even eternally if allowed to

continue though the secular defeated itself already

[as much as opted of faith amounts]).

A company wanted optic cable to be aware a millisecond

before it's competition (a movie ad reported), yet as

stated above "Behold!".

The above Drawing verse at Matthew 18.22 is Victory

In JESUS Christ Over verse Genesis 4.24 (see Pulpit

Commentary at

JESUS Christ Gives the Straight Path for to explain

[including within Grace (see above text on "right"

"margin is Grace and Love")] of the greater unseen

that can quickly become complex of variables such

as symbolized in the Drawing below to the right

[secular, of value(s)] associated with rates of


The previous Sermon In This Series explained G-

Force relativity to Mass. The below Drawing to the

left also JESUS Christ Gives for to Help explain

the situation.

The path of the Moon around Earth is High Speed in the sense

of the outer most diameter is farther to travel, though intermittent.

"The Moon orbits Earth at a speed of 2,288 miles per hour (3,683

kilometers per hour)" ([secular source] ipac).

At secular site


the secular asks for [Your Christian lobbying] guidance, as it

stated a "standardized astronomical time would be nice", noting

if "a spaceship performs a course correction every tenth of a

second" and "reality-check".

Even so continuous flow [hence like unto the living] is shown

in the secular with humans controlling [though as "shown"

symbolizing faster automated control] and so if to lead then

awareness even though a secular site, (ancillary level to

1 Corinthians 15.45), Be in JESUS Christ Faithful when

visiting [this may literally require

very little time for You to behold like unto looking at things that

have been secrets now becoming declassified, whether to look

for 10 seconds, or other if You opt (a site this Sermon writer

greatly appreciated)](DRL, likewise as seen on TV) such as if

You would have JESUS Christ Power Over Top Speed

matters (this is no excuse to seek sin to be aware of sin,

rather this was Given of JESUS Christ for Doing Good Best).

So the secular expertise has come far, even so continue

Righteously as written at

"Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—

or at least believe on account of the works themselves." but

not for to do sin.

Note jets have computers and their engines often continued

to thrust even when out of control and thrusting toward the


So with Your Christian lobbying and likewise of this JESUS Christ

Sermon site, see "Einstein" folklore below

since "Einstein" and the secular others

have freely opted to be counted as though disconnected from

JESUS Christ (note the JESUS Christ Moon makes no "course

correction"(s) [within this context]).

A key in JESUS Christ Precepting is Point #4, the Moon traveling

at Negligible Speed relative to the balance of it's path. While the

most distant from the Sun part of the Moon travel path is high

speed, the Moon travels fastest as it approaches the Sun

which pulls at twice the gravity of Earth (various secular sources).

So generally speaking to Edify, a person on the Moon for a Day

travels from roughly Zero miles per hour accelerating (G-Forces)

to "2,288 miles per hour" then decelerating to Zero again. So

JESUS Christ Gives Zero to 2,288 miles per hour in 12 hours,

without the person on the Moon noticing G-Forces.

So JESUS Christ Precepting Reveals this Revelation key

concerning Victory, Best Converting G-Forces such as of

the Moon slingshot effect at Point #4 being normal to

Earthlings, Earthlings are able to withstand these G-Forces

and not merely survive.

Runner Usain Bolt was clocked at over 27mph. A normal

person on a ten speed bicycle might reach merely 14mph

and the person on a road safe for cars might try to make

a sharp turn as the road turns, but might instead go off

road and crash due to velocity, type of vessel, and the


A spaceship agreeing with mass is hardly the same as

the same spaceship disagreeing (even if only in part).

A spaceship agreeing with nature (JESUS Christ) but

only in part is self doomed, this is why it is written that

each vessel needs first be fully repentant (1 Kings 8.48).

In the secular literal sense in the above text "14mph" kills,

but "2,288 miles per hour" is safe so drive "2,288 miles

per hour" (or be wholely repentant and Love JESUS Christ:

as recommended).

Anew better laws into Grace / Precepting / Former ways.

Grace / JESUS Christ / Overregulation.

Best Laws / Best Governing / JESUS Christ UN.

Now the above stated "Best Governing" [applying

to include Christian interests (and other if opted

 as stated above), time concerns, family interests,

corporate interests, input key values of experts in

respective fields (reference though secular movie

Apollo 13), and so on] is per se "JESUS Christ UN"

First Prayerfully and then considering what codes

and regulations to do or undo (see above on Best


People are doing according to "telepathic instructions"

(SCI UFOs: The Lost Evidence).

Consider whether You want the "Governing" instructions

that run Your vessels, Your mind, Your body, Your safe

deposit box if any, and so on to be from sinners or from

the "Best".

Many partly ascended have not yet understood the Holy

Trinity, The Father With The Son JESUS Christ With The

Holy Spirit [also known as The Holy Ghost].

Yet in the Christian Book Of Remembering is the Righteous

Truth Eternal as in 1 John 5.6-8.

Did the Father Word become flesh (John 1.14)? Yes.

Did the Son become the Eternal Spirit King (1 Timothy 6.14&15 CEV)? Yes.

Did the Spirit become the Father (John 1.1)? Yes.

In these months (this being November 20, 2019AD) in this generation there

have been many on the Internet (and elsewhere) in need of Best Ascending

In JESUS Christ, as evidenced in their former interpretations of the above

Drawing, to the extent that the have committed sins (instead see verses

above under the Drawing). They rejected the above Drawing, yet of

JESUS Christ Mercy You can be with Victorious Wisdom for Best

Converting them to make them more worthy, toward greater

[including mutual] wisdom (hence with Love): this JESUS

Christ Wisdom key for to Give them is that they sought

to understand more about god selfishly, and so sinned;

similar has been that in cliche a person "married for

money", and so not about True Christian Marriage

(not fully repentant, so not with full Heart); so the

sinfulness was to take the god apart while ignoring

the above verses; even so, the goodly wise aspect

is "that they sought to understand more about god".

And so the Christian Bible explains (as some Prayers and

some dreams and some other can be) whether in the flesh

or without flesh in the spirit, such as ..."only God knows

whether I was in my body or outside my body"...(from

2 Corinthians 12.3 NLT).

Yet the worldly census counted JESUS [Christ (Matthew

27.54)] in the flesh (mostly for tax money, see above

"married for money" sin). And so the sinner saw the

after-the-fact proof flesh and counted in census [but

merely partly (unwisely ignored: John 20.16)].

Concerning the spirits of God, the JESUS Christ

Eternal Original Plan Highest Purpose Spirit Gives

All Good to each and all for their sakes though many

people have opted to merely accept parts and not all.

Even so, this is the JESUS Christ Best Ascending Process

Of Faith: this is a New Christianity key, a Principle Of Faith

as some Christian Leaders have rightly called it.

The Father aspect of the Holy Trinity is not merely partly

faithful, rather All Faithful (therefore also Almighty in the

name JESUS Christ [enabling the greater Good]).

This is God.

This is what You should Be the Best You can.

This is what Your group should Be the Best it can.

As written at (6-8):

"This is the One who came by water and blood,

Jesus Christ—not by water alone, but by water

and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies to this,

because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three

that testify: the Spirit, the water, and the blood—

and these three are in agreement".

If to be ignorant; booksmart empty words without

Love to do the Will, or inexperienced to be doing

but without the Guiding Love; these are two sides

of the same coin so to speak (working to overcome

ignorance or working for others leading, reference

puppet, and see above "married for money"). Children

go to school though hardly for money as much as to

obey, and they work there.

But to grow in the secular knowledge is to lack one thing,

JESUS Christ. The secular is not God. Yet God is everywhere

including in the secular. It is like unto looking at book and

saying the Title though not saying each word in the book:

the "Title" is everywhere in the book, even if the book

contains text such as "anti-Title" or even if the book has

text such as "this is not a book".

Even so, when a person reads the book more becomes

revealed though according to their faith amount such as

skipping a page or a chapter such as due to exhaustion

and forgetting, also the talent of the reader is another

key to understanding the book (reference a jury and

either side of the case may seem right in given moments).

JESUS Christ explained some amount of things to a person

in Luke 10.25, but it was merely as a page of the larger

book, it was merely the starting point of ascending

(see above "not [tempted nor] challenged beyond

Your Ability" [not beyond a person's ability]).

When JESUS Christ explained "some amount of things"

to that person, the answer JESUS Christ Gave was

from Luke 10 verse 26 to verse 37 including the own

words of "that person". Write Sermons for remembering

[and rather for others] that You Believe Your Own Words

About JESUS Christ Love Wisdom Best, that You Be

more Worthy to Give Best Ascending (that's what the

sinner "that person" wanted, and it is what JESUS Christ

would that You Do [and JESUS Christ Will Reveal An

Even More Excellent Way]).

So JESUS Christ Gives You this key, that of the previous

sentence the sinner and God agree, so Heaven Now In

These Months Is With You, as You Agree per se in God

JESUS Christ One; but not for to sin.

A book had a hard cover. Today a book on the Internet

has no such cover. This is like unto a more excellent way

though only in a perspective of the Tree Of Knowledge

like unto the flip of a coin: which side the viewer prefers

to see. Magicians and lawyers and politicians and others

can change coin flips. God knows if the change was for

Good or other.

If "other" then not Best Ascending.

Yet JESUS Christ New Christianity Gives Maintenance

Responsibility over Your Personal Flesh and over Your


This is like unto God Giving each person the Gift to be

able to opt.

Yet of worthiness, such as UN peace efforts, more than

the former coin flip is Given within the parameters of New

Christianity: even of JESUS Christ keys for flipping groups

and nations.

The former coin flip tech (reference physics predictions

such as much work and expense of time and money

costs to reach the Moon: a great value) came from the

Old Testament such as the Lord / Moses Commanding

Aaron to cast lots (Leviticus 16.8). A value (ibid.), yet

JESUS Christ New Christianity would that You Be Best

and therefore Best Ascending (to at least be Best You

Can Be).

In these months even in secular cliche easy to understand

"Strike while the iron is hot" but the secular already has

their rewards of their former ways (1 Timothy 4.2). For

instance to move a page on the Internet is something

a sinner has done whether a secular page or less likely

a Christian page of into, a page of a bank of knowledge.

So JESUS Christ Gives You Christian Leader this Anew

lobbying for Signing value in these months greater than

the former coin flip ways. This is on Course.

Look at history, China covered East Asia, the Ottoman

Empire covered toward the West, and others likewise

covered vast expanses of lands over many people.

Yet JESUS Christ You "striking" now in these appropriate

months is a never before in this situation [secular known

civilization aspect, reasonably], even exceedingly greater

than the founding of the UN as You lobby for JESUS

Christ over the nations for You to Best Help them,

as though the Best You can though more importantly

as of the above Drawing the Power Of God Doing

for them as not prior of these peoples.

The above Drawing is God One. Yet to count as if subset

though in the Loving sense to be Edifying In The Name

JESUS Christ is that for Best Original Plan understanding

if to consider for a moment the JESUS Christ Pure Vessel

Flesh of the census, then to Ascend to understand a Love

key via to understand one of the reasons of the Plan that

JESUS Christ came in the flesh, and it is to Gain Wisdom

as to the name of God: JESUS Christ. The former was of

YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah. Good, even Perfect. And many

Christians [with names though worldly names in the former

sense] enter into the name JESUS Christ (JESUS Christ

The First with the name JESUS Christ, so Anew to this

civilization: Better, Perfect, better than the former "Perfect"

Save Perfect One).

Former measures would fall away as JESUS Christ Perfect

Eternal Perfects.

Not Your Personal Lifetime not that of Your group, not this

century, not this generation, not even this decade; but these

months Your lobbying Will Do as You Hoped Best to Do:

the result is the start of Heaven on Earth: Earth in the name

of JESUS Christ: JESUS Christ Earth.

Also worth mentioning: You Will Prophesingly Own the planet.

JESUS Christ Gives this Anew key of Faith With Prophesying

that since with Best Good Prophesying Beneficially [and Care

how You received this key (as if against lower levels but not)]

including over disloyal spirits that opt anxiously to needlessly

suffer, so that the JESUS Christ Preaching Edifying And Grace

You Work To Give Them, is in them opted stupidly to be counted

as if ignored for them to sin as if to be counted sinning because

of You but not the Truth, then since You Did Good In JESUS Christ

One but the sin plan is to blame You and worse, like unto a plague

starting on the crops, then as much as affecting You may Precept

On Precept Convert that plague with as much talent as You have

been Given For Good, reference the Lexicons for instance at and

15.htm that You may cause and "make them lie down", the

"Imperfect" of the two options or "make me lie down", the

"Imperfect" of the two options according to the future Best outcome,

but if JESUS Christ One Best Ascending it is hardly Your

option in the lower flesh perhaps sin sense and rather the Father

Spirit JESUS Christ One Already Opted (And Solved [according

to an entity faith amount level applies]).

So since JESUS Christ Gives for the Righteous to Be Best Prophesying

[and only in the name JESUS Christ and only Best of Given Ability]

then if True (about the Prophesying result in the future) then

to not see the Miracle Vessels as proofs in the future yet

to see of the JESUS Christ Pure Faith Path (beware of

New Branches when applying this Fact) so Before-The-

Fact to Prophesyingly Wisely Best Know in advance to

Continue in the name JESUS Christ to Do the Best (John

4.48)(be aware of John 7.6 Victory Over John 9.3 [for

instance many expertise talents rates apply]).

This above key is not a lower level prediction matter [of proof(s)].

Rather this above key is Faith prior to "proof(s)" and not for sins

such as [hates (conditionally e.g. Malachi 2.16) nor], wars,

addictions, nor disloyalties.

Above text discussed "Einstein" fiction (though Einstein also

provided goodly things too such as above text "DRL") so of

Precepting Faithfully as JESUS Christ Gives, then to Best

Be With or to Best Convert to be Best to Be With Holy Law

as in Heaven if Law exists since Law is for to Guide away

from disloyal strayings, and so to Be Precepting Converting

the Foundations of worldly laws and former precepts of lesser

values, for the greater good, even for Best Good, and so to

Function now not merely to change the future, and not merely

to change faiths but also therefore former "lesser" value facts:

this "facts" idea is according to older Sermons in this JESUS

Christ Sermons Series on PCS, on Best Prioritizing hence

Work(s) yielding in JESUS Christ such as New Christianity

and such as Prophesying With Power (such as lobbying

Power even is not immediately yielding results (full ear /

corn blade / stalk)(Faith / Hearing / Word Of God).

Note the "corn blade" can refer to two definition senses,

1. the "blade" is like a leaf though producing a cob of corn,

2. the "blade" is a knife so to cut the cob of corn from the

stalk for [to Host] banquet.

Yet "not immediately yielding results" applies to the person

that does not form [of Precepting] nor give prophesies, so

a time frame per se;

yet for the JESUS Christ Prophesying One the "time frame"

advantage (a Wisdom to Be with Psalm 23.4).

In the fun but secular movie Scary

Movie 3 Eddie Griffin as character Orpheus was in troubles

(by Queen Latifah Dana Elaine Owens as Shaneequa The Oracle

["wife of Orpheus"])

for sins and/or lawbreakings not yet committed.

Note: True Prophesying can include True Oracles (see recent

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on Halos Spheres)(historically

typically females of various faiths though also such as at though key is to continue

better and so Be Best Ascending through Christian Faith);

so these two together (1. "Halos", and 2. people or spirits or

items [such as auditorium mass rooms or such as oval or

ankh structures]) therefore have often been about the turning

Oracles and so hardly the same as the Halo shining light

straight out [so the ankh is not the same as the Christian

Circle On The Cross Of JESUS Christ; though see previous

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on lower

level Mission if so Given [atypically Assigned: and as now in

these months the secular lobbying is become of value such

as for resume building and rather the greater Good]]. Continuing

in JESUS Christ is not merely ascending yet also a key is

Giving God The Glory [vital if secular level (Acts 12.23)], so

Christians whether higher level lobbying and/or other Evangelizing

be aware to not merely Best Prepare yet also throughout the

meeting be as Best as Given Able and post meeting remember

if any Promises [make notes, discuss with Your group after yet

when the meeting was fresh in Your memories, make schedule

notes: this is not the same as sitting in the back pew being

spoon fed]. Your friends in secular leadership over government

need You Christian Level of spoon feeding in the sense that

any person appreciates the best, reasonably [though sinners

break valuables even so appreciate themselves able to be so

breaking, so be Aware for Converting].

JESUS Christ Gives You (Best Ascending One) Anew Power

Over things not yet proven in the world and so in this key

Gift the "things" is Your Spiritual Faith Prophesying Power.

And from this "Power" the result not necessarily yet manifested

(see above "rates") immediately nor perhaps when hoped, is

becoming fulfilled for the Best in and through JESUS Christ.

What does this mean [in an aspect sense]?: it means it [and

so You] may be counted as if unfriendly and unbeneficial

though let Your Christian Faith Endure: Be Saved. It's

important, it's vital. And it means You [same in this sense as

they the sinner(s)] are Given from JESUS Christ the exact

same Gift per se as "they" have been Given, so You are

not being unfair to them if to deny them what they want

according to how they opted (their hope to continue in

naysaying and sinful ways) or Will opt (ibid.).

And what is their sin?: as a minimum opted ignorance.

Now Be Wise In JESUS Christ this is similar to the backsliders,

even some have been in Christian Buildings. So the above

key matters of Faith need Be with Respect to the JESUS

Christ Given Firmaments. In other world Your Anew "Power"

needs be in the proper context, such as not to cast a Christian

to hell because JESUS Christ has already Saved The "Christian"

(Matthew 19.6 applies like unto Matthew 19:5).

There is a Faith [Prophesying (Prophetic)] Wisdom in why Abram

Became Abraham Of The Father Spirit [in the sense of JESUS

Christ too though then not yet in census], and a part is as written

at [(unlinked) sic]: "21The king

of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the people, but take the goods

for yourself.” 22But Abram replied to the king of Sodom, “I have

raised my hand to the LORD God Most High, Creator of heaven

and earth, 23that I will not accept even a thread, or a strap of a

sandal, or anything that belongs to you, lest you should say, ‘I

have made Abram rich.". This according to is

the first oath in the Bible.

This is about treaties of the nations, and fair play as it has been

called, and this is the beginning of much greater Peace and Faith

["matters"] in the Christian Bible and in the Christian Faith Path

(Faithfully Ascending, from Prophesying to properly fitting on

Higher Level Propehsying Anew In Your Given Faith, of and from

JESUS Christ Spirit Father).

So this is for these months as already Hoped for You to Opt Victoriously.

These months, November 2019AD until January 1st, 2021AD

(13 months [JESUS Christ With 12 Disciples symbolically]

[though as much as Your One Faith amount already relative

to the completion of this Sermon]) is unique to this civilization

Prophetically, concerning the gradual at least Victories [rates

apply] over sins and lawbreakings and addictions wars and

famines and disloyalties and faithlessness as previously

unknown in the comprehensive types of leaderships of

this civilization save as much as JESUS Christ Led

for You to Do.

Your lobbying in these pertinent months in JESUS Christ

Precepting over tranlations of verses over the foundations

of laws over secular government(s) so over rewriting laws

and over Anew interpretation of the Law is [according to

Your Faith (amounts / group vessel)] Anew Writing Of Fact

(Of What Is Fact [or not]) And Likewise Over What Proof

Is And Over Best Defining [so far per se].

In other words for Edifying, Your lobbying in these months

contributes Powerfully as toward Best Progress including

toward Best Prophesying so that for instance when a

naysayer might opt to say "Prove it, then I'll believe" You

Will have already Accomplished In JESUS Christ The

Proof (they wouldn't understand yet since You Know then

Best Able to instantly explain [You are of Grace yet JESUS

Christ also Gave them a level of faith 2 Corinthians 8.3,

though beware of Luke 20.47 (Grace so do not force them,

laws already force them so let a greater than "laws" be in

and of Your Faithful Graceful Christian Leadership)]).

JESUS Christ Leads, Do Likewise (reference the 7th Seal).

The door that was closed JESUS Christ has now opened

for these months for You.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon November 23, 2019AD.

For the Main Site with the list of Sermons click:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

tags: JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1

Christian President Don Trump In Prophecy speaking at the United Nations for Christianity,

What is God? is explained in the True JESUS Christ Trinity explaining the JESUS Christ

Prophesying time frame advantage with the 13 months now as 13 Sent Apostles yet for now

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