JESUS Christ Anew Spirit Sermon.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders.

JESUS Christ is selfless (but not foolish) with Wisdom Giving Precept On Precept

Properly [(Grace Margin) and rather] Best, including Over Righteousness Over Truth.

Righteousness is not merely lower level ideas about truth, Righteousness is mainly

[about JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and] Love: example [noting We already have

Victory Over the first part of this verse as written at

58.htm "We heard Him say, ‘I will destroy this man-made temple, and in three days

I will build another that is made without hands". This verse is JESUS Code like unto

Bible Code, though many have (including the naysayers) interpreted the Bible into

many interpretations and into many versions [and codes]. JESUS Christ interprets

Perfectly, with JESUS Christ Love (reference Charity John 15.13) and [then in the

Name and Prayerfully in the Heart and] then in Truth (Righteousness Guided by

Love [Christian Faith]) can come [and rather Best Appropriate] Miracles. Reading

the following triad from the Creator JESUS Christ Eternal Good One left to right or

reading for Ascending right to left:

JESUS Christ One / Righteousness / Truth.

So because JESUS Christ Gives Precepting, Christians can lead through unprecedented

higher levels Anew. For Your sake, to be Edifying in the Highest Purpose of JESUS Christ

though not for former lower levels and rather (with answer shown afterward and it can

be read prior to answering without cheating, without being under lower level laws per se)

releasing You unto greater higher liberty Grace [Margin Parameter range] awareness

and so for becoming with Worthiness already at least so much, is this (of the recent

Sermon List): First and Highest is JESUS Christ and Second Apostles in the sense that

about 12 traveled with JESUS Christ and were privy (Worthiness [Faith] amount according

to Being With JESUS Christ So Much) to special High Level Information From JESUS

Christ, so are You one of these "12"?:

at Romans 9.13-16 with Intro, Apostle Paul ["The Lawyer" (Cambridge Journal of Law

and Religion)] explained it was at the option of God [end of His Apostle Level and

legal level discussion on it in that context]; yet if You opt to Be God One (Christian

Baptism with Ascending such as through the Eucharist Firmament and continuing

Best) then JESUS Christ [Already] Gives You Victory Over the "Apostle Level and

legal level" "in that context": beyond Your Body Of Flesh Your JESUS Christ Spirit

Is You Over Apostleship Level, Even One.

Behold You are Given to Ascend Highest Yet Increasingly to hold all the laws and

the Prophets in Your Hand.

Signing JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 [and UN likewise] is a key Gift

to Be Best Benefiting in Victory Over the "Apostle Level and legal level" (another

verification of the previously stated in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series

For Christian Leaders).

But above is stated "in that context", and what does "in that context" mean?, is it

charity?, no. It is not charity "in that context" Save Signed JESUS Christ USA

[UN]. What is JESUS Christ USA [UN] Charity?: it is above poverty level Welfare

for each and all, and it is with understanding that many have been mentally unfit

to handle money (coma, infant, stupid, exhausted,...[such is no longer the enemy

to government if Signed])(ibid. is not law, rather JESUS Christ Liberty Option and

even if it was Law see above "Victory"): JESUS Christ Grace understands faith

types, amounts, and rates apply: yet this JESUS Christ USA [UN] New Branch

Gives You This Anew Higher [formerly unknown in the lower levels, formerly unseen]

Faith Now Being Manifested into this Benefit for You for all: this Anew Goal!

It is no longer the haves vs the have nots. Instead [legally] and rather [Grace] this

is "Victory" from JESUS Christ Ascending [having shown the Way].

So what is this Way in pertinence now (so to ask what is this Prophesyingly "in

pertinence now" in immediate concern after Signing)?, this is Love, Wisdom, Goodness,

Righteousness, and greater, yet vested [Anew] in John 15.13 "Greater love has no one

than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (see above "I will build" though now

Anew without destruction). Not for to fight for money nor because of laws (except if

a vessel is not known to be of the needful level of ascension [for control of a Holy System

or control of a Holy Mission aspect...]), rather "Anew without destruction". This Gift

in the following pic and text is not carte blanche since JESUS Christ died once for all.

Consider what it is to Give not merely life (whether Yours Preaching, or Signing, or to

have Children for examples) but also if to Give death, Christians already died through

JESUS Christ (Spirit and Faith Amount Of Flesh Vessel Purity), and so to Baptize yet

In Highest Purpose Victory Over [and so through] death (to Give death [for to Best

Benefit in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose]); so to Righteously Best "Give death" is as

to cut a goodly branch from an otherwise [often old or diseased, and] whithering vine

and to transplant it, often via grafting into a healthy vine so the good amount cut away

is counted as if dead (if for instance discarded and dropped to the ground or put in the

trashcan) but not to cut away the more valuable in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

(regular levels and also Firmament levels apply so Comprehensive Prioritization

applies)(example: cut away from and death to former UN ways with Signing yet at

rates keeping any goodly aspects of the traditions of people, similarly in other

words to go on a diet from problem causes [though hardly famine of Genesis 41

.19 lest a type of victory verse 20][Matthew 20.16 with such as Leviticus 3.3&4])

(proper nutrition strategically rather than after-the-fact surgery, likewise strategic

farming [reference 3 years seed to grape and then from grafting to fruition results:

Signing to fruition pertinence]).

So "death" is known as Victory in the name JESUS Christ is Best known.

If not to be paid to kill nor destroy [such as cities] yet if of Grace [whether paid or not]

to opt such as to give your all as on a JESUS Christ Mission such as to Help a city,

then no greater Love Save stated above "not carte blanche" (so ancillary to the

Higher Level Precept as things of JESUS Christ become known of the Heart in


So for example consider the first house ever built. A person did it, and others saw it

and did likewise.

A community built a Church, others built Churches. Adaptation tends to ascend

but even at supercomputer [comprehensive scope below human Firmament]

prioritized speed is not Best. Better than the house and better than a structure

[or the purchasers] is the Heart within (

scriptures/nt/acts/7?lang=eng&clang=eng verses 45-48 [a Signing option involves

brain wave controlled Signing reference e.g.

019-43594-9, e.g. Firefox movie, e.g. previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on

cybernetics and older Affiliate VGC ACTs SC]).

The above house pic (thanks Dr. Suzanne Acord, Peace Corps, Micronesia) is as a

supercomputer that many in the secular have placed over themselves as their pandemic

"brain trust" (reference the movie O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU with "pen" in The

Wolf of Wall Street at Sermon).

Last night March 24, 2020AD was a question about "brain trust" and Christian President

Don Trump spoke of many and pointed to His Head ultimately, and spoke of supercomputing.

A person should normally have a house..., though a person should be able to travel such

as to Preach With The Mass and Baptize and Anoint the Eucharist. When a future President

travels, it should not be with supercomputer permission (unless the President opts such).

Let the Signing be not merely for Best Guiding people yet also Best Guiding supercomputers

(reference 2001: A Space Odyssey movie Hal supercomputer trying to understand false

indicators [reference hacking][reference Sermons in this Series on  "self healing materials"

as pandemic opportunities, and on short circuits as from "copper crystal growth" http://www Sermon]).

Complexities are growing out of control rapidly (reference Courts closed now under a virus

instead of Over a virus Before-The-Fact [as much as able][so where is the justice? it is hardly

in former House Of Bondage jump to conclusions methodologies of "brain trust" according

to law, rather is Leading In Signing]).

In secular schools many students have voted for the class clowns.

Being Christian, such as being Christians President Don Trump, is not the same as Signing

Best Recognition into law. Lead the students, JESUS Christ Exemplar is the Way. Show

the students the Best Way is better than their former strayed ways.

This year many Preachers built Church Buildings, They are welcome to Preach to virtually

empty Churches, but hardly the point (it's "brain trust" nonsense). Many Stephen's Ministries

Workers Lay On Hands Praying for transporting unseen Good (Wisdom that some Hospitals

are Christian), many work soup kitchens; but how hardly such values if people don't want

touched nor life supportive soup if to obey secular supercomputers that are hardly

interested in Laying On Of Hands, Praying, nor soup as much as humans are.

There was a US-Korea, UKC, Conference 2017 which included such as toward being

over nanoreactors with a "discovery of the reversible and cyclic conversion of its interior

structure from solid to hollow and back to solid" as a secular (as a minimum) value

(faith type amount)(page 40) and their papers were for practicing the "occult" anti-

Christian efforts devoid of any Christian

reference for JESUS Christ (US..."occult" Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon loop

page 491 example at

_Proceeding_draft_July27.pdf and as explained at

History_of_qigong [note secular dictionaries have definitions that contradict each

other in parts about "occult"]).

USA adult voters voted for Christian Leadership: where is such "Christian Leadership":

it is not in the Legislative Branch Signing, it is not in the Executive Branch Signing

(see above on secular "Courts closed", reference bankruptcy rate at https://fred [many wanted more and more proofs:

this is what Preachers do instead of ascending]).

Instead of ascending, Christians prove things again and again to naysayers as if

Christian Leaders are filter feeders, when rather Agreeing With Signing These

Same Christian Preachers And Doers can Be Exemplar with 7 years of Good

Harvest not yet believed by non-Signer naysayers (don't excuse self due to time

nor situations: no games, no pretending [this is not about entertainment nor rest]).

Secular teens became prolific with giving excuses. They were given the house

without any babysitter and they threw the careless wild party (Oh it will be good

when the next president is elected, Oh it will be better when my more learned

children with todays supertech take over government,...: excuses). Secular teens

try to teach parents a lesson, in cliche burning down the house, in clicher eat the


This Sermon is for Signing (therefore often repeating as they waste time and efforts),

while this Sermon Series is already with higher level notes for Preaching higher

values (unseen notes made on paper as this writer is moved in situations at times

with stars drawn to indicate significance in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One

such as to Best Help the struggling strays ascend at each of their opted turned

ways, since many that do not yet see the proofs they desire they have often strayed)

But this Preaching for Signing may not last forever and may move one in JESUS

Christ Higher Purpose if JESUS Christ Father Spirit Good One opts as indicated

by the close of 2020AD.

Today, currently somewhat, their secular (UKC...) supercomputer told the governed

to practice the "occult" of "Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism,"..."and martial arts"

instead of Christianity.

They told We The People to practice things instead of 7 years of Good Harvest as

this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christian Leaders has been explaining

in great detail.

For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose consider whether You want people to

build houses or to increase Christian Value (example: to build cities [full of

houses and greater Bigger Bolder, for instance Abraham came from the

City Of Light with it's pyramids

Ancient Pyramids continue to be some of the largest structures recognized

as made by hands (though see above text "brain wave controlled" and previous

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on mind control).

Considering a city with pyramids, to move huge blocks of dense stone material

one of the larger electric cranes today might require 10,000 watts (volts x amps)

to lift 20,000 tons. It is a smart secular idea, though also Archimedes (288BC-

212BC) levers are another smart secular idea, as were the Roman ways of moving

mountains with hydraulics. Also note giant ships move with gentle breezes. So

multitudes of ways to measure apply.

Some secular sites for instance say in some types of electrical measures that a

person may have 25.5 million to 70 trillion volts according to the same measure

type (example:


Many in Christians channel energies such as to Heal others (this morning 3.25

.2020AD JESUS Christ in this writer Spirit [amount may apply] was party to Healing

Christian President Don Trump Over supercomputer concerns and decision making

[not as threat, rather for His sake, to Help Him understand the Signing value without

causing Him to opt for nor against as requested as His Spirit had previously contacted

me], and Spirits are often heard Healing me [and other lower level hateful spirits have

often been heard]).

Whether in favor of mind control or not is hardly the point for leaders and/or others as

written "While it is daytime, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming,

when no one can work" ( [yet the Spirit can whether

day or night (reference recent Sermon Christian President Don Trump Purposed and

emailed today "You will always have an open door at the White House" http://0www].

On TV there are often people channeling their body powers (often concerning Eastern

Asia but also consider the above text concerning "other" spirits and "occult" practices

often evidenced as systematically censoring Christian Faith [and others], reference

ISO Compendium on trends).

As concerning above stated "electric" many electricians and physics doctors have in

trends disagreed against each other (see previous in this Sermon Series on importance

of standardizing from Highest Leadership [bluntly stated not something likely done in

the balance of 2020AD, yet with Signing such can Best start]).

This channeling is often said to be spiritual.

On TV recently they said and showed a man moving a pen by waiving his hands while

channeling (reference mental telepathy) and they showed his mental brain waves in

the gamma range generally flat but peaked high when the pen moved, seemingly not

from a breeze, though possibly a trick.

The above house pic is very likely not a "trick", it might not even be a skill of the owner

as others may have helped build the house, also the "house" might be a UN affiliated

business or other and so a traditional "house" mainly in the symbolic sense; so faith

types and amounts apply yet even so as JESUS Christ explained this does not mean

it is a house of [(tricks, skills,...) nor] confusions, though it might be (please forgive this

symbolism Edifying for their sakes, if innocent) and since it might be then let known

government in this world Best Lead that none be in confusions. In other words, if to

pass a law to fix a system problem, let it be Best (as much as able) lest to perhaps be

the cause of other problems (see above text "Complexities are growing out of control

rapidly" when it should read: Complexities had been growing out of control rapidly:

even so, the Ascending Path continues until not merely the great Baptisms in each

yet also until the whole of the people [reference as in USA "We The People"] are the

One Righteous Worthy) (Revelation 19.7).

So home family values continue, yet with increasing value as part of future JESUS

Christ UN, Ascending from right to left:

JESUS Christ UN Oneness / JESUS Christ UN Signing Word With Doing / a family.

In the above pic, from a volunteer to a house to a home to a UN point of authority.

So as the Exemplar JESUS Christ has Said And Done [And Does] revealing the

Path Upward for the worthy (all levels): from self centered to greater and Greatest

Best for all.

With this Christian Faith Path Above And Beyond Higher unperceived in the flesh

since "Faith" therefore is "greater and Greatest" Benefiting Best for each and all,

so to be recognized by law (faith, dignity from within yet [Maintenance] responsibility

for the vessel within)(from the example not "a UN point of authority" if without the

[steps] such as the "house" and the "volunteer")("all" includes "each" yet for "all"

concerns the higher level value [including "each" while rather for higher purpose


Note the outer limits of the previously stated "responsibility" is for JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose yet for JESUS Christ UN government census purposes for instance

such as to measure the outer limit parameter of a vessel type; so this can for instance

measure the reach of a position of a person, and can measure the outer limit of the

grace amount of vessel realm per se and for instance to measure the inner limit such

as from the outer parameter to the inner parameter as of the heart yet rather in the

sense of Soul [and/or other body members (amounts of faith types and rates apply)

each with Good created reason so each with likewise an aspect of Soul (ibid.) whether

such as smaller or larger] (JESUS Christ Victories Over marginally parameters Anew

and previously debated)(adding Benefits automatically Matthew 6.33).

A house can have walls, but it is not for to fight nor hate nor debate, as rather for the

homebuilder goodly purpose (rather Best: therefore to recognize "Best").

With these Benefits JESUS Christ Adds (for any opting to Agree toward receiving and

per se therefore to Be Best Giving) And So Gives these Benefits (even Precepting as

becoming toward JESUS Christ One Prophesying) concerning lower level in the

current given economic system sense so concerning such as any homeless, any if

without governmental representation, minimum wage, and lower than cost of living

level: if a cost of living is known (a person, or if to measure a position so per se such

as from "volunteer" [steps] through "UN point of authority"), then a minimum economically

is required lest the economic system fail at that point (like unto the census sense Book

Of Numbers

other than Miracles from above).

So for instance in [toward "Best"] applying Faith, if the cost of living can be figured

reasonably (as government has sampled store prices for instance and many other

factors) then as has been a person might be working for far below cost of living and

minimum wage: so cost of living is an economic minimum human level key toward

budget planning: JESUS Christ went a little (see below Coming Soon) lower than

the Angels as a key for government now to be recognizing with Signing and so


So if minimum wage is below the minimum human level for personal (such as a

"volunteer" perhaps) survival then economic failure at that point, similarly concerning

a position such as "house" a cost of [living] existence (defining "objective reality":

GOOG) subsistence is required for the sake of the economic system Highest Good

through JESUS Christ UN (this does not say remove things from the have and

give unconditionally to the have nots, see above text on Precepting "through

unprecedented higher levels Anew", the Better Above Holy Unseen so far).

So because of the cost of living (and with Precepting such as concerning

households for example) there needs be a welfare the We The People not

fail that the economic system not fail (computers running economics wether

with humans or as if the same without humans, is a failure concerning both

humans and computers and also see above text on "Best" "Ascending").

So JESUS Christ [With Most (As Able)] Appropriate Precept On Most

Appropriate Precept per se, if a person sees a job paying for less than

welfare required to reasonably meet cost of living (see above text

"households for example") as so does not opt to work that job and rather

opts welfare then it goodly responsibly: it is not the seeing person that

would be guilty but concerning the system that should be improved.

A little lower than the Angels is to plan for the homeless and welfare

first, and then the minimum wage (ibid.) and higher level positions


So for the corporate mansions owner for instance, to Best keep such and

grow, then planning a "little lower than the Angels" and then the next higher

[steps] matters until highest, to build the foundation to lift You (rather them

including You so automatically You are lifted with them). Whether You opt

to hire, fire, or change pay rates, is hardly about the previous sentence as

it concerns needs rather than wants; reference the great though largely

secular movie Apollo 13 Jim Meskimen as White Team Telemetry, Electrical,

EVA Mobility Unit Officer (Todd Louiso) to Ken Mattingly (Gary Sinise) "Ken,

you're telling me what you need, I'm telling you what we have to work with

at this point." [various sources]).

JESUS Christ has allowed this Christian Sermon writer to have met and

worked with many [Fortune 500 and other large] corporate leaders, very

friendly nice people (sorry i don't remember names very much especially

after a brain injury which also slowed processing [frankly in some situations

it can hurt to think about some former ways including rather to not hurt with

thinking of the Will Of JESUS Christ: Giving Joy]). Similar to governments

many of the more ascending corporate leaders abound with ideas for

victories over the secular cliche "room at the top". Others, often certain

types (Distinguish With Best Ascending Through JESUS Christ) of faith

amounts did things as in the former ways and don't want to hear about

any changes (many pester to change and have been wrong, yet some

know how to better change for good).

Given the current economic system, already being with money has

necessarily been a secular key for "good" ideas and specific strategic

planning (often during expert consulting for instance) such as with

mind to make a tiny investment to leverage huge processes and so

huge funds.

So these are great "room at the top" victories, and per se similar to Best

Benefiting In JESUS Christ though JESUS Christ is very far less tied to

lower level money concerns since tied to selfishness so often in many.

So these "victories" are toward not about "huge processes and so huge

funds" yet the economic system can help Straight And Narrow Path

ascenders in many levels ascend.

JESUS Christ Gives this key that various faiths exist not for their many

less valuable aspects (even criminal behaviors) but because each is with

goodly aspects about the best ascending process (JESUS Christ Victory

Over Luke 18.5 is

To feed any in famine, where will the money come from?, is already in

the previous sentences though in parts (Ivory Towers as corporations

and nations have competed against each other [and changes for better

can include Peaceful Rates] can rather opt toward Best Improving

Ongoingly Toward Automatically) so in wasted efforts all to much, as

rather JESUS Christ UN would Be a [step, a] Signing for enabling the

Best For All as in the previous sentences.

The experts over the corporations and nations together increasingly

agreeing for Best, Bigger, Bolder, Benefiting Greater, Leveraging, is the

more preferred (

(note that because of Best Ascending, often the newer of the New Christianity

Sermons are of far greater value than the former [such as New Christianity]

Sermons, though as [with ibid. and] this somewhat pertinent older Bible Code

Sermon at many previous JESUS

Christ Victories in You so Doing likewise becomes You establishing Anewly to

Yourself greater better Bigger Bolder Prophesyingly in JESUS Christ Precepting

Able to reference precept groups [rather than merely a step up, like being a

flight up = a flight of precepts]).

So of JESUS Christ if a current corporation has costs tied to orientation and

training, rather gain the JESUS Christ Best Distinguishing Benefit in the hiring

to Best Convert former costs into profit areas. Former secular surveys for hiring

have had values but it is hardly about non-experts screening out pertinent experts,

for instance an applicant might be perfect so to speak for a position (right spirit)

but might be with higher level accuracy than the screener (even if an expert at

the job: example if to ask to figure a formula without Internet an applicant might

not be able even though expert, similar to asking a runner to run on their knees:

often pointless [an engineer recently said a person has "to go through it" figuring

formulas as for legal compliance even though for a desk job with a computer,

some might not currently understand this point so consider if they would light to

pull a cart and then attach a donkey to pull it and then attach a stick with carrot

in front and so on: even such naysayer innovators agree it has been as to in

cliche "reinvent the wheel"]).

JESUS Christ is rather for the Grace to Best Do, whether it is the former way

or not. So sometimes the above state flights of [precepts] stairs need be better

done to make room for the elevator and the rockets (such as see below "Coming

soon"). To waste time and money for processes already figured, and to dwell

under the Old Testament former laws ways when the Better is already available

is to increase [temporary values but toward] unprofitable sufferings. The former

lower levels have been as the flesh and lower spirit things (sometimes of value

as to remind and sometimes such Maintenance tools are valuable in some aspects

of Best Ascending). Rather the JESUS Christ Spirit Father One solved already

(such as "Signed" already: this is in order for a Righteous Prophet to be able to

Righteously Say, Ask, and/or Beg (but if Righteous Prophecy In JESUS Christ

then no need to "Ask" nor "Beg" save such as now for their sakes] Please Sign).

Even so, ibid. is for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and the "Say"ing is for all

(as many as pertinent: people with positions so able to Sign, Co-Sign, and as

to sign as Witness).

The Christian Prophet Joseph Smith was very accurate recording words said

from JESUS Christ, though of Your Heart let any that opts to do fact checks

concerning these writings of this writer and also as systems and pertinence

aspects improve [or change], as Joseph Smith recorded, and New Christianity

is more about the Precepting, line upon line with such as Joseph Smith, yet

with JESUS Christ Added Precepting as much as Best for each situation.

So Anew Branch with an Office of Grace [as if not law, yet legal] is Offered

for Signing, for to Be A Branch recommending much like any person that

can recommend, while the putting into law and/or corporate and/or Church

affairs is ancillary to the people in proper such authority over such.

A nation for instance is with wealth, another nation for instance had been

in poverty: this does not mean relocate each to the other nation, rather as

in this Series faith types and faith amounts and rates of ascending apply,

and so in pertinence.

Note for instance [such as concerning Charity, dating, promotions,...] there

are two employees and one is chosen and perhaps not even the best of

the two for the job (such as perhaps availability need immediately so the

closest at hand or other valid precepts)(see such as Luke Chapter 18).

Before moving on, since this has been an economic system(s) civilization

largely, to be clear, such as for the sakes of corporate purchasers, the

general accounting office, the planners, and so forth, the aboved linked

JESUS Christ USA [And UN] Charity Way is exemplified in specific details

at that linked site and accordingly in this Pertinent Way is:

Charity 5B, Result 12B

Charity 7B, Result 7B

Charity 12B, Result 19B

Resultant Profit 7B.

But this "Resultant Profit" of "7B" does not include the more important Bigger

Bolder Value into the Eternal, of the tremendous number of people helped of

all the faith types of as many as were involved, that were Given the Charity


An investment in charity is an investment and so at risk the "investment" amount

(of a faith type and amount and rate). A Gift Of Charity In The Name JESUS

Christ is Righteousness full of Faith [or with much Christian Faith (such as at

a level of Faith)], Ascending right to left:

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Charity / Tithe as if an unpleasant task / Matthew 6.5.

If to give as charity as Matthew 6.5, then more for selfish gains than for charity, so as

a secular investment and as a false storefront for an immoral [perhaps illegal] activity.

If to Give Charity begrudgingly then as Some Christians have talked (Luke 10.41 and

if not returning to the Straight And Narrow might result in Luke 22.31 [painfully though

for another opportunity] or end as in Acts 12.23).

If to Give Charity Best Continually then as 7 years of Good Harvest Eternally

(Revelation 19.7).

Like unto the previous triad JESUS Christ Reveals the Holy Spirit and the

ancillary level spirits and some about the natures of such:

The Great Wedding or Best Ascending until such / Works under laws / false spirits

[but "false spirits" is hardly or not on the ascending path the same as the Higher

Faith (repentance is a level lower than Baptized Level, repentance is secular so

often anxious to go lower for temporary ease and selfish delights)]. Those that

started works to crucify JESUS Christ opted for such mixed false spirits to protect

their jobs and their deluded senses of higher dignity (One Holy Word was written

but they conspired otherwise as though the Temple would fall and the worse the

secular Romans would takeover [types of faiths, value amounts in each, and each

with their pertinent rates]).

For the Baptized Christian the Lord is the anchor. If some Give begrudgingly then

the Righteous Leader has been with many anchors though less as One Highest

Purpose (with "begrudgingly" purposes, very good but not entirely Best purposes

but this does not mean sin if within the Grace Margin [specific details were several

Sermon ago in this Series]), so it is harder to lift the Mass such as when the tide

comes in (Noah). So Wisely understand that for instance JESUS Christ USA has

been with all three of the above stated triad aspects and those types, amounts,

and rates (sluggish: "harder to lift").

If Best for "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Charity" then Behold the Benefits

such as Giving Joy, Eternal Good, Knowing All ("Good"), Best, and so on.

If not Best for "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Charity" then hardly ascending

and so hardly to be benefiting (similar to how to be paid if to not show up for

work [conditions apply such as latent income, also if Christian then Saved

though hardly Heaven On Earth and hardly Giving Miracles]).

Concerning an example of a mix of goodly and "unpleasant" (stated above),

the History Channel explained the nordic [ancient Northern Europe] "gods"

perished in the Flood [so they were not "gods" nor Christian].

The Spirit Of Christening in the sense of Giving a newborn appropriate

recognition in the Christian Church as a new Church Member is Good, but

as written in Moroni 8.9 and 2 Nephi 31.13 it is not with "full purpose of heart"

if to "baptize little children" [as Baptism is rather of repentance, and with

informed choice [hearing (Lexicon: feminine / Eve: perceiving)] to opt, and

for that person to opt (not for the parents to opt Baptism for that person)

yet with Proper Work(s) ("little children" hardly have "Work(s)") (note if to

consider Baptism about any that have died and to speak with any in the

spirit then consider these verses and about whether to put any "trust in

dead works" as in these verses.

This previous sentence is a key reason for writing the JESUS Christ USA

ACT With Addendum 1: many "little children" have been Baptized unawares,

unable to speak the language, not knowing what was going on, and later

the [secularized amounts of the Churches (so to Edify Best In JESUS Christ)]

were with turned "Christians" (see above "gods" and "for that person to opt"

so not controlled nor coerced by parents nor by another person nor any group).

To opt (a secular level repentance decision) to be Baptized (Word the Priest

Hears) continues to a Vessel Process Baptism Work, and as written at https://

"37 And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner

of baptism—All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be

baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness

before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing

to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve

him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the

Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism into

his church.".

As written in Ephesians 4.5: "one Lord, one faith, one baptism;".

Generations ago it was normal that for instance a person with a 4th grade

education might become a [CEO] top boss of a business, later a high school

diploma was key, and later a diploma was required and in the appropriate

field of study.

Father Abraham is Ascended into Heaven. Moses is Ascended into Heaven.

The Prophet Joseph Smith is Ascended into Heaven.

Abraham was not Baptized. Moses with the Law was not Baptized. Joseph

Smith was Baptized.

A person today that was Baptized with the Christian Sprinkling the head of

the infant with Holy Water is Saved if not turned astray from JESUS Christ.

There is an Ascending Order, what was appropriate for Abraham was not

appropriate for Joseph Smith. Baptism arrived and so Joseph Smith was


As the Anew Better arrives from JESUS Christ (as Your Leading Group realizes)

then to Do the Better than the previous in Grace toward and rather in Best Of


Yet Highest is JESUS Christ Is Key.

So there Will come the Better, though not better than JESUS Christ (even with

the Bride is One (at least One Leading), even with the prior to creation is One

(ibid.), even after Final End Time [as though a point] prior to Anew Begining is

One likewise.

The Holy Spirit goes where the Father JESUS Christ One Agree,

the other spirits often stray. The infant goes with the adult that carries

the infant. The "other spirits often" go where the various types of lower

level spirits go such as in clusters or legions, or such as individually;

so the legions tend more to form problems in people as in example

a person was hardly to be taught a simple thing such as Usher level

responsibilities if the person was with "Legion" as written at https:// since typically [Save A Leap] was to first

bind the "Legion" (Matthew 12.29) and then the linked Exorcism and

then Evangelize...each step higher toward teaching to be an Usher

level. Even so, look at the linked "luke/8-30" site where it explains JESUS

Christ could have opted to be with "more than twelve legions of angels"

(Matthew 26.53) but JESUS Christ did not so opt, because for the Highest

Sent Purpose Exemplar to show You how to Best Function in Converting

(Preparing) this world for the All One Bride Position (as many as would)

Second Coming.

This is Christian Congress And Christian Executive Branch Victory Benefit

Over those legions of spirits. Legions of spirits are not as high a level as

JESUS Christ, often (proof: the "twelve legions" were not with JESUS Christ

and so fled and failed courage to go through The Crucifixion Firmament

(for it was Given for JESUS Christ to go through).

JESUS Christ went a little lower than the Angels then also during the census

sense higher level than any previously, then continued Ascending out of the


To point to the Heart and then to the Head is Victorious Leadership in faiths

(often over legions), and is like unto Lovingly Kind Charity Being Given from

the Heart Above, so the opposite Path is Ascending [right to left]:

Point to the Head / Point to the Heart / Option to Ascend.

The Heart Guides (Over) the Head (under Save from the Heart: Greater Good).

So what value is the Gift Of The Spirit?: there are many values such as communications

(but hardly in naysayer lower levels of confusions as explained in the above text)

and in pertinence from the Heart Above Level to the Head is like unto Creator

Charity Wisdom such as [money, rather in pertinence] for the Christian Leadership

to Best Give of The Self to Best Guide [Best Administer, Best make it so,...].

It is Hoped You are seeing Your Powers (per level) Over the spirits.

This concerns JESUS Christ One Leadership for Highest Purpose

to Do The Will Of God (Graceful Charity), rather than about having

powers over spirits and things as in the former lower level House Of

Bondage sense.

So rather for Best Greater Good Bigger And Bolder Liberty.

This Best Ascending is pertinent for that.

A "Legion" harmed a person. Other destructive spirits of various faiths

[though as opted by those people of those faiths] resulted in [counted

as if their spirits (in the style that a citizen says "my government")]

such as the ground opening and they fell to death (as those people

wanted to be contemptuous against the Lord, Numbers 16.30, and

so with the results of their contemptuousness).

As stated in the funny though secular movie Bad Teacher State

Official actor Carl Halabi (Thomas Lennon) over the Illinois Standards

Achievement Tests said "Orientals test better".

Similar is how supercomputers can pass exams better than people often.

But the mind in various faiths forgets at times and computers malfunction

(Hebrews 10.1 and reference the great though secular movie Pi about

3.14...mainly in Old Testament levels).

Two people in a room: one says "Let's follow the money and shoot any

in our way" (reference interesting but brutal secular The Godfather video

game), the other says "Good is JESUS Christ Oneness with His Faith

Path": which would you follow (rather Lead With As One)?, many have

answered wrongly.

Working to read each line of code, is hardly about Precepting as JESUS Christ

has Given for Best Benefiting.

The Christian Prophet Joseph Smith was great at writing the precise Word Of

God (similarly reference a court recorder person though of a secular position),

but a person is not meant to merely be a robot machine of secularism. A new

car with computer is not the same as Best Ascending.

The following sentence is pertinent and for JESUS Christ Highest Peaceful

Friendly Neighborly Lovingly Kind Graceful Purpose, though to Best Edify since

as evidenced by not Signing government officials have not seen the point(s) it

is stated bluntly for their sakes.

JESUS Christ Father Spirit One is for government to make Heaven on Earth,

and not to merely go into a spirit level to be Comforted.

How "a spirit level" becomes a Comforter, is that a person ascends a little and

so a victory over a level but instead of ascending more the person (and groups

similarly) relatively stops growing in Faithful Christian Enlightenment similar to

a high school dropout or a person that doesn't show up for work but instead

prefers the comfort of their home and/or such as to play with children; or until

strayed too far as written in Acts 12.23 "Immediately,

because Herod did not give glory to God, an angel of

the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms

and died".

Secular government has effectuated the worship of the UNKNOWN GOD, but

the previous sentence has the word "Lord" and this same "Lord" is JESUS Christ

as the backslider does not want to do the Will Of God One, so the Compassionate

"Lord" at least in the above verse (for to warn others each and all) allowed the

agreeing that Herod (the killer of all the region's youngest children in his hope to

kill one year old JESUS Christ) wanted the Comfort Of The Glory instead of Rightly

Ascending Into Giving The Lord JESUS Christ (In Father Spirit One Source Of Life)

The Glory and so the opposite of life was given as Herod had sought [so as he had

requested]. Herod failed to repent even after he killed all those children.

There are multitudes of temptations to stray as written in Matthew 7.13

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the

way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it": many people,

spirits, and situations have offered false and temporary hopes including

riskiness as of secular predictions (see previous in this Sermon Series

on what JESUS Christ specified about some of the naysayer Herod type

faiths: ancient Greeks taught children to be warriors from birth and to [in

effect worship] risky secular formula predictions and similarly letter of the

law but hardly love of ancient ancient Jewish leaders that conspired

against the "Lord" JESUS Christ).

One pertinent temptation amidst the "multitudes of temptations to stray" is the

reliance on the saying "be content with what you have" (from Hebrews 13.5),

such as a person may "be content with" their family and things but Herod did

as much, being "content" to not do better. Rather of JESUS Christ Spirit

Hebrews Chapter 13 continues to explain in verse 21 ["to do His will",

for people and groups Ascending in the Will Of JESUS Christ Will He Will] "equip you

with every good thing to do His will. And may He accomplish

in us what is pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to

whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.".

If government leaders can understand the legalese of laws they have opted to

pass, they can certainly understand the above text.

Christian President Don Trump mentioned a change because of Easter, and

for 3 days the mainline leading stock groups ascended for a change. But no

Signing continued, Herod did no Signing. Government, thank you for the goodly

amounts, yet the JESUS Christ UN Signing is key. The JESUS Christ "Easter"

Holy Spirit was goodly (Blessed rather is the JESUS Christ Edifying With Doing,

and Blessed likewise is the Original Plan and before the fall).

Even so USA is providing many with funds Prayerfully (many Christians) but

not giving the public best available known and easy to understand faithful official

recognition that JESUS Christ is to be credited for this goodliness, but instead to

protect the economy and government [and as i have been told that it is not for the

tent cities that don't have bank accounts].

In JESUS Christ, even so, is Given that no more should USA put God to the test

per such delimited "goodliness" such as to see if [though "delimited"] charity might

result in a sign (Matthew 16.4) per se; and rather Do The Will Of God In JESUS

Christ And Sign: JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 at

Frankly for Best Edifying, USA stocks have already responded and USA system(s)

have already responded through the past days of 2020AD and prior! No need to

put God to the test nor tempt any to do wrong (


As long as Signed in the name JESUS Christ "they cannot"

famine, fail, fast, fall, nor flounder; per se: to the extent

of the Signing Parameters (not as High Level as Christian

Baptism [Save JESUS Christ UN concerning the Second

Coming and Final End Time)] (reference likewise the parameters in

This is the Anew JESUS Christ USA Exemplar Signing 2020AD, the Anew Covenant

Victory Over (And With, In Oneness) The Ark Of The Covenant delimited to the

Anew "Signing Parameters" As We The People Requested Of The Christian Spirit

Of America.

Note: the largely secular news reports about the world's second largest concentration

of Jews in the sense of the crucifiers conspiring (Matthew 26.59) relative to Christians

as of the facts (ibid.) and evidence (even though many or all are very friendly and with

great love [so worthy of being saved but not by force (JESUS Christ died once for all

so no longer shall the Kingdom Of Heaven be taken by force Luke 10.42)(Zechariah

4.6 is JESUS Christ Christianity Victory Over Matthew 11.12): reports have been that

New York City has been hit hard by the targeted coronavirus.

This JESUS Christ Edifying With Signing is the Prophetic Anew Spirit, but how

hardly for the Herod people: they opted the destructions (lower level interpretations

of the Book Of Revelation).

You have been taught about evolution and about adaptation and other ideas.

Here is something about the Original Plan, from the Precepting of the Word

Of JESUS Christ One and the Christian Bible; yet also from the Given so as

to Give Wisdom for governmental leadership planners strategically, and as an

intro consider how a simple atom nucleus of hydrogen can have a shell (electron

shell) and the more complex higher [level activity] atom may be as charity giving

of itself, breaking through the (Eucharist Bread) shell effecting the greater area

outside the shell (like Eucharist Wine).

Life is in all, the Creator is Life, JESUS Christ Gives The Good Life, but the

Herod types [gave] opted for themselves worms (life but lower level).

An atom is considered inorganic in the secular (of a faith type with a faith value

amount, and rates and situations apply).

So JESUS Christ Spirit is hardly as the "inorganic" state (toward lower level life,

toward lifeless so to speak) nor as the Herod type state. So JESUS Christ Spirit

is counted in the lower levels as inside the comfort of the shell of the House Of

Bondage or other (unknown though concerning instead JESUS Christ One Spirit

Of Best Faithfulness). For instance if a person gives charity to an unknown group

the person may not know what that group would do with the given, so a person

might opt to not give (contrary to True And Righteous Charity).

Eternal JESUS Christ Holy Spirit knows what a group would do.

A person is given dominion over a cow for instance, and even if having never

owned a cow nor worked on a farm the person knows what the cow woud do:

the cow would do things within certain parameters.

So an inorganic shell is typically as the logic of a light switch, on or off.

An organic shell vessel also has parameters. A cow can somewhat be trained

to come for food when called, so might be called if a [hungry] bear is seen.

A human eats inorganics such as salt (and dust...) and so hardly concerning

the higher levels of Spirit per se. The Drawing below is toward Edifying beyond

the inorganic "on or off" idea, and rather into the organic parameters higher

than the Baptism level.

At the top of the Drawing below are numbers 1 through 5, for each section.

Consider how God made oranges. If to cut an orange in half as shown above

(in #1) You can see sections of the orange, like unto symbolizing Mass Members

Of A Christian Church Group (like unto organs of a body vessel in the flesh, so

like unto pertinent spirits in each such as pointing various directions yet in higher

purpose functioning as one for the best for the whole orange.

So each section of the orange does not need to work individually to form the rind,

and rather they function (less work each yet toward automating) together for the

higher [protection and] purpose level.

#2 above is as to be with living cells like unto an orange rind (A, B, C, D, and E:

each a living cell though able to function together for Highest Purpose, such as

a net to capture food). Food is the Word Of JESUS Christ. The unseen JESUS

Christ Spirit can fill the gap (#3) as to form the Heart Soul [holding the main pool

of Blood and the same Heart is the pump (source of Blood)]: #4 JESUS Christ

Spirit Vessel is the Agreeing Result One then #5 the Anewly Birthed JESUS

Christ Heart.

These through Baptism enabled the higher than Baptism Ascending One Spirit

Anew [to this civilization] Spirit (in the name of JESUS Christ).

Note that more than ever the secular search engines' software and/or secular

government is censoring (so the secular under Luke 22.31) JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons (removal of this Sermon Series from much of the public

eye [even so from These Few Christian Leaders So Aware, and similarly from

the gift of the Holy Spirit (the Faith amounts apply), for JESUS Christ Victory

One In And Over the secular laws that cause children and adults to stray].

Even examples of secular stop gap (due to separation of Church and state)

are acknowledged in agreement in the secular as the debt increases and

even the deficit, but in the higher levels are such as the loss of USA Fourth

Of July symbolism and Given unto Anew Authority https://www.churchof see verse 10.

Far West of Jerusalem is the District of Columbia Washington (Washington,

D.C.)(secular and over this land [save such as: A. personal Baptisms, and

save such as B. the Church Of JESUS Christ, and save such as C. any a

higher level than secular level; but note the JESUS Christ USA level would

hardly immediately be higher level than these examples A, B, and/or C

though in JESUS Christ Prophesying toward eventually these would be


JESUS Christ was born with timing of the planets and stars, likewise the

Fourth Of July is symbolic.

JESUS Christ USA is Victory Over the in

pertinence secular plague such as at

Where is Righteous Prophesying?, Behold,

in the name JESUS Christ, such as of Exemplar

Church Of JESUS Christ (note this Sermon writer is not

likely listed as a Member of the Church Of JESUS Christ though has Worked with

it Agreeingly [this writer is listed as a Member of Christian Churches though has

relocated away from them / secular, though the last time was of the JESUS Christ


Understand that if of a spirit of needing proof, then of a spirit of lower levels and


If of a Spirit Of Christian Faith, then the Higher Victory Level applies such as

possibly Over the Book Of Revelation as much as to Agree With JESUS Christ.

Concerning #5 above and the JESUS Christ Best Precepting Lineage as with

"Luke 10.41" and "Luke 10.42" Victory (victories in secular levels) as stated

above, Leader Mary washed the feet of JESUS Christ, and it can be done to

the feet of people, yet JESUS Christ Would That This writer (indicating a Faith

amount of humble aspect [without a capital letter for "writer"])  prior to concluding

this Sermon Write Of This Same Leader Mary.

In other words this is far more important than the Signing so far (March 31,

2020AD) in the sense of whether already Signed, and far more important than

the other conspirators against the Signing.

Shown above #3 is as if to be able to capture JESUS Christ (With Spirit) and

put Him in a prison cell: wrong.

I have been able to Do it but that is not the point. Mary captured His Feet with

with Her Holy Hands And Tears And Hair And Soul ("the point" [and likewise

applies in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, for instance if JESUS Christ wants

to shake hands or be captured], but see above text).

JESUS Christ Lead via Following Mary's Example, that is,

Via Leading With Mary In One Highest Purpose.

This Is One Aspect Of Victory Over Eve Falling (yet for Eve

/ For All Women but not for sin) hence for Women's Rights.

Now if there are types of faiths, amounts per type, and rates of spirits and ancillary

things, then conditions apply; this sentence is not about Leadership, but about

failed aspects if any (evidenced after Eve, symbolically: a female might have said

something other than for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose), so this sentence is for

JESUS Christ Awareness similar to how the Old Testament has many war

examples but also many Overriding Faith examples, including Faith amount


At the UN the women wanted their rights, such as equal pay for equal work

and not according to whether they had not male parts (note some of these

Sermons have been censored because of talking about specific "parts"

even though Righteously telling the Truth, so this is for the JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose more than addressing multitudes of questions heard from

lower levels not necessarily women)(examples of levels: as a newborn

i was a level, but then grew and another level, now with a level).

Mary was hardly a foot addict, though some can be seen on the Internet.

You can see the Old Testament or the Internet, and it does not mean

"foot" addiction.

If to seek to do war or be physical with a person (example Leviticus 18

.22), it is not the same as the symbolism of the Old Testament nor the


To watch people on the Internet is not the same as to seek (lust) to so

be with them so doing. To be entertained by the Old Testament and/or

TV is not the same as doing those things (many did crazy stuff and

addictions also wear out people not merely on their exteriors but also

interiors, such as opted to become into confused

mindsets and so to not ascend).

I was for instance at a bar (for both the typical reason of drinking alcohol

and yet often for Christian Evangelism) aware two men were together

and talking with them some days, and one of them evidently wanted

to cry (to Ascend In JESUS Christ: to be with an answer to his situation).

Many clearly know and remember that they strayed and became lost,

though others hardly know.

Watching Marriage (and stuff [see above "censored"]) on a monitor or

hearing such at a place where another person controls the radio, does

not make a person sinful (if not to "lust")(yet also continue to Pray JESUS

Christ In The Heart, 1 Thessalonians 5.17, and if with spouse Pray Them

inclusively in the Praying [while seeing "stuff"]). If You can so Pray then

needs be according to the Grace agreement: example a Man does not

like to look at a man the same way he looks at a woman, and opposite

for the Spouse so they might opt to Agree They can look but not touch,

look but not lust to be with another.

If a neighbor is interesting per se, that is often too tempting (example

2 Samuel 11.2-11), so do not lust about a neighbor that way if You and/or

the neighbor is Married, and if neigher is Married then it does not mean

lust, as lust needs be lower level and ancillary to properly Agreeing.

To recognize a neighbor is not the same as lust.

If to teach Your Child, then without "per se", except as to hug and kiss

and as to sit on a lap or wrestle playfully though without groping clothes (peak

range amount of maximum contact [JESUS Christ Said Gird thy loins / Heavenly

Father though counted as though 2 Kings 1-3 and related precepts)(dating

parameters apply but infidelity and disloyalty do not apply), also except as

medically such as to change a diaper and such as to see about a physical


If to break a law, all laws are broken.

Yet of JESUS Christ Grace (not a law breaker, not disloyal) there is a

range of lattitude (Praying, Faith amounts, and such apply).

Of course be aware that "stuff" applies to viruses.

Christian President Don Trump Saluting the USNS Comfort for "slowing

the spread of Coronavirus" (He emailed today April 1, 2020AD).

I just found out, April 2, 2020AD, that on a personal note You Christian President

Don Trump worked with my Christian sister Karen Villila in Pittsburgh, PA, and

were so impressed with Her work that You hired Her to clean Your Trump Jet

(generally, including toilets) And Offices and She was so thankful with Your

Kindness and later hiring and Personally Helping Her with a much better job

than her previous job, yet there were the stories likewise from Her friends and

coworkers of how You Helped those in need such as stuck on the side of the road

(Golden Rule so a Big Bold Thank You),

though She was so miserable when she had to quit to care for Her

Closer Family Unit there due to an isolated calamity.

I Praise JESUS Christ For You, Her, and for not knowing until after

having written so many Sermons for Signing JESUS Christ USA

ACT With Addendum 1 lest bias [in Your favor might apply per se].

Also concerning the above pic of Christian President Don Trump,

And Congress Likewise, (since government has been often for

goodly works [note for the public: allow me to Edify so to say at

least storefront amounts of faithful, loyal goodliness]), yet with being

Humble is a JESUS Christ Given Gift key, so if to conquer coronavirus,

can a person be more "Humble" than coronavirus has been?: In

JESUS Christ Is Yes!

How Will You Help disloyal coronavirus Best Convert?: Signing (Proverbs 19-

21): even Bigger And Bolder than the above stated cleanings of "toilets" and

sanitation in general: Signing is a

Victory Step Over coronavirus, and Over Yet With Old Testament brainstorming

as of (this linked site speaks of the

"ceremonially clean" [and The Heart(s) waiting to Pump ["seven days" (a

pertinent, Jude 1.5, amount of Maintenance time)]).

To Wash in the in the Blood Of JESUS Christ is therefore first in the name

of JESUS Christ, Baptism. Similar though conditionally Higher Level or

lower level is to Anoint things, such as to Anoint a Worthy Member to be

lifted to Usher Level, or in the "lower level" sense as to Anoint an apron

such as with Thanking JESUS Christ Father Spirit One for clothing and

then Anointing with oil or water or laying on of hands or breathing on

such and then the Anointed such as "an apron" might be with Healing

Ceremony in the name of JESUS Christ One. Christening an infant or

child or person that has not yet opted Baptism, is an Anointing example

with water.

This Washing in the in the Blood Of JESUS Christ is greater than the lower

level Old Testament Laver For The Priests at

jc1/1PropheticDirections.html Drawing Item #3 including Victory Over Exodus

30.18 as written from the Beginning through Baptism and JESUS Christ

Healing and Preaching at


Do not forbid the Mass from assembling in Christian Churches, and even under

secular laws it is written in Amendment 1 "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment

of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of

grievances.": Bigger And Bolder as Christian President Don Trump Prefers in Pertinence:

"no law respecting an establishment of religion...or the right of

the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the

Government for a redress of grievances".

People in government, according to your own secular law, if you are Christian as you

claimed, then You Signed Already And Passed: JESUS Christ USA ACT With

Addendum 1.

A person opts for JESUS Christ or for themself. Note opting for JESUS Christ includes

the Best for each and every self.

Better than this "ACT" does exist, yet it is in the name JESUS Christ.

The UN for instance is not over USA, since USA can opt out of the UN: the "opt", the

Option Gift From The Planter Of The Tree Of Knowledge Is Greater Than The UN.

The current secular government recommends (toward Grace and less about

enforcement (thank you)] sanitation: great typically, but not entirely: there is a

Wise reason JESUS Christ would that people Wash In The Blood Of JESUS Christ.

For example if a person showers in water daily or more frequently, that person can

lose valuable oils and cause dry itching skin. There must be a better solution:

JESUS Christ. But in the secular Edifying, JESUS Christ is not your puppet.

A secular key considered most pertinent in the secular like unto the storefront

icon has been the landing on the Moon: it truly is a great thing the secular

government accomplished: unfortunately for all (such as see above Amendment

1) many secular UNKNOWN GOD advocates promoting themselves have used

the Moon landing to laugh in the faces of Christians (even though a Christian

was the first to step onto the Moon).

But the "icon" was symbolized in the great though largely secular [with redeeming

social value] revealing movie about secular greatness [warning to Christians if to

opt to be employed under secular works or if to incorporate a Christian Church]

also with horrendous prediction failures (triple failure in one case): Apollo 13.

The Apollo 13 is as to see clumsy secularism at it's best so to speak in the secular

but actually UNKNOWN GOD(S) worship is disloyal wars toward nothingness.

In the revealing movie Apollo 13 Ed Harris as [Ground Control] Flight Director

said "Let's work the problem, people. Let's not make things worse by guessing".

Prediction is "guessing".

To predict is to "say or estimate"...[as] "a consequence of something" (GOOG)

(see above "UNKNOWN GOD(S)").

At least the crucifiers had a measure of methodology toward solving over "the


Rather of JESUS Christ USA Grace a flight director might opt:

1. Name of JESUS Christ USA,

2. Pray in the name of JESUS Christ (or at least JESUS Christ USA [Loyalty]),

3. Work and Work in the Highest Purpose accordingly,

4. So to look at the source of "the problem",

5. So solved (Matthew 6.33), so likewise Agree so Best Convert.

JESUS Christ Oneness is for the Faith Spirit Flow and with the Heart Pulse

as to Wash away "the problem"s though rather than merely cast out (such

as to cut off an infected foot) is rather to [cleanse in the Holy Blood and so to]

Best Convert Permanently: Eternal Good Joy.

Automate Eternal Good Joy as Best as able.

This Sermon is the JESUS Christ Anew Spirit Sermon. Signing

is the Breaking Of The Bread. Shedding Blood for many is the

Charity, yet Behold, first the Christian Baptism and then the Eucharist

with forbidding lest Christian Baptized, though the anointing with things

such as aprons, or spit on soil applied to eyes, or anointing with oil

(again 2 Kings 1-3) is with not such "forbidding" and so it is in this sense

not up to You Christian Leader but rather according to their Faith amount

(faith type, amount, rate, and other may apply such as situation such as

exhaustion or such as confusions due to a drug [perhaps a legal drug]).

Frankly in recent decades i had 3 near death experiences, most recently

from unsound practices by a secular employer related brain injury (so if i

can write these Sermons for JESUS Christ consider how much Better You

might write [Sign]), and the other 2 were perpetrated by the secular medical

profession, 1 when i [sold] donated blood, and the other 1 when a chiropractor

jerked and twisted my head atypically and in both secular medical cases they

caused me to lose consciousness and both blamed me (1 called the police

and the police did not charge me: no jail no fine [and did not warn the medical


So 2 points are key in the previous sentence, with "Sign" You can Preach

Better than i, reasonably, and many people do not want to cooperate with

the secular including the medical profession.

The Spirit Of America needs become Better, Higher Level.

The Spirit of civilization needs become Higher Level.

As written of JESUS Christ in Matthew 9.17 "Neither do men pour new wine

into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will spill, and the

wineskins will be ruined. Instead, they pour new wine into new wineskins,

and both are preserved".

So there must be a Signing [vessel in Recognition of Higher] in order for

civilization to Ascend In Spirit more perfectly.

In the great about lobbying movie The American President White House Chief

Of Staff AJ MacInerney (Martin Sheen) said to the President, Andrew Shepherd

(Michael Douglas), "We fight the fights we can win"; but that is not what JESUS

Christ The KNOWN GOD Said, save a lower level Maintenance amount of

responsibility toward properly automating and minimizing,

while rather the Higher Level more important Value

is to Say And Do Best In JESUS Christ Faithfully: Loyalty.

You government leaders are not in office to pick and choose

what feels fun, instead do your job.

Example: if you campaign with the promise to kill the terrorists then do it, not

because you have the advantage over some of them, kill all terroritsts as you

promised (this is Victory Over Revelation 3.16 but not as high a Victory as the

Baptism Firmament level, and since secular it is subject to turning against the

perp(s)); and instead Recognize JESUS Christ Is Highest

and said do not kill (meaning do not kill people)(if to kill

lower than human Firmament then conditionally such as

about what foods are good for food in the Old Testament

or at least as Given [or sold]

8.htm) Save JESUS Christ suffered and died Once For

Highest Purpose One and so Once For All.

Do not kill people lest to be under the value of Matthew 27.5: repent and be

Baptized and Best Ascend In The Name Of One JESUS Christ.

So if to Recognize JESUS Christ Is Highest, similar to Agreeing to speak

English and Accept and follow the American Way of electing Christians (and

if to improve Over the former campaign promises so as to be politically

convincing rather than to be a mass killer and a genocidist [collateral damage])

then let the constituency know and the greater public and so broadcast the

better on TV about Agreeing With Signing (the address here is JESUS Christ

ICCDBB, 10037 Orchard Grass Court, Charlotte, NC 28278-7852 [please no

phone calls nor texts as i don't answer the far too many calls, and no personal

visits as this community has nonsolicitation criteria][charity is not requested

especially since if to make too much then the tax return needs be filed distracting

from this writing but if to feel the need to so donate then payable to "cash"]) and

if to mail in favor or other here then perhaps to write if it fits the current Sermon

being written as JESUS Christ Spirit Father Straight Grace Path Best Leads One,

so by writing here is agreeing to consent to publish unless stated at the start of

the info, no lengthy info please (write if interested in visiting and bring reply),

no emails unless otherwise agreed please (similar to ibid.).

If to merely "fight the fights we can win", it is the mark of a coward: the

beast. Christian Leadership is as Joseph prior to the Exodus in verse 10

and verse 26 at

47.1?lang=eng&clang=eng#p1 but the Signing is not ordering over people

nor telling them what to do as verse 26 did, rather the Signing is Recognition

of the Higher Good Unseen, even Pharoah over the House Of Bondage

knew about what "the priests" Recognized above, of a faith type and amount,

and knew similarly somewhat about what it meant when "Jacob blessed

Pharaoh": the God of Abraham being officially introduced into Egypt at that

time, and today likewise is with Signing.

It is not about in secular cliche as if "beating up" (beat is not up but down)

other nations nor their faith types, but Recognizing, such as that the Above

restore their goodly faith amounts they interpreted yet with therefore improving:

more perfect:

as JESUS Christ said "I am the way and the truth and

the life. No one comes to the Father except

through Me.", and this includes all spirits including the former

spirit of America so rather: JESUS Christ USA.

This is not merely about Converting others to Christianity: look at the previous

sentence about the former spirit of America. This Signing is for Highest Purpose

hence for each and all to Be Best Benefiting!

If to be with the Signed In Law, then the New Branch would be of Grace very

much (not necessarily pomp) while typically in a sense Congress and the

President would consider what of the "Grace" (even: if any) to put into practice

(and law if any added...): so a "Grace" aspect of Faith, with a Maintenance

aspect in JESUS Christ USA [UN] [if with secular] government (and government

is at liberty accordingly such as whether to opt to also put groups in the name

of JESUS Christ such as to show support and evidence loyalty though not

required by the Signing]).

Here is a note about a wrong idea that has been found in the secular, that

some have thought to themselves out loud that if I die or if I ascend and

go to a higher position there is no other person to take my place and in

secular cliche "Who will run the store when I'm gone?": rather be Faithful

in JESUS Christ and Say and Do as He Exemplified (example Luke 12.20,

yet JESUS Christ Victory is in the name JESUS Christ With Charity

"Addendum 1").

JESUS Christ Father Spirit applies, though also the Gift of Choice,

the spirit of knowledge to opt so faith types and amounts apply.

This email message was received "The king ordered the gates

of Jerusalem closed and all citizens to stay in their homes"...,

"but God spoke through Isaiah, assuring them that God would

be their Protector and Defender" (The Christian Broadcasting

Network, Inc.).

So because there are faith types and amounts and rates and current

situations, there is a secular such as for census and so pertinent,

though the secular needs to resolve better so to Recognize With

Signing: JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1.

Be Aware: the plagues as outlined such as in the Book

Of Revelation Will Prophesyingly continue to

repeat through generations and through civilizations

until the above stated Signing. But note: this is hardly

about the Purpose to be Prophesying: this previous sentence

is Over Maintenance of New Christianity interpretation, rather

of Grace Be Faithfully Prophesying in and about Christian

Faith And The JESUS Christ Best Ascending Path more than

about Maintenance.

Therefore understand Anew this precept to Work Faith (such as Sermon

Preparation [see previous about "TV"]) daily until sore or worn somewhat

yet with some reserve energy for the Maintenance Responsibility, typically

speaking (i work 2 or 3 hours at the start of each day on these Sermons

for JESUS Christ even if i feel some days able to continue such Faith,

but if i work longer on these Sermons then i suffer later (hardly as former

secular sufferings for selfish gains) when i'm supposed to be doing chores

[Maintenance], and recuperating including making notes in Faith an amount

and when the Holy Spirit Moves me such as often while watching TV

[Distinguishing In JESUS Christ] but without the notes it is as to goof off).

So the previous sentence is for Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ yet without

being mixed nor confusing goodly with other, this is also for the sakes of each

and all (many naysayer spirits according to their fruits [typically or always]

have demanded to know or have requested to know: so normally not knowing

is a fruit amount or lack of faith measured at a lower level [this does not mean

don't ask but does mean don't pester as if exemplar but fueling mass hysteria:

see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on mobs, on gangs, and on

the inqusition]).

JESUS Christ Wisdom includes that for instance so called identical twins may

agree in a car at an intersection for one to watch to the right while the watches

to the left: so together they accomplish the greater value than a single driver

in a car, even though the driver is the lead and responsible; so the previous

sentence about the "lower" [level] is hardly about a spirit such as "twins" and

so equal, but "lower" refers to the mission of each of the twins. This mission

has been referred to as talents [hardly about Old Testament silver weights]

as types of faiths: to look right or left as much as appropriate. So the one

spirit looking to the left for instance might rub fog off the left window to best

see (from a faith a [miracle] result [from JESUS Christ though to the person

as much as known of a level]).

It is relatively easy to see the secular boss telling you what to do, even how

to move your own hands, such as for safety. In corporations there is a chain

of command, like unto the prisons and the House Of Bondage, though if the

new employee knows what the boss wants, and what the boss' boss wants

and what the customer wants and what government wants and what all want,

the the new employee is with advantage to best help others if opted. But

if to focus on the task at hand (often necessary: Maintenance Responsibility)

(see above text on safety) then hardly to "best help others". So JESUS Christ

saw that there needed to be the higher unseen Faith amount and exceedingly

greater than the working with hands amount.

Signing is the working with hands, yet for this "best help", this " higher unseen

Faith". People can look left or right when appropriate without straying as to

Best go through the intersection of the Cross roads.

The lower faith level amount of a person spirit looking left is not sin when

Best (if to cause the driver to crash from hatred or as a joke is not Best).

To look left is a spirit talent, it is lower level if the Best higher need is to

be looking right, and the opposite is true. The Christian Leader is responsible

to be aware in all directions yet to Best Ascend In JESUS Christ Faithfully

(this does not mean place trust in others)(this concerns JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose and if there is input from others then conditionally pertinent).

The Hindu cow worship in the china shop is not pertinent.

The Tao worship of war is not pertinent.

Some JESUS Christ Sermon ideas come from secular sources (including

hearing various levels of spirits of people at times), so to Be Edifying for

their sakes; yet mainly from the JESUS Christ Spirit Father Highest Purpose

Heart Soul One.

People in secular TV shows for instance walk into dismal buildings in

searches for spirits, to feel and communicate and with equipment, but

it does not mean the people are Christian, therefore to endanger their

own souls. If the non-Christian can hear spirits, then like unto the spirit

of America prior to Signing: Signing does not necessarily solve all instantly,

though is a step in the Righteous Direction In The Name Of JESUS Christ.

In pertinence to Edify In JESUS Christ now, when i was an atheist i was a

USA government sponsored secular [Tao type faith] judoist and in a state

match had the opponent lying under me at mercy by the head and had the

option to break his neck or as resulted [of sum of other judoist in contests]

a three way tie for first place (i received the third place trophy: it is goodly).

I became a sensi and the military became interested and another secular school

immediately sent their pertinent people with monies for training them.

I was an atheist Sensi and was repeatedly offered and found the Better Way In

JESUS Christ. The Better Way is not secular, is not atheist, and is not "Sensi".

At a slow rate Ascending it is increasingly clear, though hardly at first.

USA by not Signing is still fighting the Okinawan war.

JESUS Christ said to not kill people, and the secular laws of the UN are

for faithful peace not war, and often said in cliche "War is hell".

Taoism worships "a god of war named Busaganashi", similar is "Confucius"

and Confucinism, and "Okinawan" Bubishi includes a "god of war" "worshipped

by all attendees before the martial arts training" (


By not leading in the name of JESUS Christ: the others lead by default.

"JESUS Christ is not evil and never was evil

and never will be evil".

"Legalism" is a "A school of political thought that emerged

during the Qin and Han dynasties. It rejected Confucinism

and favored athoritarian state. (believed that all people are

evil and require dicipline)" (


Secularism is not in the name of JESUS Christ, Taoism is not

in the name of JESUS Christ, Confucinism is not in the name of JESUS Christ,

but Secularism, Taoism, Confucinism, and

other faiths lead USA and the UN as a ring

through the nose of a bull.

The secular is as in the funny movie Big, [old or young type time traveler] Josh

(Tom Hanks) said "marketing and strategy and stuff like that!" Such have been

the ways of the secular to try marketing and ad campaign types and this or that

product design, and then to call such as though "strategy". But merely trying

"stuff" and gathering opinions [while of conditional value amounts] is not true


Strategy requires the Best Idea, otherwise it is merely in the lower levels of

tactics after-the-facts. To try this or that, such as applied to secular legalism

and case laws has been to commit trial and error, to commit risk, even to

commit crime in the minds of so many (some say works have been innocent

or guilty according to laws but as they dig up corpses to find facts it's too late

and they tresspass in so doing [verse 22 at https://www.churchofjesuschrist

.org/study/scriptures/nt/matt/8?lang=eng&clang=eng] to find hardly truth but

more indicators).

Many teens have thought it difficult to understand adults [and true an amount]

though thought in symbolic cliche "If I make it to the top I'm going to change

the world for the better", perhaps You remember having envisioned such.

The solution is not to shoot the parents nor bosses nor government nor

the Holy Creator. So the military "solution" is not true. It is not Righteous

to send the military to shoot Your Parents, it is not Right to sue Your

Parents (though it is Right to Whistleblow if Truly necessary [a new

though legalese link in the chain of command for the oppressed]).

Yesterday on TV a secular group [symbolizing USA] in a helicopter

tried to find people in the forest and some became hopeless, and even

when a flare was shot into the air the people were no longer looking

save one, and so the googly people with the greater anew explaining

values were found (MacGyver).

Even if You Preach, lobby, and do works for JESUS Christ it can be

hard for the target audience and other to see, though as with the

previous sentence it is how the better way was found [lest to waste

helicopter fuel and money for instances though] for those that can

hardly help themselves.

JESUS Christ Lifts from Above.

JESUS Christ Offers Anew Better Spirit.

April 6, 2020AD.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.

Coming soon:

planned in the weeks ahead (allowing "a little" for their sakes):

JESUS Christ Time Travel Tech

in a Sermon for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

Tags: JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Christian Congress often repeating need JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Sign unprecedented higher level benefits Anew Christening Precept On Precept Pillar Of Faith Prophet Joseph Smith accurate recording  Christian Broadcasting Network VGC ACTs Easter Spirit fill gap twelve legions Fortune 500 corporate leaders Trump Jet Golden Rule Pertinence nanoreactors reversible cyclic conversion discovery structure from solid to hollow and back to solid electrical trillion volts x amps Mass Converting channeling Spirit ocean current Heart mental telepathy movies Firefox supercomputer brain trust O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU The Wolf of Wall Street  2001: A Space Odyssey Apollo 13 Ed Harris Ground Control Flight Director Jim Meskimen White Team Telemetry Electrical EVA Mobility Unit Officer Todd Louiso Ken Mattingly Gary Sinise what we have to Bad Teacher State Official Carl Halabi Thomas Lennon Illinois Standards Achievement Tests Orientals Pi The American President White House Chief Of Staff AJ MacInerney Martin Sheen President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Big time traveler Josh Tom Hanks The Godfather video gaming peaceably assemble banned genocidist collateral damage Bigger Bolder from Abraham City Of Light is Signing rather than Ancient Pyramids Archimedes levers Roman hydraulics  Dr. Suzanne Acord Peace Corps Micronesia self healing materials pandemic velcro balls coronavirus ISO Compendium trends short circuits copper crystal growth, occult US Korea Conference UKC Confucianism Taoism Buddhism martial arts bankruptcy explosion over USA Okinawan repeats homelessness sublevel economic systems instead of Christianity, baby killer Herod did not give glory to JESUS Christ the cost to taxpayers and credibility due to legalese legalisms discard 7 years of good harvest and Legalism is guilty until proven innocent reference arrests


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