JESUS Christ Highest Spirit, and other levels.

This Sermon is part of the: JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders.

 As JESUS Christ taught, there are vessels, creatures, such as how Christians are as sheep

but hardly about the lower levels toward criticism, rather for the

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose: to clearly present how Christians have been Chosen

as though to follow (and true, though not the Whole Story). A follower is hardly

the same as a Christian Leader though if to try to glorify the self more than

appropriate in JESUS Christ Physics then as to try to fill a glass with water too

much that it could easily spill, hence toward waste and greater risks to

self and others.

You have likely seen images of ancient Egyptian humanoids ranging from

very small to very tall, and such can be measured in height. Likewise

Heavenly levels and Faith amounts can be measured, though JESUS Christ

explained to not measures the Heavenly Spirits, Save as stated above, if

for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

If to try to help a person out of a ditch, it might be appropriate

or not, since the person might be in the ditch doing a job not

evident, and perhaps a dangerous matter.

Similar is if to interfere with higher Spirit Levels. The tower of

Babel was built, and was without the higher level consideration.

It may have been similar to the wind power concerns, such as

interfering with radar, planes, and birds; though Faithfully (and

with JESUS Christ Precepting) it is a far more serious concern. Also,

in the lower levels if a vessel breaks one law then the vessel has

broken all the laws.

Note concerning "the lower levels", if Truly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

then breaking the laws does not apply.

So there is a Care to Help, yet "if Truly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose"

must apply if to properly and Best "Care" and Truly Best "Help".

So "if Truly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose" then able to Best Help in

low levels and same levels typically, and often higher though conditions

may apply.

It is easy to see a person in a ditch situation though Pray JESUS Christ

first, that if it fails (if the attempt to help fails) then not Eternal loss,

such as with reference to the Good Samaritan that was not [in secular

cliche in it for the money] and reference for instance how it is illegal to

touch some people especially in some [unseen (e.g. rules of conduct)]


so in Faith the Good Samaritan was later rewarded. A key point in

JESUS Christ Precepting is this for to properly Distinguish: if it had been

illegal to touch that person that was found in the ditch then according to

the term book smart and according to letter of the law then to ignore that

lowly vessel;

but instead Distinguish from the Heart And Highest Purpose in the name

of JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ Taught And Did.

Systems are functioning now to help people, though the secular

systems have not been without flaws and those same flaws are

for the Christian to be the Good Samaritan and so the Christian

Ascends though this proper Ascending is not the reason.

The Highest Purpose is the reason but not if to ascend by such as

JESUS Christ explained about trying to climb into Heaven some

other ways as through the window,

but even if to cut through the roof for JESUS Christ is Good.

The ascending can fail, the highest purpose can fail;

JESUS Christ Does Not Fail.

First be in the name and will of JESUS Christ saying and doing Good,

and then these other things for good (if opted in a vessel) can be

added onto the vessel, hardly as extra baggage (see above about

too much water in a vessel),

rather as the life, and better living.

If to be called a sheep by JESUS Christ then Good because

JESUS Christ said it. But JESUS Christ said many others

would come in His Name but are not Him.

In the great though secular movie Space Cowboys

there was the explanation that the new smartest experts

on a particular mission didn't know how to rebuild the

former system.

If a mortal person dies, that expertise goes with them.

Each person a killer kills, means that killer lost (previous sentence).

Look at the Heavenly Levels, and there are some that tried to

ascend more, but broke the law. So it's been like trying to pull

the nail hole out of the hand of JESUS Christ:

only JESUS Christ can help with that.

If to call a person an animal in order to kill that person

then not ascending.

Much expertise about JESUS Christ has not yet been

[accomplished nor] recorded, so record it. Even so if

to have the records then how hardly a spirit of a vessel

might read ever book and inscription ever written.

Pyramids around the world are full of great things recorded

as permanently as able, and be careful how ye read this:

they all point to JESUS Christ though most need to be

properly Best Converted through JESUS Christ first.

Pagan things, war crimes, and more need be Converted,

even so JESUS Christ explained be responsible concerning

the lower levels though be about the Highest Level:

therefore be about JESUS Christ. And so be as JESUS

Christ explained: be as JESUS Christ.

So rather than follow, and rather than make pagan things

and rather than be for less than JESUS Christ Highest Faith

Faith Path Ascending, be for the Christ, JESUS.

The JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addeneum 1

( is toward the properly Giving

of Helps from JESUS Christ above, therefore, and being careful

how this is interpreted, the revealing of secrets. Such might offend

many, though such is better than worse harm coming to them,

also let such Giving start in JESUS Christ with their Best interpreting

and then therefore that they be least offended if at all.

JESUS Christ Charity Given unto them can greatly Help pave

the Way for their sakes and [rather] for the JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose.

For instance there are ancient smart technologies, even though

the vessels that made them went as to sleep (away from the

census count). So the automatic systems, such as region defense

systems automatically [some with weathering flaws] react, then

strategize (reference comic books?, no, reference various others

asking around?, not necessarily)(reference the Living JESUS Christ

Spirit including as JESUS Christ Taught And Did).

Do any know any alive today that innovated those Space

Cowboys types of systems that might be millions of years old?,


But know this, if to recognize the face of JESUS Christ then

it is normal to be tempted to love the vessel, and even though

Pure, consider rather the Highest Spirit of JESUS Christ.

If to love a face, then to be tempted to change the face that

was Given for Highest Purpose.

Now be careful Distinguishing this JESUS Christ key that if to

paint a plane to have a face symbolic of JESUS Christ or other,

then hardly to fool people: do not tempt people though to invite

others higher up the JESUS Christ Physics levels is goodly.

To interrupt a recording studio to so "invite" is wrong unless within

pertinent parameters it needs be for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

and subset if it is the only Way they would opt to listen (including

for their sakes, similar to when proper alert them to fire or other

important matters).

Distinguishing and properly interpreting are important to JESUS Christ.

Otherwise JESUS Christ would not have spent so much time dwelling

on such for all to Best Benefit.

JESUS Christ Gives far more than things noticed.

You have likely seen illustrations of ancient Egyptian things.

Note Google searches are showing more light bulbs.

JESUS Christ said "I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Light of the world.

Whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall find

the light of life” (from APE).

So there is a thread of JESUS Christ Physics like unto how the

Spirit of JESUS Christ Faith agrees with the Pure Holy Vessel

of JESUS Christ: the Original Creator Physics Plan Faithfully

leads the JESUS Christ Miracles.

So the ancient Egyptian light bulbs reveal the greater truth

of the Faith that came from the Creator JESUS Christ One.

If with Highest Level Spirit then One with JESUS Christ.

If with lowest level human spirit then without, except

repentance option, and the Prophet Jonas (Matthew 12.39)

toward Christian Baptism Hope (Matthew 12.41).

Though being careful how You read, if the lowest level

Christian then JESUS Christ Gives Perfecting Power

(2 Corinthians 12.9) Victory over weakness; but as this is

enabling a great leap astoundingly highest (higher than

previous for a Christian agreeing in such Faith amount),

it applies not the same in other Christians if not so great

Faith (e.g. mid level Faith amount) nor for perhaps a new

Christian in the habit of looking for things (Miracles and

Signs, from Faith above in higher levels).

So be Wise to understand from the JESUS Christ Faithful

Eternal Heart this Wisdom Of The Ages key concerning

Spirit Physics levels ancillary to the amounts of faiths.

And with the above key is another key JESUS Christ

Gives for all to Best Benefit, not only to be Faithful

in the name JESUS Christ With The Highest Purpose

Father Spirit One unseen, yet consider proper Wise

Guiding over the lower levels (including as You move

vertically [Faith Path] any other seems to move

relatively [yet they move too]). In other words if ocean

waves pound a person's face into the sandy ocean floor

repeatedly the person may tend to think more about the

things, the collisions, at moments than of the JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose Faithfully in moments. Note this is hardly

about the "act of God" secular cliche toward sin, since

JESUS Christ is already come (conditions can apply)(see

previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on ibid., and on other

faiths about destructions). Apostles exemplified JESUS Christ

Victory over such lower level spirits that made sinful attacks

in Acts 5.41 Leaping In Joy Praising JESUS Christ, and so

note this Pure Body key as These Vessels agree to also be

Leaping in Highest Purpose Faith Guided Spirit!

But the attackers [including as much vessels applied] faith

amounts of spirits (collective level) and each their spirit

level of [as if guiding (misguidance)] spirit is left with no

way to resolve (punishment only goes so far, punishment

meets the otherwise Insurmountable wall of True Faith so

the wayward opted strayed spirits have cast themselves

out and fallen (don't let it become a habit Mark 3.29 [in

other words the wrong paths go into various types of

confusions so hardly to come to know how to repent]).

So this Holy Word is a Blessing for each and all Christian

Churches, and civic groups, and businesses, and sinners

alike: for to Best Benefit each and all with this Anewly

stated JESUS Christ Wisdom for to repent and become

Christian and Be Saved and greater with Best Ascending

Awareness, and with such Ascending comes the even

greater Awareness. The Ascending Apostles were not

held back by chains, the chains fell away; they were not

held back by threats nor beatings: the only held back

were the attackers.

Now JESUS Christ Gives this key, that if an attacker per

se, then opted for self to suffer needlessly, whether if

opted to attack a Saint(s) and/or a sinner(s).

So now You might understand better the JESUS Christ Victory

over this verse at NAS:

   "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD

   has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has

   sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to

   captives And freedom to prisoners;" though much of this
verse is Miracle related, so also rather be Prophetically In Best

JESUS Christ Faith with NAS:

JESUS Christ Offers This Grace, there is a faith of things

after-the-fact and that faith about things is about repeated

falls and collisions (see above "waves"), and there is rather

a True Higher Reaching Christian Faith Path For JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose and with the greater unseen for to Give the

greater Benefiting likewise. But these Gifts are not for to

improperly stray, so for instance if the secular does not

repent though received such benefits otherwise and buys

their mansions and automates works so they no longer

have to break their own backs, without benefiting others

(horizontal levels: see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons)

then such as Matthew 12.45 applies. Now concerning the

JESUS Christ Best "Prophetically" and "TO PROCLAIM THE

FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD" consider now in this generation

the Prophesy that came to pass at the JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Main Site at as written:

   "within one year from now February 20, 2018 AD:

   by 2.20.2018AD Christ JESUS Will Do a Christian

   Work great and a marvelous! Of High Grace, and

   of the law of the nations" that came to pass via

"JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addeneum 1" as

stated above.

Also at that Main Site the "Sign" was Given:

   "August 13, 2018AD Christian President Don Trump"

according to His Signing.

Also at that Main Site is the "the year 2046AD"

Prophesy and the "JESUS Code Prophecy

For 2019AD" along with other Prophetic matters

revelant for these times and in progress.

Since then, more Signs are coming supportively

whether seen or unseen such as with reading

the verse Numbers 5.31 and observing in

JESUS Christ Faith how it applies precept on

precept fitting with the "2019AD" Prophesy

specifically and yet with all these Prophetic

Faith Values as a Whole In JESUS Christ One.

So there are things noticed (after-the-fact)

and importantly the Faith Path (unseen save

if things also are with the unseen yet seen NKJ).

JESUS Christ Gives this key: JESUS Christ already Gave

All Truth both in Faith (unseen) and in Fact (seen though

after Faith), so in other words a person is confronted,

and if the person is Highest Level then the confrontation

is Blessing, but if the person is lowest level (sinner)

then the same "Blessing" is interpreted in the sinner as

an attack; yet Wisdom over the inbetween levels are with

values concerning this key. Inbetween the interpretations

are according to faith amounts.

Here in JESUS Christ comes the interpretation of the

previous sentence: so a person mid level to this census

civilization looks at the monitor and/or at the room or at

illustrations of ancient Egyptian information, and the mid

level person sees part goodly and part sin [badly], so

Ascend triadically reading right to left:

Seeing Knowing All Good / Secular / As if being attacked.

Note in this triad "Secular" also included Christians in the


So if to see ancient Egyptian part human part animal:

JESUS Highest Good Guidance / Coin flip / Pagan attack;

Christian Highest DNA Modifying / Flip / Abominations.

Makes Perfect Guiding Sense / Stuff happens / Problems.

JESUS Christ Ideal Charity / Work to figure / Confusion.

JESUS Christ Found Souls / Interpreting mix / Lost souls.

JESUS Christ Guiding is as to Best Ascending

Christian Faith as a Shephard is to the sheep

(Loyalty: fresh waters, greener pastures, evolving

quickly to Lead the opting to be JESUS Christ Loyal).

Concerning the Prophetic the History Channel yesterday

confirmed the previous "churchofjesuschrist" / "lds" source

as further detailed via JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on

Jaron with mapping the route at

technical/jesusnew.html in other words the Eternal Alpha

And Omega Plan was not to merely go on vacation and

see and have fun, yet to fulfill the Hope as via the Best

Colonizing as the Second Coming approaches. So the

Prophetic concerning Jarod is now in these times coming

to pass, as the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1

is becoming the JESUS Christ One Victory in Jarod: in

the Jarod Prophesy according to His Doing Faithfully.

And what is "His Doing"?, You, the Living Faithful

Loyal In JESUS Christ Christian Faith Of Abraham.

From the seed Abraham, from the Faith Abraham,

from the God Of Abraham, Jarod went from the

Mideast to Beijing to Central America carrying the

Faith (now Ascending into New Christianity).

This same Faith in Jarod is then with: Noah and

with Abraham (see timeline at


So JESUS Christ Gives the Faith to so colonize,

and the people can opt to Faithfully make it so;

so if opted the Faith makes the Miracles, the

colonizing, so explaining a JESUS Christ Victory

over the reasoning [in part] for JESUS Christ and

with the Faith Leaders And Families As One for

such as the first part of the Book Of Matthew,

the genealogy. So this is hardly about a true

bloodline (though it is for the sake of JESUS

Christ) as it is a bloodline for all of civilization

and rather the Faith line for all of civilization.

So, what is the Faith Path?, to describe, it is

vertical, though similar such as to sailing through

the Strait Of Gibraltar popularized in the movie

The Guns of Navarone, 1961, between Spain and

Morocco and for the first time Captain sailing

through in fog and storms it was treacherous

with typical equipment back then [even today

somewhat], though with a brave heart to return

there and pass through with more awareness

and greater safety (beneficial).

Now in the JESUS Christ Straight Vertical Path below is shown

the central [tube or] Path, and adjacent to the Path JESUS

Christ Gives no indicators often, hence Faith in needful, yet

sometimes Miracle reminders of the Straight And Narrow

Path. Beyond the "reminders" there is Grace, and beyond

are "reminders" about laws, though if to stray too far to

break the "Law" [associated with sinners and lawbreakers

that have blamed others], and outward is the stray border.

Some adults strayed until faced with secular death of their

vessel, such as without awareness other than to face a

pistol, yet consider Before-The-Fact Guidance as a child

is aware of the meaning of: hot (rather than after-the-

fact to worry about lawbreakers and then as if to raise

and point a pistol.


Drawing August 26, 2019AD.

The above Drawing at the bottom shows people

trying to ascend through levels and trying other

strayed sinful lawbreaking works and/or wasted

time and efforts backslidden, when instead they

might have already [risen through very many

levels (not shown inbetween the shown ascending

Firmament Levels) and by that time already been

Rightly In JESUS Christ through the Firmament.

The second from the bottom area shows straying

but not as far as to test the law (and the pistol).

So with JESUS Christ Edifying is the less straying

[as into Grace though beyond the normal Straight

And Narrow range (so conditions apply)].

Above and beyond a Christian Faithfully Applies

One [if agreeing] Heart Of JESUS Christ for to

Best Ascend Precept on Precept, step above

step (Psalm 84.5), properly and fittingly. With

JESUS Christ Continuing One is as to leap yet

greater, with likewise safety [even greater],

as to go from escalator to elevator and so on.

Now for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faithfully though concerning

the ancillary Responsible Maintenance there is a problem that was

on TV yesterday, yet it was also a Blessing. The churchofjesuschrist

Blessing was to read a D&C Scripture and discuss, but the problem

was that a key aspect was not discussed. Now here this is about the

churchofjesuschrist, a great Christian Leadership Group In JESUS

Christ, Guiding many TV viewers Rightly (including this writer at


and JESUS Christ Gives Grace (see above Drawing) for Christians

to Help each other and to Help all, especially if there is a pressing

concern. So churchofjesuschrist Vessel Friend(s) please understand

that You Rightly read from the D&C "wait for the spirit before

preaching" (i think i got the quote right, or at least the meaning).

But look at what JESUS Christ said: Preach the Gospel to every

living creature. He didn't say don't Preach, He didn't say wait;

the exception is He (God) told Joseph Smith exactly what to

Write, likewise unto the 10 Commandments of Moses; though

normally to Preach the Best You can (even so for Your sake and

on Your Righteous Behalf JESUS Christ Did Say wait until Empowered

from on High).

So many Christians were already Given the Spirit even from Moses:

They don't have to wait.

The even more excellent Way from JESUS Christ Spirit Father is

also already Given. Look at the above Drawing, to Ascend Straight

And Narrow, or [backslide] wait (and a vacation is fine, Preaching

And Such is the Best Job Ever, but it too is hard and exhausting

so often).

The site speaks of "not double-

tongued" and in pertinence "not hypocritical" as some might see

problems and contradictions if not presented Perfectly,

even so thank You for Your Edifying, excellent on the whole, though

also consider at the site the word "grave"

with the above Given Grace in the Drawing with the above text

"so conditions apply" (see the 3 senses of the definition of the

word "grave" at We don't

want to mislead people into the wrong direction, nor toward

backsliding when the JESUS Christ Word needs better Preached.

So this might be an option for You, Beloved. If to write and if with

other Christians anxious to Help and Review typed Sermons including

discussion, then perhaps to opt toward greater Sermons with Review

Improvements, though also importantly the moment of the Spirit

While Preaching also continues as a valuable option though according

to the above Drawing with rather above stepping and into Best And

Rightly Leaping.

JESUS Christ would that of Highest Purpose

Grace [wait if appropriate though] rather be Most Wise

to consider Elias is come already if to Believe

and Accept,

even so as written in Your own Third Testament

as "Joseph Smith exactly" Wrote: ..."And if ye

do always remember me ye shall have my

Spirit to be with you" (3 Nephi 18.7 and again

in verse 11 with similar in Moroni 4.3)

"And whither I go ye know, and the way ye

know" (John 14.4).

A young Christian adult was concerned about

speed and accuracy, and so advice was Given

that They should Distinguish whether to work

quickly, or Rightly;

in other words, are the words of JESUS Christ

One important or not (they are important),

even so JESUS Christ allows lower levels and

also Grace (as shown above)(hence conditionally).

Also consider speed is a function of a Leap Of

Faith, though the lower levels often apply prior

to such Leaping (God will not tempt a person

beyond what they can bear


So "bear" in Soul And Mind the lower levels

(including Your hard work, that You need

not repeat that work) while Best Ascending

In JESUS Christ Faithfully.

The churchofjesuschrist was great to point

out 2 verses in particular as shown below

from the same website page of the Doctrine

and Covenants, D&C, dc, with the first concerning

Members Of The Church, and the second concerning

a matter that many have continued to debate [it concerns

an addiction matter so not merely] about sex.

As written at

dc-testament/dc/42?lang=eng :

"18 And now, behold, I speak unto the church. Thou

shalt not kill; and he that kills shall not have forgiveness

in this world, nor in the world to come."

"23 And he that looketh upon a woman to lust after

her shall deny the faith, and shall not have the Spirit;

and if he repents not he shall be cast out."

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is with male and female,

so be aware of this Faith option [that the Christian may

find in the Heart to be virtually the same as Faith

Responsibiliity if so opted for JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose though not precisely Law, but Grace],

and be aware of this Maintenance Responsibility


As stated above the Christian should already be

with JESUS Christ Highest "Spirit" (3 Nephi 18.7

...see above) including Prophetically (John 14.4)!

To Best Edify concerning the sleeping or the dead

JESUS Christ spole plainly in lower level terms so

the Disciples could understand, likewise to Best Edify

now over this concern of many, in secular sinful

cliche, if to lose the Spirit, "that's the other guy's

problem" but in the sense that it should not be

the Christian's problem, nor even any person's

problem; since JESUS Christ Saves Via Highest

Father Spirit.

So to "not have the Spirit" applies if the Christian

has not fully repented, and it also applies in the

secular levels (save if a Christian is on a secular

level Mission [if appropriate: vacation is no

exception i.e. some Christians are with Their

Mission to visit the Holy Land for Their


JESUS Christ Best Ascending Faith is as written


"cleave unto the LORD your God",

and since the Christian Male if to Wed would

Wed the Christian Female then this Faith aspect

applies to and for the Christian Spouse like unto

the Lord (per se: concerning "lust") so to Cherish

the Christian Spouse.

Maintenance Responsibility concerns the vessel as

in Matthew 19.5 translations "cleave", "unite",

with Matthew 19.6 "not separate." So Behold this
"vessel" concern is a [family] spousal matter: an

internal spousal affair as JESUS Christ in

also explains "they two shall be one

flesh? [though (concerning "?" see next "?" reference)],

so similar to government affairs have not necessarily

been Church matters, this Wed aspect is not

necessarily a Church matter except if a JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose lower level mission

(though look what happened when Moses opted

to as if engage, though meddled (divorce)) as

to Wed is a Firmament With JESUS Christ as the

Lexicon explains "I am".

The secular needs to be guided. Yet the Christian

Wedlock is a Holy Thing of mature Spouses, for

the "two" to decide. This is similar to the "two"

such as being at home and They deciding what

to have for dinner: not for the Inquisition to

demand over Their "dinner" per se (note excess

in surveys even including teaching such as in

Churches if administering exams, is of great

values, though can be toward "the Inquisition",

with similar applying concerning homework and

long hours on the job, similar applies over jobs

that are very demanding).

But if the Church concern is about straying,

then similar to asking an obese person to

fast (as much as fasting is a Christian Faith

value). Note that too much fasting is akin

to addiction save if of sufficient Faith

(example Mark 1.13).

But inside the Christian Church, the Christian

Church supersedes the Wedding (not for the

Church Leadership to stray) similar to a medical

doctor over a patient though if pertinent; and

such as written in Exodus 20.26 NAS:

"And you shall not go up by steps to My altar,

so that your nakedness will not be exposed on it."

So normally Their home is Theirs (hardly belonging

to the Church) including Their Christian sex matters

of the "two", and with JESUS Christ Continually,

though also Their Christian Faith applies over Their

Distinguishing, such as over TV and Internet

programming options, and such as over Their

Christian Leadership over Their Children including

over sexual matters

and the Christian Church is Invited to Lead the

general Mass, though hardly to single out couples

without specific Highest Purpose cause

(how children learn about sex is not part of this

Sermon, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermons In This Series, also similar though lower

level is to reference federal level relative to states

rights level).

Be with JESUS Christ Wisdom that porn is not

the same as sex-for-money, so while certain

conditions apply to porn, other specific conditions

apply to prostitution. Note "so to Cherish the

Christian Spouse" refers to Faith, not such as

to cherish and worship a phallic symbol nor as

Exodus 20.26 explained (verse Given above).

At times a person might want to only eat candy

all day. Porn and other addictions can be similar

to that. JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at ,

and other Sermons in this Series such as about

DNA modification, are serious concerns about

what a human is and what JESUS Christ would

that Christian Leaders Do to lead the people

(not to wait to see what the sinners opt and

then to see how the sinners lead the Christians).

To drone in monotone repeatedly reading aloud

old war stories in the Old Testament as though

disconnect from the Given today, is not the typical

Way to Best Ascend As JESUS Christ Exemplified

Via Leading the Best He Could.

People today are working hard to transplant

hearts and heads, and to transfer parents away

from the homes where their children reside

(also note in the name of JESUS Christ porn is

hardly the same as adultery [except conditionally

if for to meet], also Guidance over children is

with Responsible need yet see above Drawing

concerning Grace).

For Your Christian Church You may let the Mass

[though also consider visitors] know They can

be Given Your Fire And Brimstone Sermons, or

if They are Pure then You may provide rather

more uplifting Sermons.

Another option is Christian Classes, yet likewise

You might opt to offer levels of Sermons (yes such

can be a lot of extra work, though many Churches

are already overflowing with many resources), so

You might offer Sermons for the general public,

and similar to the Eucharist (3 Nephi 18:29) You

might Give the higher level Sermons for the Worthy

(such is as a platform to broadcast the JESUS Christ

talent in You: even to lead into the future with Founding

new specifics over new higher level positions).

Convert and apply the Christian Bible stories

for the concerns of this generation and greater.

Yet "reading" at

NAS: "prostitute? May it never be!" (so "? May" applies

according to the Lexicon: "used with great latitude.").

Even so laws such as concerning prostitution, adultery,

quasi-humans, monstrous creatures, rape, and

entertainment abound.

If a person cannot find the higher faith amount to guide

over a situation (such as answers, when given an exam)

then at least observe the rules.

JESUS Christ Gives as stated above the Highest

Spirit (3 Nephi 18.7) level for the Best Ascending

Faithfully (whole amount of Faithfulness: ibid.)

and sinced the Father Spirit therefore Prophetic

(John 14.4) as also stated above and so in

JESUS Christ is enabled the Power of Your Christian

Leading Best within Your option to be in the name

of JESUS Christ Prophesying (Acts 1.8 including

such as agreeing with the Prophesying currently

in this generation with JESUS Christ USA ACT With

Addendum 1 with Christian President Don Trump).

You Christian Leader are aware the Spirit is a Gift

from JESUS Christ and the Holy Spirit is Given

freely of the Holy Ghost (received according to

faith amounts therefore received in the world as

skills, talents, systems, lower level powers, and

such as flip-of-coin predictions).

So the free spirit is possibly received into the

awareness of sinners. When the Christian Leader

functions through JESUS Christ Wholely [for at

least the sake to Edify then to say when a Christian

functions Perfectly (in JESUS Christ)], then such

Christian Leadership is with Victory Already over

any spirit. This is according to the Preparation as

the "Perfectly" preparing Christian has already

been with such Preparing, such as Preparing

Holy Foods for the Sabbath (even from the Old

Testament that the Father agree [not every person

continued to stray such as Preparing prior to the

cross e.g. Luke 7.44 and reference Abraham]).

Note Old Testament foods for eating are with the

Straight And Narrow, while Grace as shown in the

above Drawing can include Luke 10.8 though beware

as such elbow room can be very problematic toward

not only law breaking but also guilt by association

such as a mob of law breakers can be arrested or

worse and if You be at the outskirts of Grace then

possibly "arrested or"...too (even so this is no excuse

to be less Faithful).

Behold what JESUS Christ said concerning the "fathers",

the "patriarchs" at :

"For this reason Moses has given you circumcision

(not because it is from Moses, but from the fathers),

and on the Sabbath you circumcise a man."
So beware of former ways, as there are both sound

principles of Faith and there have beeon other ways

and some liberty and some foolish,

so also beware such as about divorce (Matthew 19:7);

yet in the name of JESUS Christ in Highest Purpose

Christian Leadership Faith be sure to Do as written

in ISV:

"Only be strong and very courageous to ensure that

you obey all the instructions that my servant Moses

gave you—turn neither to the right nor to the left

from it—so that you may succeed wherever you go".

The previous verse is Chosen to be shown here in

"ISV" translation because this is with the word "nor",

and of course for being within the JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose. JESUS Christ would that You note

in this verse the words "from it" as also in the Lexicon

at that site, and a key concern for to Best interpret

this verse for today and for all, therefore for Prophetically

for all time(s).

So there is no reason to interpret "from it" except

to interpret in the above Drawing to mean "from it"

is the Straight And Narrow, save as written in biblehub

.com/matthew/6-33.htm NAS: "But seek first His

kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things

will be added to you."

So of Grace the Exemplar showed how to Choose

lower (such as Helper and Wed: hence Highest One)

for One Highest Purpose: this agrees with New

Christianity Converting for Highest Purpose in the

name JESUS Christ, that mansions and even nations

and this world and the created be not improperly

yet instead and rather in Grace opted properly

(not House Of Bondage under slave laws nor under

mind control) to Best Lead for each and all even

if to lead the former fears in JESUS Christ Converting

hell and death and such as lower creatures as much

as appropriate including proper Precept on properly

suitable Precept (such as JESUS Christ opted and

rode apon a donkey: a chosen option though lower

than human Firmament).

So JESUS Christ has Given You this key, and with

the above Drawing help, the Straight And Narrow

is preferred Faithfully, yet the Pure Vessel is allowed

Grace not for straying, not for lower levels, save

if first for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and then

the Mission accordingly (two verse example Matthew

11.18 with 19).

The "example" is with Both in JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose Victory, but not in the naysayers letter of

the law logic nor in the lower level evidence: superseded

already in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

So as You endure You would come across other

types of creatures in the news and perhaps in

person, as if horrendous monsters in the former

sense and claws, thorns, poisons, temptations,

traps, and such do exist in this world; yet as a

sheep amidst wolves crying in the wilderness

for You to come Convert or Shepherd;

that is, some are already prepared so know them

by their fruits so You know whether they need to

be Converted first, or if they are already ready to

come with You (or as within Your JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose Mission parameters).

So You know how to Distinguish their fruits such

as written at NAS:

"He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who

does not gather with Me scatters".

JESUS Christ Gives other helps for You to Distinguish

their fruits such as Matthew 6.5 & 7.

JESUS Christ Gives another help for You now over

Distinguishing their fruits that You rely more on JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose Faith (and the Straight And

Narrow exists within the Grace Parameter and can

be as One [though for instance some Saved might

in a situation be exhausted or other as much as

pertinent though with JESUS Christ see Luke 10

.41 & 42])

(note "exhausted" can apply also to sinners and

to encounted creatures [such may be pertinent to

Your Converting Success Rate]).

JESUS Christ describe Heaven many ways (in One),

like unto seeing a treasure in a field and then selling

all possessions in order to buy that field.

Without the House Of Bondage nor slavery, the

more precious can come in the name of JESUS Christ

Truly, like unto describing the spending virtually all

Your hard work and time and resources in order to

raise Your Child the Best Way "in order to" Give that

Child away (if the Child opts [conditions can apply])

to a virtual stranger.

So in the name of JESUS Christ You Give Your

Heaven, in order to gain the greater [Christian

Family] Heaven (higher Heavenly Level, such as

typically with hopes of Magnifying And Crowning).

Hence JESUS Christ would that You Distinguish

that if a person fights neighbors and chases away

kids, that person is less likely to attract a Good

Christian Benefit. Though if to be Kind, then to

attract Kind Good people even as stated above

Their "hard work and time and resources", though

hardly the key, rather Be the Good Samaritan,

Be JESUS Christ.

In current application in this generation JESUS

Christ Gives for You for instance to Distinguish

the fruits such as applies over governments, and

such as applies over grants, Charity, allocations,

and such as over "elbow room" and over illegal

money laundering as discussed in the previous

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon as great though

secular movie Charlie Wilson's War was mentioned.

Time travel is not for the secular sinners (higher

level conditions can apply). JESUS Christ would

that You notice the fruits of the movie were opted

in 2007AD after it was already made clear is a higher

level great though secular movie Clear and Present

Danger shown in 1994AD specifying in detail the

importance to overcome the illegal aspect of government

otherwise doing works to try to break into heaven

some other way(s) as the entertainment Charlie Wilson's

War made no sufficient higher redeeming social value

such as Clear and Present Danger exemplified.

Charlie Wilson's War was "based of fact" (according to

news earlier in this generation and according to

various other sources) which also tied the fact to the

end of the Soviet Union 1991 (GOOG).

So there is an entertainment civility faux pas, and

there is a "fact" disenfranchisement.

Morally both are important problems about this

generation under the All Seeing Eye.

Legally the disenfranchisement is a grave matter

as the Good Way of JESUS Christ Father Spirit is

for to Help each other from the Highest Level

(not to start shooting each other).

Yesterday 29 August 2019AD in the news The

Fed (the USA Federal Reserve System which

publishes info over banking, economy, and money

once again (as already made clear earlier in this

generation) formed a gap between itself and the

Executive Branch, as if independent of law (though

expressing interest to do "what's right").

The Legislative Branch established The Fed as a

Branch of the Treasury Department and so as a

Branch of the Executive Branch.

The ancient Romans did secret combinations

as quasi-government undermining each other,

and the horizontal pattern (as if "going forward"

[properly], in secular cliche; rather to Edify In

JESUS Christ) should be a vertical line with Best

Ascending for each and all.

In JESUS Christ if a True Christian functions in

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, then as JESUS Christ

overcoming a militia, a nation, even the world.

This other help for You now for You to rely more

on Faith than on former Bondage laws ways includes

these two examples: ancient Egyptian and other

indicators have portrayed some special leaders with

very large heads and very thin necks and thin arms

so not appearing muscular, and the other example

is of UFO type aliens not of earthly origin [or known

as though such] with the large heads and thin necks

and thin arms;

so in former ways was the military action to subdue

and place under the rule of the military; though

rather JESUS Christ Gives for You to consider other

possibilities such as by former default technology,

yet also consider the living including their spirit

might be of a higher level, though also their vessel,

as JESUS Christ Gives for You to consider such as

their DNA.

In some great higher purpose though secular movies

DNA was otherwise described such as in Mission To Mars

(also note such as secular site itlookshuman.blogspot


.html) and such as in the movie The Fifth Element

[Boron], with more compact DNA.

So if to make more compact "DNA" (such as symbolic

of muscle fiber and/or strength) then the apparently

frail vessels would be actually very strong (such as

in cubic centemeter terms relative to human power),

and this agrees with being able to hold up a large

head. So JESUS Christ would that You Leader overcome

former ways such as including perhaps anthropomorphism.

JESUS Christ would that You Christian Leader also

likewise overcome former ways such as about the

secular cliche "We get our energy from the Sun",

when actually we get our energy from JESUS Christ.

The Earth likewise, from JESUS Christ, even from

the creation and the Big Pulse and from the smaller

things such as the Heart and the molecules of the

Chosen and from the unseen cosmic light of stars

and from the unseen waves far larger than the Sun,

all from JESUS Christ (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on internal combustion

including for to Give value to the external).

In closing this Sermon, consider how mind control

might be over JESUS Christ: it is as much as

JESUS Christ obeys the Father Spirit, though

once the Law was fulfilled in the flesh vessel

once for all, the Law had no hold, the physics

of secular mind control lower levels do not apply

to JESUS Christ The Highest.

The most that can apply is to agree (with so Doing).

So Your Mission includes to search for those of the

created for You to Best Benefit them (does control

of their minds come to Your mind?, yes).

So in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose [if (ibid.) then]

if You Preach (perhaps if to hypnotize and/or mind

control them and/or such that they of JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose agree with You) and they want to

do best for each and all but their vessels can hardly,

then of course You want to Heal and/or Improve their

vessels until able to fulfill the JESUS Christ Original

Plan Together As One.

So as already stated on television in this world, and

as indicated of JESUS Christ Precepting In New Christianity,

the UFO type aliens research, survey, search, and/or

similar, to become aware of the vessels such as on

Earth, and then redo the DNA of their eggs and such

types of things, though consider Yourself so Doing

and Your Christian Parameters.

You for instance already decided to Offer some Sermons,

so You prepared with opting whether to speak a Sermon

or to type a Sermon.

Now in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so not to be

confused with secular flip-of-coin ways, is that You


So You are on the Straight And Narrow though "You

opted". How therefore could You opt, if on the Straight

And Narrow?: because as stated above JESUS Christ

Gives You the "elbow room" of Grace as symbolized

in the above Drawing.

So therefore if a UFO type alien opts to try this DNA

sequence or that DNA sequence, or if to [therefore,

likewise (as much as goodly might apply)] to opt to

try this transplant onto a person or that transplant,

then per chance at least higher value may apply

(Ecclesiastes 9.11), even so You Be With JESUS Christ

And The Straight And Narrow For Highest Purpose.

So the ancient Egyptian transplants and similar

shown in other places and faiths, are not for to copy

those sinful activities, rather for awareness of the

evident failures according to the Christian Faith

(e.g. 1 Corinthians 15.33-40), and then from JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose, toward Best Converting

with rather Prophetic awareness including over

rates of systems, compatibility, and other values

as much as needful [whether stepping or leaping].

Likewise to Edify In JESUS Christ, a secular knowledge

has been applied to Bleach though if [transplanted]

to be mixed spirits with ammonia, then it might

explode, so a danger to the person making the

explosive (reference physics parameters of God)

and the fumes may be also toxic (ibid., so Best

Wisdom is key).

This same key applies for the Judicial Branch. The

above Drawing shows in the low level the strays

involved in law breaking activities, though to mix

or transplant or transfer the judges and such into

unsavory law breaking mobs can be risky (rather

Convert the "mobs" from above in JESUS Christ

first), even so Pray JESUS Christ first.

So of this key the secular "judges and such" might

be harmed, or rather JESUS Christ Provides This

Blessing for You to Give: the Drawing shows the

Straight And Narrow Ascending [Arrow], and the

adjacent Grace might also be One with "the

Straight And Narrow Ascending [Arrow]", and

likewise the Best Converting of the "mobs" can be

from above to also include these Drawing areas of

"Law" as One.

So thank to JESUS Christ Precepting the whole of

the above Drawing symbol can be One Straight

And Narrow Ascending, even all of creation, for

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

This Sermon is at least for JESUS Christ, let You see

if You can Do Better as written at

15-7.htm NAS: "If you abide in Me, and My words

abide in you, ask whatever you wish,

and it will be done for you."


JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon August 30, 2019AD.

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