JESUS Christ [UFO Type Alien] Blood

and Victory Over School Of Rock movie Sermon.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders.

JESUS Christ offers this update August 6, 2020AD message for Choirs and their

music and lyrics: Be Of Good Cheer, Choir Help is further explained at newer Sermon

JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit One was talking last night (today is

March 10, 2020AD) in a dream and with comforting words known in

the heart though hardly in the mind until He said "I AM". He stopped

talking and so i spoke likewise explaining since I AM A Christian, I

AM, and asked if there was something specific for 2020AD in the

sense of not yet said needed to be said but no more was heard

(note the "He" aspect is not stated as if for to disclude females).

In a dream many months ago there was the Tree Of Life, beautiful

and more about the many types of fruits than about leaves, and

not invited i passed by it, though after a length of time wandering

came to it again and it seemed for me to partake as others had

done, and so i picked a small branch with many cherries for myself

and if any others opted along my journey.

In a dream over a year ago as memory offers, there was a dream

that i could not enter, it required the writing of my name to enter

and some nicknames people had called me were written and i

wrote my birthname and was turned away to my dissatisfaction,

later i was at the same place and wrote JESUS and entered to

find no people in line, and JESUS Christ tended to me.

The dreams are meaningful, and the Good Dreams for Good (but

other dreams [and in this world] for Best JESUS Christ One Converting).

Other dreams have been hardly worth repeating, save as much as

so Converted.

A Good dream is valuable, and whether awake or falle asleep: [in a

lower level sense example often] a person might dream of receiving a

certain birthday present, while of evidence often people in USA often

rather dream of being with a Christian government (many elected

Christians are in majority, yet rather meaningfully with Signing JESUS

Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 [Charity]).

Visions of a better future with solving machine designs, operating costs,

turning costs into profit areas, and so on, are similar to goodly dreams.

Many experts such as Christian Edgar Cayce the great Healer from the

Heart [hardly from the mind "called illiterate" (

jesuslawendzionbeginning.html)] were said to have been in dream

states or semi-consciousness (recommended for bed for safety rather

than for work or driving or other activities), similar to hypnosis in a

sense deadened to the world as in a trance or as a zombie though

can be with JESUS Christ Goodness of a higher level as in one of

the first Sermons in this Series on UFOs Federal Project Bluebook,

[as a more recent source said: "involving focused attention" (wiki)].

Days ago in a dream a humanoid [UFO type alien (perhaps of Earthly

origin)] offered to show me something i might find interesting (Thank

You [Christian Attributes were clear]). The humaniod looked

at me, gave a partial nod, i nodded and he walked and i followed into a

cave (black and white) then with a little more light and color as it became

the inside of tubular vessel about 8' diameter with oxygenated blood though

the cells flowing as though floating through air were small with much space

between cells, with no white blood cells nor other. As we continued walking

it became a cave again and end of dream (partial interpretation about the blood

includes a goodly value concerning a physically heartless aspect related to

maglev or similar though the aloft blood cells are about flight and flight control,

yet the JESUS Christ Heart is more concerning the higher level functioning

with the lower level [both levels pump together and not merely a magnet nor

bullet from Point A to Point B]).

This "humanoid" dream is as JESUS Christ Provides like unto another dream

perhaps a couple years ago of people with black eyeballs. Though continuing

in this "humanoid" dream interpretation in JESUS Christ is the empathy and

the feeling sorry for them with lack of oxygen relative to this JESUS Christ

census civilization, and lack of nutrients, lack of sugar for energy delivery,

and the "no white blood cells" immunity concerns in this corona virus

situation and in connection with blood, so the heart, mind, and members

of the body, so as to want to Help them.

The "people with black eyeballs" living in the dark (like unto the above stated

"cave" situation) were interested in JESUS Christ Enlightenment, though

their types of vessels were as to not enjoy what the census people call

normal lighting (so theirs is like us looking at the Sun and to sense pain

and go blind temporarily or worse).

The point of these these is that to feel sorry for them "in JESUS Christ" is

to gain Wisdom to Care for them in the midst of their adversities.

"Remember those in prison, as though you were in prison with them, and

the mistreated, as though you yourselves were suffering bodily." (https://

So Precept On Precept as they appear and come to us of the JESUS

Christ census civilization and rather Us of the Christian Faith Spirit And

Flesh and rather as Best Signed In The Name JESUS Christ, We should

Help them and Comfort and Best Lead them.

So in the name JESUS Christ [One] as with Space Force and as with dreams

and as with multitudes of personal encounters as often shown on TV, [in the

Holy Safety Of JESUS Christ (know them by their fruits)] that as We venture

to them then they be with peaceful friendship reasoning to likewise Help and

Guide and Protect Us as We enter their realms not as suitable for our census

vessels (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on supercells).

Prior to leaving a typical Christian neighborhood Church where i often

Taught and Served as School Treasurer (building with Sunday Services

and other Good values, with many Loving Members), One Member

confided in me that aliens often contacted Him from Mars (some other

Members rebuked Him and there was a related situation and that's why

i left, though actually i left when JESUS Christ [Called] me according to

what JESUS Christ said in the text of Matthew that fit the situation, even

though the Members Abounded In Much Love (though as indicated other

than the rebuking [Matthew 10.41 and John 3.20](enabling Victory Over


Aliens can Give Ascending stories of values, and as revealed, not necessarily

about revealing higher tech things.

So there is an "Ascending" value (even if called merely a dream: if called false

at least the dream took place as a minimum, and for a reason, and that reason

about the peace and care and love and heart and blood).

Care, but be not troubled as if to turn against the Righteously Ascending Flow

( nor be fearful of lower level

troubles about former ways: rather fear JESUS Christ The Great "I AM".

If to find Good Spiritually in JESUS Christ [And Christians Likewise (again

Matthew 10.41)] or Likewise of mental telepathy or Likewise of Transfiguring,

Be of Good Cheer for Being With The Great "I AM" Spirit.

So as with JESUS Christ "Transfiguring" (reference Signing), these things

Anew to You as You Ascend, even Anew to Christians as greater Good

Likewise is revealed, such things and events are transitions of the Flow,

and as the transition stages of steps to greater levels of Enlightenment.

JESUS Christ Benefits the Ascending [(the transitioning toward Highest

Purpose increasingly perfectingly) Converting each better and better fitting

and the whole better and better, similarly see "towarding" examples (as in

GOOG search)] and the Most Loyal more than the disloyal careless

lawbreakers, confusers, and irreverant naysayers. So Rejoice and Be Glad

and Exhaulting the Signings of the Greater Grace as yet unseen and yet

JESUS Christ has revealed and would that We The People Rejoice Best

Together Most Perfectingly So Most Perfectly In The JESUS Christ UN

Anew Original Plan.

Rather than following the former mobs careless ways, repent Anew the More

and prefer to Lead in JESUS Christ.

Now this Series of Sermons has been hard against followers (including the

higher than mere secular Christian Followers), and now to show a glimpse

of the Better Way Of Love Of JESUS Christ Heart Of God, is this Gift for

followers (ibid.), 1 John 3.9, [also for Christian Leader(s)] as the more Perfect

Converting is from Word (1 Peter 1.23) to manifesting the vessel (the Seed)

likewise. But hardly by manifested hands through the levels higher, and not

through the Firmament Save the Eye Of The Needle (JESUS Christ) Most

Fittingly (for that specific Firmament) as currently in the form of Signing.

So there is a Signing (Word), and then the people can be with the Signed

Word Of God.

Car parts tossed into a heap hardly form the car, physics formulas

tossed into methodologies have been as plans to disobey and destroy

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on ancient Jewish

ways with methodologies as to buy and sell at the House Of Prayer,

and as to crucify the innocent).

Signing is hardly the same as the House Of Prayer to the less repentant

as in secular cliche "I'm going to do what I want anyway", yet Signing

is Appreciated In The Christian and with Benefits and subset levels

including 1. some Benefits are restored as soon as Given to others,

2. though some Benefits mean as if a loss to the Giver and a Gain to

the recipient(s) though in the unseen greater Original Plan (JESUS

Christ Victory Over Original Plan is specified in the previous Sermon

in this Series) is this (#2) is more toward making the Giver more Worthy

(to Best Overcome a disparity that their character improve for their

sakes and others: all).

So which one is Holy or unholy, the Signing for JESUS Christ or the

delay to wait for others to do their parts?: yes.

Hebrews 13.5 applies more for followers while Luke 19.17 applies more

for the Faithful Leaders that Signed already. So i can be in Heaven on

Earth whether with Signing or not, JESUS Christ can be in Heaven

where He opts to Be.

The Ascending Parameters do not go away, even though many stray

to their secular

[physics gods (reference for instance the History Channel)].

Not "Signing" is not leading.

The "mob" destroys records that show their ways: they destroyed

their own counted as if salvation, their homing signal to return to

normalcy and better.

Those that opt to not lead follow or wait to follow, the mob. If on a

JESUS Christ Mission they would have made it clear from the start

with the Name (at least to start now to Name JESUS Christ and then

able to start the record traceability: Precepting). From Best "Precepting"

then at a rate to Righteous Prophesying. If "Righteous Prophesying"

then without risks (beware of faith amounts).

JESUS Christ Gives You a Way [so Ascend to the level] to "never

endure the pains of death" (3 Nephi 28.8)

Note to see what another source has said and shown in timeline about

this year 2020AD at click here.

Also note concerning the Christian President Don Trump 2020AD Prophecy

With Christian Vice President Mike Pence And With This Christian Congress,

as written in The Prophecy Bible..."BREAKTHROUGH SPIRITUAL WARFARE

BIBLE" [which means Peace Arising Through And Superseding Via Signing]

as written in the page 1745 footnote ..."trump," which doesn't necessarily refer

to the trumpet judgments of Revelation, we will be changed "in the twinkling

of an eye" and our corruptible flesh will put on incorruptible bodies. This is a

clear prophecy of both the Rapture and the changed nature of mankind after

the portal between earth and God's abode.".

Sign to Be with the JESUS Christ UN Victory as written at https://www

clang=eng verse 8.

Signing JESUS Christ UN is to step up to the Best Challenge (Edifying)

to leave the former civilization in better condition than you found it, and

to start Best Anew; in other words to perfect the former ways as much

as able, and then: to Best Lead. Though "to Best Lead" already includes

"to perfect the former ways" per se (the Given Paramet "to Best Lead"

includes "to perfect the former ways" whether you opt to lead or not, "to

Best Lead" is already Done in JESUS Christ, the Exemplar Parameter

already exists whether you perceive it or not). If a person had Righteous

Prophecy on it the Person would have Signed already [specific to the

case, or rather Comprehensively Best Prioritized (perhaps Signing higher

levels not yet covered in this Sermon Series Save JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose With As Much As Is The Highest Good "I AM")].

Followers include many people that want to be healed, and many people

that want to be out of the rut, and many people want to account for tithes

and charity, and many people want other lower things. If to have Signed,

what would you leader say to them as they come to you for to be "healed"

for instance?: such as a Christian Leader John Hagee broadcast on TV

there was a traditional saying [zero BC] that the spittle of the first born

was with healing power, so this is why JESUS Christ spat into the dust

and applied it to the blind that they would see [so You Christian Leaders

already see that JESUS Christ already Best Solved including Over Signing


Send them away to Church for instance if to so opt or rather Do It Yourself;

even so rather continue the Best Signing Path for the individual(s) and rather

of JESUS Christ Exemplar One For All: Making All Better All At Once is better

than "one-at-a-timin" (see "movie O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU" pics

and info at

JESUS Christ Brings the Anew Victories for to Benefit the Signers, as with

this glimpse of future Benefits now, that formerly

18.htm applied (as though to "forget") yet as written in 2 Corinthians 5.17

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away.

Behold, the new has come!"

The new has come! / Signing [Prophesying "glimpse"] / New Christianity Benefits.

Forgive and forget has been stated, yet for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose that

You Best Benefit Future Generations (and others currently): Record!

The Old Testament was a written record: Do Likewise: Record!

To "forget" is to not imprison nor kill nor such, and rather to Best Guide and

rather Before The Fact (as with Signing), though to Remember as of the

Eucharist, is to Be with JESUS Christ Heart Blood to Be Mindful of the goodly

aspects including Converted amounts, though of New Christiantiy Maintenance

is to remember the whole story truly for to Edify, to remind naysayers how guilty

they have been so often, and how they should rather improve themselves to

Best Improve others.

Full repentance (often an increasing concern as Ascending reveals) with John

The Baptist JESUS Christ One Baptism starting level (the second ancillary type

of Ascending with Anointing things and systems [as with Anointing a new Christian

Church Building, and such as with Signing] is like unto the first "Baptism")  is the

start of True Righteous Ascending, and to Ascend from that Baptism Firmament

to the typically next Higher Firmament level is to go through the JESUS Christ

New Covenant Blood Firmament Of The Holy Heavenly Eucharist so not merely

Saved yet also to Be able to Best Convert Spirits (and such as Anoint), and so

likewise unraveling things kept secret from the Original Plan such as until Your

Current Christian Leading As One, and likewise Victory such as Over the above

"UFO Type Alien" Blood [which evidently had been toward: what to do?, when

rather through JESUS Christ is the Higher Grace revealed: making Anew friends

with Exemplar Converting]; and this is likewise Victory Over the info below

concering reality related entertainment such as in pertinence symbolic and iconic

movies such as the School Of Rock movie and The Godfather movie.

The Godfather movie involved secularism hates, killings, and terrorisms, with

unrepentant pretense of Christianity, and disloyalty to the nation(s). Even the

hates included against the family such as against women's rights, and against

the children taught to hate, kill, and terrorize. Such includes character Tom as

their lawyer (Luke 11.52 [though for some: New Christianity offers Victory Over

the verse]).

Key in JESUS Christ ist that the movie the School Of Rock is the same

as The Godfather movie in works today in secular schools, with teachings

to be unrighteous and disloyal.

For instance i was raised in Christianity but then the secular said it was right and

law required obedience to UNKNOWN GOD(S) so obeyed unrighteous disloyalty

and so opted to count the self as atheist for a score of years (again thanks

are for JESUS Christ One including Christian Leader Dean Petros longsuffering

to Evangelize in the midst of secularism yet with Converting to me Christianity):

so You Clearly Know the importance of Signing immediately as the Highest


Shown below in the School Of Rock movie Alicia (Aleisha Allen) is [or was (see

previous sentence)] the True Star of the movie, innocently singing the song Amazing

Grace in the beginning (noteworthy is that while "atheist" i hated the song, not so

now with Conversion Into Christianity)(Alicia is the character immediately behind the

secular teacher character falsely Ned Schneebly [great guitarist Dewey Finn (Jack


Former secularism does not mean it will change a person's faith, though secularism

does confuse indict convict and doom itself. Some need Guidance in some talents

more than others, and the "Conversion Into Christianity" per se was realization that

former worldly laws did not perfect; with this is that God does not command this

civilization as formerly, as this civilization ascends (example 10 Commandments

then 2 Commandments, now New Christianity with Converting Best in the Name

Over any "Commandments" [like unto a dictator able to add or remove ideas as

opted yet not as a dictator and rather Giving Higher Benefits Most Gracefully]).

Civilization currently has opted to be with terrible ethics problems such as lack

of Signing, love of vipers and eels in the Old World, and in general not only many

hating Christians but also Christian Churches having become much toward under

secular rule(s); and importantly understand Christianity is not merely for kindergarteners

but also for True Leadership.

JESUS Christ said know them by their fruits, and secularism does mean against

families, governments, peace efforts, ascending, and against Righteousness.

Secularism does mean hatred against UFO Type Alien advanced technologies

and so subserviance, also perpetuation of House Of Bondage and the lower levels

war machine (this is hardly about other relative to the government not Signing).

From JESUS Christ Blood left to right (currently aside from Signing), or to Edify Ascending from right to left:

JESUS Christ Eucharist / Signing JESUS Christ USA Law / School Of Rock movie / The Godfather movie.

So The Godfather movie taught and did secular, while the School Of Rock movie merely taught those UNKNOWN GODS types of faiths and crimes

as if innocently but it was not taught innocently, and even is the root (secular school / secular government worldly laws) of the "involved secularism

hates, killings, and terrorisms" "war machine" as a storefront for betrayals and lies in "the lower levels"; as stated at the onset Dewey Finn asked

"So how much are we talking here?" (1 Timothy 6.10 [Signing would enable JESUS Christ Victory for the nation(s) though not as high a level as

Christian Baptism]) and Dewey Finn failed (ID theft) and without evidence at that time in the movie for the children nor for helping civilization by

teaching (substitute) but instead for selfish gains ($, & peer pressures of those living there) though responsibly resisted further lower level temptation

[doing nothing ("recess")] until Summer Hathaway (Miranda Cosgrove) demanded "My parents don't spend $15,000  a year for recess." (TV & script- Word for Best Edifying feminists and "Women's Rights" advocates (see previous Sermons in this Series such as at http://www. and understand this is no joke, this is serious and current concerning Genesis and Evaluations and

why...[so You can Be JESUS Christ One Building The Best New Beginning even if sent alone on a Mission])(Eve fell, though was Helper level [from

rib 1 Corinthians 11.8 & 9 to tail Isaiah 9.15], the fall of Adam was worse [from head 1 Corinthians 11.3 to tail Isaiah 9.15])(and because of "the fall

of Adam" the fall of Eve was worse, reference such as petty theft but due to complications someone gets shot])(female rights Victory Over

Evaluations is as revealed in Pulpit Commentary "In Christ the distinctions of the sexes are done away" at

3.htm) but Adam was worse conditionally since Adam was not swayed by the lower than human Firmament (Genesis 3.1).

With this "lower than human Firmament" female concern at least originally and yet Prophesyingly especially with the not yet Christian Married sense

of the female condition with value, consider, the two faced Heavenly though two faced Angels with one face

a man and the other face a young lion, the condition continues into the future as a Firmament within a female (Cherubim is plural: a type of the


So there is male heading [unless deceived] choices in levels, and the female helper according to the Heart Firmament to Overcome (Distinguishing

fruits yes, yet also loyalty to the Straight Faith Path Ascending Head (male unless deceived) though allowing the female to lead and this is more

perfectingly explained at verses 1 through 16, and the

other half of the Chapter about low levels of the secular Ascending Path.

This therefore explains why is the man to be with the woman: to help the man pass the Cherubim (Heart) to reach the Tree Of Life (the JESUS

Christ on the cross) yet if single JESUS Christ can Lift the Worthy. The Lord Gave the Calling for Isaiah to be Prophesying and so to head in the

right direction sent a Seraphim (Isaiah 6.2-6 [external Firmament internalized, from Miracle to opted Bold Brave Agreed Higher Faith; even so rely

on JESUS Christ Faith and Distinguish the fruits of any Miracle(s)]).

A man leading may cease to lead if without Loving JESUS Christ, and a woman more readily Ascends with Loving the man JESUS Christ Spiritually

though in the flesh vessel it is helpful to Marry into the head in preparing for being with JESUS Christ.

True Teaching (and greater) comes from JESUS Christ, accordingly [often ancillary level] True Learning comes from JESUS Christ.

If a person tells others to sin in the former sense, or to disobey (conditions apply and Converting amounts may apply), that "person" is not

innocent unconditionally if yet to be Converted in whole or in part).

Above left in the Drawing is the Ascending Source JESUS Christ, the next pic is conditionally currently, the next pic is about ways and words that

tempted and tempt the innocents to stray, and the pic to the right is the strayed and careless even though working hard to care about selfish sins.

Above left is a Firmament, the next pic is a Firmament; the next two pics are not firmaments, as the two pics to the right are in the lower levels of

secularism. Concerning those two lower secular levels those two as symbolized have broken laws (the "$15,000" remark was not illegal but did

[disloyalty] disrespect the elder and the teacher that was put over them and even if aware Luke 22.25 & 26 apply) as written in https://biblehub

.com/james/2-10.htm "Whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it".

Christians Leading become not under the former lower level laws ways, so Christians Best Leading Are Ascending In JESUS Christ

and so not stumbling ("stumbles") nor falling, in JESUS Christ so including not falling from Grace.

Not Signing is "stumbling", placing the selves "under the former lower level laws ways" so not Signing has been to opt to not be perfect

so not perfecting, so not Signing has been to opt to be tempting others (reference law: neglect, example a child left in a car on a hot

day [see above text on "complications"]) and not Signing is to make the confusions even more complex (piles of laws [working to

get rid of former laws and replace with new temporary stop gap brainstormed assumptions]) making governing difficult to traverse

through the quagmires of often random secularized laws in the former sense of various methodologies (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons on crucifiers methodologies and on secular government logic temporary faith types as to make so called "informed"

predictions and so guess).

Informed strategy is according to Signing for law to recognize JESUS Christ Grace (as in JESUS Christ USA), though even if merely

to recognize JESUS Christ in the census sense as back 2,000 years ago it is an incremental tiny step in the right direction; understand

about the current calendar: CE is Common Era, and so against Christian Faith [even though of temporary stop gap value since without

Signing to "recognize JESUS Christ"], therefore CE is fallen to sin in favor of UNKNOWN GODS far beyond mere temptation.

Resisting temptation is less effective than Converting.

In the School Of Rock movie if Alicia had said to the teacher "That's against my religion" or "I'm a Christian, I don't want to hate, I don't

want to stick it to the Principal nor to you [teacher]", then Dewey Finn might have stopped in his tracks and reassessed his path and

the laws and his increasing risk to be arrested and lose his job (see above text on "recess").

Signing is Victory Over "recess".

There were past mistakes. Yet Signing is Victory and for far more than Christians: for all to better benefit.

Lyrics are an interpretation of musical notes and music [flow typically]. Choirs be aware, the music lyrics

"Rock got no reason" or "Rock is the reason" [and other lyrics contrary to the Christian Bible...], can be

easily Converted into "JESUS is the reason" or "Christ is the reason", even bear in mind the recent

Sermon List with JESUS Christ first and then Apostles ( applies).

Also these Converted quotes are more enduring lyrics, and better solving better perfecting interpretations

of the Highest Purpose for the music Second Coming Wedding and greater.

When teacher Dewey Finn started singing his own song he sang "the artist must be true": he should have

listened to his own heart instead of ID theft and worse.

Signing enables Good Ethics in the classroom.

Many schools including higher education and employer training and such as the International Court of

Justice, ICJ, have fought against Christian Rights And Privileges, because of the source: not Signed.

Does the ICJ agree "Putting on a good rock show is the best you can do"?: no. Who agrees with the

previous quote?: Dewey Finn, and others that fell due to lower level temptations or ignorance against

the Teachings Of JESUS Christ and so if ignorance then not Doing Best (save Miracle from above or

chance Ecclesiastes 9.11).

Chance is similar but not the same as secularism. Chance can happen in some Christian levels

though not in JESUS Christ Highest (All Knowing, Perfectly Doing), and chance is more toward

Christian Follower levels; and [chance] risk is most prevalent in the secular levels, reference

the extremely often situations of money discussions about risks (Matthew 15.14).

7 years of Good Harvest are here now (as coronavirus plague spreads increasingly and as

stocks plunge, and as typical secular teachers force students to sin and to obey UNKNOWN

GODS laws: lawlessness).

What will they do if You Sign?, they will make songs and sing praises to Your names and they

Will Give Praise For JESUS Christ (what is True Prophesying?, this string of words starting

with capital letters is Prophesying [although not all would immediately Give Praise...conditions

...though the Best Ascending Christians Will])(the word "they" is in the general context sense

such as meaning some will sing while others will paint...).

What will they do if the Dewey Finn gang performs?, many will enjoy, so if not breaking the

law let the good be with the First Amendment and such, as the temporary does not endure

the same amount as the Christian Signing Faith Type And Amount Path nor at the same as

the Christian Rate Ascending (though see above text on Sign lest "neglect").

If to allow a people to enjoy the Dewey Finn gang, so much more to allow the people to

be able to enjoy the Best Guidance. [For Highest Purpose and yet also] for to be with

benefits toward [proofs and] Best Overcoming worldy former temptations is to Best Be

with a Loyal People, and Anew Peace, and with a People changing from the source

rather than addressing ancillary lower level symptoms per se, and so from the source

[Holy Guidance / Signed] overcoming addictions.

How much does a war cost?, overcome it.

Teach Peace, teach responsibility, teach loyalty yet tolerance of new ideas from their

perspectives [let them live and experience life with elbow room though not destructive,

let rights and privileges be known for their Best Wise decision making that their fruits

be Best](Best Peace Agrees with loyalty if it is Best Loyalty).

The Dewey Finn gang is not Best Loyalty. "Rock got no reason" is as if to say "I don't

know". It can be fun and funny to empathisize if frustrated and weary from not best

understanding and from lacks of successes when all seemed on course after careful

planning work.

Entertainment has value, including jokes (rather jokes toward joy: with redeeming social

value and rather in the Name And One Work Of JESUS Christ); even so this JESUS

Christ Gives as Grace within the Grace Margin (reference border around a page of

script, or such as frames as for eyeglasses and as for paintings, also soft material

around the handle of a tool, and such as courtesy) and hardly as the [theoretical

to Edify, the] real Center Line Straight And Narrow as JESUS Christ is delightful

though hardly if at all about jokes yet Best Converting is Victory Over problems as

emoted in jokes so adding to the "Victory" Anew Victories Over jokes: greater Joy.

How wide is the Grace Margin Diameter? it depends on Your JESUS Christ Given

Faith Mission so Your Maintenance Responsibility to Agree to Best (including Grace

Margin Loving Wisdom) minimize the Grace Margin via JESUS Christ Teaching(s)

(Precepts as pertinent) lest extravagance save if All Mission Related per se and

rather if all are with such luxurious extravagance (so symbolically typically generally

speaking seek to provide Mansions for Your Mass Members but not if to put others

into poverty)(ibid. exception example: a bar of gold might be considered luxury to

a person in poverty in outer space, but if needful for a spacestation repair to save

the life of that "person" then normally Good [if it causes that "person" to perish then

Pray JESUS Christ for Best Solving]).

In the current economic system world there paid trouble makers.

There are people paid for instance to march against Washington, D.C. with being

videoed for the news, and paid to phone the UN, and paid for many other corporate

and other troublemakings; but instead JESUS Christ USA Signing Solves.

For to Sign is as to stike water and of Charity to form an oasis in the heart of the


To Sign would Help multitudes recognize the Best Path, similar to how Christian

Former President Kennedy lead this civilization to the Moon, yet to Sign is so far

greater value.

The multitudes have many talents, some are artists, some are carpenters, while

others raise children and so forth; yet with Signing each of these Members Of

Talents within context would be of a set (horizontal level, Ivory Towers, yet One

as much as in JESUS Christ) would be a Body Member Talent Of Prophesying

(ibid.), like unto the Disciples such as Paul with a talent for writing, and such as

Peter of Spiritual Father Faith Revealing talent (

18.htm), yet this Signing is more about continuing Ascending (including Christian

Preachers that may already be Highest Official Position in Their Church), and no

longer limited to individuals (though not necessarily as High Level as Church

[though opt to surpass, see above on leading]) and so concerning groups such

as each nation and such as the UN functioning together as One Body and yet

each with a "Talent Of Prophesying" [to Edify:] within their vocation [initially].

And so JESUS Christ Gives this group togetherness as Victory Over as written

in "death" [(hardly important) instead

and] rather with JESUS Christ Strategic Life as written in

matthew/18-20.htm "For where two or three are gathered together unto My name,

there am I in their midst" Prophesying: two or more, hence easier to know the

True Future though with having learned much in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose,

and so with Overcoming false storefronts and disloyal Legion tactics.

Spirits speak, similar to how in this world two people speak at the same time,

perhaps like unto singing in unison, but often at least one party wants to selfishly

be heard as might occur in a political debate.

So spirits might tempt wrongly even if for higher purpose: rely on JESUS Christ,

The Rock, with Peter, One.

Now God Promises 7 years of Good Harvest and 7 years of famine, so would

God Give the Good mainly to character Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando),

or after Signing to Christian President Don Trump?, Christian President Don

Trump, so in JESUS Christ Ascending Best Yes.

But currently without Signing it has been more toward a coin flip as broadcast

on TV news daily simply with the camera and microphone on government (and

this sentence is not about government reaching nor not reaching the right

conclusions, this sentence is rather about the path(s) to the conclusions and

so whether as Don Vito [and Dewey] or not: for instance as the federal government

sought to establish laws over all the states the Federal Marijuana Policy Hearing

attendees all agreed the states were ahead of federal government, knowing better,

[and that is not federal Leadership save as much as confessed by federal government]

and the pertinent institute provided shoddy cause and effect inferences while the

results were agreed by those present (reference jumping to conclusions: not the

same as a Leap Of Christian Faith though conditions may apply).

Recently Christian Vice President Mike Pence said good "comes" for [Ascenders

(He said many words)].

Look at how a new employee behaves, or how a new Church Member behaves, or

how a child behaves; You can teach them all the info and have them repeat and do

goodly but the second Your back is turned or even while with them and watching,

they might immediately do wrong [according to force of habit perhaps]: so in JESUS

Christ "comes" this Anew Wisdom, that a person or a group Best Ascending may

appear worst (reference as if anti-Christ) just prior to Ascending vertically through

a Firmament level. They might be the Best So Far in this census generation but

may appear worst (impeachments may apply or not)(former training methodology

may be the cause to the effect or not).

Risk Reduction is through Signing through JESUS Christ.

Intelligence and knowledge are lower level things added if a person is with JESUS Christ

The Source Of Love, "the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge" (Ephesians 3.19).

Proper Best Love enables Peace (for there to be [to exist (for to be created)] likewise

ancillary intelligence and knowledge, "lower level things" (Philippians 4.7).

This Love and this Peace are unknowable in the vessel(s) since the Heavenly Father

and the Good Eternal Spirit are (is) Spirit, One: so this is the JESUS Christ

Unraveled of Loving Peace Victory Over even the most Pure


So with the previous Sermon Victory Over the Spirit, You now

know how to Create Good Anew Creation as Anew Beginning

in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and You now know how to

Best for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose form the Final End Time

that merely the name JESUS Christ (Love, Peace, All Knowing)

Source remaineth.

Many have been about after-the-fact IQ and knowledge and have

been results oriented, therefore they remained in the secular or

in Christian Follower levels typically (such as the UN has not yet

Signed). So such in lower levels have errantly failed to continue

ascending (naysayers [characters as parents of above shown

children characters, yet with responsibility values known in New

Christianity as Maintenance for toward being minimizing when

appropriate]), and so have fought against others that were Best

Ascending (

JESUS Christ is not for false advertising, and if a person has been

a false advertiser, then a known fruit, so to be aware that if the

person has not improved then a false Prophet.

Many nations publish in propagandism, as have many types of the

faiths have done.

For example Mahomet "according to Islam, was the last messenger

of Allah (570-632) Synonyms: Mahound, Mohammad, Mohammed,

Muhammad ( and

"In the middle ages the Templars were tortured into confessing that

they followed Mahomet. The Devil Baphomet is a variation of

Mahomet.#prophet#muhammad#prophet muhammad#pedophile#

rapist#evil#6666#" (


So Christianity is not merely for children. If to think properly (and

with Christian Work(s))(Signing, Giving Charity, True Prophesying,

what You Preach, what You Do [JESUS Christ Missions]) then Best

is to so Be And Say And Do Within Christianity Ascending Straight

Up In Faith.

To "think properly" is associated with studying. Ascending is like unto

studying, and learning is Best Accomplished In JESUS Christ with


So Christianity is also for teens and moreso for parents and

far more for leaders.

And the Old Testament largely is like unto children learning, as

the Old Testament is for [Study And Preaching With Doing]

preparedness strategy for when Anew situations arise (as with

JESUS Christ Precepting).

You are Given JESUS Christ In Highest Purpose

as much as You are Given previous Sermon http:// with this

above Holy Highest Father Spirit Victory Over the

vessel(s), because JESUS Christ is showing You

the Way: first the Leap In Faith with showing You

the New Beginning Miracle, and then showing You

the Final End Time.

If to show in former worldly edification ways the secular

end of spirit (counted as if such) associated with deaths

of people in former lower level interpretations the complete

apocalyptic final destruction of the world, such as described

in the biblical book of Revelation though largely misinterpreted,

and as people have imagined awaiting for most people sinners;

then bad prior to good, as if bad would be for to lead the good;

instead JESUS Christ Is Now Revealing The Better Interpretation.

Revealing the Anew Beginning even far "Better" than the former

lower levels of interpretations and those former strayed ways

(deaths, destructions, as if to make any goodly spirits and/or

things as though useless and no more), first and then similar

to passing flowers, trees, and signs along the highway, the

Final End Time is here already (and You survived friends),

even so,

if people were cast out of the Garden Of Eden and Christians

came into the world, then the Final End Time With Heaven

On Earth is exceedingly "Better" than the former "In the

beginning" (Genesis 1.1, John 1.1, Revelation 3.14: these

three verses even rather agree in One JESUS Christ).

Many have toward no hope if to say destruction is coming, flee to the housetop

and don't look back, because of their formerly relatively little faith types, amounts

and rates (some hardly counted as ascending); yet to Give them the Benefit of

Final End Time Heaven With More Excellent New Beginning Way along the

JESUS Christ True Faith Path As Normal For The Best Ascending Opting,

then they repent, are Baptized, Yearn For The Better Final End Time And

Give It Because It Is Better as is Anew Beginning (Even Already In JESUS

Christ One) and the Giving is Evangelism Added Unto Christian Leadership.

This JESUS Christ Benefit is like unto Signing For To Budget Charity As

Never Before in this civilization Benefiting as JESUS Christ Said To Do

though many opted to turn to hardly benefit: that former is hardly as the

Anew Will Be (Is).

Former (to Edify): endure wasteful destructions and persecutions even if

You are innocent (see above "flee to the housetop and don't look back",

a value from Above Given to Best

guide the disloyal but a former way [tactics, rather Sign JESUS Christ:

Anew Beginning: Strategize]).

Best In JESUS Christ Overcome former turned definitions, Best In JESUS

Christ Overcome former lower level turned interpretations such as the

"spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak": Be Reason That The Spirit Be Willing

( see Lexicon on the Word "[is]")

as JESUS Christ Enlightened with

[likewise the above stated interpretational pertinence applies].

And a precept functioning with ibid. per se is JESUS Christ Overturned the

tables of the moneychangers when in Our Father's House Of Prayer, that is

when moneychangers did works to devalue it for selfish gain (not charity)

into "religious prostitution" [hardly about sex, but about their love of money

( places) the key point being

"their love".

If they and their turned spirits have "love" then Your Job In JESUS Christ

is so Wonderfully Lovely.

Naysayers have had the wrongful ideas and works in self serving self defense

tactics as to proffer generally, if I had not naysayed then the better would not

have come; while the Truth is JESUS Christ Loved First And Continues To

Best Lead.

Our Work to Convert naysayers is not to prefer anti-Christian naysayers nor

anti-Christian people that destroy goodliness.

Christians are currently being persecuted including by non-

Christian Jews and atheists (http://www.christiannewswire

.com/news/185788865.html [also secular government failed

ethics repeats such as concerning the Center for Disease

Control, the "CDC", and "autism"]), "Although an atheist,

Black identifies as a nominal Jew and fatherhood influenced

his decision to raise his children in the Jewish faith" (wiki).

Aleisha Allen, the Christian Star of the School Of Rock movie as the character

Alicia and like unto JESUS Christ at the start of the movie, is Christian.

Since the beginning of secular education many have been against secular

government and it's subset level secular education, and not merely about

atheists and haters of Christianity, but also such as cost effectiveness such

as being taught to help big business put their own family farms out of business.

Secular is with many values, but a friend to Christianity is hardly one of them.

Jack Black and i share a faith path, in part, as having gone through secular

atheism [and the Old Testament, Torah similarly], and we greatly enjoy the

music of the School Of Rock movie.

Similarly the secular UN has been lacking the ability to perform and what it

has done in various works and often accomplished has been frail and subject

to stray turnings and failures.

Jack Black found success in the secular, as did the UN, and myself though

as a Christian such as Writing this Sermon the successes come yet exceedingly


Jack Black played Christian music, it was great, but he opted to interpret

(added lyrics) in an anti-Christian efforts. It did not harm me except to feel

sorry for the hearers if they were led astray. I Love that music, thanks Jack

Black / Dewey; and now through JESUS Christ I interpret that music and lyrics

for Good as JESUS Christ Taught And Did. That music was not noise, though

some of the lyrics were (Malachi 3.13) and so those amounts were Converted

via JESUS Christ (the Holy Spirit Alive And In Action [Acting Righteously,

according to Christian Faith amount]).

The secular UN and Dewey words have been frail and weak and fail since

weakness in made Perfect in JESUS Christ [not strayed prompt to fight ways

to stick knives nor nails into the man].

JESUS Christ yesterday, March 17 (Saint Patrick's Day) on

TV through Christian President Don Trump made a great and

awesome Miracle, even though the people may not have noticed

(at least as much as this writer vessel witnessed in others on TV).

This Great Miracle came from JESUS Christ With His Spirit In

Christian President Don Trump in Christian President Don Trump's

Faith amount (Whole or Good Part) as revealed in the previous

Sermon at in

the large font toward the end of that Sermon: "In JESUS Christ

Father Spirit One, The Spirit Of Christian President

Don Trump was talking including saying "JESUS

Christ USA."". From that Christian Faith the Miracle [Charity (Numbers 21.7)]

came in Word, though in another form, under another topic like unto (secular Edifying cliche:

to prime the pump) Good Results from JESUS Christ though often coming hardly as the

Charitable person expects. This "Charity" came not as previous said to do, to tax people so

we can give "Charity". This "Charity" came in a form the secular historically counted as though

react to the lower level virus, "$1,000" for Americans, Christian

President Don Trump said, with "It's gonna be

big" "It's gonna be bold"!

This does not sound like taxation without representation, this does not sound like we

need to raise taxes to pay for defense against corona virus.

Not about the secular former ways, this tests the Faith concerning New Christianity, but

hardly about such, far more importantly in JESUS Christ is Christian President

Don Trump Prophetically In Faith (as stated above at the previous

Sermon in this Series) is the yielded "Charity" result as

not previously in this generation nor in this

civilization in the money sense: this is Anew

from JESUS Christ, toward JESUS Christ USA.

Also not on TV yet key pertinence is that the lower level naysayer spirits under former

ways (not leading in JESUS Christ One) and many naysayer spirits under sins (formerly

called evil, rather they are not yet Converted to the higher levels in pertinence) falsely

claimed they and not JESUS Christ made this Victory (and they had said they are the

source of good in this world [not so, instead JESUS Christ One Father Good Eternal

Highest Purpose Spirit yields the Good In And Through JESUS Christ One Spirit]),

but for their sakes this writer told them that if so as the naysayers claimed as if over

all good doing(s), then opportunity to so write the above Good News was Given and

announced to them and for their sakes (Maintenance Responsibility as JESUS Christ

Requires [legally] or opts in Grace) over 5 minutes was given the naysayer spirits to

to print these words in this Sermon, but the naysayer spirits did no such that they had

claimed and the naysayers failed and their bluff was exposed. Do not do such things

unless of level and Mission in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (this was not about

temptation), rather Converting naysayer spirits and with JESUS Christ Proof!, (see

previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders

on JESUS Christ Highest Purpose With Best Converting, and on Exorcism).

So the "$1,000" while for Americans, is not because of secular government

strategic planning (such as planning the budget a year ago [generally planning

about disaster relief is not to the point [nor the JESUS Christ Heart Of The

Highest Purpose matter at hand in most pertinence and Highest Priority],

but because of the JESUS Christ USA Faith

Of Christian President Don Trump and likewise

with Christian Vice President Mike Pence

(see above "nod", likewise while watching TV when thinking of Executive Branch

speeches Prayerfully, in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose moments evidenced

[points of Christian Faith (not necessarily stated in speech matters given to the

general public such as like unto Mark 7.33 yet Christian Vice President Mike Pence

nodded at times appropriate in Christian Highest Spirit Faith, Agreeing)].

The previous word "appropriate" was with the spoken words though attuned to

the pertinent Spirit moments in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Note Christian President Don Trump formally coined the above stated word

"gonna" so the dictionaries should update that the word is no longer an "informal"

word such as has been stated in the Oxford Dictionary at https://www.oxfordlearners

Because this above stated "$1,000" "Charity" is not to improperly test against God

("Numbers 21.7"), this is as a testing of the waters, even the preparation, in the

preparing for JESUS Christ USA, even if a tiny incremental step and yet far greater

a Leap for JESUS Christ USA.

As written in this also involves "a season" (the

first quarter of this year 2020AD and the winter season as spring begins tomorrow

Thursday , March 19, 2020AD) "The seeds on rocky ground are those who hear

the word and receive it with joy, but they have no root. They believe for a season,

but in the time of testing, they fall away".

So also with JESUS Christ So Perfecting The Union Even More Excellently Via

the Christian Leadership thus far in the Executive Branch and as much of government

as entering into JESUS Christ USA with this above stated "$1,000" "Charity" is this

Benefit from JESUS Christ Now Given as written about this "JESUS Christ USA" name

with this Love, "Charity", in "Above all, love one

another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." and in the Lexicon

Love is "From agapao; love, i.e. Affection or benevolence; specially a love-feast."

and importantly in pertinence is this stated "specially a love-feast.".

A love-feast is the name "JESUS Christ USA" in pertinence with this "Charity".

This is the "agapao" Faith Path of and in and for JESUS Christ USA. This is better,

more, and greater than doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason in

the Greek sense; as in the Hebrew [and now in the English] is Agape With The

Wisdom JESUS Christ Is Exemplar Over Mere Agape Fruit Of The Spirit (so

excellent, yet excellent because of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose): this Good

Part stated above is Agape Anew.

Refreshing, Better, Anew, Love,...for to be Edifying from JESUS Christ USA

Prophesyingly Truly, these are the manufacturing continuous improving stratagem

though Best for to be utilized in as never before government, in the JESUS

Christ USA government Anew. The inviting government, the Calling, greater than

even before of this civilization because of JESUS Christ, former refernece: "Give

me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The

wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-

tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

As were those that have been kept afar due to possible coronavirus contami-

nation returning home to see the Statue Of Liberty Sign so Prophetically this

Inviting Sign applies now: JESUS Christ USA come forth (John 11.43 Victory

Over John 11.48).

So Be Washed In The Blood Of JESUS Christ Of The Eucharist (shown to the

right in the above Drawing), as the Baptism washed the exterior protecting with

One, while the Eucharist cleanses within and throughout as the mind opts to

Best Ascend of the Heart And Soul In JESUS Christ.

"We love them, we're with them, we will not let them down" (Christian President

Don Trump as He addressed this nation [and the international public] on TV

yesterday March 18, 2020AD, responding to a question including about helping

"Churches" / FOX 46)(prepared already through JESUS Christ ICCDBB Affiliate

VGC [most links on the old site no longer apply]: Solved instead of historically

more and more studies at great costs to taxpayers, businesses, families, Churches,

and the nation [with as now JESUS Christ revealing the even more excellent

Inviting To Be Helped Way]).

Let the public now know with a certainty (Hebrews 11.1) this Benefit In JESUS

Christ USA civilizing Anew in Form and Recognition for Best Functioning with

Best Ascending is coming and it cannot be stopped. Be with assurance that

the naysayers and disloyal cannot stop it.

So continuing JESUS Christ Faith Benefits You now to know and to bear in

mind the Heart to be aware ongoingly how to distinguish lower level truth

of a value of faith type and amount and rates apply (see above "will not let

them down" Agreeing with VGC linked [Anew Victory Over] casting of lots),

and rather higher level Righteousness, and explained in this Precept example:

a person might say "He ordered us to shoot all those in the city." and such can

be of a "truth" but such is not "Righteousness".

Righteousness is from JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One including the Word

and Will Of The Father Holy Spirit JESUS Christ One, and Real Truth, Goodness,

Mercy, Love, Best Guidance, and Help. Real Truth is not from false gods nor the

unknown legions of spirits that worked to deceive and destroy goodness.

Also let the public now know with a certainty that this year 2020AD and these

coming times are Prophetic, as on TV recently about findings at Oak Island,

Nova Scotia, as findings have included items from Turkey and/or Cyprus that

the diggers had not discussed (having watched very many or all prior years

episodes) but as Prophesied in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Bible Code (such as

at, as Turkey and Cyprus

are in what was the Ottoman Empire (various sources date it 1299AD to

1922AD) with "Ottoman" repeatedly in the JESUS Christ Code As Prophesied.

The Way Of The JESUS Christ Blood applies in this world and the next (Heaven,

even so also applying concerning other civilizations [such as about the "UFO

Type Alien" Drawing and text above]), as for UN peacekeeping yet better, and

importantly about home, and family lifeblood with children and Best Faith Agreeing


When Dewey Finn started explaining lyrics  in the School Of Rock movie

classroom he said "The artist must be true" (see above text on how to distinguish

truth and rather Righteousness).

On stage secular teacher Dewely Finn said the non-Biblical lyrics "Do what magic man do -

Not what magic man say" and Maryam Hassan as student character Tomika responded

"Say what ?" to try to correct the character teacher while being respectfully loyal and

obedient [like unto the Way of JESUS Christ as a child obeying His Parents].

Dewely Finn said "One great show can change the world."

A "change" is not necessarily for the better [in former strayed sinful ways].

So much greater can be with Righteous Signing.

In closing this Sermon, this writer would like to mention some of the great

values [Dewey Finn] Jack Black has provided.

In this School Of Rock movie Jack Black did fantastic with the cast of

great characters, and not merely for the Department Of Education to be

aware of the former problem, yet also for the future of Your Choirs to be

with this JESUS Christ Given advantage through such fine entertainment

yet with proper interpreting [here and/or] in Your Heart(s).

Also Jack Black as Aspartamay performed a duet with Jerry Trainor as

Spencer Shay as Aruthor on iCarly, it was "Epic" even though secular

(again Choirs be aware).

These two works with Jack Black are the best in musical performances

this writer has witnessed in the secular in recent decades (but secular

[and note this writer has witnessed many Choirs: go make God Proud]).

Jack Black has also starred in the movie Year One, helping to explain

some of the Old Testament items not often discussed (such as prior to

Mosaic Law).

Continue ascending from Old Testament battles and naysayer mentality

to as Rabbi Schneider explains in detail the Hope of the Old Testament

and greater than the Promised Land, with Christians In JESUS Christ

Blood once for each and all Guiding With Giving Miraculous Benefits.

Let the Christian student continue to be Christian, let the innocent continue

to improve.

But let the secular teachers whether alien or domestic, whether teachers

of music or teachers of government, opt to Sign and to Give to Already

Worthy JESUS Christ the credit (Matthew 5.44) instead of blaming other

people and instead of blaming lower levels (Genesis 1.26).

Finally understand charity alone is not the solution (though with value,

see above splendid example "$1,000")(see Luke 16.10 correlation at

March 20, 2020AD.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.

Coming soon in the weeks ahead:

JESUS Christ Gives Anewly Beneficial

Way For Describing The One Good Father Spirit

in a Sermon for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

Drawings: Artistic Credits: from previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons,, and

Tags: JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit One I AM Agape Love Tree Of Life transitioning civilization most excellently as Christian President Don Trump of Revelation and Bible Code With Christian Congress Sign JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 with Charity specifics for Hoped as requested Benefits Victory Over spitirual warfare, rights of each and all UFOs Federal Project Bluebook humanoid blood system Heart people with black eyeballs Eucharist two or more in name JESUS Christ Strategic Life Prophesying Garden Of Eden the Spirit Of Christian President Don Trump Saying JESUS Christ USA With Christian Congress Sign Saint Patricks Day Miracle Benefits Over multitudes, according to Islam rapist Devil Baphomet Allah Mahound Mohammad Mohammed Muhammad Mahomet tortured Christian Templars CDC ethics autism naysayers cannot stop the Best Distinguishing Righteousness rather than truth Proof Over Ottoman Empire and popular TV series Oak Island Nova Scotia iCarly Spencer Shay Jerry Trainor Ancient Aliens Choirs movies School Of Rock True Star Alicia Aleisha Allen Amazing Grace Maryam Hassan Tomika, writer Mike White Ned Schneebly Miranda Cosgrove Summer Hathaway Jack Black great guitarist Dewey Finn Aspartamay duet Jerry Trainor Spencer Shay Aruthor Epic The Godfather Marlon Brando Don Vito Corleone Give me your tired your poor Your huddled masses


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