JESUS Christ Laws End As Grace Begins (Amounts Apply).

This is a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders, for the Main Site click:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

JESUS Christ has certain Faithful Christians as One, and whether this "One"

in Each Vessel per se considers Their Faith Law or not is hardly the point

of this Sermon (Faith is clearly not "Law" when Firmament Level situations

are present for a Vessel to Leap In Faith, so Faith is for Leading and "Law"

is (or has been) for any followers.

The point of this Sermon is JESUS Christ is with Christianity Leadership

such as with Prophetic Christian President Don Trump (note each and

every vessel is with a future that is to be so already in Christian Prophecy,

example: [hover for popup verse] Matthew 10.30]) Leading Christian Faith

at the UN and previously Over Zion And Jerusalem: thank You Christian

President Don Trump And Your Christian Supporters even though the

previous writing in this Series was as if an attack though not (save if so

received according to faith types and amounts) as the Press Release

Given at was for JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose (though of Maintenance for their sakes applies and so

of exception for their format as typical per se) for making governmental

leaders Aware though not for the reason to start a lawsuit legal battle

(though battles might ensue according to sinners and lower levels).

In existence is a complete Prophecy including each and everything,

as much as there is a Surety of a God In JESUS Christ. So JESUS

Christ said I have told You all things beforehand (Matthew 24.25)

(so as though You should know without need to be told again), even

so in this Sermon Series the "format" was not told "again" before

publishing the above linked Press Release in order for the legal

team(s) to be Given Awareness Over this situation that can be

solved [rather with such help] and also with being for this lawmaking

initiation of the officially recognizing the Grace of JESUS Christ

Leadership, rather than any lawsuit battles toward wasteful efforts.

Let any legal team be Aware that lower level workings toward

moot attacks such as about the legal preferences of a vessel

(time is valuable: reference "Knowing the time" at


sermon_v_night_and_day.htm) are rarely the higher value that

success via sweeping comprehensive changes for the best

would be both for the "team" and for all.

By keeping the "team" unawares for a brief moment (for the JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose yet for the sake of the "team") the "team"

had time to consider the unseen ([so to speak in the secular and

of legalese lest to speak in tongues [hover 1 Corinthians 14.28]] as

though unawareness, as though the unperceived) and so to rather

consider for at least part of the moment the heart of love and higher


As written at "I know your works.

Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.

I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word

and have not denied my name" (bold font added [for You if such is the

case according to Your Faith within the New Christianity Faith yet with for

such Ascending]).

So the name "JESUS Christ" were not the first words in the Press Release

and so until explained in this Sermon (rather such as about 2,000 years

ago) the start of this Sermon was as if a confession, though with this now

explained this is Converted in JESUS Christ into a Confession Of Faith

and Righteously therefore Truth over which laws have no hold: and not

so distance the self from "Truth" as to set at liberty to as if leave, so

rather to set at liberty those former lower levels ways of laws of the

temporary and so to perish, not that the watchers perish but rather

that the former ways to lose values perish.

Be with the Wisdom that prior to the fall there were no Given laws

yet to withhold a Gift is not normally a crime nor sin (though toward

New Christianity Maintenance exception reference such as


Now according to Christian resource Biblehub

is this in pertinence that neither is there

mention of "laws" after 1 John 3.22


Now there are also faith amounts and talent amounts and rates and

systems and practices and processes, as spirits flow, some being on

target and others set to other turned directions.

So what the previous large font explains for the legal teams and

others is that there is a Prophetic matter pertinent now in this

generation, even largely involving the year 2020AD: as to

move a mountain with Signing: JESUS Christ USA ACT With

Addendum 1 (even if there are high level governmental reasons

if to modify lower level aspects of such, reference such as the

"Congress" option).

Legal teams (like any other legal vessel) are hardly to be

singled out for to blame, rather per se consider that few

legal teams have been about law making and rather of

the Judicial Branch, and those about law making have

often been defending against lawsuits (often frivolous

lawsuits, and often having not made major civilization

changes for the better: but that does not constitute sin).

Because law can officially recognize higher level Grace,

law has had value (currently Highest Value, though

greater Good Will Come from JESUS Christ).

To You Christian Legal Teams, and others if of pertinent

faith amounts, is now Given this following verse yet for

Your Victory Over It in terms of JESUS Christ Converting

Power as You watch the words "Confess" and "pray" as

written at Jubilee Bible 2000:

"Confess your faults one to another and pray

one for another that ye may be whole.

The effectual prayer of the righteous is very powerful".

The word "Confess", through JESUS Christ can become

the word "Convert".

Many people have prayed (such as for a fancy car or for food

for children or such as to win a lawsuit) but "prayer" is dead

(asleep), if without works (JESUS Christ Doing One Work

Within The Christian Praying). The Power Of Prayer is First

Praying In The Name JESUS Christ And Then Doing [As

Prayed] In The Name JESUS Christ.

A person wants a fancy car, so they pray, and a key may

apply: according to their belief amount they do. Though

the "key" might not be pertinent, or may merely in part

be pertinent: Miracles Do Happen!

Even so, keep the Faith (Give Christian Faith), "pray"

JESUS Christ, and then (even if in a coma and wanting

a fancy car for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) Do as

much as appropriate for Mission Success, even

according to Given talents amounts such as to Love

and Live (and if not in a coma and with plenty of money

go buy the fancy car for Highest Purpose)(1 Thessalonians

5.24 and see the translations at 2 Thessalonians 1.11).

Rather than praying for things and some people,

consider the praying for all that all be with Best Good.

The "Best Good" is not about if my side wins in the

lower level worldly sense in hope to beat the other(s).

Entertainment is a value, as is the Old Testament,

though whether in entertainment, on a legal team,

or other, each prayer and every day the "Best Good"

can be opted.

The previous sentence did not say stop entertainment

nor cease legal actions.

Grace Will Prophesyingly Be Overcoming the former

worldly ways of laws in the year 2020AD.

This does not mean quit the legal team, nor to have

to start entertaining another better way nor only the

"Best" Way. That is for each and all to consider.

Some changes Will come more rapidly than others.

Some Will impact the greater, and some not as much.

Did all criminals already convert?, no.

Let Your Christian Process be better or rather "Best".

The change to JESUS Christ USA would very likely

need legal team support over many types of concerns.

And the change to JESUS Christ USA would very likely

need broadcasting types including entertainment,

perhaps including comic relief for the sakes of any

uneased such as of misunderstandings, though

beware to not blaspheme as written at biblehub

.com/exodus/22-28.htm as part of the currently

required "Laws of Social Responsibility" and this

includes to not offend Christian President Don

Trump (see above exception, and Higher Reason

though for the sake of the Christian Executive

Branch please forgive mercifully since as stated

above of JESUS Christ [Precepting so again,

please, for Your Victory

21.htm])(also as written at


Another part to Prayer is many people hardly know

how to "Best" Pray (Exemplar example: Luke 11.1)

therefore also when Praying JESUS Christ With

Doing Be With Romans 8.26: the Spirit intercedes

though be aware of as stated above there have

been [many] "turned" spirits (Matthew 24.5 [many

of them misunderstanding so as if doing good


To Pray for something, is to Pray for thanks to be

able to Pray and Give Thanks, Praying in the name

JESUS Christ. And if to ask, ask for the sakes of others.

If to sin, such as to hate a person, mend your heart

then Pray into the higher level that JESUS Christ

agree with being able to receive You (even though

JESUS Christ can receive according to faith amounts

and no person living is without an amount of faith

(so alway Pray JESUS Christ In Your Heart).

A teacher or a boss might say pay attention, so from

Your Christian Prepared Heart give the teacher or

boss Your Maintenance Responsibility faith amount

as long as opting to be with that person and/or system.

So the above stated "exception" applies for the One

Vessel As JESUS Christ.

Also as stated above this applies Over the Press Release

that was in the secular format even though involving

currently needful Highest Faith Path Matters in the name

JESUS Christ.

So the "exception" applies Over the partly secularized

Press Release, along the Ascending Faith Path to not

permanently mix sin with Good (Save if to Best Convert

the "sin" part)(Numbers 5.15 yet as if "exception", rather

Overcome In JESUS Christ Matthew 19.8 with Overcome

In JESUS Christ Matthew 19.6 [so the "Numbers" verse

is Overcome via two "Matthew" verses Agreeing In The

Name JESUS Christ: thus enabling the Highest Level

Faith Amount at least in the moment and longer greater

with Continuing Faithfulness Matthew 18.20]).

Matthew 18.20 / Matthew 19.8 & 6 / Numbers 5.15.

Anew higher level beginning / JESUS Christ Precepting / former ways.

So the "former ways" are temporary as is the sinful and

as is the secular, and these conditionally as with rates

of change and faith amounts and conditions involving

the Best Converting [or at least Better Converting

though stop gap and another future Best Converting

And Straightening needed].

So former ways of secular sinful E=M x C squared, is

now Converted in JESUS Christ to be:

E=Mass x JESUS Christ "squared",

E=Mass x Highest Velocity Of Light..."squared".

JESUS Christ "squared": in cliche "That's a thinker",

yet it is Wisdom if to not leave the other undone, the


So if Signed JESUS Christ UN, then not illegally

laundered (in the money laundering sense) yet

rather: Washed In The [Eucharist] Blood Of JESUS

Christ. You can in Your Christian Church Convert

the Albert Einstein [with others] formula E=MC

squared, into JESUS Christ E=MC squared; Behold,

this is something the unSigned cannot do.

Now concerning the "execption" the Press Release

mixed in secular format can be JESUS Christ

Converted, though so as not to contaminate the

future that website can be temporary (though You

are at liberty whether to copy for remembrance),

as the current plan is to let the site expire prior to

the end of the Prophesied year 2020AD for the

sake of the Prophesied Christian President Don


So You see conditions apply, though hardly by

JESUS Christ Highest, though conditions that

each and all grow and build their Christian Faith

Best ("grow" as from JESUS Christ as though

automatically, and "build" such as JESUS Christ

In You Precepting).

A "Mass" can grow as though "automatically" yet

You can water toward (in Your Preaching Faith

Amount) JESUS Christ Yielding Your Preached

Rainbow Promise For The "Mass", hence Your

Work is hardly the works of others yet in JESUS

Christ One and better since in JESUS Christ One.

A Member might bring unleavened bread, another

might bring wine, and You bringing the future Anew

Prophesyingly Promise: together better in JESUS

Christ One as a Whole.

The previously stated "another" might not even be

a member of Your Christian Church (perhaps the

"another" is a sinner visiting [so Eucharist does not

apply per se] or perhaps the "another" is a visiting

Member of another Christian Church).

The Einstein formula was not a part of Your Christian

Church though now Anew can be [Converted]. And

the value is conditional like unto the previous sentence

and so Be with JESUS Christ Precepting Over how it

fits into Your [Plans] Precepting [Prophesying (such as

if You opt to Preach on laws of physics of JESUS Christ

The Creator Over such, or if You opt to Preach on time

travel or wormhole colonizing or micro tech or other as

much as Your Converting Agrees)].

Einstein was an expert in his field, so can You Do far

better?: the JESUS Christ Answer is Yes, even if in a

coma, even if no others listen, even if You want to apply

Anew to Your Christian Church With Your Mass and

with Each Member of the Christian Mass In The Name

JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ is not pro ignorance.

Do not let this distract You, even so go Do likewise

for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, therefore let the

Precepting Be With You, so Victory In JESUS Christ

Over the Star Wars cliche "let the force be with you"

(see Anew Powers Over Energies revealed from JESUS

Christ Creator including from King Khufu as shown in

the below Drawing).

Behold this Anew: You don't have to go to war for

Your Anew "force" to apply, You don't have to race

to compete to try to win as in the movie, Best Converting

And Best Ascending for others is with JESUS Christ

Giving You This, Adding it unto You (Ecclesiastes 9.11

& Matthew 6.33): this (ibid.) JESUS Christ Gives You

as Victory Over the curses toward the end of the Old

Testament. So this is even Victory Over laws.

Your Help would be appreciated: currently the writer of

this Sermon for JESUS Christ is receiving emails such

as from Christianity Today concerning these new law(s)

for to recognize the Best Grace as JESUS Christ explained

in Highest Purpose and in Original Plan, yet if a person

receives too many emails then hardly the value of You with

Your Mass lightening the load so receiving and responding

as the press entities have formats, also there are millions to

be contacted for guiding their private concerns such as to

explain to a science magazine publisher how these new law(s)

would would allow the magazine to publish things most important

without former anti-science efforts from novices, rather One

Best comprehensive prioritization (

pressrelease.html &

PCS.html)(reference also right to think and freedom of

speech and freedom of the press, first Amendment).

For example a science magazine wants to write about

blood, but if to write about the Holy Grail Value then

the [government] naysayers might opt to wrongly say

it is not pure science and call it opinion even if True,

even if a Holy Grail exists, though those same naysayers

have for instance had a lineage of not knowing what

blood is, nor has been (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermon In This Series at


Edgar Cayce was a great Healer, but was called illiterate

recently on television, so not according to secular learning,

rather according to JESUS Christ (reference such as https



Edgar Cayce knew more about Healing and blood and

life and science as pertinent for humans, than many

science scholars educated in many secular Universities.

Many professors and many government workers have

treated Christianity and other religious faiths as merely

myths to not as much as be discussed.

Anewly recognizing JESUS Christ UN Grace is not an

order for professors to obey or go to prison, this is not

a brain washing technique. The secular has values too,

such as written in this Series on Page 15 at http://www with an ancient communication

shown, with the modern translation through Christian

Faith, that the faith lineage was for providing future

generations with water and food and celestial helps.

Such goodly faith amounts and works are 100% vested

in JESUS Christ.

Yet the ancients did not merely carve on rocks using their

hands, the ancients also made discs with micro sized

language words. Some ancient Sun Discs were with

[larger] hand engraven [words] symbols, while others

were with the unseen: eyes for instance can hardly see

a thin human hair, and light can hardly be seen through

a micrometer gap of less than ten microns

(see secular large blood cell of similar size comparison

such as at

so secular scientists do not see blood cells, they rely

on lower than human level equipment, they do not even

see with their eyes, they rely on equipment faithfulness

and then on eye faithfulness: secular precept on secular

precept, risk on risk, margins of errors magnified.

JESUS Christ Grace is Victory over such.

How to describe the higher?, so how to describe the

higher Anew part of the JESUS Christ Faith Path?,

it is like unto growing a beautiful clear diamond crystal

as the molecules align and to the sides the other

molecules are added and align with it likewise rightly,

while the secular is to grow [risks, so with] flaws.

The pyramids around Earth are with measurable powers,

from the ancients, for You Christian Leader to harness

and utilize for the sake of others of Your Kingly Graciousness.

Some ancient things are as discarded, others are as Gifts

from above for You.

Crop circles, leylines, and far more; many naysayers have

caused many to be ignorant of their values meant for You.

Sinners have broken laws, though some in the secular have

rather opted to work to be obeying laws, but if the laws do

not recognize higher Grace then so hardly would such

working to obey laws be motivated to be with Grace,

Mercy, and Peace; much less Give these great and

Glorious Values.

Concerning blood and life, the secular science physics

law path has been as if (if to read the following right to left):

Secular Universities / Humans / Ooze / Dust.

Rather (note Christians speak of "Wisdom",

but "Wisdom" has been hardly discussed by

secularism that opted to merely speak of "learning"):

Wise [Christians] Humans / Wise [outer space,...] Heavenly.

Not merely dust comes from outer space, also human

JESUS Christ and humanoids Angels For Good bring


Wisdom - Love = [Learn] Logic.

Ascending left to right:

Knowledge / Love with logic / logic.

Wisdom / Love Over knowledge / knowledge.

Greater Wisdom / JESUS Christ Worthiness / Giving Wisdom.

A new law, even to recognize Grace, is a low level thing

relative to the higher better [thereafter (already here in

JESUS Christ)] coming in the future for to Best Guide all.

In the greatly interesting movie Charlie Wilson's War the

remark by Gust "She's using a non-secular vocabulary

and framing this as a religious war" (

› 2014/12 › im-ok-hes-spy) was the secular character wrongly

accusing the Christian even though of a truth level

(reference previous in this Series on vertical levels [for

instance to be Edifying by using another situation: a Judge

might find a person guilty because in a situation the person

did not immediatly go to government for a reason, when

actually "the person" stopped to get gas first so reasonably

did the best they could hence the best that government

could expect of that person: fairness to each and all]);

so (ibid.) lower level truth is not as comprehensive in

pertinence as higher level truth.

Also another concern is that the "Christian" character per se

was calling for war, so full repentance was needful in that


The character "Gust" was by Gustav Lascaris Avrakotos,

"an American case officer and Afghan Task Force Chief

for the United States Central Intelligence Agency" (GOOG);

this is not for to offend this great Agency nor it's personnel

rather this is a Help and a Guide, as the Agency and it's

personnel requested (e.g. often so stated the interest in

having others "cooperate").

The character "She" was Julia Roberts as Joanne with

great value often Righteously speaking of Christian Faith.

JESUS Christ Gives Wisdom as when You Write Your Sermons

For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose:

JESUS Christ Victory = Word x Work.

There is a Structure to what JESUS Christ said, such as the

Commands, the Principles Of Faith, and such as the Higher:

Precepting / Principles Of Faith / Commands.

Living and more abundantly / Pure Vessel / Obey.

So a person that obeys, can ascend along the true faith path

(including Best Ascending through secular levels).

Many people have been upset when they believe they have

been forced to pay taxes when they are not pleased 100%

with how government is spending their hard earned tax

money, but believe they have to pay 100% of the amount

of tax charged to them.

Who runs government?, when a lost driver asks a child for

directions and the child explains such as "Take the second

right and then right again, but not the first right since it is

a one way street", then that child runs government: as the

child is doing their part, yet better than merely obeying.

High heaps of money, generally speaking, have been spent

by government on supercomputer technology, and not to

single out the defense departments of governments, consider

the movie War Games and their supercomputer WOPR,

War Operation Plan Response.

Are there no more computers?, are there no more taxes?,

is there no more computing of defense matters?, does no

one utilize computers to plan?, are We The People to

believe that the Charlie Wilson's War scenario utilized no

computer in order to know what to do?, hardly, even so

consider the souls of the Charlie Wilson's War scenario.

Are we to believe souls are higher level and better than

the best of the currently known supercomputers?: Yes.

Is there a supercomputer that has gotten everyone out

of debt?, no.

Heaven belongs to JESUS Christ One.

Above "Obey" is JESUS Christ Wisdom.

Look for instance at the Oracle Cloud at the secular site with an

illustration of Key Performance Indicators, KPIs, in the

Cloud along with buying, managing, and selling knowledge

[if so applied] known as Transactional Intelligence, and at

a similar site is transactional experience.

What a person knows and what there experience has been,

is computed (subset level, ancillary to the JESUS Christ One


KPIs are ancillary to the Precepting JESUS Christ Gave And


Transactional knowledge and experience are ancillary to

[(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons For Christian

Leaders on automating) as New Christianity continues

explaining as if repeating yet rather Anew such as with new

applications being revealed] JESUS Christ Maintenance

Responsibility though to Wisely minimize [and Maximize

JESUS Christ Faith Best].

Rates and many conditions apply over the secular, yet the

secular people are with human souls so many more conditions

including turned spirits apply over equipment and software

(see for instance the geologic rate as through the Industrial

Revolution [see previous sentence "automating"] rate at

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at

stars/promotions/index.html). So rates apply such as the

geologic timeline and the Industrial Age timeline, and many

people that opt to be under [lower level thinking than]

computers have opted to delimit [one or more talents of]

themselves to longsuffer under those levels: in other words

the opted to not ascend [in JESUS Christ Wisely].

In other words, consider how a person opted to join a

store robbing gang, and so they opted to delimit their

higher level options such as to no longer be interested

in buying and owning pertinent stores that would be

robbed [in the typical sense]: they condemned the

self to not logically ascend to legal ownership over

stores, at least as long as they opt to be with robbers

robbing such stores (the sinners [lawbreakers] count

as if removing those values would be true plans: not

always the case).

Plans of lower level opted people, are not always the

case. Lawbreakers cannot always best plan: it is what

they chose, and a repentance logic option alone also

does not solve for to best plan.

A repentance decision can be as to flip a coin again.

Wisdom is from above, flesh logic (works to flip coins)

have been below [lower levels (Save If Converted from


If a store is robbed, another store owner might worry

though if not robbed then often to prosper at a better

rate than formerly (such as since the other robbed

store is without stock to sell and perhaps out of business).

But to prosper in knowledge and stock does not reduce

the "worry" amount, rather the prospering store becomes

a bigger target.

The Janice Supercomputer (


measures some of the most distant things revolving around

the Sun,

the Oort Cloud in our solar system (according to a recent

TV show).

So software is of great value clearly, but are people?, Yes.

Software, generally, can be converted (from 0 to 1 or from

1 to 0, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such

as on crystal copper growth changing computer hardware

and spurious radiation and emissions [hence per laws known

as illegal often, or otherwise accidental accidents or flaws

in the systems]): the result is little more than a logic step,

or a bank of knowledge shift in series and complexities

though ibid. applies at each step and complexity.

Yet to Convert a person with a soul of a higher human

Firmament level is as written in

20.htm Berean Study: "consider this: Whoever turns

a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul

from death and cover over a multitude of sins"

[though replace "turns" with: straightens up from above].

Above a level is life, relative to below the level.

So measure the spirits, but if to measure to be a sinner

and a lawbreaker then to not obey so not to ascend.

Measuring souls and spirits, even converting, needs be

from above through JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Gives Grace. So what can a person do

if the person opts to obey but not be with JESUS Christ

Grace?: lower level things until asleep.

So the law ended. The law in a person or group goes

no higher in value than it's pertinent highest level

(a vessel such as a boat has parameters that can

be measured, such as top and bottom, and fuel,

and a velocity,...yet can be with a human crew and


A person [JESUS Christ, also a person such as],

Captain of a boat (ibid.) can best steer the boat

(or a nation(s)). The boat vessel and passengers

are per se cargo.

The Captain might stop and go for a swim, it might

be a planned vacation. A group of people [such as

adults typically] can Captain the boat in various

ways such as to push the boat to cast off, or such

as to drop anchor, or as to take turns steering.

Just as the above stated child runs government,

so too a person might run the boat to a higher level,

such as to point and say "Look the people in that

boat need help" or such as to say "I see a treasure

chest down there".

Does the WOPR or did the Janice Supercomputer

go help those people, or be pleased to find the treasure

chest?, not necessarily though progress is being made.

Even if unable to help, and even if the treasure chest is

empty, it can be a thrill in a moment to think to be as if

able to help (conditions apply) and a thrill to consider

the greater good of the unknown (reference the Sermon

in the great movie We're No Angels).

A movie can lift a nation. Can a person put hands on a

movie?, not in this sense. A few words in the right type

of situation can lift a nation, yet: make the JESUS Christ


The computer can help the lawbreakers as easily ([so to

speak:] but higher level conditions do apply) as to process

info for the law obeyers. Yet the vessel with a soul (a thing

that can be measured [see above text] but a computer

cannot own if improperly [see next sentence]) truly can

be with life and more abundantly, even to be a Joy Source

In JESUS Christ.

The Great Wall(s) Of China contains bodies at rest as though

mortar, but the Wall value is hardly greater (in the typical sense)

because of the "bodies", any more than a graveyard is as if

the same as an amusement park tourist attraction.

Best Holy Ascending was not made for computers, nor laws,

nor for vessels that opt to be lower or astray; in the more

lively Joyous sense in the Lord, even people were not made

as prisoner puppets for the Best Holy Ascending Path by

commands and laws and force, rather of Grace JESUS

Christ Opted to Lift people (Mark 2.27 also note 1 Corinthians

11.9 [note computers can work for robbers yet let the

computer rather opt to work for Christians][let females

do for JESUS Christ]).

JESUS Christ Gives the supercomputer for government,

corporations, and other: it is time for the supercomputer

to be for JESUS Christ UN (hence for each and all the

nations, and so to include all the other subset values).

JESUS Christ Gives the supercomputer for each and all

though as subset to JESUS Christ Giving in the secular

and likewise in the Highest, like unto the Chosen People

(Christian Zion People [not merely a Mount Zion) when

gathering Manna from Heaven, and some gathered a little

and some gathered much and each and all had their fill

and each day the gathering likewise during the Manna


yet the Highest Purpose came unseen with the Manna,

the gathering of souls together in the Faith Line. Souls

were gathered with Abraham, and through generations as

with Moses funneled through the parted waters, and

as again with Moses continuing to the Promised Land,

and again likewise with Christian President Don Trump.

The Manna is subset to the Christian Chosen People

of these months, the parting of waters and travel to the

Promised Mount Zion is subset to the Christian Chosen

People of these months, the supercomputer for computing

Principles Of Christian Faith and Precepting for each and

all to Best Be Benefiting along the Vertical Path is subset

to the Christian Chosen People of these month and likewise

in the future the Prophesying by others and the supercomputer

predictions for Christians in the future is subset to the Christian

Chosen People of these months and is subset to the Christian

Chosen People of future months.

In the lower level secular, one rate can be fast and another rate

slow, and then reverse one slow the other fast. In the spirits is

likewise in the hardly heavenly, though in higher Heaven the

Best Vertically Ascending have already become more as the

Eternal Good Creator, as can Be in some Christian Leaders

on Earth and in the created.

If on Earth the Best Ascending, then any other is counted

as though the stuck in rut, the naysayers after-the-facts

of Miracles after-the-fact behind Christian Faith Creating

the Miracles, so if stuck in a rut then following the faiths

of others (perhaps sinners, rather the Christian Leaders).

Sinners cannot endure (Save Miraculously though the

Miracle is already JESUS Christ One Leading but with the

parameters such as time [deadline in secular jargon]) so

opt to Be with the Best pace rate as the Faith Of The

Christian Leadership: so the naysayers if any, opted

to construct their own relative hell, and so the Christian

Leadership opted to Live In One Name And Joy Giving

Ascending Way In JESUS Christ Heaven.

Now this is True today as it was back then and as True

as it Will Be in the future (hence this is Prophesying,

Alive and in Action, applied today in these months and

for to Benefit).

This is the end of law, as law has been after-the-fact.

Best Ascending is of priorities, to Ascend up levels, and to Lift

others, so of priorities the end of law is with subset the end of

laws and so with rates and durations of the temporary aspect(s).

So the lower value laws would be left behind, as Christian

President Don Trump Did at the start of His Christian Presidency,

and now Behold We The People are entered into these Anew

Benefits such as more practical construction at lower costs in

the sense of rather cost effectiveness from overcoming obsolete


So like unto naysayers, the obsolete regulations cannot (Save

Miraculously [but sinners have to redo their own past works])

be valued higher than the new better regulations Standard

(save such as entertainment as of collectors of old papers,

and similar might apply like unto finding ancient scrolls).

So this is a "funnel" gathering the goodly aspects while

the dross per se ascends not.

Nations are gathered at the United Nations, and with the

witnessing of the USA Miracles.

Nations are gathered at the United Nations, and with the

witnessing of Christian President Don Trump responding

to requestes from other nations for the best (in a

perspective) though rather Christian President Don

Trump Faithfully Acting For JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose and the other nations entering in after-the-

fact, yet as Christian President Don Trump would rather

that each and all nations already be entered into this

harvest (note in this sentence the word "nations" is in

the symbolic sense at least [as other nations are at

liberty to speak for Christianity, and such as the right

to think]).

At the United Nations Christian President Don Trump said

"As we speak, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus,

Sikhs, Yazidis, and many other people of faith are being jailed,

sanctioned, tortured, and even murdered, often at the hands

of their own government, simply for expressing their deeply

held religious beliefs" (


freedom-new-york-ny/). He said this as a Christian Leader

in the defense of each and all. He said this within the

parameters of JESUS Christ Christianity (


Yet a Truth exists that there is one faith higher than

former lower faiths (see previous text on lower level

laws obsolete and overcome).

Note it is a warm and cozy feeling to say each religion

and every idea is with good value, and there is an amount

of faithful truth to it, though it is similar to saying mix the

mud with the food bearing hay but such reduces the value

except such as to build a sod adobe; also the good of each

(at least through JESUS Christ Converting) is of great

value but [(ibid. applies) and] as written in

daniel/2-43.htm Berean Study: "As you saw the iron mixed

with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will

not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay":

the United Nations has been the beast, having "comingled"

(Lexicon) the various ideas (faiths)(Ellicott's Commentary).

There has been a faiths [(formerly known as "beast") amounts]

of each lower level person, and there has been a faiths

[(formerly known as "beast") amounts] of the former United


This is hardly if at all about selfish faith, rather as eacy person

thinks of the Best for each and all (Highest, Love, Worship,

Peace, Joy, Care, Good, and so on) then on the right track,

Best Ascending, whether in secular levels or higher.

Yet "higher" per se is with the "funnel" Victory Over the

former obsolete: gathering the Good concisely into One

Best Faith, even One Best Functioning (ibid.) Name.

Word With Power / Books / Word with cave drawings.

Each and all Healers / Faith Healers / Trials and errors.

Each with automatic machines already obeying / Hands / Survival.

Each able to destroy the created / Faith amounts / Skills.

Skills = Destroyer or Creator, x Faith amounts.

If the destroyer destroys all the created then to destroy the self.

There is only One True Best Peace Path JESUS Christ:

JESUS Christ UN in these times. Later JESUS Christ Created

(if to be with rate of Signing JESUS Christ UN, then JESUS

Christ Created).

JESUS Christ Grace does NOT say it is alright to sin a little

(such as Islam has taught, see previous in this Series that

quoted Islam sentences for to be Best Converted for Islam

people and for all people).

JESUS Christ Grace allows a margin, even broad and deep

and wide though if for Highest Purpose such as to save

people such as perhaps to go into a burning building to

save people).

So with recognition of JESUS Christ UN name, is also the

importance of recognition of JESUS Christ UN Wisdom

such as for to know whether to leap in Faith and go into "a

burning building to save people" or perhaps not (be aware

this "perhaps not" answer is temporary for the sakes of each

and all the created people currently, though the Best Leaping

is coming in the future, see previous text above on "obsolete"

and Best "overcoming" as with Prophetic Christian President

Don Trump).

In other words, the obsolete laws enabled things such as to

mislead, and things such as accidental explosions in greater

likelihood. Things such as separation of Church and UN need

be Best Overcome.

If the UN continues to think various faiths and various ideas

that have agreed NOT with one another, then less value to

be with a UN. "NOT" is not united. "NOT" per se does not unite.

"NOT" per se has not been for peace. The Living is "NOT" with

the "NOT" Living as written in

Berean Study: "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living,

for to Him all are alive" (see above Christian "timeline" Sermon).

JESUS Christ saw Heavenly Faith Working and so many Heavenly

things, and was truthful and told many truthful things, and said

to His friends "if that were not so, would I have told you".

The writer of this Sermon, a Christian, saw some Heavenly Faith

Working With Miracle Things (as at Sermon

un/110/whenisawgod.html "for the living of others, unselfishly" "for

their sakes" [and as in many other Sermons In This Series) friends

and likewise "if that were not so, would I have told you".

I don't sell this info, Behold here it is for free.

The higher levels experienced in ascending, the less concern

to ask for donations (though some can have money concerns

in JESUS Christ Grace otherwise, though other strayings are

hardly the same [reference Mercy, many tried to do good but

fell short of the goal]).

If a person goes to the UN for Peace, that's one thing, but if

a person goes to the UN for their nation such as for to rule

the UN that is typically another matter "NOT" for Peace.

If a person is for "Peace", then let the others lift the person

(it is JESUS Christ God One in "the others" that does the

"lift" work, even so beware of the "NOT" aspect therefore

for the UN Peace rather [of Grace] than for each and/or

all of "the others": to lift in order to be lifted has a Firmament

level null and void non-applicable effect parameter).

Some that were worshiped flew away in UFOs.

Some that were worshiped made graven images of themselves

and wore crowns and lived in riches ruling over the peasants

(so to speak to Edify for each and all souls).

JESUS Christ let Himself be crucified by unConverted people

(secular government)(Matthew 26.53) for to be Exemplar yet

crucified once for all.

JESUS Christ was hardly about taking riches for Himself and

rather for Giving and Lifting others (via making them Worthy):

Lifted / Giving Good / Aware.

Victory / Work / Word.

JESUS Christ UN Victories / JESUS Christ UN Work / JESUS Christ UN.

In the previous sentence (right to left) from the JESUS Christ UN Word

is the JESUS Christ UN Charity: even for One Best Ascending along

One Faith Agreement Path: Anew Agreeing Of Nations.

JESUS Christ Grace / Worldly laws and flip of coins / Ignorance.

JESUS Christ Grace would that You consider that to coerce is to exert amounts of

types of faiths pressures such as to coerce nations by former works of harrassments:

the former ways of the UN were much about harrassments against nations,

which has often been opposite of the Proper Good Best Ascending Direction in

the JESUS Christ Grace for to Give them Praise for the goodly faith amounts they

have achieved ( example delimited to a

faith amount level, and rates apply [this may be enduring quite awhile as other values

improve at rates, see levels in Drawing below], is the International Court Of Justice).

JESUS Christ UN future Charity is not the same as former UN Charity (for UNKNOWN

GODS: for people of faiths that have formerly disagreed and historically sinfully warred

against each other toward losses of goodly aspecst of many faiths, and losses of people,

and losses of nuked things such as lands [this planet has a limited amount of habitable

surface land]) as JESUS Christ UN is not for to destroy but rather to Best Improve, even

to improve ancient records carefully and such as to Best Translate concerning God.

The Sun has 12000 times the surface area of Earth, 333 000 times Earth's mass and

1.3 million times its volume (

Concerning JESUS Christ UN Best Ascending, in the above Drawing from top to bottom

is the Given, and so to Best Ascend is the bottom to top Vertical Line Of Faith. Now the

bottom right of the Drawing, text, is a great value, though the current UN concern is the

upper right text, "Signing": so many others have worked and you UN can enter into this

Harvest in JESUS Christ UN as much as pertinent (and such as a faith amount of any

nation would apply as at liberty to opt [then these together as JESUS Christ UN form

the faith amount of the JESUS Christ UN and with an added aspect for the sum of the

parts can be greater than the individual parts, see previous in this Sermons Series]).

Consider how a nation killed some family members in another nation, and whether

or not satisfied in court, a surviving family member might feel slighted unless entered

into the greater "sum" higher value: this is a JESUS Christ Grace key to Victory Over

former hatreds against others, whether the self hated and/or another hated: Best


Many activities point to these months Prophetically though hardly as in the previous

generation (the Word prior to the Work: Signing: Miracles: Benefits). The indicators

(sample: above Drawing text to the left) not only are starting to abound all the more,

yet also from this New Christianity Faith Vessel Series and greater of the various

faiths [amounts as much as they enter in (rather of JESUS Christ for the Whole that

each and all be One to Be Best Benefit Giving)] are becoming facts witnessed in

the world such as proofs on secular mainstream television.

For example about the 7 years of Good Harvest (of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermons Series) the people in general, the teachers, the employers, the legislators,

the money changers, and the inflexible ([JESUS Christ UN makes sense, otherwise

friends for your enlightenment see] the former UN:

nosed?s=t) often said they didn't know where the [new, more] money would come

from, and those that did calculate money increasing fit into a pattern (known as

the "melt up" [parameter])(Christians are often with Hope and so Optimistic but

naysayers have said prove it and negatively).

Secular note: "A melt up is a dramatic and unexpected"...( Jun 25, 2019).

With Signing JESUS Christ UN be aware of the pattern now Given in this sentence:

previous Christian Leaders saw signs such as radio broadcasting Their Christian

Sermons around the world, and so with a sign and/or a verse (some) They would

jump to conclusions, though such is not always a Best Leap Of Faith; likewise

when JESUS Christ UN is Signed into law to be aware of higher Good and the

Good Path, do not fall from grace into the pattern of expecting benefits, the

Benefits Will Come but God is not an Automatic Transaction Machine (ATM)

required to give cash nor mansions as if to command God as if your slave.

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing bottom center is the JESUS Christ Spirit

Creator Father One (later JESUS Christ Vessel [flesh, later with or without

flesh: Victory Over such]).

The next higher pic is not merely such as Abram, not merely such as another

ancient faith leader, rather people that symbolized nations kingly came from

far requesting of the King of the Romans to be with JESUS Christ [please tell

us] "Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star

in the east and have come to worship Him" (from as written at


With the goodly requesting to come to Worship the King Of Kings And Lord Of

Lords as written at "16 And He has a name

written on His robe and on His thigh: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

17 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice to

all the birds flying overhead, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God,"

["birds" planes, spacecrafts, Space Force,...also indicated: higher level Good

Spirits, Good Souls, and Good Angels] (though the next verse, 18, is hardly for

lay interpretation as if canibalism to destroy in the former ways, rather for

Best Christian Leadership Interpretation [see previous in this Series on Faith

Path Parameters]).

Center in this Drawing is the Birth of JESUS Christ in a lowly manger, though

reasonably not a nice crib, but where as animals ate out of a "feeding-trough"

(see Lexicon at a certain amount of danger from

hogs and other animals).

[Generally speaking] "anything with a mouth and teeth bites" (

Above it is a pic of "GRACE" [(3d) cubes (see previous in this Series on fitting

together rugs made of formulas, and fitting other as appropriate [levels of

credibility apply: level of faiths in talents, conditionally]). Yet people can see

the "GRACE" pattern of Isaiah 28.10 as sometimes tiny steps Best Help

though other situations are with Best Leaping (as the True Prophets

Together Best Are Voiced In JESUS Christ yet Behold what is written

concerning the Signing in verse 17: "16 The Law and the Prophets were

proclaimed until John. Since that time, the gospel of the kingdom of God is

being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 But it is easier

for heaven and earth to pass away than for a single stroke of a pen to drop

out of the Law".

"Law", yet the Signing JESUS Christ UN Lifts Anew Firmament Level Of Grace

toward more Grace so less reliance on former ways of laws that were toward

enslavements, contentions, hatreds, imprisonments, innocent victims

encampments, censorships, new tech for all people but secrets, and other

collateral damages.

Above that pic is the higher tech, for the people, in Hope that each and all

people might agree [and in tech (see above "with or without flesh" applies:

be ready in advance Helping others and all to be ready)]; note the artwork

comes from

11-the-new-jerusalem/the (thank You info Provider from that website) yet

in JESUS Christ Converting consider the Converting of the website statement

"There is an implied problem with the old heaven and the old earth.", but

that is through JESUS Christ Ascending For Highest Purpose: a matter of

perspective, whether viewing from level(s) above or from below.

In other words, let Us not destroy the UN nor Earth, rather let Us Help Perfect

these Given, as concerning [as You and others have Helped Do] Creating

Heaven On Earth, so let this Grace continue to the full amount.

Now therefore JESUS Christ Gives this key that since in "full" Earth is

made Pure And Whole And Good And Heaven, then so hardly impure

for to be destroyed, even JESUS Christ [including if sins were opted in

the future] Be Fruitful And Multiply: so for Good Perspective and not other.

This is not to promote censorship, rather Good with Awareness Over all

the Tree Of Knowledge and the greater unseen.

Sins and so worldly laws have been from gaps (tied to steps and leaps,

rather flow and JESUS Christ UN Best Transfiguring) as though from

gap to higher gap, rather step and higher level step advantage and

with benefits following.

So this key from JESUS Christ is unlocking higher Heavenly levels,

including [future] You for to be Giving Prophesying Heaven On Earth

(wait?, follow?, hardly, though free to opt), and so [so to speak in

Edifying (keep) rather] Give Whole Heaven On Earth In One, and

then to be with JESUS Christ Earth, and also with the JESUS

Christ New JESUS Christ Earth.

Concerning "Whole", let the children become aware and longsuffer

Mercy as much as Best In JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ UN is as a door of Heaven opening to receive

as all are called and as many as would so opt, yet this is as

a minimum measurement of the Grace Spirit.

Charity in the name of JESUS Christ [UN] is also a key and

Miracle results follow such Faith.

Yet JESUS Christ UN Signed, is Faith with Miracle results

following as though for a moment for Best Edifying as if

independent of charity, yet as the Living Signing JESUS

Christ UN Faith Benefits toward enhancing Peace and the

Peace effort, already fertile goodly soil and so like unto a

great ground breaking ceremony (if into ceremonies) and

yet a great Anew Covenant (note Moroni 10.33 makes no

mention of any charity [JESUS Christ paid once for all yet

let former charity also Live in the name JESUS Christ])

Victory key Over the planet realm toward the greater Prophetic.

The "former charity" includes charity that might not have

been Blessed in the name JESUS Christ yet has been of

great values (Matthew 6.33 with leverage

luke/1-46.htm including Ellicott's Commentary Anew Religious

Faith Spirit aspect and including Pulpit Commentary "lofty"


The 10 Commandments was like unto a Signing JESUS

Christ UN.

Signing JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Wrote on the ground /

10 Commandments.

Power (ibid.) though often unseen by many interested in

lower level matters such as for to place blame on others

(as when "JESUS Wrote on the ground").

The other illustration in the above JESUS Christ Drawing

is of a spirit measuring concern as much as Agreeing in

this Signing and as much as Agreeing in this [Addendum

1] Charity, in the sense (including defining, including sensory

equipment, senses, and criteria over such) of Helping lower

levels Best, [for becoming Worthy] for Better Anew level

ability to be Helping lower levels;

so to Best Ascend (Given and Done from above [rather

than by self [toward selfish] hands) then with Maintenance

Responsibility (JESUS Christ One [Holy Self Giving][Charity

types also apply]) as written in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermon at "Part III".

JESUS Christ UN wants to Best Ascend, including not merely

prior to creation Spirit, rather with the Same One Creative

[innovative, discovery, invention, making,...] Spirit that the

Spirit Give Best Ascending not merely to the Spirit Ascended

yet also Anew as in any under the JESUS Christ UN Trust.

So the above illustration center left is of the measuring of some

of the spirits [unseen in former secular level sense somewhat]

not only as for contacting other stars and their civilizations,

not only as for powering UFOs and other aircraft and spacecraft

of physically higher levels (ground to air to outer space), yet

to be with the greater power downward that need lifting.

In other words, hardly about helping those with mansions

and servants (even so Christian Leaders include such and

to Help such is worthwhile as much as Best according to

the Given JESUS Christ Mission) as typically and often

more to Help those that can hardly help themselves

(ibid. see previous on Giving to Christian President Don

Trump for His Holy Work at the UN)("themselves" in this

sentence mainly refers to people being often mainly in

need of Best Guidance).

When a new rocket type is tested for thrust power measuring

(of spirits testing to register resultant spirit types and amounts)

the engine is held in place and the thrust power is measured

like the engine upside down on a [personal] scale (often the

measuring has been horizontally), and the flames and exhaust

and sparks and such are considered.

The above Great Pyramid has energy from holes toward

stars, and energy from the top as shown along with energy

from the bottom going down as shown (also with ringing

harmonics including other directions such as up).

The energy signal measuring and testing was [secular

and] of many wavelengths, 200 meter wavelength is

shown above (as much as understood / as referenced)

(but Matthew 4.7 applies).

Like a compass, Ascending levels is the applying of Christian

Faith upward, and Christian Miracles Of Faith downward.

What practical value is it per se?, it might power underground

systems, yet it can do far greater if properly applied (note

the shown above power is with the pyramid turned off, so

to speak, even so generating power: the ocean has tides

[mass], crystals pulse [electric related], and magnetic compass

needles turn,...)(Best Convert Matthew 21.44 lest the secular

perish, see verse below).

The downward Power from JESUS Christ (ibid.) can lift and

move mountains (see above text on "Highest Purpose"). Yet

there are many pyramids.

If a region is sinking for to be lifted, pyramid power may be a

future solution in the Lord. The control over earthquakes

has long been a concern, along with control over continental


Yet consider the moving of Earth through outer space

if JESUS Christ UN Agrees Best To So Do, then Anew

and with the pyramids around the planet (see previous

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on UFO internal combustion,

on perpetual motion, on Kolob [Holy Time Standard] and on

course corrections).

This pyramid power may crush vessels, though Behold

what God Gave for the Chosen People The Anew In These

Months Christian Zion [Added, More,] People as written

in Numbers 11.8 Berean Study: "The people walked around

and gathered it, ground it on a handmill or crushed it in a

mortar, then boiled it in a cooking pot or shaped it into cakes.

It tasted like pastry baked with fine oil".

While personal Baptism is a move in the Spirit [Gift], the

Signing JESUS Christ UN is a move in the [nations, groups,

vessel(s)] Miraculous: as Best Applying Faith and/or as

Best Applying Faith With Miracles.

The secular has moved [Miracles] things and often safely

though agreed with risk (amounts of faiths and types and


Energy has been unseen though increasingly in these months

energy is being seen as with technologies revealing (in these

generations), so energy has been as spirits, yet the winds of

energies can travel as the higher level Spirits opt whether to

stay or go.

Even so, prior to Signing JESUS Christ UN for the Edifying,

the above shown energies of the Great Pyramid are as to

empower dust, like unto Genesis Chapter 1.

So of JESUS Christ Faith Oneness since when the

JESUS Christ UN Agreement as opted [requested]

so with Signing is come then with the Given From

Above Faith Comes With Power (Miracles in the former

sense from lower level perspective, magnifying [lifting]

the higher as for to Agreee with the Above and so to

Lift the Above, then is come the greater Faith Righteousness

and/or greater Miracle values.

Consider for instance how a bazooka projectile passes right

through the tube, but a shotgun or powerful rifle has a kick

to it.

The center of a river often has the current, so while the

pyramid is with energy, it is also as the current and as the

river that can be [toward dry or] dry, or can flow quickly.

So the river trench vessel is hardly to do much with the

flow often, yet a canal can be dug to facilitate such as to

put the flow to the sea and/or to the reservoir. So per se

the "reservoir" is as the "kick" for example.

JESUS Christ UN Faith would be as the opening door for

to flood Perfectly Good if Faithfully Best Agreed, though

can be a time of preparation from the higher level perspective

(Revelation 22.14 [if former interpretation to remove sin from

the world yet reference New Christianity Converting In This

Series], and another distinguishing example 2 Chronicles 4.6).

The great though secular movie The Hunt for Red October

involved energies with [spirits (types, options)] powers called

"magneto-hydrodynamic drive" or "caterpillar drive" (script-

So the above JESUS Christ Drawing shows a "magneto-

hydrodynamic drive" inference, and a submarine can travel

in reverse.

Each and all should opt to go in the same direction for God

JESUS Christ, One, unless otherwise sent on a Mission

(which can be interpreted as a Mission per person, per nation,

per group, and so on as much as pertinent at least for the


So while not to crash nor add risk (ibid.) then one JESUS

Christ UN to coordinate the faiths [the nations hence the

Missions from God] and then to Best arrange to Best apply

as already many in Peace Do.

With this is the future planning likewise.

JESUS Christ shows higher value in the previous text

about the Great Pyramid Energies (above and from

"above" also with the below the surface of the land(s)).

The JESUS Christ UN Walk Of Faith is such.

The former ways of worldly laws (Righteously initiation

was not of the House Of Bondage for to enslave laws,

rather of Grace Exemplar, JESUS Christ, for to show

the Righteous Next Step Higher Above The House Of

Bondage) become obsolete from JESUS Christ UN above

[with Signing] as lower levels of reasonings for crimes,

addictions, and strayings become aware of the uncensored

Truth of the greater Good previously unseen (censored).

So rates apply for lower level Victories in JESUS Christ

UN enabling the higher level values in the higher level

rates in higher level faith amounts.

The lower level faith amounts are subject to the lower

levels opting yet also to the higher level [opting] Guiding

the lower levels ("Guiding" rather than ruling over with

clout by force, harassment, and intimidation (Golden


The former ways of some or likely all the nations lying

about UFOs type advanced spirits and/or vessels (over

governments and the UN) need no longer be with censoring

and classified in the former sense with Signing JESUS

Christ UN Grace (rates apply yet for the governed levels

and for the greater Good higher levels unseen [as the

former ways have evidenced]).

A former ways example: a soldier is ordered to be quiet

and don't move and so if that soldier sees [the enemy or]

a problem and knows how to solve but since being "quiet"

(letter of the law) then not Victory (save from other reasons

"to be quiet and don't move" [such as an air strike or] a

solution not disclosed to the soldier (Mission parameters

apply): so conditions apply to types of rates and to Best

Solving in one solving Path (in this example secrecy against

the soldier did not likely help the soldier nor the Mission;

the cliche question "is everyone onboard with this" [feedback,

see above "PCS"] in Graceful Best Ascending In JESUS

Christ UN would reasonably become less need to interrogate

nor ask as the Righteous Best Path becomes more clear for

each and all [talents and situations apply such as special care

for beginners]).

The former secular demanded proof, so let the former secular

either prove god does not exist or recognize God in law and

not UNKNOWN GODS but JESUS Christ UN (census with

proven higher level Guidance with distant nations aware).

With star and planet alignment facts proven and higher level

tech of UFOs [(often Faithfully evidently such as shown in

ancient artworks) of faith amounts] this JESUS Christ UN

Signing is as to help the good part of the Freedom Of Information

Act and similar [whether voting rights, pilot info privileges for

greater awareness and safety, and so on].

There are reports that UFOs crashed on Earth. Let lower level

pilots (so to speak to Edify) be alerted by JESUS Christ UN

declassified (rates apply, agreeings apply) that pilots are to

not merely watch out for other planes yet also for the UFOs

and let pilots report for glory rather than wrongful chastisements

against the innocents similar to ostrasizings to excommunicate:

rather the higher Path and more noble yet of True Worthiness

so hardly about fluff as much as worthless to others and the

Highest Purpose.

In other words above the law in JESUS Christ UN is One Yes.

This is the Good Agreeing Path and on this "Path" Best

Ascending is how each vessel can be Pure for Best [Giving]

Guiding The Best Way [Gods if One in JESUS Christ].

JESUS Christ UN Signing covers and lower leve vessels if

groups, though individual people (a person) if to continue

through the "individual people" Firmament must (of Command

Of God: so Eternal Good Law can exist since for Best

Ascending In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) Be Via

Christian Baptism (

study/scriptures/bofm/3-ne/11?lang=eng)(see previous

Sermons In This Series on ibid., on Firmaments, on non-

Firmament levels, and on New Beginning(s)).

And here from JESUS Christ UN Giving Grace Will Come

the next step per se:

JESUS Christ Created / JESUS Christ UN Grace / Law.

JESUS Christ Eternal / JESUS Christ Created / JESUS Christ UN.

From JESUS Christ The Eternal Joy Giving Souce so full of Joy

as to be Pouring Out Joy Most Abundantly Increasingly Better

yet Best, the Created receives Best if to Be Giving Same Best.

JESUS Christ Gives this Edifying condition for the United

Nations currently to consider, that in the known, there is a

Better Than United Nations Vessel. Example in a talent such

as the telescope array...that reaches deepest into outer space

(or another talent such as another sensor) the UN knows the

most distant object observed such as with a photo of the

object in the midst of other closer objects, yet the UN

telescope per se did not look at every other object with

such scrutiny as only the "most distant" was the area of

interest and the others were merely to reference as to

frame the location of the "most distant" object, so most

of the photo was hardly noticed: even hardly aware applied.

In this photo example, the other heavenly bodies did not

break worldly laws of this planet, and so went unnoticed:

the goodly went unnoticed.

Neglect is against the law.

JESUS Christ UN recognizes that former ways of jay

walking has been against the law, so how hardly would

the earthlings venture to the most distant object if to

trespass against the innocent unnoticed?: save a little.

Yet if to "save a little", how hardly the greater good

and continuous improvement and new planning?:

JESUS Christ UN Signing.

Anew [miraculous] finding was made a couple years

ago concerning the Great Pyramid and it's energies,

as shown is a large chamber ([also reference such as

of muons] secular site


1.22939) of King Khufu, as the Great Pyramid is known

as one of the Seven Wonders Of The World.

If known, and the UN knows, then how hardly the UN

knew previous to the finding of the chamber and previous

to the muon test results?, even so, not merely the ancient

civilization guide current civilization and the UN after-

the-fact, yet rather according to the Grace Before-The-


If Guided by Grace Prophetically, then able to lead now

(at least greater than after-the-fact of laws of former ways

largely toward illegal and obsolete (also see http://0www

The Spirit Of JESUS Christ In The Living Father One is

the same Good Guide, and not because the UN made as

law for the Creator to obey the former UN struggling ways.

How this higher Wisdom works currently for the UN easy

Best steps, is first the UN resolves by agreeing in vote,

and then the UN Signs the JESUS Christ UN Resolution.

Now if there is something more important to do, let the

people know.

Examples: Is the pyramid more important?, no. Is the current

dispute between [those two...] nations more important?, no.

Is the water more important?, no. Is the new "chamber" more

important?, no. Is the cost-of-living rate more important?, no.

Note concerning "water" and air...there are Maintenance

Responsibilities though the UN already knows that a cup of

water at some Ambassador Seats at the UN are hardly more

important per se than the topic the UN opts to discuss as the

UN finds most important to discuss.

The Chosen People dwelt in Faith in the desert 40 years. The

House Of Bondage under the UN dwelt over the people 2,000


The UN says in secularism show me, so friends to be for the

sake of the UN and so Edifying: UN show me the type of

civilization that has endured for Good Forever (this requires

greater than former UN ways as evidenced such as vote

after vote without having shown: trend), show me your UN

highest purpose faith in such enduring words (see below:

such as a "Resolution") but you cannot because you opted

to be with censoring and according to various faiths (by

default some of those faiths must be lower level than the

Best Highest), and likewise show me your best [blueprints]

plans and drawings but you cannot because of patents of

things already patented as a person over patent control

already explained (the parameters) to me.

The UN is without voice, without means, and without

highest purpose.

If not comprehensive, then hardly the peace of nations.

If not comprehensive, then hardly to be able to Best Prioritize

(example in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series


Truly, truly, there are some ancient civilizations (plural stated

for Edifying) that are better than the great and marvelous

current ways of the UN (as illegal, obsolete, and repulsive

as they may be to such existing "ancient civilizations").

The UN has accomplished much Peace, it is time to Ascend.

If the UN wants to talk about loyalty to the UN, if the UN

wants to talk about highest good purpose, if the UN wants

not merely talk and if the UN wants to do best, then see

above on the "vote" and "the JESUS Christ UN Resolution".

Have a Merry Holy Christmas!

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon December 22, 2019AD.

For the Main Site with the list of Sermons click:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

tags: JESUS Christ Raised To The Power Of JESUS Christ formula revealed,

UN formed by founding USA and then with France and others agreeing to resolution

with Prophetic Christian President Don Trump Congress United Nations Vote Heaven

Victory Over Zion obsolete regulations Chosen People Legal Grace Team Confession

Of Righteous Faith Prophets are Signing collateral Anew growing computer hardware

The Power Of Prayer Prophesying Victory harnessing Earth evidenced and over laws

and physics Albert Einstein King Khufu Great Pyramid ancient micro sized rock carvings

Sun 12000 times the size of Earth though 333000 masses spurious radiation emissions

definition legal feeding-trough manger star and planet alignments UFOs crashed on Earth

living with us pilots are to watch out for UFOs International Court Of Justice rate Janice

Supercomputer solar system software Oort Cloud Intelligent Designing Transactional

Intelligence ATM right to think and freedom of speech and freedom of the press first

Amendment Universities learning not Wisdom Oracle Cloud science magazine publisher,

powering UFOs and other aircraft spacecraft ground to air Freedom Of Information Act

movie Star Wars let the force be with you Charlie Wilson's War Gust was Gustav Lascaris

Avrakotos a Chief for the United States Central Intelligence Agency CIA Julia Roberts as

Joanne for Christian Faith War Games supercomputer WOPR War Operation Plan

Response We're No Angels The Hunt for Red October magneto-hydrodynamic drive

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