JESUS Christ Time Travel Tech

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders.

JESUS Christ is aware of the extra burdens people have opted to heap upon

themselves, especially due to secular leadership similar to the House Of Bondage,

with values though mixed with lack of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, so with gaps,

such as separation of Christian Church and state that merely solved a problem back

then but without JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so the stop gap patchwork eventually

made things worse in pattern(s) (spinoffs and their problematic effects).

So JESUS Christ Came From Heaven Once For All to solve, including so the lower

levels would not have to waste so much time and effort on ancillary temporary former

ways that did not pan out.

The lower levels, the levels with those of little faith amounts associated with disloyalties

repeat their failures, trying something else then trying something else, and they have

been with lower level mixed spirits. They do repeat efforts at risk, while the Best

Ascending in JESUS Christ Become Best Aware Of The Righteous Faith Path.

Now since this JESUS Christ Sermon is Over JESUS Christ Time Travel Tech, then

the lower level "repeat their failures" effect is amplified according to their faith types,

amounts, rates, and situations, such as in Anew time situation.

Recognition that JESUS Christ is key, with Signing JESUS Christ USA to so

recognize, is to Overcome that problem. It is not an establishment of a secular run

religion, nor a state run religion, nor a government church, though is according to

Highest Purpose and by default (JESUS Christ is with the "Highest Purpose" and

the "default" has been recognized in the faith types, amounts, rates, and such in the

riskiness of the secular predictions).

As written at (with Commentaries):

"God did this according to his eternal plan. And he was able

to do what he had planned because of all Christ Jesus our

Lord had done".

So from the Highest Purpose In The Original Eternal Plan as all that is Higher Level

Good unseen Agrees, it is through JESUS Christ that all is solved and so solvable

by lower levels. The calculator does not solve all, disloyal faithlessness did not

solve all, the things made by hands did not solve all; only JESUS Christ

Solves All. Because "JESUS Christ Solves All" In Christians Best Ascending

In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, the perks are with "Best Ascending", the Best

Solving is with JESUS Christ.

You are being transported through time right now.

Outside there is a rock dated one million years ago, and there is a flower dated one

minute ago. You can go from one to the other and back.

Time travel started for JESUS Christ and With JESUS Christ as stated

above, though had it's advent per se with the Creation Plan and instantly

with the Creating. Note that people had the idea that if humans would try

to fly such as jumping off a cliff then disaster, so flying was recognized as

a spiritual thing contingent on the wind, and a small wind such as bird wings

flapping could also make an amount of flying.

A river generally flows fastest in the central current. The Creator Created

fastest, and the less faithful created as slower rates. So to swim or ship

transverse to the current of time, then to travel at various rates, and if to

ship faster than the current then able to go up or downstream. People

age (one direction) as much as 120 years (generally less in the less faithful

[types, amounts,...]) until JESUS Christ One now (2020AD: 1 Timothy 2.6)

explains in two parts: the first [after Genesis and Old Testament Prophets

In Word] is JESUS Christ in both Word And Work (including Transfiguring),

and the second part is this Sermon Word for such unraveled Work through

JESUS Christ (note exceptions have applied: Miracles).

So while for JESUS Christ Prophetically in the Old Testament, a great

mystery was solved at the start of the Exodus forming the Tribes Of

Israel into One Nation: this happened at the Red Sea, see how the sand and

waters could move through space time in the below mid page JESUS Christ

Drawing at

.html. The Red Sea winds carried sand and water, so not merely wind due to

pressure changes, but plasma (JESUS Christ Wrote It In Your Heart https://

There are standards such as if to ship then to do so according to the pertinent

shipping standard. There is a timeline from Genesis to the Red Sea to the

Birth Of JESUS Christ (and other points of reference in Christianity apply, also

other types of faiths may help fill in the timeline gaps if Best In JESUS Christ).

So the previous sentence is a JESUS Christ Standard Timeline, it is useful as

stated above as for shipping and Transfiguration, yet also if to return Home

like unto the Second Coming.

If to change a past event, then JESUS Christ UN first is strongly recommended.

If to time travel [through a wormhole or straight tube...] then first JESUS Christ


Recognition of the Best is key to Best Solving.

JESUS Christ Ascending is similar to a family leaving [ascending out

of] a cave and building the first meeting place hut (see previous Sermon)

and it is such a good idea that others do likewise, therefore JESUS Christ

Best Ascending with Precepting is like unto going from the

simple cave to the harder to understand hut construction

techniques to the even harder to understand Holy Of Holies

tech, and into the higher harder Bigger Bolder difficulties

Victoriously In JESUS Christ Faith.

So like unto the "compass" mentioned below with a spindle, and yet rather

in Faithful Ascending into the more difficult more Beneficial Higher Faith Levels

Achieving / JESUS Christ Agreeing With Lifting process, going from a single

"spindle" to two to three spindles and so on as needed (as Best JESUS Christ

Precept with Best JESUS Christ Precept with Best JESUS Christ Precept: in

other words if to repeat efforts then to repeat the Victory Making JESUS Christ

Already Exemplified) as written at

scriptures/bofm/1-ne/16?lang=eng two spindles (1 Nephi 16.10). Importantly

pertinent is that at least one of the spindles, yet the whole ball helped

the humble people find food such as game animals hunted

for food as written: yet rather as written in New Christianity

For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is that the ball found

life forms.

The early years about the Star Trek TV series were often about sensors finding

remote lifeforms, something hardly understood. Yet today in most households

the unknown is known and simple as the mircowave tech effects the water and

vessels of water (such as people and "game animals" though also pools of waters)

(see 1 John 4.6-8 at but for safely sensing

instead of destroying [tank exploding / heat, remote killing people on planets,...]).

First the Signing JESUS Christ USA [UN], then Space Force searching

for life on other planets (and such as in collapsed buildings / earthquakes and


A great help in understanding time travel such as forward in time or backward,

is at Affiliated site the first

Drawing below mid page.

So JESUS Christ Gives These Benefits of tremendous values from Faith as

for Christian President Don Trump and Space Force, as together with the

largely Christian Congress is the after Signing [with Charity (to come in the

name and in Peace], solving Anewly accordingly if opted, this concerning

colonizing outer space.

So because of the above stated Christian Faith Timeline Standard, this Guides

to understanding the direction, past or future, like unto a compass, and as a

mass moving at right angle (and circular or spiral) to another mass as shown


Lower level secular physicists on TV the other day tried to explain a

confused idea by showing an illustration (like unto a knot in the lower

hem of the robe of JESUS Christ) but JESUS Christ already solved

the issue long ago.

Below is shown the easier to understand Time Travel Way from JESUS

Christ The Best Guide. Note in the Drawing the arrow can point in either

direction depending on the above Standard direction.

JESUS Christ Gives Point A, at the arrow, as a direction the flow of the

speed path: with "plasma" the normal circular velocity Path Of Time

("circular" shape is not required but typically Best: to Convert the Time

Travelers for Best Ascending [through Their Mission Highest Purpose]).

So Point A can be for instance into the future (such as Earth revolving

around the Sun of the Time Space Continuum, as measured each year

and as measured relative to the above stated Time Standard).

To Flow from Point B [counted as if to turn, but a Straighter Course, a

JESUS Christ Short Cut] to Point C is in the normal sense to require

less time, so to move ahead predictably, save if to move as JESUS

Christ Would That You Move Prophetically (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders)(this Agrees In

JESUS Christ with as written and illustrated at


Because of the urgency to find people buried alive under an avalanche

as stated above with sensors finding remote lifeforms via mircowave tech

but for JESUS Christ Mild instead of cooking effects is to not merely Sign

yet to Sign And Move Higher to JESUS Christ Charity and Move Higher

Anew (to not Ascend Best and to not Sign is to waste Your Own [and

Our] Future).

With the previous sentence is the option: or if to go

back in history to solve the avalanche to make no

avalance and so no lifeforms to save per se (even with

to leave message

16.htm), then to come [back] forward in time to the

present time again and with precision including to

measure the change effects with safety to go back

and undo and [search for survivors and/or] reconsider.

You see: in JESUS Christ Best Ascending there are Future Victories soon and

in the distant Future. There are applications increasingly for 2020AD, but You

Christian Leaders did not yet so much as Sign even when You know it would

Benefit [them and] Yourself.

Not Best Ascending = in the secular you are dying, in the Christian lack.

Best Ascending = You are Living Better: Best for each and all.

The "Christian lack" is that the Followers that opt to not lead (to go to Church

and return home and go to secular work: cliche) is that they opted

to not help others except as much as Tithing, all too often, though the

"Christian lack" therefore also refers to the Christian less ascending and

therefore toward suffering needlessly (James 2.17: no charity or minimal

charity begrudgingly [similarly reference non-Sign efforts]).

As written in 2 Corinthians 9.7 yet also pertaining to groups and nations

"Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not

out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver".

USA Congress April 12, 2019AD Pandemic Preparedness https://www

includes "actions such agencies can take to reduce health disparities

among racial and ethnic minorities" and key here are "actions" for "minorities"

and in JESUS Christ USA this means other faiths, faith types other than

Christian [not to leave the other context left undone (first Sign to Best Know

what is Best)].

For JESUS Christ UN, this JESUS Christ USA Signing as exemplified in the

previous sentence (though not yet Signed therefore toward risk of failure(s))

to Do as JESUS Christ Exemplar is a tremendous value, and even for to Help

"minorities": those unable to help themselves due to the current failed system

of separation against Christianity.

JESUS Christ USA Signed yields that Christians Will

Be Celebrating Like Unto Palm Sunday Of A Triumphal

JESUS Christ One People As He Rode Into Jerusalem

laying the palm branches before Him

(reference Palm Sunday:

sunday-bible-verses/)(note that sometimes celebrities and others become

Christian [a rate has applied though "Signing" is a better greater Rate] such

as an ad at ibid. stated "Actor Sir Anthony Hopkins Turns

from Alcoholism & Atheism, Becomes A Christian"

[though "Turns" means in New Christianity Straightens and if to opt a secular

role position then a need to Straighten even if on a Mission, see text below on

"a hard saying"]).

With Signing for the non-Christians is the Addendum 1 Charity

for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including that they, the non-

Christians celebrate together with the Christians that We The

People celebrate together in One More Perfect Union.

So this needs be similar to a subscription service with a

JESUS Christ USA administered committee like unto the

above "congressional" value with the various types of faiths

represented [as much as they opt to so serve (even if a

voluntary system or with pay)] therefore according to

"types" most of the Charity goes to non-Christians yet

key is to be with this added responsibility:

they would be responsible for Giving the

Charity to the homeless and tent cities and

those in poverty first and foremost and since

in such poverty levels of helplessness then for the

"subscription" value.

If to be with a system and including if to be in this situation if to be with an economic

system, then to cause the people according to Grace as Catalyst to Motivate people

to become with the "system" and so with bank accounts (many banks have utilized

fingerprints, also person recognition systems are available but [Revelation 16.2] not

to mutiliate the body such as to put implants for such money worship when to instead

Worship JESUS Christ: see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series).

The (ibid.) recognition for the Higher Level System and including for the "economic

system" [as with voting (values likewise represented "minorities" Oversight "committee")

and] bank account number traceability [a sense of transparency though hardly toward

ID theft and rather toward more perfect as stated above] is with Charity ["subscription"]

as a key motivational factor and including Higher Level System Participation such as

for worthwhile jobs and toward longlasting employment (loyalty) and concerning end

of contract for instance key in JESUS Christ USA is the recommended Best matching

groups and individuals to new needs.

Example a homeless person starts banking and so enters the system and becomes

employed with a group that is excellent together but their contract expires and so

the government (not stated above, though similar with Planning and Oversight) rather

than the former ways to find jobs for individuals finds a job for the "excellent" group

solving many problems very well.

Giving the task to private corporations is likely a goal, though prepare in advance

after [also with] Signing (it is hard to speak since USA is so far astray currently like

talking about step 3484 when contingent upon step 3400): reference how government

controlled the mail first, and later privatized. Let the private prove their Worthiness.

If the private strays, as disloyal, then hardly to entrust the greater groups (Luke 16.11).

This sentence is a hard saying to some, that government did a great job such as in the

1960s building apartment buildings and giving to the homless to occupy, but the

homeless rebelled because of the substandard aspect: even so, try again (John 6.57-

60) yet this time in JESUS Christ USA And With Addendum 1 Charity Subscription

until such Whole Welfare and increasingly less welfare according employment value

faith amounts at rates becomes no longer such "Whole" need and so partial

Subscription value and to to no longer need "Charity" and to add to the "Charity"

for others.

Concerning symbolic step #"3484" stated above, the more distant future that may

come quickly (a rate) is that there would evidently come needs for more Holy Jobs,

like unto the need for the Old Testament Levites (example

chronicles/28-13.htm) similar to the above stated Oversight [governmental and then

Worthy businesses (reference TV shows with great actors and then spinoffs staring

the greatest of those actors, the favorites; though also with the above stated for

"minorities" so the Oversight per se as Anew minorities Will Prophesingly Emerge)].

Signing is key to Proper Best Charity (Subscription [opposite of secular subscription

which has been to similar to taxation and not necessarily with representation even

though meetings might exist to hear]), and Signing is key for this civilization to Best

Properly Continue Ascending, including Proper Best Precept Growing Upon Proper

Best Precept to be most fiting in and for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

After the previous sentence Formally Legally Establishing In JESUS Christ USA

Law (if in 2020AD) is the urgent "minorities" Help as with housing the homeless

and feeding and clothing Prayerfully; but in the former ways (if to backslide or

to fall somewhat (in secular lingo backpedal and chicken out [contrary to Best

Ascending In Loyal Christian Faith]) is the need for the greater system Conversion

from investing as ususal (secularism cliche "Don't rock the boat") to investing in

JESUS Christ USA Vocational Work(s) (see above text on "Best matching

groups and individuals to new needs").

So with housing the homeless is the necessary aspect

that the "housing" facilities (such as providing apartments...)

is not as if a temporary thing, not even an Ivory Tower

interpretation, rather that it be counted as if such to the

current tenants and that those tenants be with vocations

to their likings: fitting people with expertise yet also with

jobs they enjoy. Any in poverty is relatively hardly worried

about temporary shelters and very little pay for hard work

relative to the properly Ascending Aspect, and it is the

job of government to be so responsible for this key Best

Ascending Aspect In JESUS Christ USA (even though hardly

to let any suffer poverty [though reference their options such as some want

to rough it camping and hiking and constructing things without meeting safety

nor appearance criteria for instance by today's standards Franklin fooled around

with electricity so let government offer awareness and consider Grace boundaries]).

The confused secular has stated (such as former Presidents) that people don't

like to work lower level jobs such as bussing tables, but that's not entirely true,

as for instance some people want any job as long as it is close to home, and

as seen on TV some people enjoy working in filthy slime which they consider


The JESUS Christ Higher Level Point is people need of the JESUS Christ USA

System to be capable (credentials apply) so Worthy of a position, and also a

job they like; along with the temporary aspect that a person needs continuing

to ascend: to some in some situations it is to ascend in their opted faith type

such as "close" to family, while Absolutely the Best Ascending is with the Best

System (reference if the President is on vacation the Vice President might be

Over some things, and reference if the Preacher is absent a Church Officer

or a Member of the Church might go to the podium in the moment).

So a homeless person should be with housing and banking and such and

the JESUS Christ USA System per se (the greater more costly Welfare

System [from the former accounting and purchasing shortsighted due to

secularism leadership unsigned ways) yet as a Best Processing

JESUS Christ USA System. Ascending right to left:

Member of the "System" / Welfare with Housing... / Homeless.

Offspring should hardly be forced economically to live with their parents

and grandparents in the same house forever with their children. There

needs (not option) be a civilization system change for the better, for the


In Space Force and Time Travel terms, this is to solve in JESUS Christ

USA the homeless (unless they opt to be homeless [JESUS Christ was

in the Temple daily though at times traveled]) Charity First relatively per

se and then the Space Force and Time Travel and other concerns.

Matthew 7.1-13 shows the problem [including the

current situation and the plague] and yet with the

Solving, and Matthew 7.14 is greater than merely this

Sermon, and is of the Christian Leadership In Government

currently, 2020AD, and as many as opt likewise to Sign.

And verses after Matthew 7.14 show conditions that apply (a JESUS Christ USA

Awareness Gift for to Best Benefit Your Leadership Plan(s).

The Christian Preachers Do The Will Of JESUS Christ Spirit

Father Good One, and so have to Be Over Everything as They

Opted for the Best.

Should government do less than Best?, perish the thought (save

any needful amount for records for remembrance).

Behold, it is all laid out for You already, it is as specified of JESUS

Christ [USA, UN].

Some people have opted to steal because they were not hired,

and in the corporate level such as in industry as much as with the

Golden Rule the yet of the New Testament comes the better solving,

in other words, this Signing is not a change against them and does

hardly so much as to rock to boat [nor the vote contrary (rather favors

the Signing)]. These are constituents, international trading sway groups

with power [that USA government is actively putting out of business].

People relocated from the Old World for religious freedom, and the

Christian Churches grew with the biggest buildings in the colonies,

the centers for government(s). But then the government buildings

grew and were bigger and secularized and separated themselves

from Christianity to be against Christianity, and the people relocated

to California and Canada and elsewhere as the government saw the

secular types of corporations with the larger buildings but not better:


JESUS Christ Shines Brightly from Christian Majority Congress and

with Christian Led President Don Trump (Victory: Psalm 50.2) for including

the leading of corporations, the leading this nation, and the leading of the

UN (Precept upon Precept [and if Righteously Prophesying then perhaps

Leaping In Faith). So from their written in their hearts faith amounts, the

goodly part(s), comes the Best Converting of the whole of each group.

The USA corporations for instance have taken private lands for their own

selfishness in risks and lower levels though the goodly aspects have built

the transcontinental railroad. Hence the terms of Peace per se belong

with the transcontinental railroad value though hardly as a storefront

for unsavory activities.

To Edify in JESUS Christ, as if to be without the best leadership system

in USA is that the people often in history tended to question including

excessively incessantly nagging pestering harassingly (illegal: Harassment

Act 1997) competingly (Psalm 50.3 reference typical "party lines" and Ivory

Towers) doing unfair trading and starting wars.

Ivory Towers is a state of privileged seclusion or

separation from the facts and practicalities of the real world (GOOG).

The "real world" entered JESUS Christ into the census, along with His

Sayings and Deeds, including for instance "I and the Father are one"

(John 10.30).

JESUS Christ New Christianity Precepting (as proven in the "real world")

is that, rather than the House Of Bondage and rather than the Inquisition

and rather than warring parties, let the New Christianity Leadership

hear the others, yet appropriately (see previous in this

Series about "freedom" and rather on distinguishing

"liberty"), [a measured respect of offices and positions]

so let the system be with Grace to allow some liberty as

within the realm of redeeming social value such as right

to assemble (if so opted they might place themselves at

risk(s)), yet listen if they offer ideas that Better Solve and

rather Best Solve.

This previous sentence is a Gift from JESUS Christ, that

the Signed (lest toward wasted efforts) Leadership remove

the battle from them and Responsibly Maintain the [Convert:

so] Converted [former battle] Grace Benefit From JESUS

Christ for Giving it into the JESUS Christ USA System per

se for to Best Benefit each and all.

So let their competitions and fights be JESUS Christ USA

Systematically Converted into Helping You to Best Insert

such into the System.

For instance instead of flooding local governments with multitudes of problems

(rather than merely the attitude: you work for We The People so fix our problems)

is that the System consider more the properly prepared [properly formatted] word(s)

such as in the form of a new law rather than merely leaving it to the position holder

to figure it out: for instance the public sees how the Bible is written and how the

laws are written (such as Constitution), so let them be heard with legal writing

similarly (and the pertinent government position holder may opt against, or for,

for conditionally [perhaps specialists to modify to fit existing specifics]).

The Exemplar Executive Branch is hardly merely about trade treaties in the

midst of such as secular corporate things such as portrayed in the fun though

secular movie Wallstreet as though independent from government and ruthlessly

above the law [most of the movie (until after the facts of careless destructions)].

JESUS Christ would that You gain Righteous Faith Responsibly and for a moment

Behold Your Own Victory Power Over the current worldly USA government, as

from the facinating but secular movie Independence Day:

It's from the Americans. They want to organize a counter offensive.
It's about bloody time. What do they plan to do?
the fourth day of July will no longer be remembered as an American holiday but as the day that all [celebrate]
Do You see how this above stated "Converting" and this
movie worldly perspective of other nations applies?, USA
has been a powerful leader with an iron rod as a [please
forgive this symbolism] as the Dictator Over all nations
though with the nations now in a great amount of peace
(thank you each and all as much as pertinent) it is Good
In JESUS Christ USA To Rather Lead With Grace.

The time is come and now is to reward them for their peace effort(s).
Cash given to crooks Will Prophesyingly Affect Their Heart (faith amounts
apply), yet Give Charitably and also Subscription Charity Related Allocating
even a simplified Grant System that the above stated process and Give with
explaining the System Hope, such as to explain pertinent to their type and level
and rate, the next step(s) to ascend and whether funding would be the same, or
increase, or diminish, and why as they become better (this is not to say they
must change their faith or else).
How to describe?, it is like when North Korea was more against South Korea and
USA, and then some people respected by North Korea went to North Korea and
explained amounts unto their North Korean understanding, such as a South
Korean saying look we became friends with USA and we prosper.
A great North Korean ascending amount was achieved.
Now consider New Christianity Faith with Maintenance Responsibility per se.
North Korean selfishness (Maintenance Responsibility) became toward greater
peace and cooperativeness.
But excessive selfishness is typically inappropriate (hardly about Best Precepting).
As written at "God is Spirit, and His worshipers
must worship Him in spirit and in truth" (not to be mixed with lower level spirits:
Matthew 4.24).
This is valuable in JESUS Christ UN if Space Force [Jointly as much as with other
nations (current national lines details not covered in this Sermon)] is to fly to stars
representing [all of] Earth.
Consider if to reach peace on a distant star and they spend fuel and efforts to come
visit and find earthlings fighting each other. Rather for the sakes of those at the
stars be with the Loving System One.
In the above JESUS Christ Guidance Drawing if to fly with a cosmic sail for instance
then at Point B there might be shear waves and toward the center of the circle there
might be a doldrum (idle, or perhaps a storm of mixed directions spirits).
A secular source, wiki, states "the uncertainty principle states that the more precisely
the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be
predicted from initial conditions, and vice versa".

A war of "mixed" spirits applies to the system, as it does to the time travel tech.
Recognition of JESUS Christ UN is Victory or the start toward
Victory Over such.

A drastic shocking change away from the former system of merely checks-and-balances
is valuable in an amount, though a disadvantage in an amount, as the various rates and
such apply: JESUS Christ Grace is that the people be allowed some time to adjust (and
2020AD is running out, per se, in Highest Pertinence).
Some tribes being found by aerial photographic methods as seen on TV evidently have
opted to not interact with the nations.
Though any that opt to be with nations [the UN] need for the governing system to assist
their welfare and so for their ascending to help others likewise (Luke 6.31).
If to have a large sail or a rocket type snare to capture outer space energy types [as a
sail and also as a refueling amount (transform and compress energies for storage, similar
is a balloon idea,...)] then not merely for feasting on the [above shown circular flow] lines
of energies, yet also on the harvested and saved compressed energy seeds during the
famine of doldrum mixed spirits of relatively less useful directions.
Legalism (guilty except if allowed to prove innocence, see previous Sermon at http://
) in the former secular obsolete systems had
visited generations after-the-facts of such punishments so against then current innocents
and against future generations (verses 51 &52 at
52.htm). In other words secular worldly ways caused temporary confusions but enduring
such as through some generations (reference Garden Of Eden).
Likewise unto "Legalism" and secularism and unknown "God" so false gods faiths more
in numbers of peoples than Righteous Few, applies including: currently, in the next
generation(s) and even toward much longer conditionally.
Time travel likewise is circumvented from the start (reference the not yet Signed and
with the above stated "rates and such" [strayed ways amounts, along curves often or
along shifting paths so often compounding complications]).
Verily, verily, the number of worldly Legalism laws today would hardly fit on the hem
of the garment of JESUS Christ: seek instead the Best Solving Priority, and so as was
the going from Ten Commandments [with continuing values conditionally] to the Two
Greatest Commandments.
If to time travel, then protithemai applies: to place oneself before oneself; likewise
prothesis at hence predetermination though
in JESUS Christ Time Travel Tech is Victory Over the former predetermination aspect:
so Righteously Prophesying in the greater Highest Pertenence is key for Best Time
Travel if to change the predetermined.
In JESUS Christ is this Give coming, to consider therefore if the arranged from the
Original Plan for Best Good is included already, or if You Christian Leader are to change
the currently [former ways] already predestined. And the Answer is You are to so Lead
save if a Firmament Level, as with Signing.
According to Your Faith, JESUS Christ explained, let it be so, therefore according to having
reached a level Worthily hence from JESUS Christ: so there is the written Word sentence upon
sentence properly, and yet there is Precepting, and a Precept is as an Ascending through levels.
So in forming a triad [like unto a Spiritual tool (as much as Best Ascending)] in a pertinent perspective
Given From JESUS Christ Heaven One left to right, and in a pertinent perspective people ascending right to left:
Fitting together groups of JESUS Words And Works/Fitting together groups of sentences/Fitting together phrases.

"Hindu mythology: Baby Krishna (stealing butter), Narada, Mohini, Hanuman

(shapeshifting and teasing sages)" "the supreme God"

( of current USA government

(above stated "Legalism" and the below stated "accused" process)

an option perhaps oped already by some elected, if not otherwise Recognized in Law (Signing): decide: a thief, a destroyer

(many worshipped destroyers), or JESUS Christ JESUS Christ is not come to destroy the Law nor the [Righteous] Prophets

but to Fulfill all as much as Good. The conspirators as lawbreakers and those that steal and those that counterfeit and that

commit ID theft and those that destroy nations and that comitted genocides against nations and faiths and races have been

the perps against governments (also reference such as USA Hare Krishna movement at airports hence some such election

related changes happen rapidly, and the recent tied debate that almost removed the Christian aspect from a mainline party).

So You are of JESUS Christ Given Grace to consider [rather Do of Christian Faith] the Giving of the above triad so
from "left to right" (the Walk Of Faith) rather than "right to left".
There are some responsibility concerns such as about the coronavirus plague, but instead first in pertinence is the
JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1
The current secular system wrongly considers itself in charge of each and all faiths such as whether a faith type
was Buddhism or a faith in a type of addiction or another faith type; and so the secular system purportedly of the
UNKNOWN "God" by default has set itself as if up as the "God" but the law does not perfect, for instance Moses
(now with JESUS Christ Heavenly, reference Transfiguration / Holy Time Travel) Gave the Law but then also
divorce which led in the USA to Jeffersonian separation from the Christian Faith Path.
If "Congress shall make no law" then no need for "Congress" (including "respecting an establishment of religion").
Congress has made the USA Legislative Branch obsolete. If a person does acording to their faith and religion
including obeying the laws, then Congress made itself useless and even contrary as a taxpayer burden.
If "Congress shall make no law" applies only to "religion" per se,
then Congress has singled out "religion"
to be ignored,
in example people have a RIGHT to not be poisoned but a "religion" WRONGLY
swayed and convinced it's members and poisoned it's mass of
and they all died physically: Congress explains that Congress doesn't care
in that Congress
refuses to be about laws about it, as if laws and rights don't apply.
Laws and RIGHTS Do Apply, these are PERTINENT for the secular faith and for the
other faiths.
No matter what a census person's faith is, laws apply and Congress is not "God".
Temporary governments are not gods.

While the intent had value formerly, rather is the value that Congress shall Recognize The Best while
not infringing against any goodly values including such as faiths and religions, and if One faith is
Recognized as Comprehensively "Best" for each and all inclusively, then from plural "religions"
conditionally toward a single "religion" (conditionally as with a person or group or such as a
type of software program or a spirit: according to the pertinent faith [type, faith amount, and
rate] Matthew 9.29).
A census person can Ascend into Heaven and while in Heaven since at that level then not disobeying
laws rather fulfilling and greater (and so the lower levels count as if Heaven). But it is not right for
Congress to puff itself up as the Highest [God] nor for a President nor Checks And Balances.
About 2,000 years ago government (prompted by disloyal lawbreakers that
were conspirators) didn't want their nation to be destroyed (John 11.50)
so according to the un-Signed (Legislative and Executive Branches) How
would the current government handle it?: if not law against those conspirators
since of a religion, and since given the above stated "Legalism" "guilty
except if allowed to prove innocence", then the current government
agrees with the crucifixion of JESUS Christ (note tomorrow is Easter).
Note that an arresting officer (of value often) has already started the casting away process:
prior to court trial, similar to how
JESUS Christ was handed over to officials back and forth but
none in government were anxious to kill Him, but He was already accused; and the conspirators
caused them so much distress that some government individuals obviously began to make fun
of Him and to hate Him.
Note that "to make fun" often includes to be a trickster such as asking JESUS Christ while blindfolded
how many fingers are being held up, so note the next sentence trait.
So if current government would opt to time travel to 2,000 years ago, then
the trait is much the same as the trait of government then.
Current government has no current un-Signed need of Time Travel nor
Space Force: out there past and present amidst the civilizations of the stars,
contaminating them, killing them (our hardly recognized yet new friends,
any that can become our new friends).
Ancient carvings have often been with spirals that represented energy such
as perhaps ranging from water sources such as ponds, to plasma matters
and time travel portals. A recent one on TV (coiled in snake fashion) had
two tails at the outermost end (the History Channel).
Rather [Best Converting (JESUS Christ Precepting)] Blood to the Heart
comes from tubes and exits to tubes (yet it is one blood).
JESUS Christ Gave: Precepting.
What is Precepting and how is it pertinent?, Precepting is greater than the law
and better than mere "Legalism" and therefore automatically more pertinent
law and than computers and than machines (this is conditional in the sense
that there can be a oneness in the inanimate and in the inorganic and such spirits,
reference the Oneness Of The Highest Level Of The Holy Spirit but also Legion
Mark 5.9 and Matthew 12.45; for instance a person can be part human and part
supercomputer so faith types apply to parts affecting the whole sum).
The Old Testament people such as at the House Of Bondage and also of the
Chosen People In The Promised Land had secular precept talents such as to
build one stone type and shape [and cutting including cultivating away limbs to
domesticate toward better and more fruit (though see above "shapeshifting").
Though as written in the New Testament
"For the law was given by Moses,
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ
" (John 1.17), so there came a
change, an improvment and yet an improving from Heaven in that Holy Vessels
could Anewly be continuously improving even greater than adapting toward lower
levels and survival(s) (reference the evolution tree with so many species that dwindled
or went extinct even though they had adapted physically and improved skills).
Secular adapting is hardly the same as New Testament Love with Anew Precepting
Better Even Including Best (Baptism Into The Name Of JESUS Christ, Praying likewise,
Eucharist likewise, and such are into the start of the process [even conditions apply
such as how a person and how the Church involves Faith Wholely or in amounts]).
A small amount of love is better than precepting counted as if with no love at all.
"[3] If anyone teaches another doctrine and disagrees with the sound words of our Lord
Jesus Christ and with godly teaching, [4] he is conceited and understands nothing.
Instead, he has an unhealthy interest in controversies and semantics, out of which
come envy, strife, abusive talk, evil suspicions
" (
The UN [or such as USA] in the name "Jesus Christ" is key for proper time travel tech,
lest to Transfigure in "part" or in secular whole spreading that which has proven "unhealthy"
in clear pertinence today, along with spreading conceit risks against the self [and any
aboard a vessel and to others] as though for to spread the ways to be with "understands
nothing": so the secular time travel even now as explained above has been to spread
plagues and risks and stupidity (it is pertinent, Yes).
The time travel tech of the Transfiguration "Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared
before them, talking with Jesus"
( is already
pertinent and happening daily in this generation in 2020AD and 2019AD and such.
Concerning the spirits, JESUS Christ Gives this Anew to the spirits for the sakes of the
spirits for Best Benefiting for Giving others: that the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose
Agreeing In The Holy Spirit Father One Over The Parameters Of The Original Creation
Plan are such that in situations certain things would occur (including according to
Best Precepting In The Name JESUS Christ), and this pertains to the created yet also
to the
Even so "pertinent and happening daily" now are the time
travel and space travel current
Transfigurations including in parts. For instance a
medical doctor places a transducer on a patient and the unseen ultrasound waves
pulverize (shape shift parts, even transfiguring into other spirit groups, in pertinence
Mark 5.12 ) kidney stones.
Note: shapeshifting is hardly merely about ID theft as popularized in so many secular
To perceive time travel is to time travel in a sense, in a measurable aspect.
As in the above stated "coiled", and as in the above shown Drawing symbolic Faith
type example, there are technologies that can be applied. The ultrasound can also
levitate, so the vessel becomes [to the ancients,...] a spirit and how to describe the
relatively godly, though of JESUS Christ New Christianity One Gives the Gift of levels
with some levels as Firmaments, for not merely secular point A to point B, yet also
the Heart pumping attributes as explained in part above.
If to think "godly" then to think the higher [level]. Stated above is "to place oneself
before oneself" in the sense of future time travel tech, yet to appreciate the more
"godly" then if True And Righteous In JESUS Christ counted as if to place One
[self] Higher; though actually in JESUS Christ to place others Higher (Luke
though also note Proverbs 23.18 at
without hope for reward).
Improper ways have included yes or no. Best Ascending is JESUS Christ
One Yes.
This "Yes" [Word] Work tool (Word With Power, Word put into practice) when
properly utilized makes Worthy And Lifts: up, down (it positions spirits and
things), right, left, forward, backward, also future, and past, and returning
home (reference Second Coming).
The "things", vessels, as groups of spirits can be positioned. JESUS Christ
"positioned" Moses through time and space, beyond death as though never
perished upon seeing the Promised Land as Moses Ascended and Ascends
as found at Moses Lives because
of Ascending Of JESUS Christ
. You are with a position and that
position is of a level, Moses is of a position. Moses was positioned as JESUS
Christ Transfigured Him for instance.
Behold Moses, a person. You are a person (not referring to software nor
other such as impressions, for Edifying).
Consider "for Edifying" for a moment the secular, and even the higher
part of a secular level, the better value aspect of that level realm. A secular
system of ways is such as to look into the sky and see very distant object
such as via a telescope or via radio astronomy (the following is a secular
statement so is ancillary to higher levels.
Some quasars "are strong radio sources" and "are some of the most distant
objects in the Universe, and are believed to be fueled by supermassive
black holes residing in ancient galaxies" (
So if to put a distant quasar into computer software the to be able to be with
3D effects as though to be there, but not exactly, that is, more accurately
stated it is "as though to be" in the past there. After-the-fact is the secular
and it's proving methods toward tribes and House Of Bondage. The so
called "Universe" is a prison cell to the secular.
The JESUS Christ Highest Purpose includes creating Heaven and so Giving
Highest Heaven (Heavenly levels may apply). The secular highest aspect
of a level is the goodly aspect and in such is the agreeing higher than the
lower aspect of the level, in other words if to struggle to start a Sermon or
a pregnancy, greater is with the completing of that level, the highest part,
the reward greater than the longsufferings.
In other words the secular best thinking agrees with JESUS Christ Ascending
though the secular is given choice as to opt. Sometimes the secular is in
secular cliche the whole nine yards and so wasteful in terms of time travel
tech and ascending, and so concerning the positionings of others and of
other aspects and spirits and such as what to consider since trying to
prioritize but merely with ["nine yards" type] puzzle parts: hardly the whole,
hardly making whole sense: nonsense.
Another way to look at time space travel other than secular telescope and
radio ways, is from the perspective of JESUS Christ (even today being
Easter 2020AD).
The Transfiguring With JESUS Christ was that JESUS Christ saw Moses
in real time, in the present, not in the Old Testament written in the past
per se, and not by traveling into the past. So like unto distant time and
space here and now. Likewise Propheysing is with here and now.
JESUS Christ Gives speed and velocity and rather the Prayerful Grace
Of The New Christianity Flowing With Signing JESUS Christ USA that
the Benefit include for women's rights, so that the man leading, Christian President
Don Trump, [through Christian President Pro Tempore Chuck Grassley], with the
Christian Speaker Of The United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi
(the Word With Power) With Signing JESUS Christ USA.
Note that in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders
is included that women Do such: this in effect is Overcoming the former curse of Eve
(even so, Lord be Merciful on Eve, even Adam was swayed).
Now JESUS Christ is the Overwhelming Majority Faith by far (reference such as at
so at least in the secular selfish sense Signing should have been no problem.
Yet the more important part is the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Of The Heart,
but hardly to been of such Heart since technically legally in the position for
the as though unknown god;
but such has been no excuse since "Overwhelming Majority". This Sermon has the
Righteous Answer below, but for a brief moment consider, Friends, the legal
meaning of the word "traitor" (
USA has committed wars against innocent USA Christians by causing plague that
killed many including [minorities and] Christians (not all are with great Healing Powers),
and caused many to not go to Christian Churches nor to other faith meeting places
including secular schools and even to markets, to hardly speak or handshake in
friendship, and to turn people away from hospitals.
You can opt to look around, but the three of above stated Executive Branch, Senate,
and House and their respective groups are the position level responsible people
as written at "For false Christs and
false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would
deceive even the elect, if that were possible".
In JESUS Christ Spirit, this Sermon writer when with Given Humility can in situations
Hear JESUS Christ and others likewise such as the Holy Spirits of the Church Of
JESUS Christ Leaders and such as the Holy Spirit Of Christian President Don
Trump (note i often do not recognize many, and typically do not Hear since
to be about Father Spirit JESUS Christ One business rather than mere talk,
also in other situations often are heard lower level mixed spirits).
Seek JESUS Christ One Highest Level Holy Spirit Father.
Stated above is "This Sermon has the Righteous Answer below"
and now here
it is and it concerns the Spirit and the lower level spirits:
many Christians have been Blessed with the Comfort
of Being In Spiritual Heavenly Bliss Yet JESUS Christ
Is The Example, Ascend Higher:
For Your Sake I Will Say You Being In Heavenly
Bliss Is Not Important Relative To Them So
Being, As Written Do Not Leave The
Weightier Matters Left Undone

( JESUS Christ Explains).
You Christian are already Saved [unto Heaven], You don't have to worry about it;
but they do (reference above stated "mixed").
Signed JESUS Christ USA is to Give them a glimpse of
Victory In Christian Faith that You be the catalyst and
so they be motivated to repent and then Walk The
Walk Of Christian Faith Victoriously For You
And Others
, hardly per Your bidding lest persecutions
by former laws ways, even heathens as disloyal lawbreakers have done as much
in former ways.
The "heathens" by definition are those that have not Signed JESUS Christ USA
and similar that opted to stray into confusions and wars by their own choices

to suffer abominations as they know not the Righteous Way. As written
in Acts 7.51 "You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears!
You always resist the Holy Spirit, just as your fathers did"; this precept is
explained in Acts Chapters 6 and 7 at the and reference
Stephen Ministries: a Ministry Of Healing(s).
So this Signing is about You Being In Heaven and key
is You [Forming, Bringing, Creating, Giving,] Signing
Heaven On Earth.
Reaching the lowest level of Heaven is hardly the
same for instance as 3rd Heaven Worthiness
(2 Corinthians 12.2)

The more to opt loyalty for the Best, the fewer confused, the fewer contrary, the fewer terrorists.
Look how a person such as a lawyer, can lead a nation, such as Mohandas Gandhi bringing
poverty stricken communities together to build dams, so then they could have water and
This agrees with JESUS Christ and lifting the lowest part of human civilization:
Heaven On Earth.
A Baptism is a person,
a lifting of a community is a large group,
JESUS Christ UN involves all [reasonably, mainly (though reference going through
channels rather than "Legalism" types chains of commands)].
Look how JESUS Christ Precepting (such as relative to former ways and
such as relative to the Excellent Christian Prophet Joseph Smith)
Handles a
known yet symbolic situation: in the secular movie The Treasure
of the Sierra Madre
the main characters knew in advance that
if to dig for gold and strike it rich they might become so deluded
as to want to kill each other and take the gold for selfishness,
known as gold fever; but what would government do today?;
JESUS Christ Precepting would that with Signing and then
Best Guide the deluded people into greater [Prophesyingly
if appropriately Righteous], so for instance the people of the
movie could hunt for gold, and if found with a fortune being
amassed then to Best Convert the concern into and for the
next adventure in Higher Level, such as perhaps to start
planning to run a gold mining training school, or such as
to plan to work together forming a hotel chain since already
with a proven trust that became successful. Even if to plan
to each do things, such as one wanting to open a hotel
and another a restaurant and another something else,
then at least to focus on the Better Future in one or
more communities.
This agrees with the above stated Way as with temporary housing for
any that properly ascend, and government Responsibility (Maintenance,
Automating In JESUS Christ USA), and including for to Benefit government
and government employees (1 Corinthians 9.9: it is not sin for the rich to
become richer except at the cost of the poor, and similar).
Why learn, if Faith is able to think?, let the Creator figure it out for the
created?, hardly (see above, the created is with JESUS Christ Led Mission
to form Heaven On Earth: this is preparing the Bride to be Worthy for to
Wed JESUS Christ).
How hardly would fledgling Space Force for instance encounter an expert
time space traveling interstellar fleet flying galaxies as their spacecrafts?,
if to command them to obey the rules that we decide as we will put you
into the House Of Bondage, then Space Force might be wiped out; even
if to give a gift, then perhaps an offense to them (reference for instance
the various customs of the Native American Tribes including as portrayed
on TV), rather JESUS Christ USA Precepting is Best and not merely to
Give a Gift, yet see above Anew "Subscription Charity", a reverse of
the former interpretation of gaining Subscribers to gain their monies
("reverse" in this sentence is to Continue To Best Convert And Ascend
In JESUS Christ USA And JESUS Christ UN).

If to time travel, what do they show in the videos?, the goodly and the strayed
both traveling through time and each for their own purposes though the
goodly with redeeming social value (an Evangelism key toward Converting
Of Nations).
If to time travel through outer space, or through time, or through dimensions
such as to subatomic sizes and time fractals, they would be of various
languages (Matthew 6.7). JESUS Christ showed me little people of other
languages (not shown) when He showed me GODSLING (shown at http://
)(the "little people" were
with JESUS Christ with some normal size humans and they all were very
Wise and high speed language and JESUS Christ drew illustrations fast
likewise, and the "little people" similar to the miners at http://www.angelfire
and this linked site shows the civilizations under
the "Old Testament" where USA is today Revelation 17.15 devoid of Signed,
with merely fans [plural] shown above [symbolic of the Baptized]). The high
velocity is also in the Holy Spirit and in many other mixed spirits.
The Signing is not merely Clarification of the Lord (JESUS Christ) of
the Declaration Of Independence, Signing more importantly is
legal Recognition of JESUS Christ and of Higher Than legal abilities
[the legal limitations so they have not made perfect], so people are not
made imperfect by the nation(s) but through JESUS
Christ One Faith
are made more perfect.
The fruit of the Hebrew language [with translations] is better than the second
hand (Apostle Level of great value) fruit of the Greek, so for instance at https:
the "obedience" is the legal Recognition via
Signing, and the Recognition Of JESUS Christ is Faith, "attentive hearkening",
not obey or die, not obey or be punished, not obey or be imprisoned.
So this is about the "the obedience that
comes from faith" (Romans 1.5),

not the faith that comes from obedience.
Examples: so this is the Faith that yields Distinguishing From JESUS Christ,
this is the Faith that yields Christian Apostles Over Many Christian Churches
(reference the letters and travels to Churches), this is the Faith Of Christian
Prophet Joseph Smith even though USA rejected Him in the secular Legalism
populated Eastern USA, this is the Faith to Perfectly Write the Word Of JESUS
Christ toward the even more excelent and toward the more perfect union, this
is the Faith for USA to Sign to become Exemplar toward JESUS Christ UN
as the nations requested that God come visit and make such presence known.
About the current plague, "Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-
1960s" (USA Center for Desease Control). Mainline TV news said they had to
identify it, but it was not about what the plague was nor control of it.
Some point their finger(s) at "cross reactivity" to perhaps be blamed (https://
lacking proof, when they should be respectfully thanking "cross reactivity"
officially and forthrightly in the Signed Name Of JESUS Christ. Secular
"reactivity" is the "loop" effect (as stated in Sermons In This Series). Christian
Best Ascending includes Healing and Protection and Defense (ibid.) including
due to not being Baptized and/or not Signing JESUS Christ USA. The secular
after-the-facts has used the grid to sift. The Christian Churches Ascending
are with the grid for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including to gather into
the net [comfortingly (Saving [from drowning])] in Victory Over the "cross
reactivity" Faithfully Prophesyingly.
The Prophets of the Church Of JESUS Christ have Baptized the souls of
the dead to census people, and in 2020 in USA and the nations the Prophets
have plenty of souls to Convert.

About current [ancient Jewish and ancient Greek style(s)] government in
USA it is as written in Exodus 18.26 "And they judged the people at all times;
they would bring the difficult cases to Moses, but any minor issue they would
judge themselves".
[With the Legislative Branch] Christian President Don Trump has been not
Signing (New Testament) so under Faithful [Of The Faith Of Abraham] Moses
(judgement according to their works [Distinguishing the Righteous Fruits
hence by default aware of the disloyal amounts and so to measure their
levels by defaults]). Example: not to measure Faith, is like to be given a
container for 12 eggs and to count 2 empty spaces so to be aware there
are 10 eggs in the container by default, not by counting the eggs, hence
not by counting the faith amount nor to measure the amount of eggs present.
This previous example is similar to how a person was in prison and after
time passed they were let go, but without Perfect awareness of repentance
as some within seconds repent while others repent not after time served
and after time while "let go" (JESUS Christ Converting Solves the revolving
door). After-the-fact Legalism has functioned according to the eggs it does
have instead of preparing for the Faith to Care for the Greater Gifts [adding
appropriate holders for to receive the greater unseen values from Above].
From the previous verse "any minor issue they would judge themselves"
and Legalism and even supercomputers and two terms of Legalistic secular
thinking is not enough by far to solve their "minor" issues for them such as
whether to grab a spoon or a fork, rather this is part of their liberty, and if
to opt JESUS Christ USA they have judged themselves, and if to opt anti-
JESUS Christ USA they have judged themselves.
JESUS Christ USA Time Travel Tech Is Already Judged,
and not the same as USA time travel tech ideas.
Look at the three words "JESUS", "Christ", and "USA": hardly can the USA
born Christian (with Legislative and Executive Members
Christian(s)) find any word of the three distasteful (note "USA" includes
people may opt, the other two words are Ascended [and able to reach
down and Make Worthy and Lift]).
Do You want USA to perish or be Heavenly?, as written in Moses 6.57 at
"57 Wherefore teach it unto your children, that all men, everywhere, must
repent, or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean
thing can dwell there, or dwell in his presence; for, in the language of Adam,
Man of Holiness is his name, and the name of his Only Begotten is the Son
of Man, even Jesus Christ, a righteous Judge, who shall come in the
meridian of time".
Lo and Behold, the "meridian of time", how to time travel
and so Before
The Fact Best Prepare the Time Travel Tech
In The Name JESUS Christ
including to find the Holy
Standard, the "meridian of time"
This applies Over the spirits in the Spirit, and Over the divers technologies in
the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Tech (reference such as sandals, and such
as prepare Your Signing [Book Of Rembrance]).

There is a Christian Church that opted to buy a bus, so the papers were signed
and it automatically became a Christian Bus, a level ancillary to that Christian
Church yet a Oneness existed. As written above, They were able to opt and
judge for themselves in this lower level situation yet opted to opt for the greatest
Good Faithfully as the Father Good Spirit Moved Them In The Name And Word(s)
And Work(s) Of JESUS Christ, even though They did not yet see the Miracle
results; They did not yet see the track record of that new Bus (the "track record"
is required prior to investing many have said on secular television but as much
as they don't tell the whole story nor the most important part concerning JESUS
Christ Faith).
After the "signed" Faith, the Christian Bus Gave added values to that
Christian Church and the greater, even such as They wrote on the sides
of that Holy Bus (levels apply, Faith types and amounts and velocity rates apply)
and in so Doing sent Their Message From Above throughout Their Realm (as
many places as They opted the Advertising would go), because "Their Realm"
was Their Responsibility.
From Their Christian Faith, came "Their Responsibility".
A person that opts addiction, places addiction over their self. A person that
opts secular thoughts has placed that which does not perfect over their self,
and has set aside the notion of a more perfect union.
Signing JESUS Christ USA is like unto the Bus Ad. Advertising is legal.
Ads are shown, but it does not mean that for instance a Buddhist that sees
such as a Hindu ad is required to become Hindu.
Consider the purpose of the Bus. Some Church Members are anxious
about Evangelism so They are anxious that the Bus Advertise. Some
Church Members are anxious for the Bus for Their Children With Church
Activities, and some are anxious for the Bus for hauling long pipes and
long lumber for Church Building Maintenance so Overcoming certain
former expenses.
Signing JESUS Christ USA Will Prophesyingly Serve many functions.
After painting an Ad on the Bus the Advertising is automatic and
virtually cost free. The children would see that the Signing is that
We The People Recognize some aspect higher and greater than
what government progress used to be (types, rates,...). The Signing
JESUS Christ USA Will Be Able for the first time to haul and handle
things for government that were not within capabilities previously,
and so hardly considered back then, things that had been counted
as if impossible.
Yet the Christian Faith Path is not exactly foreign nor strange nor
entirely unknown, in the sense that people know already that the
Path is like unto a Bus, and like unto the the Mass Building as it
carries Souls to something better and of higher purpose, even
as a multipurpose tool Gift received.
Not everyone purchased the Bus, yet many may Benefit. In the
previous Sermon ( a
house was built. When people of various faiths see something
goodly and beneficial, they tend to opt to enter into such works.
The Great Design for the Signing is already complete: the brain
part, the Biggest Boldest Highest Pay (typically) part is already
Done of JESUS Christ (2,000 years ago for instance: the Same
One Best Faith Path).
If government does not build apartments and give them to the
homeless then at least let government show preferred plans
such as huts and adobes and water systems, plans with how to
be improving but not toward contractors allowance to start
making more shody constructions (reference the multitudes of
vacant structures such as due to bankruptcies and such as due
to owners retiring and the places sitting idle and with locked
razor wire gates lest a visitor fall on premises and sue). In
other words, if those homeless on welfare can work but have
not found employment for to be on payroll, at least help them
work (reasonably) improving their own status (reference the
value of communities of the homeless settlers that built forts
to protect [against critters] and that voluntarily built barns for
each other though let government hardly be to help one but
not the other).
If to build
Time Travel Tech, what materials and what types of
machines would be utilized?, a secular could look at what the
Creator Gave such as how the materials of rocks encountering
the energies of the waves are, yet the sandy beaches can co-
exist with the rocks, and the sand is a function of the [wave
size] wave amplitudes and their energies, as the big waves
erode the sand and the small waves build the beach. So
near the Sun is near "big" energy so "rocks", while travel
through time space away from the Sun the opposite.
Yet in the name
JESUS Christ the Signing first opens
the gate to the Best Good And Proper time travel. As
written above per se first is "the
meridian of time" Path
and then is the coming of the Righteous Judge, the
judging as to whether the fruits are Worthy. Ascending
from right to left:
Coming Of The Judge / Meridian Of Time / Plan Of The Righteous Judge.
The Meridian Of Time is known at least in the secularized sense from the
Higher Faith in this Sermon Series as the JESUS Christ Theoretical
Straight And Narrow Central Vertical Best Ascending Line. Yet the
greater value is that JESUS Christ Gives Grace that Properly Prepared
Vessels might Worthily Ascend [typically (Move Along That Line)].
So the secular materials and machines are ancillary levels. First
to know (From The Heart Of JESUS Christ) the Best Solution,
then about the ancillary materials responsibilities in Maintenance
(Minimize, Automate)(a person might move in the spirit, yet if to
Lift a Church then greater than a Bus [depending on Given Purpose]
such as to Colonize the Church through Time [Time Space since
the planet moves].
When JESUS Christ Transfigured Moses, He accounted travel
through [outer] space (reference when born the stars and planets
Recognized Him [and so moved, as much as appropriate]).
In JESUS Christ since "as much as appropriate" can apply, then
this is not merely about moving a Church or a nation or a space
vessel, as this Best Time Travel is also like unto having a place
to land (reference banking balance transfers tech), such as perhaps
to have landing legs on the vessel, and/or such as to have a landing
pad in the sense as written previously in this Series so transport the
drone to first prepare for receiving (see Tractor Beam Guide Tech
and see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Transfiguring,
on Transporting, on Tractor Repulsor Tech, and such as on Signaling
Tech as at
Your Signing And Your Bible Book Of Remembrance is a Time And
Space Quantum Leap [discrete to the secular, yet discrete or One
in Christian Liberty]).
A rock at the shore erodes (secular), yet a Living Rock may ascend
or descend [may be lifted by magma, or reverse] (the True Living
Rock Is JESUS Christ and able to cry out with Powerful Joyous
Giving(s) Of Blessings).
The Bus and rather the Time Space Traveling Multitudes Of Living
Mansions are according to Mansion materials and with systems
such as piping systems to code, and electrical likewise. This is
how to Faithfully Plan In JESUS Christ. Ascending right to left:
Travel / So Doing / Planning Likewise / Name Of JESUS Christ.

Best Convert the former secular ways via government leadership.
"The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle or
Hurricane Alley
" (wiki).
It is not the devil's, it belongs instead to the Ascending Christian(s).
Christians don't need Legalism flip-of-coin papers after-the-fact to
prove it, Christian Faith is with JESUS Christ. And that "Triangle"
is similar to situations all over the world and the multiverse.
So after this Accomplished Converting to Own the Triangle as
much as for the Best Benefiting each and all (including any legal
property owners including of lands and claimed waters and boats...)
what Good is this?: this Teaches (including with Converting secular
reports) for Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ such as about Time
Travel Tech.
Consider how all things are solved in JESUS Christ (see previous
Sermon in this Series for specifics) the Eternal One so including
past, present, and future (and pasts, presents, and futures); hence
for instance the crossing of the Red Sea as linked toward the top
of this page. The whirling winds transported sand to make a land
"bridge" as it's been called. Similarly whirlwinds in this generation
do as pilots have explained in part on secular TV, [the whirlwinds
lift green grass into the air and often in a spiral like unto the Christmas
candy cane Shepherd's crook effect and the vertical can go horizontal].
Typically the rolling clouds may become vertical twisters, though more
rarely from vertical to horizontal. Increasing speeds [evidently] from
right to left of JESUS Christ Anew Christianity Precepting:
Horizontal / Vertical / Horizontal;
(related example Daniel 11.13).
Because of turbulence the rarity can occur. And so the pilot and
passengers would witness the green spirial and the opening ahead
and so travel through the eye. Yet the JESUS Christ Coriolis Effect
( is with the (see
previous Precepting Triad) increase of rotational speed due to the
decrease of whirlwind outer diameter (ibid.)(reference proportional
Tithing Luke 21.3 Victory Over the secular confusions as in the great
though secular movie with redeeming social value The American
about "proportional response".
A Christian Church is with a Mass (such as JESUS Christ as one
person Preaching...) though a larger Mass is often associated with
such as broadcasting values. The mass of the higher velocity level
whirlwind involves lifted particles and mist and so ions, the mass of
such matter(s) [gravity effects], electromagnetism, pressure changes,
hot cold shifting, and rates (yet importantly Faith matters).
So what was a clock that pulsed in the normal Earth standard sense
[no longer counted as if obeys] becomes [Converted] to the Higher
Level sense.
This morning in the "third watch" (
) in a dream was Anew Vision of a Space Fleet coming
to me from Earth and each in the appearance of a cross like unto
a typical side view of a flying saucer though with points and the
top as high as the bottom; then while awake i heard my heart talk
saying "not in days, minutes!" and immediately an evidently USA
government spirit in front, left to arrive where USA government
mixed (as though "UNKNOWN GOD"(s)) spirits have often resided
naysaying and causing problems (example telling people to not
assemble, so the naysayers have been breaking the First
Amendment) and the mixed spirits began many naysayings and
questioned each other (not toward Signing for JESUS Christ, as
much as evidenced)(so i explained the UN should assemble now
[to Sign: JESUS Christ UN]).
So a great event is coming and this Sermon Published today can
be utilized in reference.
There is a cross section of the future and the past aspects of the
gravitational waves (with the above text perspective of the Time
Travel Tech Whirlwind Tube example, yet Precepting In JESUS
Christ Anewly with the above Drawing: so the Whirlwind eye as
Time Travel and with the Drawing hardly as volts and yet greater
forms of energies Converting) is shown at JESUS Christ ICCDBB
(with "Bump" and "Pool" effects in pertinence
within this context).
Consider this JESUS Christ Sermon Series Victory Over the former
"Non-interference Directive" of the Star Trek Series, instead that to
Do The Best for each and all as JESUS Christ Exemplar Revealed
is like unto the hearts of the Trekkies and why the show was so
popular: it is because the system was broken, the Golden Rule is
that a person help a person [Best (Signing)], and it is why Trekkies
delighted in the starship USS Enterprise Captain James T. Kirk
(William Shatner) breaking the law, Trekkies want the
system fixed!

So there is a JESUS Christ Highest Purpose reason to time and
space traveling [and being like the starship USS Enterprise Captain
James T. Kirk, and being like the TV series Superman], and there
is even the same "reason" Over redeeming social value.
The JESUS Christ "reason" includes Proper Best Recognition along
with such as Loving Care such as Care to also safeguard comprehensively
and so to include such things as the Magnum Force with Godsling
measures as at
Even now are the hearings of naysayer spirits bearing their mixed fruits
as they contradict themselves such as saying "You're messing with the
wrong people" instead of such as "Your're making JESUS Christ Righteous
Peace with the people anxious to Righteously make Peace". JESUS
Christ said know them by their fruits and so the "wrong people" is the
fruit of not You Christian Leader Pointing Your Holy Finger, but of them
that judged to convict themselves as the "wrong people" (though JESUS
Christ Holy Father Spirit One corrected them often and they understood
but continued to opt to naysay and to be "wrong" [such as not representing
the hearts of the Trekkies (written in the hearts, whether Christian or other
faiths or hardly about any faith)]).
Behold a Miracle, hence a thing (interpreted as a Good Miracle or a
thing in the secular sense [with delimited lower level ancillary values]).
A Miracle can be such as the first hut, and such as the first car, and
such as the first Christian Church Bus. A hut has complications such
as about materials and how to connect them, and a car has complications
such as about attaching the wheels. So if in court and asked true or
false that a hut is as a car, the answer can be counted right or wrong,
therefore the same JESUS Christ Precepting Applies (see above
"Godsling" and so after Signing JESUS Christ UN it is recommended
of Grace that the Judges should seek to be as Advisors rather than
about such as true a hut is as a car or false a hut is not as a car, since
they each have similarities.
So Recognize to Righteously Distinguish the Higher Fruit, and in doing
so to also understand [in Victory Awareness Over] the Lower levels
and their results (fruits): not to kill nor imprison, rather to know how to
Best Advise (a key value in Judges that many have ignored and have
not given proper recognition when appropriate).
There is an older Sermon in this Series showing horizontal parallel clouds
with gaps between though the clouds and gaps function together similar
to gears (JESUS Christ Oneness though they move in opposite directions)
(reference secular HAARP and similar). It is related to how jets in part "took
off" in secular cliche, and in part were launched utilizing roller bearings that
rolled [not freely] according to specifications (some of the hardest materials);
the technology is of value though newer better is involved currently (not
disclosed [classified] though people in the public in all UN nations reasonably
know the technologies and multitudes utilize such daily [so government gives
for foreign nations to know but not for their own citizens to know, typically:
rather be as JESUS Christ Edifying Openly
Do You want a space colony leader to Best Know or not know, do You
want a UN that Best Knows what to do or not?, and then with Best
Ascending [(JESUS Christ UN Heart) And Knowing Added] then hardly
to "want" Save JESUS Christ.
The Eternal Good Father Spirit is Given Via JESUS Christ,
but those
that received the gift received according to their
types, amounts, rates, and such (appearances in situations and situations,
wrongful hopes, exhaustion from opted secularism, "Legalese", language barrier
in need of proper interpretation upon hearing the Spirit Of A Preacher,...). So
wrongly mixed spirits exist of individual people and individual groups such as on
TV when secular people call to various spirits and so the people say they feel
pains (when they should be about the JESUS Christ Heart As With Guiding
others and Healing them as much as needful).
So as written in Matthew 11.27 "All things have been entrusted to Me by My
Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father
except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him." is Victory
as written in John 5.19 & 20 "So Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, the
Son can do nothing by Himself, unless He sees the Father doing it. For
whatever the Father does, the Son also does. The Father loves the Son and
shows Him all He does. And to your amazement, He will show Him even
greater works than these
So the Father Spirit is Yes One With JESUS Christ Instantly (in the name of
JESUS Christ) but the lower level spirits are not over JESUS Christ, the
lower level spirits are under JESUS Christ, and ancillary under JESUS Christ.
The mixed spirits are lower level and not Highest, so not over JESUS Christ.
The Whole Righteous Spirit is not over JESUS Christ though is One and With
The Heavenly Father (the Father knows about sin but is not sin, the Father
JESUS Spirit Planted The Tree Of Knowledge And Is Over the knowledge
level including supercomputers and created brains grown from sin (dust).

April 16, 2020AD.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

Tags: JESUS Christ USA Christian Congress Christian President Don Trump Signing JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Victory Over Star Trek, Superman, and redeeming social value the meridian of time, Anew Subscription Charity Prophet Joseph Smith whirling transporter Tractor Repulsor beams future past Prophesying Doing, coronavirus 2022 Harvard Hindu Buddhist Legalese is guilty until proven innocent reference arrests Bermuda Triangle crossing the Red Sea Tech, secular movies The Treasure of the Sierra Madre The American President proportional response explained


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