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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

See the required by Law: the JESUS Christ [UN] USA ACT With Addenda

at (also pertinent for the UN)

for legal recognition of JESUS Christ such as of the Oath Of Office.

JESUS Christ Vision Sermon.

JESUS is first mentioned in the first verse of the New Testament and last mentioned in the New Testament in the last verse, so as to see from the start the final JESUS Christ Highest Purpose completion of the Plan. In the Old Testament the name was [as much as known in a timeframe as the first name "I" and the last name "AM", as otherwise it had not yet been given for lack of ascending; then long known as the "God of Abraham" and with many descriptive terms though the Name is Given from Highest Above. If the secular Legalese (each and every secular person guilty) would describe Heaven then such as: higher unknown.

The "higher" knows, so the former less worthy interpretations have been as the less knowing. The "higher unknown" is as to pretend and make things up (Mark 13.23: "So be on your guard; I have told you everything in advance."). So the secular Legalese civilization (civilized so to speak in the secular Legalese levels) has had an upsidedown, turned [over completely], as though an eyeball (of sensors, [and miracle] things but after-the-facts)(see first sentence of this Sermon in referencing the JESUS Christ Throne in the ancient Drawing at Sermon in this Series: lowest [to Highest (comprehensively)].).

There is a JESUS Christ Original Plan Vision, and so the secular Legalese idea that everything is created anew each day and each moment can apply though is hardly the JESUS Christ Precepting Way, that is, a flash creation is as to say a "flash" represents the temporary. Constantly being Faithful is the Everlasting Way In JESUS Christ.

This means Ascending and evolving and so evolution and progress, but rather than mere progress (as a turtle or a rabbit laterally) the exceedingly more important is the Best Way, the Best Ascending Righteously therefore in JESUS Christ. This is how to envision that Final End Time to the anti-Signer (faith type and amount applies, though also see previous Sermon on "insurmountable" at Matthew 22.14)(most people [without reasonable hope, save in this situation Signing]) is as a spring loaded snare that quickly stops them (and their opted miseries given account, recompense).

Yet the JESUS Christ Original Plan Vision is that We now and daily continue to Do Best to Help them be Saved (pertinent example: Signing JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addenda and JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda).

So the JESUS Christ Original Plan Vision With Signing is as to Best Guide or at least set them free after having trapped themselves (and many innocents have been victims of collateral damages) but if the angry disobedient trapped themselves, then much Heart is required to set them at Liberty and hardly if [unrepentant or] against ascending. But if with Heart then that need would be to loose them immediately [even if in the worldly there seems no time for to worry about Luke 16.9 (normally Charity instead of taking)](ibid. "normally" is conditional).

The previous Sermon "lung" with JESUS Christ "Living Word" discussion at agrees with the "motorbike" sharing (50% starting with JESUS Christ) at (50% [note JESUS Christ Says And Drives Best by far, Save for Your Ascending Work(s) Sake (meaning for those You Make more Worthy). So there is a Charity aspect as known, yet there is also a Together Aspect that can be far greater Good Value through JESUS Christ (this does not mean forget Charity).

The military Vision of JESUS Christ is a great Sign(s) these days. You may have witnessed to recent full Moon, and Mars appearing at it's nearest to the Moon in "15 or 17 years" (as reported) and soon, October 13th, there will be a full Mars "opposite the Sun as seen from Earth" ["Harvest Moon" "Blue Moon" ( Space News)][(ibid. discusses some faith types and significantly the "Andromeda galaxy, or M31, is our Milky Way’s largest galactic neighbor") hence of these things:] so the rise and fall [waning] of the planet known as the war planet (reference rather the Magi Charity Victory Best Leading Before The Fact: Disciples were Followers until Apostles) which was a major concern to Christian President Don Trump when it was time whether to sign the military budget at the onset of His [currently lower level (not yet serving nor even recognizing Christians Officially at the national level)] administration (though Our Prayers are for the President to Do the Righetous Best so to Sign).

JESUS Christ Exemplar Over Humility

The Righteous Vision for the future is JESUS Christ
 USA With Addenda Signed in 2020AD like unto Victory Over Humble Kneeling, though it is in lower level language to Edify not the same as in the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Level, yet with an Absolutivity (4th Testament) overlap (see Drawings below); this does not mean no longer be humble so no longer kneel. This means after Signing then JESUS Christ Best Way can be discussed such as of the Christian Bible Oath Required Already By Law (the better part of the laws). So of the Oath of Office a person might kneel or not (conditions apply), and for instance a person in a car can say JESUS Christ without kneeling at that moment. So there is a practical point in this and other than censorship against Christians.
The Christian Churches and other may opt to continue the Righteous Humble Kneeling Practices, such as Christian Parents may Teach Their Children to Humbly Kneel While Praying prior to bed.
JESUS Christ The Good One with the name above all names in the Whole of Eternal Good manifested into the lower level secular sense as one single census counted person
 though never strayed from the Best Way of the Oneness yet opted to Humbly Obey In All Things (all was created by Him One for Best Good Way) therefore became Better Greater than the Father (reference Preachers, parents,...and teachers, that the children be better than the leaders of the children were such as to go from ox-carts to airplanes though key is Good Faith Purely from the Source JESUS Christ.
So Prophesyingly JESUS Christ Was Better Before The Fact (1 Corinthians 5.3), before He even was born.
JESUS Christ was better and did not need to be crucified except He First Loved: hence "Exemplar Over Humility". So "Humility" is a key as to how to make a Victory in and through JESUS Christ and so how to make Worthiness (another Victory) and so how to Best Ascend: Victories In JESUS Christ.
So like unto the Bible Code 3 discussion of the previous Sermon in this Series from line upon Prophesying Over Prophesying (3D) is this JESUS Christ Gift for You to Give, Victory In JESUS Christ Over above stated "insurmountable" according to and with JESUS Christ Humility: Victory Before The Fact.
It is what the True Prophets Did, as many as so Worthy / Humbly Preparing in JESUS Christ.
Full of the Holy Spirit from Heaven Above, in the census JESUS Christ was driven (not as cattle driven by dogs, but as JESUS Christ Agreed to Drive such as His unseen car [His census vessel With The Same Holy Spirit]) by the Spirit though With The Spirit, into the wilderness for forty days while tempted by the devil and JESUS Christ ate nothing during those days ( In the great movie Rogers Rangers
there were mixed spirits of (not Best Ascending) people killing people [note the French made peace with less lawful (lower level) Native American Indians but armed them with weapons instead of Righteously Edifying and arming them with Bibles, but "Rogers Rangers" did less than "the French made peace"], but a great part that "Rogers Rangers" did accomplish was [though secular level] loyalty [such as to journey far] and importantly revealing strong Christian Faith after all else failed.
It was a very Humbling experience that with weapons and skills and education and experience and exhaustive works, they could not of their own continue (exhausted) much less brag nor claim victories, Save Praying of the 40 days and likewise in Christian Faith and the Righteous Solving came though repentance from killing people did not come in that movie.
When they humbled themselves under JESUS Christ (not stated in the film) then from the Heart They started to think more clearly and gained hope somewhat according to their faith types and amount...and started to be with higher level values
Humility is a modest and low level view of one's own importance.
To be King (JESUS Christ is King) is hardly the point, to be the Best Ascending Way JESUS Christ is, is the point.
A ranger of
Rogers Rangers
became a cannibal during the journey, disloyal to the secular Legalese government, and ran away. Roger of
Rogers Rangers
 evidently was Christian and did not run away. A person can have been Baptized and so Christian, but as in
Rogers Rangers
a Christian is hardly as JESUS Christ In Highest Level Saving All: as many as would (Victory Over "as many as would" is in an older lower Christian level more fundamental Sermon in this Series). Roger did not save all those people given to Roger (to command). Yet better would have been if the giving authority has not been secular Legalese worldly and instead an authority In The Name Of JESUS Christ (and hardly about many commands, and instead key of Name And Love and then with Praying Faithfully the other lower level matters).
Because this is a "Vision" Sermon [a Precept] and because of the next section "JESUS Christ Over Exorcism" [a Precept], JESUS Christ would that the top global [and greater] groups (governments, corporations, spirits...) register and broadcast their vote in the sense of changing their name to JESUS Christ [name of group] to indicate to the UN that the UN Recognize [their vote and] their support in this Best Way concern for each and all, and for the UN watch and witness and attest in proof the group improvement, and for the the group to watch itself likewise entering Revelation Victory ([Prophesyingly Yielded Precept] Faithful Maintenance aspect of the greater Higher Faith).
 This Agrees in JESUS Christ with the 7 years of Good Harvest Prophecy (Acceptance in the name of the Lord Savior JESUS Christ) and Converts then subsequent 7 years for Good. Study the below text with the Star Drawing made of two triangles. The up pointing triangle agrees with the JESUS Christ Highest Best Way and the 7 Good Years, the other triangle is of You inverted, Converted with Signing in the name JESUS Christ. In pertinence, ask Yourself if Your group can be entrusted with control [and sway if Best] of the vote [Power In The JESUS Christ Name And Word(s) (Luke 16.11 [see below "entrusted" ripe for inversion] is Anew Victory in You So Doing, Over Luke 16.9 except is abuse): to Lead With JESUS Christ is the Best Way. So e.g. since the Eucharist is needful, perhaps Your group would run part of the Internet so Churches have Your Holy Elements, and if They buy in volume You may opt a lower cost per item, a discount: Charity. So You can Best "go where no" Charity "has gone before" (to paraphrase Star Trek). Note concerning bias of this typer presiding over various organizations, as of now each and all are now in the name: JESUS Christ [name of organization]. So as You see JESUS Christ Humility is Victory Over the vote Anew this day October 7, 2020AD.

JESUS Christ Over Exorcism

JESUS Christ ICCDBB previous Sermon stated "if not Signed by December 31 then all Christians are invited to Pray and Exorcise per se Donald Trump"...and the nations, to Sign to Officially Recognize the Best Way (hence that JESUS Christ existed [exists]) in government (ibid. reference President Trump recognition of Jerusalem hence Christian Zion): as they opted they turned from JESUS Christ to walk into the arms of COVID (President Trump and First Lady are now jet set carriers [Maryland hospital] and captivated by COVID).

But for His sake and for all, all are invited to now Pray for this Exorcism even as reported His great need including in His Family having fallen to COVID instead of Signed.

Exorcism Now is NEEDFUL instead of merely waiting (including more Christian casualties during the wait)(Addendum 2)(see "JESUS Christ Gives a profound thing: to Give"..."Precedent" at bottom of Sermon in this Series at 1 Timothy 6.10 and Matthew 21.43, Save JESUS Christ Signing With Addenda).

The public is aware that a knife (including scalpels) and/or implant in the brain (whether such as a computer chip or a chemical) is a type of mind control, and the public has been aware of wireless mind control (see in this Series for Good, Love, And Best Way from the Original Creation Plan for Kindly Guiding as revealed with the JESUS Signal Drawing with specifications at but government works have controlled things such as closing Churches, closing schools, closing businesses, the option of [machine] skills instead of education, and the control of voting efforts as never before in this civilization as being revealed this Prophesied Year 2020AD such as in the next sentences showing it's worse than sanity allows (Book Of Revelation).

JESUS Christ would that You Love, enabling to think more clearly. Which kills more the COVID or the mask (understanding much of COVID initial pulse, as the crest of a wave force causing a shallow water person to tumble, has already struck this civilization [and the faith type rate harmonics manifest while attenuating)?, things such as face masks that constrict airflow into and out of the lungs and kills people, 1 million died from COVID ( and but the world population is about 7.5 billion and (this size bold font is this sentence was grammatically improved for readability November 5, 2020AD) airflow constrictions have caused increase of deaths [since the early 1960s of less than 1% to the reported 2011AD] 4.4% (, 7.5 billion x 0.044 = 1/3 billion, and that is a JESUS Christ Faith Standard though like unto the census level prior to the Prophetic year 2020AD currently in which face masks became required by un-Holy worldly laws to buy or sell in the marketplaces (secular Legalese opted to apply Revelation 13.17) for instance a person attacked by pulmonary constriction could not legally buy food in the market without the mask but when wearing the mask augmenting the constriction: look at the proportion of the effect.

Note "Pulse wave legal definition of pulse wave - Legal Dictionary › Pulse wave Definition of pulse wave in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English ... that the active static stretching class increased the subjects' initial pulse wave and the ..." ([October 4, 2020AD top search result:] dictionary%22 %22initial pulse%22&oq=%22legal dictionary%22 %22initial pulse%22& gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCCEQqwIyBQghEKsCOgcIABBHELADOgYIABAHEB46AggAOggIABAHEAUQHjoICAAQCBAHEB46BAghEAo6BQghEKABOgQIABANOgYIABANEB46CAgAEA0QBRAeOggIABAIEA0QHlDCYViBxwFg4ckBaAVwAngAgAFtiAGMF5IBBDI4LjaYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjOic-v6ZrsAhUHknIEHVUzASIQ4dUDCAw&uact=5), so according to the secular "Legal Dictionary" it has been mind control, as stated by changing a person's [spiritual brainwave] "the subjects" "initial pulse wave", but it does not mention for Care, for Love, for Good, nor for Best for each and all, nor Give any reason.

Also the absurdity for me is to have to say these obvious things: the dentist patient should not wear a mask, don't wear a mask while eating free samples at the bake shop, masks cause safety problems such as can move to obstruct vision while driving with passengers and such as when reaching for items on a high shelf, and masks interfere with the safety of laborers in a multitude of ways...(secular references include such as showing airflows and COVID transmissions with masks): it is JESUS Christ Who Saves: JESUS Christ Signed First, then the Loyal Faithful ancillary levels of Maintenance.

A big dog for instance has a talent to run fast (if it opts), the President has a talents. We The People don't want to be dogs, and We The People don't want to have people killed, much less kill people in the positions of faithfully loyal fellow citizens (see above)(not merely collateral casualties: We The People don't want to teach our children to kill goodly people by secular Legalese hence lower levels, of secular government elected leaders, whether by orders to kill the innocent nor by carelessness such as by a stupid law of firing two shots first).

Speaking of COVID, JESUS Christ Explained to instead to Do Better than merely love money (1 Timothy 6.10): COVID is mainly spread by the population at the cash register.

The great though secular movie National Treasure intro states "It's never been about the money". This is a Distinguishing key from JESUS Christ (ibid. [His Apostles understood from the Heart and Gave this key, e.g. Loaves And Fishes]).

Can we agree insanity should not govern the sane?, can we agree the careless should not be the safe rules writers (this is more about strayed ways paths than the current resultant situation)? can we agree the ignorant due to much censorship should not be assumed as if the expert, reference babies through teens.., .and concerning such as healthcare, high tech, and utilities "Most purchasing agents don't have a master's degree" ( much less know whether to purchase for government the EA-18G if the boss tells them to buy "the most advanced airborne electronic attack" product (also pertinent is such as, can we agree JESUS Christ was counted in the census and it is not sin to discuss this fact and that His Teaching And Work did exist with Him and it should not be illegal to discuss such, and can we agree an elected person from a signs by the roads that merely stated "Vote for [name]" does not necessarily make the best elected official ever?, yes.

The law including the Freedom Of Information Act varies in the various nations and goes through changes such as at it requires a "25 years" limit: JESUS Christ in the census was 2 thousand years ago and USA and UN governments censor JESUS Christ info ("How to File a Whistleblower Complaint" in USA [and/or contact another government]). If government or other censors You, You might contact such as Breitbart News at for help. Such Whistleblowing (if for Best for each and all) is similar to being a Christian Priest Conducting Righteous Exorcism(s), and to learn the Truth such as about JESUS Christ and such as other topics such as on UFOs and family free housing and free TVs and free entertainment (being required to stay at home) is likewise goodly and Best in Victory In JESUS Christ such as to be with technologies that have been patented to prevent the public from reasonable rights except to pay a patent holder, such as for food Victories, and energy Victories, and free health Victories (see older Sermons in this Series on unfair and mostly illegal patents and copyrights [many have been for love of money through generations when months or weeks is more than fair depending on the Godsling]), and there are secular ideas on how free home tech and such as how to be with water in the desert ( Likewise energy for Your Family Home through generations JESUS Christ has solved (such as except if there is a disaster that destroys the device) such as in the previous Sermon in this Series as in the lower Drawing top center [with hand] pic at and this is like unto JESUS Christ Exorcism Victory Over former enslavement-love-of-money ways of the lower levels (with or without Signing).

A spirit is with rates such as of doing things, and since in lower levels then in patterns, and JESUS Christ Reveals such to the Worthily Ascended (to the pertinent sufficiently Higher Level Over the pattern level). For instance a magnet is with many rates (spirits) such as watts to pull apart more than watts to slide apart, and gravity likewise, so the types (or more [higher complexities can apply]) of [faiths, spirits,...] mechanisms can in part run in a direction overpowering and then lose momentum and another type overcome and another and back to the original (recuperated [recharged, refreshed, re-coiled and ready to spring with power again,...]).

Like unto a pendulum swinging, it is with force, but at the end of cycle (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series on hysteresis loop) with negative force. Christian President Don Trump was with positive force (faith amount) until 2020AD (negative [ibid. applies], not Signed even though requrired by many laws and NEEDFUL, ESSENTIAL FOR THIS NATION AND THE NATIONS); Signing can reverse the "negative force": JESUS Christ Exorcism Best Way Anew Gift for each and all to Best Benefit! The families Benefit with the JESUS Christ USA Signing and the money lovers Convert to the Charity System [as the Signed government exemplifies (Addendum 1)]. This is the Best Way, this is future Vision through JESUS Christ, Faithful for families especially Christian Families Will Benefit [in cliche "what They Prayed for" (since faith type and faith amount and faith rate,...apply)] yet all families can so benefit [in cliche "what they hoped" (a better living for their families)]. The wasted works to turn to look other places for solutions is temporary (former lower level interpretation of the Book Of Revelation), but Signing First is solving then the other is added Precept on Precept Righteously [as much as JESUS Christ Taught And Did And Does (Mark 1.27)].

About 60,000 Christians have been slaughtered in Nigeria in the past decade (, a number exceedingly higher than the total reported worldwide in 2018 (

To want to be elected in order to be with a payroll (or multitudes of other low level reasons) is not about the way to run government.

JESUS Christ summarily (without the customary formalities Matthew 15.9 and John 8.39) [asked and answered so] stated (in pertinence the USA, the nations, the UN, government, the anti-Signers) you have been unable to understand My Creative Living Word Way Power (see "you are unable" in the Lexicon at

We The People don't want to be controlled as slaves nor as "machines" nor as if dogs, We don't want to be as the anti-Signer Mr. President (and Congress and UN...) against our neighbors. We don't want to work for the federal government and then told to attack our own families (see older Sermons in this Series on 911. We The People don't want to be the storefront for un-faithful activities. You Mr. President closed Churches, i asked the people to Pray for You, how much faithful Praying amount do You think the people will Pray for You, as the people know You closed Their Churches?, even so it should be the Full Amount.

Perplexing to secularism under Legalese (see previous Sermons in this Series) is how to make perfect a person, but instead of solving through JESUS Christ (having already solved e.g. 1 Peter 5.10) the secular has wrongly turned to secular Legalese (no better level than where it started but normally worse and lower levels such as slipping away and/or falling (such as turning so called drug free, clean, people to brain function changing drugs by secular Psychiatry)(ibid. reference military mind control works, and such as the unConverted movie Clockwork Orange). In secular Legalese it is similar to Psychology of lower levels about splintered emotions [there have been medical problems (but not beyond JESUS Christ Loyalty) also the nations have been permeated with splintered thoughts and emotions [(2/3 Save The Ascending] so to speak in the lower levels, with victims of secular Legalese governments including government employees) and logic [(flip-of-coin tech) such as per secular Legalese methodologies with checklist types of processes (see above "no better level than where it started": JESUS Christ Healed Many, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually,...and even raised people from the dead)].

The JESUS Christ Exorcism has become obviously needful whether such as the USA President can currently think or not, so Christians set Precedent with understanding that if to opt, then not a slave (save a slave to JESUS Christ the Properly Liberating Best), and so received this JESUS Christ Gift, that if a spirit can opt for Righteous Good, then You receive this Gift to be better able to Distinguish spirits for to make them more Worthy, and if sufficiently Worthy then Give that JESUS Christ Liberate them, and Lift them.

Even so also distinguish that for instance a car often goes to a cemetery (You may find an indicator such as if it is a hearse) while another car is not of a routine, similarly spirits such as of UN and of governments are harder to fix merely by observations (Luke 17.20 Victory Over ibid., though the overlap, perhaps in situations 100% can apply as many lower level guesses and predictions are about 50% of the time accurate except reference a dart be with both together Victory In JESUS Christ). Lower level followers in the secular (reference the term "sway states") have been exorcised without need to do, automatically they become bored and leave or anxious to explore..., though the other levels are more as already caught in what they wrongly interpret as if confined in a loop trap when Righteous Liberty is merely an easy option and better for each and all.

Playing secular governmental position games is not the best way, it is not even safe, it even costs lives. Concerning exorcism an often misinterpreted verse has been resist the "devil" and the "devil" will flee from You, but what is resist? in the secular such as in electronics it is viewed by some experts as to waste of energy (and this is important, reference the energy need in the great movie Apollo 13) so not the Best Way; to resist is to set against, so instead in JESUS Christ to set a Love Standard (reference 1 Peter 5.9) like unto a Guide Post and like unto a highway sign indicating the [coming] intersection.

JESUS Christ Prays Signing in 2020AD (and so 2021AD would not be as pleasant for many), and this "Signing" is for the Best Way for each and all (NEEDED, REQUIRED, though allowing many options Anewly such as a Charity Economic System instead of love-of-money-system), so JESUS Christ In Highest Purpose includes Praying You Behold for a moment what a symbol of the opposite of the Best Way is (similar to what anti-Christians in government have done). The [often secular (mixed spirits: in JESUS Christ Best Distinguish Faith Over subset levels of Maintenance Faith types and amounts and rates and other pertinent criteria)] History Channel explained people slept over bodies of the dead to get those spirits, to "incubate" to absorb those [similar to the Legion that went into pigs then into the water and death] (reference also such as "henges" and "tombs" at Instead be awake with the Living JESUS Christ Praying Exorcism toward enabling Better Living Precept Upon Best Living Precept hence for Signing The Best Way.

Evangelism is toward Signing as like unto JESUS Christ Excorcising is explained in the following example.

New to Christianity Anthony Hopkins visited in the spirit the other day. He has starred in great though horrific psychological horror films (including mind control) in secular roles such as in the movies Hannibal and Silence of the Lambs. Actor Sir Anthony Hopkins Ascended from alcoholism and atheism to become a Christian, as explained, and the Christian explained..." God can use anything, even our biggest messes, for good". It brings to mind childrens' television as child actors are told to stick there heads in toilets or similar, the point being the government rating system while often goodly could improve.

John The Baptist was beheaded by lower level secular Legalese government: if You were back then in those days You might have prevented it through JESUS Christ Exorcism, including Exorcizing the Romans and the conspirators. Note also reference some of the many Transfiguring specifications in previous Sermons in this Series. Rhetorically who wanted all the Houses Of Prayer closed, JESUS Christ or Satan?: the lowest, the House Of Confusions, the conspirators against JESUS Christ Oneness Ascending, the anxious to enslave House Of Bondage, the War Machine that works scortched Earth known as hell on Earth where their worms never die with the synagogue of Satan as they have opted to put Satan in charge as with works to separate Heart from Head.

Theoretically, before the President was Baptized, if the Christian Minister would have happened to ask a Prophetic thing about future plans, the future President if knowing and speaking the truth might have responded "I plan to close the Churches", the Minister would have said go and fully repent first, and then come be Baptized. Similar is true of Ascending. First prepare for greater Worthiness, currently the Signing, and then through JESUS Christ be Already Prepared with having likewise Helped Guide others to be more Worthy.

Grace from JESUS Christ was offered, to Sign, but was rejected as Christians are needlessly persecuted, so JESUS Christ allowed and so enabled the Signing according to NEEDFUL therefore there are Presidential (Congressional, UN,...) repercussions increasingly worsening according to the time (note according to the overlapping situations, not worse because of time, but worsening because of in secular cliche "the loose cannon" though note first the "loose cannon" tends to harm those most pertinent in the immediate vicinity: in plain language if to be selfish then i don't want to be near the President yet if Charitably Giving of myself then if Best to be near to Guide though this Series sufficieth and is for the Highest Purpose Given JESUS Christ Mission). Be aware there are many not Baptized that need JESUS Christ Exorcisms for their sakes and for the sake to be Signing Most Immediately for the Best for each and all.

Theoretically if the current and previous Presidents were telling the truth, and if their main opponents were telling the truth, as they said bad things about each other (such as advertised on TV the President did not protect against the plague [and security with all it's fighter rockets did not protect the President]), then have the people been voting for the best people or the worst?, even a teen knows to not let a filthy careless child into the teen's relatively clean room: Keep Out!, Grow Up!, Repent!, Be Responsibly Caring And Compassionate, you're not allowed to play with that pistol so put it down and don't try to kill me, you're not allowed to teach that dog to bite people so wake up since you are a person too (amist the Human Firmament these are lower level exorcism examples: for Converting faith types and for increasing Best Faith [Path] amounts).

JESUS Christ Over God Revelation

JESUS Christ Insight Prophesyingly / Preceptingly, Gives this Anew Gift in Highest Purpose Awareness: God is not bigger, better, and more comprehensive than JESUS Christ, especially in the confused secular Legalese context as if to be about an UNKNOWN GOD [for to not so much as to recognize JESUS Christ (the True / Righteous JESUS Christ), JESUS Christ is Over New Covenant Eucharist Elements, Over communication elements and Over Best growing, and as Agreed In Highest Level: God is "in Christ" and/or "by Christ" as written in So government saying In God We Trust has actually been to used to vote against Christianity and JESUS Christ Recognition.

People on the bus see signs daily in their commute to and from work, but they no longer read them (Acts 28.27) as much as toward the start, and that is alright, save the bus driver. Lest they see Signs And Wonders they will not believe: this is Prophecy (John 4.48). So it is important while Ascending into new (to You) higher levels that You Awaken (relative to the "commute" dullness per se) to understand (so from JESUS Christ Faith Before The Fact) these Signs And Wonders as these appear. Below are shown some samples concerning Ascending In JESUS Christ.

You already are aware of the symbol on the back of the USA dollar of the unfinished pyramid (secular government trying to figure it out, over the governed [many similarly]) with the all seeing Eye (of God), and this symbol fits with these symbols (from recent Sermons [see each Sermon for specifics] in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series).

The continuation of the Best Growing of the unfinished pyramid with Eye Of God above watching everything, is shown above left, showing secular government opted wrongly to not grow with Christian Leadership. To the right is the diamond (cube, square) and a horizontal line through the middle of the diamond is JESUS Christ Faith (Eye) to envision to reveal the Overlap, the middle Drawing at the top the Star Of David (Revelation 22.16) shape.

The Signing (of the "ACT") becomes law so the lowest acceptable point. First this "point", and later when Worthy the lowest "point" becomes as unnecessary though to be with records until records become obsolete but only in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. So in pertinence the USA five pointed star as presented is the Prophetic future Righteous Hope, and so Prophesyingly Guiding toward a more perfect union, but the previous sentence applies: Precept On Precept.

The top point is JESUS Christ.

In the "Father" and [Holy] "Ghost" points the Transfiguring applies (the anti-JESUS Christ workers do not get the lasting victories they hoped of strayed ways: Galatians 5.17) as stated in John 9.25 "He answered, 'Whether He is a sinner I do not know. There is one thing I do know: I was blind, but now I see!'": "Whether" "a sinner" or not: whether in the flesh or not. This seems at first to agree with whether in the flesh or spirit, though the above transition (Addendum 2) Star Of David applies. Be Leading With [or at least led by] JESUS Christ Above On Highest Level(s) In Highest Purpose. So do not be misled by the lower levels such as by "paganism" such as stated at

"Father" and "Ghost" can appear in the flesh, though are Heavenly [often yet even when appearing in the lower levels (as JESUS Christ Exemplified)](other mixed spirits...have been as pinballs in temporary velocities and purposes [known as selfish, though a pinball turn in the pinball game is part of the overall such as three turns per play event])(ibid. is symbolic of the Higher Levels and not excuse to turn astray save JESUS Christ Highest Purpose such as the Good Samaritan). So the "ACT" only ascends conditionally, if all the other above Ascend from Highest JESUS Christ Word And Will.

The secular is under secular government, so concerning the above left Drawing, not shown are the governed secular non-Christians (not counting the little children, permeating though obeying so following innocently). The non-Christians are not in the upper part of the left Drawing above government. Christians in government are personally Saved, but the positions in which they worked in the secular government have been temporary works to be given to others or discarded, unless Signed (though records and though Saving Grace from JESUS Christ may apply toward eternal if as much is goodly but see previous in this Series on looping as a snake that selfishly coils to itself or to constrict the breath of others).

To Conquer the former lower levels about the translations and interpretations about the Book Of Revelation, Agrees in JESUS Christ With The Signing

JESUS Christ GIves a Sign, the Book Of Revelation has been called Righteously in the past "the last Book in the Bible", and it was True, but no longer, this is the Living Bible with the continuing to write as the Living JESUS Christ Continues To Give You Life and to Do other great Signs And Miracles awesome to the amazements of many. Yet consider their perspectives, if to see a plane crash or a person Healing You, it is hardly the same as to first Prophesy and then Behold! People have become bored with predictions, and are aware of magic tricks, and see above on mind control. JESUS Christ is aware of this in them.

So JESUS Christ Gives Signs and Wonders meaningful to them personally, and concerning this "Signing" also Positionally Anew!

JESUS Christ Did things in Jerusalem for instance He ate and abluted as did others (also Matthew 23.25 conditionally applies). But that (the previous sentence) did not make Him the superstar He is today. The things JESUS Christ Did to make Himself A Superstar hardly were about the things others did routinely, but it also was not about bad things. What JESUS Christ Did to Become Superstar level, was to Perform the Greatest Miracles Of Faith (also within the Parameters such as see above on Humility), for instance as written in John 9.32 "Never before has anyone heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind" and such as written "take away the stone" (John 11.39), the millstone governments have placed on the necks of their own citizens and on the slaves (Be Signing).

So JESUS Christ Became Famous Increasingly because of the great Good Blessings He Brought Of Higher Level Faith (see below "JESUS Christ Superstars").

JESUS Christ was rejected in Jerusalem similar to how the Mormons (["new symbol" shown to the left] of the the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) were rejected in USA especially in the 1800s and early 1900s [such as in 1942 to not be swayed by "the Third Reich" [that opted to be anti-Jew and then an anti-Christian and anti-other-faiths way as a war monger machine and faith type]](ibid.: even Native American Indians, many of which were known as conducting illegal practices [and government too] [such as child abuse] formerly have been honored by USA government in many ways)(["entrusted"] example but software warning applies at en mode point.htm)(note fore instance the Best for "the Third Reich" is to Ascend in JESUS Christ therefore no longer to hate [no longer to war] so instead to love to help others).

The higher any Ascends the more wonderfully awesome the signs [with Miracles following] are. If USA people think about Jerusalem for instance, they think of a far place over there and their people and often their history. But other than JESUS Christ that is not so wonderful, for instant the nearby nations historically were in the midst of many battles almost routinely (hardly such as the USA neighboring nations) even though Jerusalem has been and is in the midst of the great trade center, the great faiths center, and the great prophets (if a false prophet then a minority that is not yet recognized Matthew 3.3, see above on invering the "triangle" and latter "7 years" to start to create Good in JESUS Christ): now is the time to make Jerusalem great again, and let this be put in a "higher" "more wonderfully awesome" Way that You know and so want to broadcast this sign(s), it is hardly about me nor You and Your part of Your lifetime: "now is the time" JESUS Christ Gives as the Best Moment In History [(1 John 4.19) "better than the first" ( Victory Over the "first", Victory with and because of the "first" 1 Corinthians 12.31).

So to think of JESUS Christ has often been to think of a distance, over then, far away where the awesome Miracles were made, though JESUS Christ was here in the census 2,000 years ago, in America (in the census including [as Prophesied, 3 Nephi Chapter 20 intro] as a person until 3 Nephi 28.12) in the New World, Good and more than in cliche: a nice neighbor.

Can we agree as stated in ancient law that JESUS Christ did exist?, yes, many nations (see for instance the above mentioned Kings, the Magi, and as all knew: see lower level example in the Lexicon "The whole, all, any, every" at see above "can we agree JESUS Christ was counted in the census and it is not sin to discuss this fact and that His Teaching And Work did exist with Him and it should not be illegal to discuss such". This is the Vision for America, this is the Good Vision for JESUS Christ USA and the Best Way for each and all.

In the name of JESUS Christ I Best Way drive you out you lovers of monies while Inverting Your tables that were heaped with cash, that the legs of the tabels help to hold the higher stacks and the tables don't crush under the weight as founded on the rock (Matthew 12.41 / Matthew 16.18 / Luke 16.29: Victory Upon Victory) for Your "Charity Economic System" as stated above in Anew Precedent, so the "higher stacks" of money don't tilt and fall on You as the population skyrockets and the cash comes and goes that You Manage Safely, and so ready now, and so I Invite You for You to Enter and Administer the Best Way starting with JESUS Christ Love hence Righteous Best Way Signing (hardly because i said so, hardly because a person said so, rather You would be to Do Your Best and therefore the Best Way (John 8.39): Sign Your Official Prayer (for JESUS Christ With Your Victory Over Matthew 21.13).

Signing JESUS Christ USA [or another nation, or the UN] is placing the Best Way Righteous Prophetic Vision of JESUS Christ Over the Revelation instead of the Revelation being over the nation(s).


JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.

Coming soon:

JESUS Christ Superstars

(whether Trump appears or not depends on Signing).

Click for Christ JESUS ICCDBB Main Site at

Special Reference Credits: thanks for and angelfire and Google as these have often helped this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons' Series.

UN / USA Law, click here: JESUS Christ UN at

Tags: JESUS Christ New Covenant Gives Miracles for the Best Way Recognizing the higher levels more wonderfully awesome Faith yielding Signs And Wonders as JESUS Christ was here in the census 2000 years ago in America and hardly about other ways UNKNOWN GOD President Don Trump And First Lady hospitalized under their COVID mainly spread at cash registers plagues such as secular Legalese  anti-Christian UN in need of Humility and so Before The Fact full repentance Exorcism to Best Recognize Human Rights as 1/3 billion died from mind control voters air flow constriction zombie followers Luke 6 39 initial pulse wave to interfere hearing vision separation most advanced airborne electronic, not allowed to teach that dogs to bite people Freedom Of Information Act 60,000 Christians have been slaughtered in Nigeria in the past decade far more than previous world total movies Clockwork Orange Apollo 13 Hannibal Silence of the Lambs new Christian Anthony Hopkins
