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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

See the required by Law: the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2

at (also pertinent for the UN)

for legal recognition of JESUS Christ such as of the Oath Of Office.

JESUS Christ Addendum 3 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Benefits are Given already to the Worthy. In the name of JESUS Christ, what i say now in JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose to and for Christian President Don Trump the legally recognized Precedent Establisher in the world

and so the goodly Dictator for Peace [or the tyrant to thwart and overthrow his own works (a worldly kingdom) if to

continue to not Sign (the JESUS Christ USA With Addenda Law)], i say to each and all.

As written in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon in this Series at

"regulations that President Trump on TV threw out, has with anti-Signing become meaningless": United Nations, UN,

Ambassadors struggle ongoingly for peace, as does the United States Of America, USA, and the other nations [and

greater], but to quit politics to instead favor military offenses is to break the Holy Law (Thou shalt not kill [any census

person nor higher]) and against the higher level laws of the nations (even if they don't understand their own laws, see

previous in this Series on JESUS Christ Comprehensive Best Prioritization Righteously), and against the agreed UN

Universal Declaration of Human Rights starts with RECOGNITION "Preamble  Whereas recognition of the inherent

dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all"..."Article 1. All human beings" not merely for the humans that wrongly

imagine that they themselves currently do not break laws (lest to kill the militaries and those that sent them [government,

voters, opinions of others, Save Best JESUS Christ]), not merely for humans that are trying to protect what they have

from the have nots, this is the Holy Law In JESUS Christ for each and "All".

To have a weapon does not make a person exempt. Instead a greater Maintenance Responsibility they heap upon the

self. Signing is the Holy Peace "weapon" (the Best anti-crime weapon, the Best Love weapon, the Best Peace Grower:

1 John 4.19), they Will turn their weapons into clothes and mansions and fuel for the civilization family, ..."Nation will no

longer take up the sword against nation, nor train anymore for war" (from Isaiah 2.4).

JESUS Christ Invites each and every nation and government and group and person of any type of faith and of any faith

amount to so start to Ascend to so start to Benefit the Best Way.

To send troops, to write laws against the Rights of any person to live, to spread microtech as COVID amidst the people,

to send forth Space Force "'to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where

no man has gone before.' - Captain James T. Kirk" (, William Shatner, Star Trek, is to

hurt the self and may damage those so attacked (reference terms such as "cardinal sin", "mortal sin", and conditionally

"ordinal sin").

USA government wrongly hopes to be more advanced again per Space Force, it cannot until Signed. The UN similarly

"cannot untl Signed". Legal dictionaries disagree with each other about what civilization is, some say the "advanced"

aspect is of primary importance hence not government but the private businesses large and small such as corporate

Christian Churches Over High Tech In The Name JESUS Christ, some point to intelligence but of selfish opinions (see

previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series), others refer to ownership clout, others say it is part of a process

such as a "stage" of development: lump these together and they only make sense One Way: in the name of JESUS Christ

(see below on the "Heavenly Father"). As previously proven in this Series such as about the SATs and college entrance

exams, and about "advancing" as the secular called it but horizontally (not ascending hence the same as a car with motor

running but idling causing heavy traffic: reference "space normal speed") and again stated the Tree Of Knowledge is a

relatively lower level thing planted by the higher level JESUS Christ Father Spirit Eternal, also Creator.

So "Creator" is a lower level relative to the higher level as JESUS Christ First Loved.

A measure of whether civilized or not is the Signing: JESUS Christ UN (With Addenda as Proven NEEDED).

Also who would entrust secular government "to explore" [their as though] "strange new worlds" if to call them

"strange" as though perhaps unfit to become more worthy in the opinion of secular "Legalese", and even if to

merely to "explore" "worlds" then having come from a decimated planet such as by fracking and coal mine

fires and other extractions causing earthquakes and sinkholes (it is the Right of the people living in such

places to check with Power And Authority [Signed] In the name of JESUS Christ and government Law so

as to not build merely to witness a mineral rights holder undo): these things of JESUS Christ are revealed

not merely to this civilization as much as this civilization opts to not Sign to Best Lead (see previous in this

Series with the "Legalese" definition from ancient Chinese "guilty" Romans 3.10 yet Victory through JESUS


Here is a great example of how the Word of JESUS Christ can be spread even in the secular as if no need

for Addendum 3, except the Legalese aspect of the worldly laws continues to be administered unevenly and

unfair to many (not merely Christians): against faith matters [and against the USA Constitution Amendment 1:

while pursuing the Holy Grail in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Henry, Sean Connery, said to

his son Indy, Harrison Ford, "I suddenly remembered Charlemagne. 'Let my armies be the rocks and the trees

and the birds in the sky.' (he chuckles)".

While excellent in JESUS Christ, not best, consider Thou shalt not take the Lord's Name in vain and how JESUS

Christ already suffered and Gave His Census Life once for all though when wondering as to Hope Indy remarked

"JESUS Christ" and was stopped from continuing due to being slapped: JESUS Christ is not the destroyer. In the

confusions of "Legalese" (guilty until proven innocent) consider that if instead of saying "JESUS Christ" Indy might

have opted to say such as "Your ideas seem whimsical, arbitrary and irrational, and so can hardly be considered

seriously" (see text below), then Indy might not have been slapped: in other words in any moment to think of JESUS

Christ and to Say JESUS Christ is covered by Amendment 1 and is even greater than Amendment 1 and the entire

secular Legalese Constitution (and similar of the UN). Note: to say something in vain is to lie about something, including

if to make fun of or to make sport of as a destroyer target: that is what "in vain" has been about (instead become Best

Distinguishing in the Heart Of JESUS Christ). Also note the movie was not a charity but for money, if Henry was to slap,

then let him slap the movie's love of money type of faith amount (save if to have an economic system, therefore a Charity

Economics System).

Above is stated "Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky", yet JESUS Christ explains You NEED

to overcome former lower level confused destructive hateful un-converted ways, such as to protect the birds and have dominion

Over them (save if to eat them or teach them to do goodly chores or let them be at liberty, except as much as if they opt to be a

nuisance such as to prevent or exterminate a pertinent Godsling amount) as JESUS Christ Is, and likewise to care for the Earth

and tend it's needs as the UN Logo explains. Faithful Ascending is not about teaching subjects wrongful things.

Lastly about the movie, it is nice to see such great goodly movies about goodness and even to say JESUS Christ, and to

see more such type movies is invited, especially the more excellent.

Law already requires to care for the planet [the UN Logo is "Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet" (at the top of the

page of the main site)] but secular Legalese works to be against civilization: secular government has worked against

the Rights Of The People, from the start of the UN, from the start of USA, from the conspiritors against religious

faiths except what they want.

What they want is control (Genesis 1.26) but "they" are not allowed since opted against JESUS Christ (Genesis 3.22

[importantly note the Lexicon at is wrong as it in lower level secular "Legalese"

opted destructions and tyrannism "To tread down, subjugate, to crumble off"]).

The word "tyrannism" is a "form of sadism" (

This is not mainly about the rioter citizens per se, nor mainly about President Trump sending multitudes of federal

troops into the cities against the "citizens per se", this is about JESUS Christ and why secular

government failed.

America failed as Christian Precedent Establisher Don Trump said within this point of pertinent context concerning the

widespread failure(s), it's "worse than Afghanistan" (

Federal government should help states and cities and their Public Rights (if to have states and cities): note per se that the

utility companies are less about property lines and more about the best way for utilities to serve the public [as with piping

and transmission lines and as with broadcasting: hence more toward the Way of JESUS Christ).

Currently as if because of the anti-Signing (actually because the Higher JESUS Christ Parameters are the Commands Of

Holy Law, 1 Corinthians 7.19, fullfilled in JESUS Christ Victory [He First Loved {prior to creation: beyond measure of Spirit

And/Or Pure Flesh And/Or Transfiguration}], Romans 13.10), the Space Force ideas about exploring, seeking, and going

boldly are offensive: offenses against the law(s).

After Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addenda Law the Space Force can do so legally. This JESUS Christ Functioning is

according to Highest Purpose, and so this Benefiting Edifying is Prophesyingly Given Righteously Best Here Now (see

previous Sermon linked above Precepting yielding Prophesying): consider that if Signed by the UN with Addendum 1 and

so Charity and so if each and all the people Give Charity Likewise, then as though to no longer be with any in need of

Charity (no homeless [fulfilled by so much Charity], no addictions [satisfied by the more excellent Way],...and so to go into

outer space for to Give Charity.

This is the Higher Holy Purpose of Space Force, if to be with Space Force. Because each and all must Give Charity, even

if not about money nor things, even if to merely have a spirit, then to Charitably Give that spirit (Charity is not the same as

waste thrown down (reference the secular lower level term "disposable income") (Matthew 7.6), Charity concerns the Good

Best: to Give the Good Best. Therefore to Give to JESUS Christ (to Give Your Best Spirit, Self, Value, Way; other things of

various values such as money and food for Priests is also to be Given to the Christian Church [Sign to reveal Agreeing

Spirit Way Best Functioning Likewise Benefiting]).

The current JESUS Christ Law to be Signed is at

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is the reason to Sign, and multitudes of other reasons are added to it (also multiplied with

it, magnified, exponential growth, for the soul of civilization to profit Best, for Peace, for the Righteousness Anew Charity

Economy [as long as casting lots is found acceptable] Prosperity,...) for instance as stated above "to go into outer space

for to Give Charity" is a more specifically Wise Way In JESUS Christ than the UNKNOWN GOD(S) Star Trek various not

known ways, typically (see previous in this Series on vacations, holidays, and recuperation), concerning the higher levels

(reference secular Act Of ["UNKNOWN GOD(S)"] God) of peril [secular example "Legal definition of perils of the sea:

perils that are peculiar to the sea but are of such an extraordinary nature and power that one cannot guard against

them using ordinary skill and prudence." ( of the sea)] (sic) (note in lower levels [grades K-12]

they would fail us if we used the same word ["perils"] in the definition as asked to define ["perils"], though even though the

secular quote is of mixed spirits the goodly part is helpful: thanks).

So the secular Legalese explains it is unable to protect itself ("power that one cannot guard against"), so the "power"

needs be Best Identified by Law to RECOGNIZE the Parameters more Perfectly even Best so to [work and so to] of such

measured known parameters function Most Perfectly Perfectly Perfecting (Hebrews 12.2).

So with the Signing comes the JESUS Christ Name (the "power") and the ancillarly lower levels of interpretations of the

goodly aspects of the spirits of faith types, amounts, directions, rates, positions,... and the other managable risk parameters

(according to how much ascended in levels [to be monitored like unto census works: to measure civilization and positions

within civilization not merely tax matter yet more importantly Charity yields) in Victories Over the former as stated above

"strange new" worldly ways so as not to be overly tempted (including the Accord of previous in this Series) and instead

Victories with not becoming conformed to newly discovered lower worldly ways of other worlds as written from the Heart

Of JESUS Christ Teachings And Doings as attested in Romans 12.2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed

by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God"

(also reference

JESUS Christ Gives this Anew Benefit for You, that people were Given dominion over the creatures of Earth,

and Anewly likewise with this above text (see following "note") JESUS Christ Gives this Prophesyingly, Anew Awareness,

an awareness (level pertinent) of dominion not merely on Earth yet also beyond [and inside Earth] as much as

pertinent (ibid.) but after Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addenda. This is You as part and party to this Living Life Giving And

Better Prophesying, Best Prophesying In JESUS Christ upon Best Prophesying In JESUS Christ, of Precept upon Precept.

So of JESUS Christ full repentance and Immersion Baptism (yes be with swimming pools in outer space colonizing transports

with many mansions) made the Christian a New Person, and likewise the Signing makes the Church a New Church and the

government RECOGNIZING such New Church via Signing even if not currently specified (reference former as in the wrongful

Legalese cliche "separation of Church and state": hence instead NEEDFUL is ["New"] Church and government recognizing

the higher level(s) and so continuing to recognize the Church (yet Anewly [as within a Christian Ascending Properly the Saved

Person knows inside, and the Church Will Prophesyingly know inside 2 Corinthians 3.2) (note often sentences in this Series

have been inserted such as was this between the previous active link and here September 13, 2020AD).

Today is September 10, of the Prophetic Year Of The Lord God JESUS Christ The Holy One Of Israel 2020AD. The Plan

today is that tomorrow Addendum 3 Will Be Added to the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2

and Will Be Added to the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2. This is with the understanding

that the pertinent spirits have already been made sufficiently aware (often). And although anti-Signers so far: forgiven

because of JESUS Christ. This is also with the understanding that the pertinent government leaders (those in government

authority to so Sign [excluding this vessel typing self lest this not be given charitably though rather for JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose]) have already been made sufficiently aware (often) (as reasonably the pertinent parties per se have directly and/or

indirectly been contacted via their established legal criteria). And "Today" this is understood including by tomorrow in their

understanding to give them the added burden they hoped to get accordingly as they opted by their anti-Signing, so to give

them what they want and though also [as to say in lower levels "instead"] to give them beaten of few stripes that they start

to count themselves worthy to receive this Signing "RECOGNITION" (as stated above) the name of the King (official legal

"RECOGNITION" of the King JESUS Christ for the Best for each and all as required by Law) (Acts 5.41) (and so not to offend,

but as they "hoped").

Beware, many have hoped to die and have died from the census in their [(sins) instead in their] self opted ways not ascending.

Let this not be hope to die. This does not mean such as firing squad against them, lest they "die" and so your hope for them

similarly self extinguish. Life upon Life, Precept upon Precept. This does not mean trample on people to get to the top (see

previous sentence). Line upon Line, Best Upon Best, Prophesy Upon Prophesy.

So the Plan is, to add a burden, Addendum 3, on top of the shoulders of worldly secular government(s) unless they Sign "Today",

this is 7AM Eastern Standard Time.

JESUS Christ Is Lord Over All Spirits [including Over all types and amounts] (1 Corinthians 12.3), JESUS is Christ and so Over

each and every census person, and JESUS Christ cannot be crucified again, crucifiers are "forgiven" (see above). But Your

Added Burden Will remain awhile according to faith types,...such as until Overcome such as the type and amount You Broadcast

after Signing. Behold this Gift Given From JESUS Christ Now [via this typer, writer], for government to Be The Living Prophesy

(see previous in this Series on "Living" such as Growing, adapting,...).

Did You Christian Leader want to be Righteously Prophesying?, Behold, JESUS Christ Gives that You Be The Manifestation of

the Miracle Benefit Before The Faith: JESUS Christ Is Eternal With Giving You Victory Over as written in Ecclesiastes 1.9 "What

has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun".

Beware: Be With JESUS Christ Faith Prayerfully First Righteously, and then able to [Do Best and] in the lower level secular as

if to follow miracles (instead Best Lead with JESUS Christ and Give All Glory To And For JESUS Christ).

Friend, government, thank you for much help through the years. You already know the Tree Of Knowledge is with both Good

values and with values that secular level people can misunderstand and misuse and cause problems. And secular government

is not exempt, any more than a secular corporation is except from Churches (they are not exempt).

In 2019AD Grace was offered but not Signed, then Addendum 2 burden was added, now living anti-Signers face Addendum 3

(see previous Sermon linked above with whirlpool Drawing). In other words, all government investments, all government plans,

all government hopes, as much as anti-Signing, government places at a new level of risk and cost [toward unavailability, similar

to going to the grocery store and seeing empty shelves]: Faith needs be with Works, and Works according to the Word.

JESUS Christ is able to Give the Word With Power (Works, Miracles, Full Shelves Anewly Each Profiting And Propheting [Prophesying:

see above Living Prophesying]), and is able to Give the Miracle Before the fact of a governmental faith type and amount for government

to start to see more perfectly to better perfect each and all (conditions apply for better living or worse, see previous Sermon in this Series Harry Potter movie "gold heaped on them and nearly killed them" shown below Harry Potter,

Daniel Radcliffe; Hermione Granger, Emma Watson; and Ron Weasley, Rupert Grint). The velocity of the Transfiguration is One in JESUS Christ.

It has often been in this civilization from the start that the haves (the people with money and elegant things and new things and clout)

have had too much relative to the have-nots (though JESUS Christ Faith is greater than ibid. [even so Ascend Best and exceedingly

higher levels than the House Of Bondage]).  To solve, instead of rioters stealing from stores ("haves"), NEEDED is that the haves Sign

for the have-nots to have much more, therefore let the rate of opportunity and the improving rate increase steeper to blend with the

Vertical Straight And Narrow.

The problem is not the rich being swamped in gold as quicksand, the problem is not the have-nots, the problem is the rich (the "haves")

carelessly stingy in the sense that the laws need Overcome the problem: so as not to point blame, rather to see how to Best Improve

and so to Do: Signing.

Now updated again is the with NEEDFUL And

Vital JESUS Christ USA With Addenda at http:


Addendum 3, 9/11/2020AD.

JESUS Christ Gives this New Addendum as if because of lack of faith of government, but actually because of the Good Benefits

JESUS Christ would that this civilization inherit or at least currently be Given via "adoption" [level] as stated in Addendum 3.

JESUS Christ Gives This New Insight Wisely (Daniel 5.11) (, that the mixed spirits of the House Of Bondage,

the Roman Jewish, the worshipers of UNKNOWN GODS, the anti-God deniers, and the other mixed spirits of confusions and

idle interrogations be no longer known as JESUS Christ One Civilization starting in the year 2022AD lest to Sign as in the big

and bold font above. As the Daniel Giant (see older Sermons fully illustrated in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series) was lifted

as a symbol but overcome, likewise JESUS Christ Will no longer call the uncivilized civilized, the Ascending from the anti-


1 Kings 11.39 (Sign) / 1 Kings 11.38 (Israel Victory Done) / 1 Kings 11.40 (Solomon with the most gold and treasures lost).

The Civilized Will no longer be under the uncivilized / Zion Recognized at UN level / Flood ended [love of money ran it's course].

Christians defending all people and the rights and privileges of all people is more important (vital, NEEDED) than "being swamped

in gold as quicksand" [note Solomon formed a navy to protect his gold, but not to protect "all people"]. The goodly aspects of King

Solomon can be noted yet a greater than Solomon is Best King JESUS Christ.

Concerning the "love of money ran it's course", consider the rust bowl against manufacturing is as the current [financial pertinent

(] Rights and [Entitlements] Privileges "bowl" [against the majority and] against the

marketplace (tables of the money changers,, and Revelation 13.17 [see below "Ascending",

"conditionally", and "worms"]).

The Christian Missionary is Worthy of the Blessing, for instance the Precedent Establisher went into the rioter zone as the people

lined the Way chanting "We love you", so because "Worthy" then Sign for to accept "the Blessing" from Legal RECOGNITION of

JESUS Christ including to Legally Recognize the Best Way into the future ( [Victory Over

and so for to Yield:] ("the fields are white for harvest" and "white" means that it is over ripe" as written in this Series at http://www, lest; this time now and today as

this is being written is already September 18, 2020AD, there are not even

"four" months left in this Prophesied Year (Prophesied for Your sake and

for each and all); as written in John 4.35 "Do you not say, ‘There are still

four months until the harvest’? I tell you, lift up your eyes and look at

the fields, for they are ripe for harvest".

You, We, have already lost so many from the census, and by the hand of the census person in charge of the census, Friend.

The "mixed spirits" of the "confused" and "anti-Ascending" are of this Anew Prophesying of JESUS Christ as with the big bold

font above, and how to describe to others the levels they have not yet seen?: as written in previous in this Series there are many

levels, and as stated in Catholicism, and as known in the secular such as school grades and ranks and similar; and in the Bible

there are the Ascending and the worms, so to connect the two (instead of separation of Church and state):

Ascending / anti-Signers [conditionally concerning Signed JESUS Christ UN With Addenda] / worms.

Why?: JESUS Christ Precepting yields the Highest Purpose including this Edifying in secular level for each and all to understand

and so to Benefit In Order To Give such Benefit Likewise: many people enjoy [often similar to "Ascending" to (as dining with family)]

eating steak (1 Corinthians 3.2, Ellicott's Commentary at, with John 4.32) with bitters ("conditionally"),

but not with "worms". Similarly a burger may be with a pickle, but not a burger mixed [mired] with sand (dirt, mud, dust).

We were formed of dust, we don't need to retreat back down there (John 11.14).

Ascending right to left with "Grace" opportunity already passed (Addendum 2) save as much as restored of JESUS Christ as a

Gift for the nation(s) (though Grace continues in Churches and Christians as much as not closed) with Addendum 3:

JESUS Christ Heir / JESUS Christ Adoption / JESUS Christ Grafting.

"Grafting" as with a tree limb removed and attached to another Higher Purpose Branch (In And Of JESUS Christ) involves cutting

to sever away from the former of value, even a temporary higher value can apply as with the severing of an umbilical cord as the

newborn struggles to survive on it's own.

The above triad level or step: "JESUS Christ Heir" is virtually painless relaltively. But government opted against it and so the

currently needful lower step "JESUS Christ Adoption" is required (note higher than the "JESUS Christ Heir" is the JESUS Christ

Oneness Level not shown though already pertinent as much as any Christians have so Ascended and One.

The "Grafting" is similar to the lower level interpretation: hell. But in the higher level as with the Mother Joy With Birthing Victory

Over former lower level pains per se.

The haves and have-nots gap has been similar to the wrongful separation of Church and state, and as the "haves" having

been without sufficient Charity Given to the have-nots, whether personally (and/or of the family unit) or importantly with

the JESUS Christ "Signing" positionally. The benefactors such as some parties that benefit according to lobbying (but

this is symbolic in lower level secular cliche and not to judge lobbyists that are often with goodly purposes and often for

the greater good and not merely for self profiteering) or according to being favored for grants or government contracts...,

often have received more than their fair share already with respect for the Rights of the have-nots.

Put another way, the former President Nixon "trickle down" plan had merit though as concerns were by the people and

as evidenced the trickle flows were readily interrupted.

Above is stated "The velocity of the Transfiguration is One in JESUS Christ". Whether with One after the tomb, or two

(with Bride) or with three (Matthew 17.3) or more (such as Final End Time) (see Godsling in this Series Traceable In

JESUS Christ), the velocity is not key such as to frequency x wavelength (secular "Legalese" formula: v = f x w). This

formula is a cornerstone foundation key to virtually the whole of mathematics, similar to 1 1 = 2 (but so called in the

secular "Legalese" pure science math is virtually all, or all, variables see Drawing at

jesuswarpdrive.html) ("virtually all, or all" as JESUS Christ Opts, also) (concerning "all", if to count such as 1 million apples

times 1 million apples, You don't actually hold nor touch nor see the 1 million apples, much less the 1 trillion secular answer:

it is virtual, and if to hold 1 apple and count it, it is hardly a true answer except through JESUS Christ [not merely because

JESUS Christ can Transfigure the apple and/or move it through timespace, as to so count as with census is a matter of

after-the-fact Miracles save JESUS Christ Prophetic Word With Power, including the secular mind is of sensors to count

and then report to the brain after-the-fact]).

Ibid. does not mean don't study, but needful is to Sign JESUS Christ UN With Addenda to Best Study. If the classroom is

as if counted without love, then the rioters and the president are the same. If "the same" then no need to recognize the

"president" (not applicable). The Old Testament is littered with examples of people that ruled by killing their own people

and those lower-sub-level-civilizations expired.

Heavenly Father

                                                                         THE MISINTERPRETED VERSES

JESUS Christ said "Father is greater than I" (John 14.28). The misinterpretation was the "Father is greater than JESUS Christ".

The Heavenly Father is not greater than JESUS Christ. JESUS Christ is greatest with the name above all names as written

"Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above all names," (

9.htm but not such as some translations "highly" and instead "highest", see Lexicon per se). This is how JESUS Christ is also

with Highest Purpose, and how Best agrees, and even how the Father And Son And Holy Spirit agree with the word "Yes":

JESUS Christ was not merely Pure Spirit Highest yet also Pure Census Human Vessel and so with these two the third the

temporary if opted, the Transfiguring.

JESUS Christ Faith Righteous Before The Fact Power translation is the "Father is greater than I" because the Father Created

the I of the I AM JESUS Christ. The Father without JESUS Christ is dead but Alive because of JESUS Christ. The Father

without works is dead, but the Father is with One Eternal Best Work JESUS Christ. So here are the two the Creator With The

Created And Each And Both Pure [not as the created world as if with a disconnected head separated from the heart.

JESUS Christ is the Life Source for the Father. JESUS Christ Is God, and the others enter into God with JESUS Christ Inviting.

The government is not, save the governed opt to be with a government. To love someone enough to put them over Yourself,

forms a Trust (Righteousness yields and grows Truth In JESUS Christ).

The Father did not first love, except JESUS Christ First Loved in every direction and through all things and wrote in the Heart

of each and all and so into the Father the Full Whole Successful Love Victory. Such Father is Eternal With JESUS Christ and

JESUS Christ With The Father In Spirit. The Father is able to Miracle Manifest because JESUS Christ (Name Above All) First


The Holy Spirit is similar though Given to people. So there is the JESUS Christ Highest Level and the other levels of spirits.

The Heavenly Father Spirit was created ([..."created the Heavens"...] Genesis 1.1). This is how JESUS Christ can Give the

Holy Spirit to You and others. And rather You Give the Proper amount to others according to their Worthiness in the JESUS

Christ Best Ascending Way.

JESUS Christ Gives From On High, with JESUS Christ at Highest Level (similar to how a Chief leads government, and similar

to how a governmnet leads the governed), so how "a Chief leads government" can be distinguished from how "a governmnet

leads the governed", so too Anewly from JESUS Christ is now Given that "JESUS Christ Highest Level" realm can be better

Distinguishing Over the statement the "Father is greater than I".

The "JESUS Christ Highest Level" is Yes, and is Giving Love (see above "JESUS Christ First Loved"), and in this

sense (ibid.) it is an outpouring (Ellicott's Commentary including "while they miss the difficulty they also miss the meaning" at

So Righteously Distinguishing the "I" of the "Father is greater than I" statement of JESUS Christ is that the "I" in the context

of it's verse includes such parts as "‘I am going away, and I am coming back to you": therefore about a census level.

So the "JESUS Christ Highest Level" realm while comprehensive of Good at least [aware of ways of each and all] is of and

about the Top Level In Charge, while "I" of the verse (John 14.28) is more about the census level that a person [in the lower

level sense as government counted] would go and come, while the Highest Level is already there and here: wherever Good

exists "at least [aware of ways of each and all]" there and here.

So the "I" is of the created JESUS Christ, while the "Highest Purpose" JESUS Christ is comprehensive and

Best Prioritized And Creator.

So the Father, One With JESUS Christ, is greater than the created census counted person aspect about JESUS Christ.

The Holy Spirit likewise is greater, though the Spirits of the Holy Ghost Highest Level Pure Spirit have been subject to the

various types of vessels of amount of faiths.

This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders (for JESUS Christ Leadership As One Increasingly)

has much been about levels, though with the above Empowering , with the Anew JESUS Christ Worthiness Given and

more plain and clear to see and know from the JESUS Christ Heart, even to glimpse into the Original Plan of the Alpha

And Omega, We can now start (with Signing NECESSARY to Better Ascend, and NEEDFUL to survive [a secular sample

of cities updated confirms murder "is up 16.1 percent in relation to last year"...with data "suggesting that the trend may

have accelerated over the last few months" though some other crimes are lower (

coronavirus.html)]) of above stated "Worthiness" factor (after Signing) to much better comprehend and measure not to divide to

separate in Legalese lest to quicken grand disasters, but instead NEEDFUL is to Sign to in JESUS Christ Heartfully Best

Righteously (according to the Signed Firmament Level and the Addenda Firmament Levels) assess like unto census, the

[Spirits, the Good amounts from Higher] not merely levels [and horizontal tube parameters] yet also Anewly the overlapping

higher complexities.

Simplified symbolic example: government would standardize criteria (and others with their criteria at their lower ancillary

levels relative to government) such as perhaps a Godsling is from level 5 to level 15 and another Godsling is from level 10

to level 20, so both are with the levels 10 to 15 overlap.

To measure the higher than government levels is often problematic (yet to RECOGNIZE the Higher) as stated in the title of

this subsection "THE MISINTERPRETED VERSE", that is, the better interpretations come with JESUS Christ New Christianity

Ascending, for the Worthiness levels, the Straight Up Faith amounts.

Yet to measure the lower levels is now Anewly within JESUS Christ Godsling Signing Victory First then [Prophesyingly] Over

the overlaps. This is of value in JESUS Christ as for the "Straight" Distinguishing Anewly the gaps and the overlaps and so

better or Best (as much as able) how to handle each. So how to handle, manage, and administer over each becomes less

arbitrary and more automated: loyal liberating. A secular example of a Legalese system un-Signed is as the following sentence.

"Arbitrary Irrational; capricious." (; and defined: "capricious: adv., adj. unpredictable and

subject to whim, often used to refer to judges and judicial decisions which do not follow the law, logic or proper trial procedure"


Except many do not allow descriptive words, adjectives ("adj.") in courtroom trials nor even in reports whether with trial or not.

"Adjective Law. The aggregate of rules of procedure or practice. Also called adjectival law, as opposed to that body of law that

the courts are established to administer (called substantive law) it means the rules according to which the Substantive Law is

administered, e.g., Rules of Civil Procedure. That part of the law that provides a method for enforcing or maintaining rights"


In the Holy Name Of JESUS Christ beware of the following secular level Legalese sentence.

"Irrationality is cognition" (

In JESUS Christ, to not know is not the same thing as to know.

In JESUS Christ, misbehaviors and/or mistakes are not the same as to Good Behavior And Loyal Learning Wisely.

"THE MISINTERPRETED VERSE" is about how USA and UN founders (and Thomas Jefferson "separation") misinterpreted

or at least had not ridden on the [coattails] or shoulders of previous Christian Leaders: to ride on the shoulders of

such Christian Faith Giants is a Heart Soul UN key into the Better Wisely Ascending in the

JESUS Christ Faith Path Way: hence again You are the Living Prophesying And Their Better

Living in the future: the key to Their More Holy Future.

The secular government has resulted in very confused secular intranets losing defining character: look what in pertinence

happened in the "dogpile" search engine with two search terms (each in quotes): "legal dictionary" "ridden": here is a Page 1

result: "In today’s isolated virus-ridden topsy turvy world with civil trials virtually at a halt"...(

evolved-slowly-now-it-zooms), and in pertinence per se with no results for: "legal dictionary" "ridden on a bus".

The secular government should wonder if it is best that attorneys and others should legally define "ridden" as if to mean something

about "isolated virus" and "topsy turvy world" without "civil trials": it is not best in JESUS Christ. JESUS Christ is the Standard. JESUS

Christ is the Best Way. JESUS Christ is the Top Priority. JESUS Christ is the Inviter (see above "First Loved") With Benefits.

"THE MISINTERPRETED VERSE" describes current secular government. Government Officials have told me face to face if to run

for Office you have to belong to a Christian Church.

Other nations want our English, to be as We The People. Other nations want Democracy, because We have it and they see our progress.

Other nations want our Christian Faith, but secular Legalese Government Officials have not wanted Christian Faith all too much, except

for fluff and for show (Matthew 6.5). If the Officials want to be actors, let them, but pretending to be Christian is "in vain" as stated above,

"including if to make fun of or to make sport of as a destroyer target": current government leadership is targeting Christians In Fact And

Against Their Own Laws.

The uncareing attitudes in government NEED end.

Don't wait for the rioters to lead the way.

Current government NEEDS to Sign immediately to start to Give a census level Gift (next sentence) to Righteously Establish [at least in

Precedent] the New Standard.

JESUS Christ UN With Addenda NEEDS to start a Dictionary (see older in this Series inviting many dictionary publishers including in forte).

Now government leader friend consider this and i don't mean to be offensive as this happeneth to any, that you have gotten out of bed and

noticed foul breath and that you were with odor; and this, "THE MISINTERPRETED VERSE" Victory In JESUS Christ, helps explain in the

sense of Better Distinguishing about the census "I" and the Higher and Highest "JESUS Christ". So the "I" is of the vessel, and the Highest

is of JESUS Christ to so be RECOGNIZED, and so to be now Anewly with a type of census Victory Tangible Gift Benefit Over as if: Christ

without census Jesus (not so). In other words JESUS Christ cares for the census level Gift Giving too, not merely Spiritual [intangible to

many]. As written in John 12.3 "Then Mary took about a pint of expensive perfume, made of pure nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet and

wiped them with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume" and when asked about it "'Leave her alone,' Jesus

replied. 'She has kept this perfume in preparation for the day of My burial'".

So JESUS Christ knows how to Give You an "expensive" Gift that You would cherish (cherish not because of the census level gift but because

JESUS Christ is so involved for Highest Purpose) so not too much as to overly tempt for idle selfishness (see above on "for fluff and for show")

(Sign to indicate Your Higher Faith Level as much as appropriate of Your Faith In JESUS Christ: for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and so to

include for You Assigned Mission for Best for each and all).

In this situation concerning "the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume" hence each and all with JESUS Christ did benefit in the

census sense, and yet not reported in the New Testament yet Anewly consider that after the "burial" and with Arising from the tomb the Mary

Anointing [with "fragrance"] possibly many have lingered some, yet also in memory is with lingering and yet living memory making as each

and all may opt to likewise Do.

Who made the "pure nard" to yield the "perfume" (for the "lingering"): JESUS Christ One for His Highest Purpose.

In other words as applied in 2020AD for instance yesterday i harvested wild grape berries (like unto a nard pic at

d8d74ac5d93c29bd999e291.jpg), but i did not plant the vine, though previously i thought it would be nice to one day have a fence with a grapevine, also

the vine with Maintenance weaving helps hold the fence together and proper trimming (see older Sermons in this Series on cultivating) helps

the fruit of the vine grow better. JESUS Christ One Planted The Vine, and i harvested: even to Give this message (and i asked Another if They

wanted some to eat in the Tangible Census Level Charity Work And Gift From JESUS Christ Sense).

The Best Vine (in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, including such as for these Sermons) in the right time and in the right place. Likewise the Best

Flower Big And Bold in the key spot right in front at the entrance (also in some previous years and in this year a big unusual yet suitable plant

this year): i did not plant these, JESUS Christ Did. I bought seeds at the stores, and whether they sprouted or not was as to flip-a-coin, and if

they did sprout then whether goodly, as to flip-a-coin. This is a great key from JESUS Christ concerning Doing anything.

JESUS Christ Gives the tangible Gift of the "Signing" Record: the Signed Record as the current key most pertinent tangible Best Gift as

much as counted as though other than each and every Signer(s) (though in the Holy Spirit the Word And Work Agree In One JESUS Christ).

And JESUS Christ USA With Addenda after Signing is a national Victory but not merely for the nation: for each and all nations (and not merely

about Addendum 1) as the Exemplar Agrees with the Victory Over Distinguishing such as "THE MISINTERPRETED VERSE".

The above "VERSE" per se is important to Faith (hence Loyalty, Direction, what to expect,...) since the Christ said talked about "greater",

though there is not greater than JESUS Christ, similar to how the boss of a company goes away and returns to find things continuing properly

without need of correction, often even better than formerly: since "continuing properly" then such as if making products for sale then they (as

one per se) have more "products for sale" than when the boss left, so there is a "greater" though not greater than the boss, instead a oneness

with the boss even if the boss left other(s) such as "Exemplar" to continue the work.

A "tangible Gift" is often not key though often in lower levels misinterpreted as if key. JESUS Christ One for His Highest Purpose is key.

What is this Anew Value of the intangible Higher Level Gift unseen unsensed of sensors, that with the previous sentence, also make the unseen

Faith so important?, the Ascending answer in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is like unto trying to describe Heaven to those that have not been

to Heaven and like undertanding the Heart Of JESUS Christ, such as to become able to properly Distinguish a greater better amount what it

means to read such as "the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man" [a census man (

with Lexicon)] and why?: and to answer in pertinence per se and in JESUS Christ is such as Victories Over Angels (see next sentence for

more in specifics).

So to understand, prior to the "specifics" in greater details is to understand something key in the "Signing" in the lower levels; and that lower

level key is in the Prophetic 2020 Precedent Establisher (at least) to be aware about "looping" (see previous in this Series) and so pertinent

history in the census such as a President might please virtually all of those who helped get into office, at first, but then toward the end of the

term be more toward spiking the ball (against some of those who helped such as about taxes or contracts), like unto Christian former President

Obama said "We don't need to spike the football" (, toward

being about lower level works when the higher Way is available and Better, and so to Distinguish and so to Recognize the Better as more pertinent

and more needful, instead of "spiking" in anger to show off for nonsense folly such as "anger" due to the end of hoped service (reference the

term: a "lame duck president" [that has upset some former presidents]), and so now in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Perspective per se these

"specifics" are that a "son of man" census level aspect has been about good angels ascending and descending angels of mixed spirits of census

level interpretations (though with goodly faith types and amounts...) as to be with JESUS Christ even if in census form and/or the angels have

fallen (see previous in this Series on the Old Testament), while the Highest Purpose is for Good and Best for each and all, and so the Ascending

Angels are with Victory for to Meet With JESUS Christ in the [sky] Heavenly Levels, and likewise the Descending "upon the Son of man" is toward

the Preparation for to Help but not needed and so for the Glorifying Of JESUS Christ: hence JESUS Christ Is Lifted And Ascending Higher More

Gloriously for Best Anewly Given Of JESUS Christ for each and all (though such is no excuse to be a fallen angel in that lower level sense as if at

liberty to do destructions) (note: ibid. therefore Help and Guide any as though "fallen", do not be anxious to enslave them nor treat them as if

animals, see above not to be "destructive" not "hateful" so instead "such as to protect the birds and have dominion Over them" as JESUS Christ

Gives This Gift to One Best Ascending In JESUS Christ; and also if to know what the Angels are going to Do, then a Gift of great Value from JESUS

Christ enabling for to Do Good greater than was already by this civilization.

This Series for Christian Leadership is about Best Ascending (save if on another type of Given Mission, understanding about Worthiness, and about

JESUS Christ Already Did Once For [each {and much as for All One Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ} and] All). Though the Sabbath and Eucharist

and the Book Of Rembrance is the Word of Record of Fact and of the past and such are Gifts as vessels and Holy as much as Holy, yet in JESUS

Christ Righteously Distinguish the Better the Living Bible Signing And Likewise Writing Anewly Yet Righteously Into The Hearts Of Civilization(s).

So the Signed is the Gift, while the Signing Best Righteously is the Anewly Giving Gifts, and therefore receiving but that receiving is not the key

point even so be of Loyal Faith as the receiving was Given for instance to the Chosen People and in some situations with receiving gold with

gems jewelry although later a burden to carry (see above gif [brief video]).

The "gif" is a Graphic Interchange Format. The "Interchange" is like unto JESUS Christ Transfiguration though Living, yet credible and reliable

and Eternal and Good and Best. The "above gif" is not so goodly as much as shown as if people buried alive in gold, yet the JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose Living Transfiguring Anewly Righteously Signing Best is as Giving Joy as each and all Likewise Ascend Best In JESUS

Christ, though JESUS Christ Parameters Apply, so Worthiness applies (in One) Over any in lower levels.

The Affiliated GodMath Bible Testament explained Absolutivity included the [JESUS Christ (Ascended with the Heavenly)] GodMath, and

the other created, the Relativity, the world in Relativity (including people of the census). And so for instance Absolutivity - Relativity = GodMath.

And yet JESUS Christ Gives The Righteously Ascending Leading This Civilization (and others Leading such as for instance a Christian Leader

Over a leper colony largely out of touch with the UN even perhaps after Signing as continuing in the secular news for instance unknown tribes

continue to be found and contacted, so at least prior to better communications [though note UN un-Signed mixed spirits of mixed spirits

communications though Be Preparing for Helping Guide each and all for Best Ascending In JESUS Christ]).

So awareness through JESUS Christ Anewly concerning Higher Levels (and pertinent Parameters such as for Worthiness to obtain such

higher glories for to Best Give In JESUS Christ) is such as with the Working within the census tangible Gift of the Addendum 3 tool including

the Trusted Path(s) Awareness. So from many Paths into as an inverted funnel, the Straight Path Awareness.

As stated above "NEEDFUL is to Sign to in JESUS Christ Heartfully Best Righteously"..."Anewly" Be With Victories As One, including Over

"the overlapping higher complexities" and so of "One" Faith, applied it is over victories. So the "One" "Straight Path Awareness" is JESUS

Christ One Highest Level Victory, and all other Good is added inclusively.

So the "victories" are Your Signed Steps In JESUS Christ, while Your Continuing To Best Ascend is the One Victory Best Living Continuum

(this does not necessarily mean with nor without gold, food, drink, mansions, such have been about the plural and lower levels and so

this helps explain the attraction of singles to Wed (see previous in this Series on Law(s), on pertinent parameters, and on Grace). So this

is Over illegal oppression per former separation of Church and state.

So Anewly Prophesying with You understanding from the Heart Of JESUS Christ more Over the higher levels of Angels, then also after

Signing to know more Over the lower levels and lower levels of Gifts And Benefits (so from JESUS Christ Above). So to include in the

future the coming to better know for to Give, so to know Prophesyingly more about such if to Best Give such. And so extra work for

You as You opted by not yet Signing, including therefore as stated above to Be In JESUS Christ [("Exemplar") then] with the Godsling

tool, and therefore (not as if without, not to pretend as if unaware) responsibly and credibly of Good Character to be Establishing the

Awareness in the governed (the "all" [thus far at least]) range including at the top of the Godsling JESUS Christ (and/or JESUS Christ

One [such as see above on Transfiguring, and such as "the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man"]) and at

the other end of the Godsling the worm (Mark 9.44).

Now Behold this Anewly Stated Gift from JESUS Christ (as far as this writer knows of a level and of a remembering amount): JESUS

Christ Lifts Each And All at least from dust to living worm level!

JESUS Christ Perfectly Lifts Caringly Purposefully In Power In The Best Situation. Sermons are

as the Word, and the Four Testaments as the Four Winds as written in Matthew 24.31 "And He

will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds,

from one end of the heavens to the other.", let President Trump Sign.

As written "And Jesus said unto them: How be it that ye have not written this"...(3 Nephi 23.11 ).

As written ..."My house shall be called of all nations"...(Mark 11.17).

Signing RECOGNITION of JESUS Christ Above yields Victory Over the next verse per se and over many other precepts ..."Is it not written

in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" (John 10.34), that is, a person is toward what they pray, and much as Righteous In JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose, so this is toward Victory also Over such as Revelation 17.8 and Revelation 13.8.

Also concerning the "I" of THE MISINTERPRETED VERSE is the "he" of this verse as written Matthew 11.11 "Truly I tell you, among those

born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet even the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he".

Because of the above explanation(s) (because of Loving JESUS Christ then to Accept such Wisdom Wisely [Best or goodly depending on

level]) JESUS Christ Recognizes Anewly the Worthiness in the Ascending One sufficient to also explain the above so explained is key to

unraveling the further mysteries, and more unto the current point in this Godsling situation is another "MISINTERPRETED VERSE" is a

Gift from JESUS Christ for Best Converting, but with a strong warning: this is not cause for to mistrust the Christian Bible;

in other words You NEED to trust the Christian Bible until with Better Gifts from JESUS Christ. As

a Christian Leader said over a half century ago [and as others said] while teaching piano, learn to play it as written, and after they consider

if ad lib playing is better [as may be in some situations]. Likewise if to tune an instrument then if to be a great tuner then not merely the

tuning in a lower level sense and rather to be a great musician and then to be a great tuner: the tuner and the musician ascend together

as one (reference guitars...).

So JESUS Christ Anewly Gives this Gift (with the Credible Christian Best Ascending Faith [NEEDFUL

"warning" rather] Parameter) Recognition of JESUS Christ Over

former lower level "God" verses (even though The Known God JESUS Christ

Is Good) (continuous improvement) such as

The Father is Spirit, the Holy Ghost is Spirit, the Spirit has hardly need of any throne, though the vessel person appreciates a chair. The Ones

the Living and Traveling that JESUS Christ finds Worthy and Most Suitable to occupy such positions of authorities over such types of concerns

are to Occupy such Seats Of Power As One.

The previously linked verse is of the Greek translation and as Ellicott's Commentary explained evidently ("suggests") "a later addition" (as the

translation fell from "Jesus" (there is only One Christ [Save As Much As One, see previous Sermon in this Series with "stepping through

JESUS Christ" Spirit as through an opaque shadow as the shadow was like unto a duplicate JESUS Christ at

andnow.html]) to "Lord" (there are many Lords such as JESUS Christ Edified in Matthew 22.44 with a warning at Matthew 7.21).

JESUS Christ Highlights another popular verse MISINTERPRETED BY GOVERNMENT and many others, for example the State Of South

Carolina illegally forbade Christian Churches from functioning long ago and South Carolina became one of the leaders in lack of education;

and to symbolize a couple of the main points of this in the 1990s as one of the officers at the time including as a Representive for the Presbytery

for all of the Presbyterian Churches (We met at Covenant Presbyterian Church, East Morehead Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, NC) and also

with most Work by this vessel at Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Charlotte, NC, over the Church Treasury (with a very small amount

of hands on work in South Carolina, SC, with Habitat for Humanity rebuilding some of the worst houses [homes] in SC, and as one of the Teachers

over adult classes We wanted to help SC more as with funding to homes and other, but were told it was illegal, so at a Fort Mill, SC, Town Hall

meeting [again] with State Speakers i publicly asked whay it was illegal for Us to help those in most need and the reply was it had to go through

the state since people took money from (took advantage of) those in poverty, but that hardly made much sense since those in poverty hardly have

any money and this was the more important point (ignored) so per se the SC people in poverty were not helped, (save otherwise Our Group with

VGC [Video Gaming Certification a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation] Bills not legally affiliated with the Presbytery yet for the Christian Churches

and [solved Befoe The Fact the NGISC for] government and employers and families and each and all [not further discussed in this Sermon]) and

then by illegal actions many businesses closed and in the news SC Churches were being set on fire (and USA federal level has followed South

Carolina that had been looping, repeating and the Churches burned) though SC has made great progress since then according to

wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_educational_attainment so one of the key points per se concerns JESUS Christ not merely in the Temple yet also going

throughout the region Helping others and the other key point likewise is about the further misinterpretation as heard in the secular cliche "Charity

begins at home": no.

Selfishness is not the same as Charity. The secular confused government is not the same as the Church. As written in 1 Timothy 5.8 "If anyone

does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever". First per se is as JESUS

Christ explained [Sign and] Pray, Give Yourself Faithfully Daily even if merely Praying though seek to Preach Meaningfully Your Best, and then after

such Faithful Leadership including that You Believe Your Own Words You just said, then to Do [Work for the Church and/or] the JESUS Christ Mission

Work even if a lowly level such as yesterday i resoldered my ultrasonic flaw detector for multi-tasking including for electric power such as light for this

office where i am typing, as in JESUS Christ One there is a Faith Leader (One Leadership of Leader(s)) and there is the Maintenance as a leader is

often a gofer. So if to be with Word without Work(s) then dead (as with the previous Bible verse quoted), so to be Best Faithful In JESUS Christ is to

[Sign and] Prayerfully Be with Faith and at least minimal Maintenance (though at Final End Time the Word Is Power [Maintenance as though obsolete

and rather Anew Beginning] in merely One Word, the name JESUS [Christ]) (see older Sermons in this Series with many Drawings on how the New

Beginnings are as leaps of Faith, not merely steps nor small increments [Addenda] as currently NEEDFUL).

                                                                                            SPIRITS 2020AD.

In the best interest of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, including to Best Benefit each and all [such as being sure a person is authorized and

able to fly a plane prior to giving them a plane (Worthiness)], consider how in the courts a person tries to trick another person into confessing

the truth (note the illegal activities in the courtroom in front of the judge "a person tries to trick another person".

As written in the secular laws ..."nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or

property, without due process of law"... (from Amendment 5) and "due process" is Legalese to the secular attacker lawbreaker, but in JESUS

Christ Best Prioritizing "due process" refers to the higher levels such as Amendment 4, Amendment 3, and so on: the point being that often

situations are complex and far more about the stories needs be explained than the court wants to hear, even often similar to a lifetime of events

or generations such as of two cultures clashing instead of recognizing the Higher Peace Path In JESUS Christ for Best Mutual Benefit.  Also

note in an added point that laws are not equal because of James 2.10 "Whoever keeps the whole Law but stumbles at just one point is guilty

of breaking all of it", instead in JESUS Christ Prioritizing Precept On Precept applies as Do many higher level criteria, such as including all the

laws are more important (at least in recordkeeping matters [as much as reasonable, see older Sermons in this Series]) than merely part of the


So also with the James 2.10 Precept Of JESUS Christ Yielded Is The More excellent with as written in Matthew 5.19 "So then, whoever breaks

one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices

and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven". So if You ever wanted to be "great", here it is for You as JESUS Christ has

has Provided for You from the JESUS Christ Original Plan.

If a spirit, person, and/or group "stumbles at just one point" as written above, is no longer pertinent as previously because of JESUS Christ

as much as Ascended Over pertinent levels at least sufficiently. For instance in JESUS Christ a person may read a book on piloting a plane

but that is not the same as being Worthy to fly as discussed above. So the imagining Worthy (reference entitlement likewise) is not the same

as Righteously Being Worthy (In JESUS Christ) though of Godsling see above such as on "Anewly the overlapping" and such as goodly "Angels",

and in the secular such as in the great, fun, thrilling, and caring though secular movie Six Days Seven Nights when in an emergency (Pray

JESUS Christ First therfore Sign First) Anne Heche as Robin Monroe had to continue flying the plane when Harrison Ford as Quinn Harris

became unable.

For nations to have longsuffered through generations, does not necessarily make them worthy to receive better per se. Longsuffering does not

equal entitlement. Generations do not equal entitlement. Secular Legalese heirs might be far from the Righteous Heirs Best Ascending In The

Prayerful Name Word Work And Prophetic Will Of JESUS Christ. Through JESUS Christ is the Way.

Entitlement must be available to each and all as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose For Best for each and all, see above on Perfectly

Perfecting. This applies to "angels" and spirits also.

If an angel is on Your level, in the Bible They may have come for to Guide (example Matthew 2.13), or as You Ascend In JESUS Christ Way

You may or would find "an angel" (and/or "an angel" spirit) may be there for You to be their Guide (as far as known, now Anewly in this JESUS

Christ New Christianity in a census type level [as JESUS Christ Already Knew: yet Gives Good Anewly to people]). So You saw how They Did

it (JESUS Christ [a lifetime] and such as "example Matthew 2.13" [a brief moment]) and so You can Be Likewise for JESUS Christ Highest


The Spirit Of America and "due process" have applied in recent times not merely as normal, and especially increasingly in the spiritual realm

in this vessel typer (typist) realm, often in dreams, as spirits sometimes identify (multitudes of names are heard in situations, and faces coming and

vanishing or Transfiguring) concerning these Prophesyings, such as to not tamper against USA, and such as to see if worthy.

So some spirits identified themselves as in the CIA, Secret Service (a day or so ago), and last night Christian President clearly interacting face to

face with this vessel (me), Joyfully Together (in JESUS Christ Spirit). This was my second time [remembered] in the Spirit clearly face to face with

the Spirit as a Person (as though in the census world [though the dreams ending]) ( to face), [also

sometimes hearing without seeing, often very quiet voices, often inaudible; also often perceiving the various entities as though distractions).

The Christian Precedent Establisher was handing me envelopes with names written on them, second night watch midnight until 3AM (http://www, or until 4AM and [though a check on one of the names found no search engine results]. So i was to hand out

the Gifts [to the people i didn't know and was thereof unable to recognize save of Help from Above (reference Faith in JESUS Christ)], the

envelopes and was promised a Gift. The point of the previous couple sentences or so, is to have written, report, say, and such Faithfully:

Faith involves the not making sense Save through JESUS Christ "RECOGNITION" such as Preaching and such as Signing as clearly

evidenced in this Series, so Ascend from former Way of Preaching to the Better Way In JESUS Christ. And the point is a Spiritual

Awakening toward Signing (in secular level terms: progress toward Signing).

In the name of JESUS Christ, amidst the spirits encountered the "identified " in the pertinent Signing timeline were (right to left):

Christian President Don Trump / Secret Service / CIA (much Legalese).

So in JESUS Christ Holy Ghost Father it shows the the "much Legalese" level (difficulties for them to try to do assigned tasks

toward impossible such as symbolically, "I need you to go to Mars to get samples of all the structures and report back this

afternoon" or such as "Go fix their government before lunch".

Secular cannot get it done right as long as not most interested in JESUS Christ And His Way.

This is a reason for Addendum 3, and the continued lack of UN Signing is a continuing reasoning for more Addenda to

be added: but JESUS Christ doesn't want the UN to be merely His slave and Him telling the UN each and every thing

they must do each second of each day.

Because the UN wants to be looping as is [including with hearing the various types of spirits of confusions, and] of the

seeing and hearing the daily news in facts reporting on worldly things, and seeing for instance the conditions of the

public such as peaceful often but also in the midst the road rage makers, that i feel compelled to Guide more precisely

and to the extent as if to treat adult leaders as though children and sharply yell "No!" without explanation. As if i could

go on vacation and let them figure it out, but instead JESUS Christ offers life instead of as

the title of the movie Live and Let Die.

Live and let others die is not the good way.

USA has missed the Grace option (2019AD). The UN is missing the Grace option (2020AD).

If USA does not Sign in 2020AD it cannot be Exemplar per se (it cannot Lead the JESUS Christ

Way Offered via the RECOGNITION, the Signing into law the RECOGNITION Of The Best Way)

and it cannot climb in some other ways. Not by trial-and-error, not by flip-of-coin predictions with cumulative errors, not by

unrepentance, not by secular Legalese, not by not trying to save souls and lives, not by killing Christians even if by collateral

damages, not by any UNKNOWN GOD, not by any other name: there is only One Best Way and it is often proven such as

by the Catholic Church and such as proven often in the Old Testament.

So now this writing continues, though not with another Addendum in this sentence, and

yet with JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Giving (including for your sakes since you have opted the harder

burdens to carry as much as you opted to stray away from Signing so far) Spirit Better Awareness To Lighten

Your Load, and this is Anew Gift to you that many spirits have said "I am in the Holy Spirit"

and "Jesus Christ is standing right here" or "there" or such; but i have been with JESUS

Christ and with the Heavenly Father and with the Holy Spirit and none of them has

had to say "I am in the Holy Spirit" nor "I am Jesus Christ" nor he is "here" nor "there",

since They are so Good that no such qualifiers are needed for to

convince in the sense that if They want to make their presence known:


As written "i shall not want" (from Psalm 23.1) and as written in Mark 13.21 "At that time if

anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. A little while

ago some spirits said to me such things as in the large font above, and they were told they

tried to deceive (and were caught) and they were pointing fingers to accuse (ibid.) and so

in the moment declaring to them that they were not as they said and so they were not the

Holy Spirit nor such and that they should remember it and should not try to convince

wrongly anymore.

If JESUS Christ wants to make Himself know in the census or spirit realms, He needs no

introduction nor permissions from lower levels, though appreciates the Welcoming Committees


To force innocent people into the draft is wrong, if your government does it, end that practice. Yet with Signing it is alright

for children at the pool to play with squirt guns within reasonable respect parameters, and it is OK to go on vacation and

party and go to bars whether to meet or drink non-alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverages or such, again "within

reasonable respect parameters" and as stated above about writting More Addenda to cause More Burdens is hardly

the Was Save If JESUS Christ Deems Such Necessary as "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Matthew 11.30)

truly is a burden(s) though "light". In other words UN Signing prior to 2022AD is the Lighest burden this civilization can

currently have (short of yet another Miracle from JESUS Christ) even to the extent of the UN able to be with the shorter

previouly state JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 (but if the USA so wants, then the USA is warned as conditions

apply as stated above "cannot climb in some other ways" (referencing Pulpit Commentary at

1.htm) JESUS Christ was replying "to the conduct of the Pharisaic malignants".

A Pharisee was "distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions

to superior sanctity" [as is the situation today, see above on "Legalese" that is pervasive in the secular and so again finding

wrongly that Christians, JESUS Christ, and any not self and/or not self group as if guilty without trial typically, also though

less pertinent a Pharisee was] "a member of an ancient Jewish sect" [not Roman, not a citizen otherwise, not a foreigner].

Other than the Light Burden Given Of JESUS Christ, the "strict observance of the traditional and written law" is hardly the

Best Ascending Faith key, as written above "JESUS Christ One for His Highest Purpose is key".

More than the Light Burden of the Signing, the laws given by census level government(s) have some values but so "receiving

is not the key point even so be of Loyal Faith", other than the Light Burden the more laws heaped on, the more burden, the

inability to do things, the overwhelming even unable to follow the multitudes of laws as is the situation today.

This previous sentence especially about "the more burden" added not merely agrees with JESUS Christ as He said ..."it

would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (from

Matthew 18.6) (to keep adding laws, to keep adding burdens is as to be weighed down by the non-

ascending much mass weight of the sea) yet to be with the few greatest High Level JESUS

Christ Rules (reference shift from 10 Commandments to 2 [pertinent today]) is as to

Have the Best Rules to Give [and for the Self to Obey] while the lower levels of criteria

are conditionally of Loyal Liberty Faith types, amounts, rates, given situations and as stated above.

Note this "Loyal Liberty" might not be the same as loyalty to government, so government should opt to be with Grace

so as to Properly Be Best Able to Righteously Distinguish concerning Mercy, and Advising, and Guiding. For instance

if to be a target and "shot at" (, then so to keep the shooter from breaking the law against killing (and to not

be killed nor injured) then to such as [duck, move, and/or] push such as a bullet away with the hand, so to attempt to

comply with the law, but the greater success is to change the direction of such as the pistol [such as to manfacture

pistols with bent barrels but to so try (see above "Not by trial-and-error") by hand is to likely injure the hand and "be

killed" nonetheless (in census sense) and to make "bent barrels" is as to break other laws about products, safety, and

such, so of JESUS Christ rather is the going to the higher level as much as pertinent, so JESUS Christ Prayerfully at

least, and then such as per se to the shooter to Work ("Light Burden") first such as to [of Holy Word] shout and alarm

the shooter (such as "JESUS Christ doesn't want you to shoot to cause yourself to be wrong") [likely while moving so

not to be targeted, also an option is (faith type, amount,...applies)] as written "They took up therefore stones that they

might cast [them] at him; but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple, [going through the midst of them, and thus

passed on.]" though instead of "hid" the Lexicon at explains JESUS Christ "was


There was a manufacturer that wrote things such as safety required for their new type of products, so who makes the

laws, Congress or the manufacturer?, neither, JESUS Christ makes the Holy Highest Law as written in each census


"2 Corinthians 3:2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our ...

... Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and ... You yourselves
are our letter, whose writing is in our heart, open for every man's ...

 " ( open your heart ) (sic & note search results may change).

So that lower levels former ways of over burdening is explained above in the JESUS Christ Way of correcting and

improving the system so a key explaining Victory In JESUS Christ Over understanding and what to do about as

written in Addendum 3 "So this NEEDED Addendum 3 is as a NEEDFUL purge in various lower levels perspectives,

yet in higher as preparation for the better step the Best Glorification", at least to start Doing concerning "what to do about"

it (see above "Light Burden": hence the start with Signing to Best Be lightening the burden(s)) (ibid. reference Christian

President Don Trump with Precedent Establishing Overcoming high stacks of obsolete regulations [the Executive level

repeal yet not pro tanto yet not augmenting the burden by passing-the-buck to the states of "Buck Stops Here" as former

President Trumanexplained, see previous Sermon at]).

                                                                    MODERN DAY HEROS

Christian Missionaries are the current MODERN DAY HEROS, not merely because These were Sent into the secular

( yet exceedingly more importantly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. In other

words, some mixed spirits have been as in grade 3, some in grade 17, it is time for each and all to Ascend into the Ever

Higher Levels, yet there is a Personal Mission, and there is a Church Mission, and there has been an employment mission

that with Signing becomes Viable.

Viable definition "Vitae habilis, capable of living. This is said of a child who is born alive in such an advanced state of

formation as to be capable of living. Unless be is born viable he acquires no rights" [USA has "no rights" to offer without

Signing], and "In the French law, Toull. Dr. Civ. Fr. tome 4, p. 101 it would be well to engraft it on our own" (if to add

Addendum 4: it is to opt a painful thing, reference the Mother Of Child And Giving Birth John 16.21), also reference

ancient Egyptian winged Phoenix [(also reference above gif) series and] the movie Flight of the Phoenix (as in the1965

film) as the leader temporarily lost his way but with Faithfulness [Signing NEEDED for USA to survive] Matthew 24.13


USA is on a mission from above and knows it not: closed Christian Churches, imprisoned Christian Missionaries this

year because the anti-Christ followers closed Their Christian Churches, and censorships against Christians in public,

to name a few.

Each USA Representative symbolizes a group of people. Atheist government China (see discussions and "maps" link

in previous Sermon at has many people, so China can send forth people

to live in other Democratic nations and become citizens until each becomes Chinese Atheists, but such for atheism is

not best (reference spys and James 2.10). There are other ways to infiltrate in lower levels of the former secular ways

but ibid. applies.

Truth comes from Righteousness from the Love Of JESUS Christ Guiding Over lower level knowledge, so for instance

if to be on a Mission to Truly Be a feduciary organization then NEEDED is to Sign and be with the Addenda and key

with Signing in pertinence in this sentence and Mission Purpose per se is Addendum 1 to enable the Best Charity

System (with the Best Charity Economic System, see recent in this Sermons Series). Trust, Righteousness, Credibility,

Good Character, and likewise come not from atheism nor anti-Christian confusions, and not even from predictions that

led to landing people safely on the Moon as continued to have been evidenced such as:

"The bone loss is"..."around 20 percent bone loss in the longest spaceflights" (

15058.html) (see above on "worms" [the UN is Required to enter the Heavens Properly or needlessly suffer their other results]).

Feduciaries have seen costs, and have had things they threw into the trash: JESUS Christ Best Convert things Worth

saving from "costs" into profits (and even people into Prophets), and can even breath new Life into the "trash" and dust

as written in current Prophetic Pertinence And NEEDFUL as with 1 Peter 2.6 "For it stands in Scripture: 'See, I lay in Zion

a stone, a chosen and precious cornerstone; and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame.'".

China, you are an embarrassment to the world, the other nations despise you and your selfish expansion greed careless

about the other nations (such as seen on TV), and my President has boasted over you and bragged on TV, and you China

have not been for peace of the UN except in idle talk and committed nonsenses and will perish into the dust as worms

(reference the famous Khrushchev speech "We shall bury you" about USA then but the Soviets failed, and the Chinese

have been similarly as stated "President has boasted over you and bragged on TV").

China, you ascended rightly over Confucianism Legalese guilty until proven innocent but also reverted back down to it

(see recent Sermon You, friend, are in an embarrassing cycle of fun and

Embarrassing defined "causing a feeling of self-conscious confusion and distress" (

China, you have cities and farms, it is better to care for them and their beauties, than to cause problems against neighboring

nations so that they secretly want to undo Chinese values. Behold, today is 19.9.2020AD (d.m.y) and this morning 3AM

JESUS Christ explained He would finalize the problem to end it. As written in John 16.25 "I have spoken these things to you

in figures of speech. An hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you this way, but will tell you plainly about the Father"

and this "plainly" is being explained for you and for them now.

People of the Republic Of China (including past and present visitors): You have done an exceedingly wonderful work amidst

secular nations, having done as God Gave Abraham to Do, having spread seed and birthed a high population nation; even

so if to wrongly (excess beyond the fair border) to take from brother and sister nations such ([again "as seen on TV"] this is

about any nation if so done, but not about any nation per se if to consider the Best China should Do [hence for each and all

as stated often in this Series) has been as though to ignore their talents that may be counted as unique in this world (see

below "only in" tied to unique imperatives ( of various mixed spirits though such as to

know what the plants love [as for to best harvest {skills, talents, gifts, crops of foods,...while better is as much as JESUS

Christ Best Purpose with One Best Way To Propagate} and to propagate the goodly species] and see below on the nations

with the "Lamp" (Revelation 2.4). In other words if a highly valued (also see pertinent "apprized" and "Wealth of Nations" at type of food is unique to a nation but another nation bombs (or plunders...) then known in the

secular as though to lose that value forever (such is also true for instance of some yeast reportedly only found in one restaurant

in Alaska).

Iran, you are in the Fertile Crescent and so many values are with you there, such as the "edible" "ethnomedicinal plant" "that

grows only in Iran" (, and such as the Zataria multiflora", "a spice and medicinal plant belonging to the Laminaceae

family "that grows only in Iran" (, so likewise be with Best Peace, so Recognize the Best Way. And as you said not that

nation's way nor that other nation's way, instead as you hoped for the Best Way.

All the nations have been on their own missions, such as to continue as was, or such as to takeover the planet, but there is only

One Best Way For Each And All: starting in the name JESUS Christ, Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addenda.

Here where this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series writer lives in Charlotte, NC, USA, Hurricane Sally just hit the past couple

of days and brought with it a gentle breeze and much needed rain such as for the wild grapes being cultured: made better. Likewise

in the future after Signing We can be Anew as the "Hurricane" for Good Best, entering into JESUS Christ Exemplar Oneness Best


Iran should be with nuclear power and higher tech as should each and every nation yet for Best Good. Why? for the people, also

for Joy together Ascending in Missions not merely Spiritually In The Father yet also in the name above names (see above "Oneness"

and previous in this Series including on humility key) in the census, like unto the Way JESUS Christ Did things in the census. We

need the Mission to walk on water, control the Heavens with Our Words, and so on; but currently the nations merely have had glimpses

of the greater Good.

With Ascending in JESUS Christ the hopes of nations become more easily seen.

India has come far in ascending from 3rd world to 2nd world with Mahatma Gandhi for Civil Rights leading into the 1st world present

nation (in it's leadership and with many of it's citizens). Let's ascend even more.

With a "resemblance to the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.Jun 14, 2017" ( (also associated with Arab nations and the Middle-East and the Jordan

River) (various sources) the stories and movies such as about Aladdin and the Lamp and the flying carpet have been with entertainment

values yet also indicative of faith types values. As JESUS Christ explained a "lamp" is for everyone to benefit (Matthew 5.15)! So as

JESUS Christ said as written in Matthew 5.16 Aramaic Translation "Thus your light will shine before the children of men that they may

see your good works, and may glorify your Father who is in Heaven": let them see Your Leadership: this is hardly about let them see

you follow former lower level ways as many confused people have done.

Also "the flying carpet" is a heavenly idea the people used to imagine was impossibly, and yet this agrees with the smaller "electrical

breadboard" discussion below.

To fly in a Way (a vessel realm of a set of levels) JESUS Christ recently pointed out requires energy, and for instance to put the positive

on the exterior and the [electron] negativity on the interior of a flying vessel, though be warned and be Worthy to not try to stray to destroy

the self nor the nation(s) as to instead needfully be doing as JESUS Christ and so to Righteously Best Distinguish. So this Anew from

Faith Maintenance Aspect is as to put the positive charge to the exterior of the flying mechanism [plane, UFO,...]. Lightning safety is

also a key factor therefore, and the positive ions pair (photons) or end [Transfigure] at a faster rate than electrons. There are many

safety considerations, so flip-a-coin or do it the JESUS Christ Way.

Yesterday on TV was a UFO perhaps of faked pics as they said, but even if faked pics, there seemed an elightening aspect from

JESUS Christ Spirit in pertinence as to how the many spikes could involve such [moving] energies (pulse direction circularly moving

and/or with changing field directions as evidently needful as i imagined pertinent).

Another seemingly goodly spirit (part of a person appeared) showed me some weeks or so ago a transformer with electronics and

together smaller than a golf ball on an electrical breadboard about the size of a sheet of writing paper though thick, and said was

that it could levitate a person.

JESUS Christ Gives Miracles from Faith to Conquer many Mission NEEDS such as at

ICCDBB.html and more specifically as in the linked Step Leap Fly Sermon on Page 18, so JESUS Christ Gives Miracles to the

Prepared, the Signed Worthy, to handle future emergencies and rather Future Grace.

JESUS Christ Gives the Spirit, and the "SPIRITS 2020AD" have been merely at a level known as "Addendum 3". So while JESUS

Christ USA (With Addenda [and JESUS Christ UN likewise]) does exist already in JESUS Christ [USA] Spirit, the Christian Faith

has not yet manifested in the Signing Miracle.

So because of those confused anti-Christian works; today, as JESUS Christ Provides, 20.19. 2020AD (d.m.y), the Highest Purpose

became more clear to make known this Ascending, for Christian Leaders [and for each and all according to the goodliness of the

faith types and amount...(see above "insight" and "Before The Fact Power")] that We The Ascending as JESUS Christ Explained

need no longer as if wait for any secular "Legalese" governments, and hardly about Christian Individuals, and rather as One, so

Ascending without the anti-Christian workers (save if Signed today, and the spiral Timeline as a spring coil to launch the Righteous

Direction on target [but if to wait then misaligned and off target]).

In other words in the name of JESUS Christ We now, today, "Launch out into the deep" (from

and our nets are Anewly Formed JESUS Christ USA With Addenda and JESUS Christ UN With Addenda and the Addenda amounts

according to the timing of Agreeings, so with Agreeing such as in 2019AD then with Addendum 1 and not with other addenda save

if opted, since as written at Deuteronomy 13.4 New Living Translation "Serve only the LORD your God and fear him alone. Obey his

commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him".

The others in governmental positions that did not want the Signing for their various directions of excuses, are not privy to this concerning

"Addenda amounts" nor this "if opted" Margin. Note this JESUS Christ Sermons Series Is For Christian Leaders, not for those contrary

to such nor of mixed spirits in lower levels of followers of various confusions, nor for UNKNOWN GODS, nor for destroyers, nor anti-

Signers; except any repentant amounts and except for the ascending amounts. In plain language, at the time of government Signing

all the Addenda NEED also be Signed (reference Joshua 14.14) (Luke 16.29 [and the name JESUS Christ With Addenda pertinent

to the Timeline date of Signing per nation or per UN]).

JESUS Christ Gives this Anew Signing respective Ascending criteria not as the separation of Church and state confusion, nor as to

remove the head from the heart nor any body member, but allowing the lower rates of Signers to opt [within JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose] not merely including their as if random rates, but for their sakes like unto some are fit to stand in line but not on a highway,

and some are fit to be on a road but within a no passing zone like how a person learns to pass others as JESUS Christ Invites, but

not to bomb others off the road ahead lest there be no road.

The JESUS Christ "SPIRITS 2020AD" is Given, so with the JESUS Christ Faith Righteous Group Over the True Spirit this year. So

"Over" at least the Righteous Best Awareness of the events past, present, and future this year as much as pertinent in the "Group".

If a "Group" is Righteously Aware In JESUS Christ One, in symbolic example such as concerning two situations this year, then such

transpires in fact save if (should and NEEDS Be JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) to Holy Intervene hence to Give a Miracle from a

higher level for the Best (ibid.).

So now with this Anew Gift this Anew option to Be with (though Matthew 4.7 applies save as provided from JESUS Christ Guidance

[as with the Signing]): A. JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying For His Highest Purpose, and B. with option of JESUS Christ Gift Of

Miracle option, and C. with option concerning a "Group" (such as the UN) opting an amount of Power (amount of Faith condition

applies, such as if to hope and plan beyond faith type and/or amount..., then other [such as reference above gif and previous spiral

Timeline], or to be with Best "amount of Power" in JESUS Christ {see previous in this Series on minimizing Maintenance}).

So aspect "C" is with some considering Work that NEEDS (Addendum 2...) Be Accomplished such as if to write a Sermon then to

be with JESUS Christ Wording, and with Maintenance such as considering the Mass and records. So the JESUS Christ [Name is

with Power (faith applies), and] Word is with Power (ibid.) and also the Maintenance is with Power. So a Best Distinguishing is NEEDED

in JESUS Christ prior to Doing, prior to trying to solve lest to do works in vain save if to Word According To JESUS Christ Faith In

Highest Purpose meaning Over the pertinent unseen hence is this JESUS Christ Gift Given Now Distinguishing the Word and the


So the JESUS Christ Distinguishing is Oneness with the Word and the Maintenance (aspects from One Source) and so the Work

NEEDS Agree with the Name, whether pertinent Over spirit(s), census, or other. For instance Martha was busy about many things

and opted secular maintenance. Martha could have opted to finish the one chore [instead of the other many chores] and then to

be as Mary With JESUS Christ, or rather of Highest Grace could have stopped in mid chore to rather be With JESUS Christ: so

from three options (and there are more than stated here) one option would have been Best, though of the other options Martha

broke no lower level secular laws. So innocent in the former sense is not necessarily of the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose meaning

such as innocent as doves, and rather Innocent As Mary Exemplar One With JESUS Christ Exemplar.

Lovingly Wise in this of JESUS Christ, is to now with Anew Pertinence to consider the Protection of JESUS Christ One (such as

"Mary" has in the previous discussion: including protection against JESUS Christ needing to work to straighten Her out as He did

with (friend) Martha (helpful though self delimited to lower levels).

So there is One Protection of JESUS Christ and found in Mary Faith: this does not mean worship Mary. It does mean have Mary

type of Faith (Love) and rather JESUS Christ Faith (One: First Commandment, and rather than of command let JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose Faith Ascend [as with Signing] such as the many other things about Mary have not been Judged Save as JESUS

Christ Is The Only Highest Judge (Job 21.22 as the Terebinth and Oak judge, see

previous in this Series on Signs and on Wonders and such as on Oak Island) (ibid. reference legal terms such as the bench and

such as about the wooden gavel with pedestal).

Mary is able to do the job of Mary (with JESUS Christ), and Mary reasonably is able to do the job of Martha.

So concerning protection as written at in a dream there was a person "with black eyeballs"

coming about Christian info, and the person came out of the darkness at the other end of the hallway and later went into the

darkness again. JESUS Christ is the Best Protector for each and all, yet as Mary can do things such as Martha type [faith] chores,

the person preferring darkness is of great value for protecting during night while a person seeing in the brighter part of the dream

can protect during the day.

So a talent is over night, and a talent is over day (see above the uniqueness in values of "only in", irreplaceable save higher level).

Even so let the uniqueness be of the "Spirit" to so protect each and all "Best" as stated above.

So like unto this Protection, and like unto Mary per se (including see above "insight" and "Before The Fact Power", also reference

previous in this Series on Advisors [let crime be solved "Before The Fact"]) let the JESUS Christ UN With Addenda Give Charity

somewhat (Faith yet as Maintenance applies such as Genesis 47.12, also see above Revelation 2.4 as condition levels may apply)

to Plan to Give future generations Responsibly, though hardly to be led by Maintenance, so to more importantly and key to Give

to any the JESUS Christ UN In Highest Purpose meets (other civilizations, others not counted in the census).

Now JESUS Christ Gives a profound thing: to Give to the Higher Level Unseen Spirits (and the above as stated continues in Precedent).

Today is the first day of the fall ( day of fall 2020&oq=first day of fall 2020&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzI


BAQ&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiJ9uqC-PnrAhW5l3IEHaQTBfkQ4dUDCAw&uact=5), as Prophesied above in the name of JESUS Christ.

So there are many more things JESUS Christ Gives of awesome importance in Faith Spirit values (see previous in this Series on Holy

Language and on High Speed Communications of JESUS Christ And With The Ascending [note traditional {old, see above toward

"obsolete" reference MISINTERPRETATIONS and "Living"} include songs and Sermons with values if continuing to so be found, and

yet the Anew for Better in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose can be sprinkled and included Isaiah 52.15]) (and with Signing With Addenda

therefore in Benefits to Give though secular government has opted as was done of the anti-Signers) yet John 21.25 applies so this Sermon

refers to "Coming soon".


JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.

Coming soon:

JESUS Christ Bible Code 3 Sermon.

Click for Christ JESUS ICCDBB Main Site at

Special Reference Credits: thanks for and angelfire and Google as these have often helped this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons' Series.

UN / USA Law, click here: JESUS Christ UN at

Tags: JESUS Christ First Loved Reveals after the tipping point the start of the Fall and Many Mistakes In The Bible lower level interpretations of the secular Legalese guilty anti-Signers separation of Church and state worse than Afghanistan four months Prophesied Anew Mary Martha overlap Video Gaming Certification a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation Wealth of Nations Space Force 20 percent bone loss Khrushchev Soviets failed MISINTERPRETED VERSES updated law Highest Purpose RECOGNITION Presbytery spirits 2020  Signs and Wonders Oak Island Holy Grail movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Hermione Granger Emma Watson Ron Weasley Rupert Grint vid gif Egyptian winged Flight of the Phoenix Aladdin and the Lamp and the flying carpet transformer electronics electrical breadboard size of a sheet of paper could levitate a person Mahatma Gandhi Civil Rights Taj Mahal Agra India Arab nations and the Middle-East the Jordan River population majority Chinese Atheists Democratic Habitat for Humanity Hurricane Gift edible ethnomedicinal plant Zataria multiflora spice medicinal plant Laminaceae family grows only in Iran nytimes
