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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

See the required by Law: the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addenda

at (also pertinent for the UN)

for legal recognition of JESUS Christ such as of the Oath Of Office.

JESUS Christ Public Rights Sermon
(updated November 2, 2020AD "the timeline moved from "looping" to "fall"

JESUS Christ Is ReDefining Public Rights for to Better Provide each and all with Better Benefits.

This ReDefining Anewly Of The JESUS Christ Spirit is Proven today in this Prophetic Year 2020AD.

This Proof is a Miracle as the Christian Bible explained, this Year 2020AD there is rioting in the

streets because the government failed to Sign JESUS Christ UN (With Addenda) or at least JESUS

Christ USA (ibid.): secular government lost the battles to the REBELS but secular

government has been blind to it (self blinded as opted [by not Signing]) Save

Until Now Through JESUS Christ (and note that the REBELS also contrary to

Signing as they opted have had the wrongful victory of the temporary, that their

grand delusion be realized for them to repent and instead of riots to Convert).

This Proof is that if secular government continues to fight the Rebels then the

example being given from government to the people is to use forces against

people to take powers therefore to escalate the fight against the government

such as instead of worrying about peaceful negotiations that have gotten the

Rebels nowhere concerning many human rights issues, or if secular government

no longer fights the Rebels then the Rebels claim [false] victory and recognize

the [false] way to make progress: by fighting government.

Secular un-Signed government you have already lost either way.

Yet JESUS Christ is here with Redeeming Power for You each and all, even with

a Godsling Of Righteous Benefits as much as You opt.

And if You don't opt, then Addendum 3 Will Come With Force You Will Respect.

JESUS Christ ReDefining of Public Rights for Better Providing each and all with Better Benefits now comes in

the form of JESUS Christ New Christianity Anewly Applying the Dove of the Baptism of JESUS Christ.

Signing JESUS Christ USA With Addenda is a glimpse of the coming Victory Anewly as was written in Luke 3.22:

"and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: 'You are My

beloved Son; in You I am well pleased'".

In JESUS Christ First Prayerfully Faithfully the Spirit Benefit Word With Power so the Benefit Energy

Manifesting In the Miracle of the above pic, Anew symbol Benefit Gift for Our Nation (once Signed,

in order to Give Officially [and any can unofficially Give this pic via inviting others to see this Sermon

now]). A person can remember words, yet a Symbolic Pic of a New Nation like unto the Baptism of

JESUS Christ The New Covenant [like unto the personal census level Ascending To The Christian

Eucharist Level] Signing is a great event to be remembered Prophesyingly: hardly about a single

even and rather as the Establishing Of The Greater Higher Anew Precedent Levels, the opening

of doors to Higher Faith Realms.

Such are the Righteous JESUS Christ Gifts for You To Be Giving. And To Prophesy In JESUS Christ

is cause to Be Righteous, like unto keeping the promises made while successfully running for Office.

Yet in JESUS Christ Righteously Best Distinguish the Rights, and also the Privileges (many have

been with overlap areas too).

So this Anew In JESUS Christ Benefit, the Rights are required by Law to Give to each and all.

The Privileges are like unto the Faith Path of JESUS Christ Leadership.

So the Privileges are more important thant the Rights, and are key. Of this key Gift from JESUS

Christ, is the Benefit of more easily measuring the successes, the JESUS Christ Victories such as

to measure the accomplishings of the many goals of Addendum 2 to accomplish Victory Over

Addendum 2 itself.

In other words, since laws do not make perfect, it is the Higher Level of Privileges that better

Assesses whether the Rights Level is successful or not, including during the process the measuring

of it's goals as much as achieved, such as if to end crime then to needfully end the willingness to

commit crimes (such as see above text for Exemplar Peace though Anewly Through Privilege In

JESUS Christ USA [lest the Rebels continue as formerly of lower levels]).

Above is the Drawing, the Holy Spirit In The Form Of A Dove (at

spirit.html see the middle Drawing and how better living fills the stop gaps of former logics of types

of faiths, such as methodologies, checklists, and the ranges of sensors made by hands [or made

by lower levels]) Alighting on the symbol of the nation, and above it is written the statement and

how hardly to read with comprehension save to Wisely interpret the

Prophesying Gift: "Signing JESUS Christ USA With Addenda is a glimpse of the coming

Victory Anewly"!

If to accept this reason (and with other reasons) of "a glimpse", like unto a plan though in the

Christian Spirit Of Holy Faith Ascending Righteously, then to Recognize this Prophesying


As written in 3 Nephi 27.10 "And if it so be that the church is built upon my gospel then will the Father

show forth his own works in it". So in lower levels is the letter of the law [as if no more than guilty or

innocent, as if no more than 0 or 1 (as if no more than zero)] yet in Higher Level Precepting In JESUS

Christ [in context] "the church" is the "united" (3 Nephi 27.1) (USA, UN). They (ibid.) are to be (to be at

liberty to opt whether to become therefore with "united" [government] Exemplar Guidance) even as JESUS

Christ is.

Note "Exemplar Guidance" does not mean individuals in JESUS Christ UN would immediately be without

flaws, this is hardly about worshiping UN Ambassadors, Save as to be kind and respectful to each and all

as though each is JESUS Christ though Righteously Best Be Distinguishing (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leadership) (with ibid. also see similar such as the pertinent

painting with info at

Also pertinent is the JESUS Christ Throne (see ancient Drawing at

UFOtech.html) with (ibid.) being like unto the Throne Of God and God sitting on It including: Father (see "new

significance" in Ellicott's Commentary at with

un/110/whenisawgod.html), Son (with some human census features), and Holy Ghost (in the form of a dove).

Let the Precedent Establisher Sign (and the others in pertinence in government) and then Prayerfully Anewly

In JESUS Christ Be Aware the previous sentence is one of the Time keys to the previous Sermon in this Series

at concerning the 11 year cycle (specified here though many written

details and Drawings are in this Series).

Many people in this JESUS Christ Prophetic Signing Year are spending hard earned money to buy pistols to

shoot people (in secular cliche "Just in case" [note: not in system, as if not under government: that's what case

laws are, leading from the benches and such as for Democrats and against Republicans or for Republicans

and against Democrats: but in the courts (Ruth 1.1 in 2020AD)]. You in charge of government know this is True.

You know as written in the Heart Of JESUS Christ, and this knowing is not as if to merely know an item of trivia.

You know in pertinence in highest government places and in corporate handlings of competitors similarly, the

same as the pistols against people whether to shoot government personnel or others: people don't like invaders

trespassing to carelessly destroy what they worked all their lives to build and grow for good and home and family

and such. Yet people willingly invite family and friends. Of a truth (type of faith, amount of faith) people are Charitable

to and for others (reference JESUS Christ, and also such as tax laws such as about Charitable deductions).

A person buys a pistol to survive, and what is more important than that: such as "what they worked all their lives to

build and grow for good and home and family and such" though it is not their works as much as the more important

JESUS Christ Best Work to be treasured.

JESUS Christ / family / pistol doesn't count except over lower than human census levels.

But "Worldwide gun deaths reach 250,000 yearly; US ranks high" (

The previous sentence is why hopes to kill a person or people is considered an addiction to be overcome [starting

with Signing], and not to be confused with the above (above the previous sentence) nor the next sentence, as misuse

of the pistol is similar to spousal abuse, deadly [known as "recreational" (as much as deadly or harmful though reference

weighted values of medical community pending Signing)] drugs sales and/or usages, and other addictions. Note love of

money is allowed conditionally, if JESUS Christ Godsling applies with Love All Created For Good but love not sin, and

"love of money" has exceedingly been instead of loving JESUS Christ (Matthew 21.12) (Save Mark 12.42): Victory Over

Love at least per se, and so JESUS Christ Victory Over money and "love of money" per se and so if to opt to be with an

economic system then according to this (Addendum 1).

To love a dog is related to hating a child and the greater community, and to love a pistol is similar (similarly reference

such as the ATF [renamed:] Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives).

So a dog doesn't count as much as a pistol, and the reasoning of JESUS Christ Good Wisdom is a person should be

able to control a pistol or a machine, better than able to control a dog that has a mind of it's own, and a careless mind

relative to a human, typically.

The machine is with value greater than the computer, often. Mostly the computer is better than the machine per se.

Though JESUS Christ Godsling applies Over the created. For instance a simple tool such as a spoon is normally good

for people of all ages. But not if uncontrolled (reference caveman epoch timeline sense, casting lots, trial and error of

predictions and supercomputers) used to melt illegal experimental drugs just to see if a person lives or not and if to live

then to see whether selfish fun or not.

Consider how it is wrong to let a monkey have a pistol, but it is hardly a problem if to give a hippo a pistol: so conditions

need apply over types of vessels, types spirits, types of faiths.

Concerning previous word "epoch" various people are exploding with various definitions uncontrolled by government

in the sense that if left free, the doom; government is for to agree at the higher level of the system and of the administration.

The "doom" is as a rebel might teach their child slang such as "That's a bad song" but meaning the rebel likes it for the

goodly meaning, the goodly aspect, such as to vote for this legislation or that legislation. So to understand slang is of

goodly values, yet in secular lingo (to Best Edify In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) rather cut through the red tape of slang

(of value such as when censored otherwise, reference secret codes, European pop limericks, and meanings hidden in

texts and in artworks); "slang" that has typically been a function of censorship, often for to do wrongly but not always.

While a person (any person, including if a terrorist) is better value than

any pistol. A government employee is better value than any pistol. A protester is better value than any pistol (see

for instance previous Sermons in this Series on Protestants).

In a previous Sermon it was stated that witnesses to a crime have often been anxious to not report it to [secular]

police [of UNKNOWN GOD]. Of the many reasons, a secular level reason is that if they innocently report it with

detailed facts, then to have to report again and at trial, then have to hear the other party twist their words and

interrogate their story of innocently given facts [best they can] and also have to defend their own backgrounds

perhaps being accused of conspiring in the crime or such as (like unto the secular movie Legally Blonde starring

Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) in Harvard proffering "Unless the [witness] attempted to" report every crime

witnessed in their lifetime, then the witness has no rights in this case "whatsoever. Why now?" (fact of bias). But

JESUS Christ reveals the Higher Level: not to censor people eternally, instead the liberty to speak the truth when

appropriate such as to start a conversation. Public Rights include the NEEDED Right to survive and not merely

survive yet to survive in plush mansions and to provide better for children than You were Given, and to leave a

place in better condition than found. Martha was busy about many things, Faithful Maintenance, yet Mary was

with the Higher Level Faith in the census person and far greater value [because of the far higher level] so the

personal Maintenance aspect with the Higher Faith aspect but not merely under the law, even as both the Maintenance

and the Higher Faith can include either/or, that is Maintenance includes some applied Faith amount diligently, while

the Higher Faith includes some applied Maintenance for instance in the Higher Faith Spirit You might see JESUS Christ

[and Yourself] sitting on a Throne seat, or standing on a surface, or walking on a mound, so Higher Faith with things

(Maintenance things: "Throne seat", "surface", "mound" examples). And in Maintenance is the Faithful Proper Best

doing the Work (so including the Holy Spirit in an aspect) while perhaps with works of the hands or similarly mental

telepathy or Transfigurations.

JESUS Christ Standardization is key to future Public Rights And Privileges "above the law" as legally stated and defined

in the above text (according to JESUS Christ Precepting Of New Christianity: for Signing Recognition of the Higher Levels

of the greater Good above). A secular site proffered the following statement.

"The initial step in creating Mental Commands is to train the system to recognise your background mental state, the so-

called NEUTRAL condition, by recording a brief period of your brain patterns while you are not trying to execute any

Commands" (

So if inbetween laws, if inbetween logic options, if inbetween "Mental Commands", then at risk

of all, vulnerable ( whole applies). If to Give the

governed the "more perfect" as stated in Law, then Sign to Recognize the "more perfect"

Faith amount to "Produce fruit worthy of repentance" (Matthew 3.8) [the Giving of the Best

First Fruits Benefits (see recent in this Series on the year round harvesting and on the Tree

Of Life producing many types of fruits constantly)].

This is similar to the lower level ascending (Titus 3.10 [opportunity to do good on opportunity to do good, precept on precept])

([the second like unto the first] Matthew 22.39: the Higher Level Faith then the lower level the created [Maintenance]). So the

JESUS Christ Faith to Recognize the so called in lower secular levels the as if "NEUTRAL condition" (as if UNKNOWN GOD(S))

does not mean the "Commands" are without JESUS Christ (see Drawign with mostly variables explained at http://www.angelfire

.com/ut/technical/jesuswarpdrive.html) (ibid. so Anew applies to as written in the hearts, and also Anew applies to future Righteous

Prophesying [so You have to start, Sign, now for the greater Best future: Precedent Establisher]).

Faithful Dignity Of Human Public Rights And Privileges NEEDS BE (Sign JESUS Christ UN) Over critters lower level than humans

(and their spirits). For instance if You walk in some weeds You might be bitten by a dozen various types of insects in a minute and

You likely don't go to the emergency room or to a health group which may not necessarily report it to government: government

conditions make it hard to properly report things such as about: attacks, buildings about to collapse, large chemical leaks, property

owners reporting violations by tenants under various types of contracts, spies, other types of hacking and infiltrating, and so forth.

Secular reports about attacks by lower level than human include the following.

"Mosquitoes are responsible for around 725,000 deaths per year" (

Venemous creature casualties have been increasing through the decades (not declining [such as not declining due to newly innovated

higher tech pesticides, repellents, antimicrobial agents]) while "the majority of deaths the result of encounters with nonvenomous animals",

and [in homes and neighborhoods] dogs kill children ( as was warned long ago in the Affiliated

Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of JESUS Christ.

Anti-Christianity government has been throwing away dominion over the Earth and the lower level creatures (Genesis 1.28). The JESUS

Christ Way of Public Needful Rights And Liberty Privileges is being removed by anti-Signers daily especially this Prophetic Year 2020AD

as they opt anti-Christianity, while as Christians are keenly aware Belief in JESUS Christ Is Best.

Genesis 1.28 / Matthew 13.58 (Addenda) / Acts 2.40 (Sign).

Before signing the naysayers demand "Where will the money come from?": let them put a price tag on their progeny and on all their own

possessions, and on their very souls.

A person, with a cushy job they love and/or with a lovely family they enjoy, might be terrorized by a person that visits to change their

situation: that does not make the visitor bad.

Public Rights are important, whether in the home, at work, or other. Dignity is an important Right, but to keep a child chained in a

basement for instance is a violation of Rights even if it is a parent that does it to their own child. The child has Public Rights

whether in a building or at a UN meeting.

You can think of something none in Your understanding has ever thought of before as far as You know, such as at a

banquet You might think of a new way to fold napkins that others say they have not seen, or You might think of a new

type of crime bill never introduced to the lawmakers. In so thinking anewly (whether discovery or even if innovating)

there might seem to be no law over that thought (reference such as tax evasion [illegal] or such as tax avoidance [legal]).

So if legal, like unto avoiding being struck by a car, then a Public Right Or Privilege. If legal, then a Right Or Privilege

above the law [as they might pass a law tomorrow against it (then under the law: not legal to do)].

Now per se (previous sentence) and in JESUS Christ consider time travel [if to Righteously Best Be Prophesying]. As

previous sermons explained, You can Do it as JESUS Christ Exemplar Taught And Did (Does) though conditions apply.

As shown JESUS Christ Gave some natural Public Rights And Privileges (natural therefore a secular person can have

power over such). Such an example of natural Time Travel Gifts are as at

Christianity.html such as how to change "5,000" years in a moment. JESUS Christ said "Test Me" in Signing, and Look

How Prophetically Generous Before-The-Fact for one and all, for the Precedent Establisher, for the Hindu, for the tall

person, for the strangely shaped person: no exception. In secular lingo, will they have fun tech, yes, will they have the

cure for what ails You, You betcha: for You and Your Friends And Family: even all people will look perfect.

Synthetic ways to time travel are also in this Series such as at

And at this Updated (Converted from secular to a Christian site) site is explained in a Drawing a simple and easy to

understand a key Over time travel, about gaining time or losing time, about travel into the future or travel into the past yet JESUS Christ is Eternal Good Best One.

In secular lingo, a commander chained to the pilot seat is not a solution, though a fully functional seatbelt is (seatbelt

or gravity stabilizer or other solution for Public Rights And Privileges for each and all and for Best Good.

Above is shown the White House interfacing with something previously unseen above. What is important to USA and

government over USA for instance?: as in the ancient days of this civilization are things of importance such as air,

water, food, and safety, though that is hardly about civilizing relative to something else: the calendar. Time is very

important over civilization, such as planting seasons and such as over product expiration dates.

Joe Biden is leading in the polls with 50% over Don Trump with 36% (various secular sources), August 29, 2020AD.

Joe, an Evangelical Catholic, mailed me a letter explaining the top priority in terms of the Presidential Race: "urgency"

that a President should have. This "urgency" (and "the calendar" and "Time") is very important to civilization and therefore

key over the Presidency [such as the key importance to Sign JESUS Christ USA Immediately,

with "urgency"] (reference such as

What is Peace and what are Public Rights and Benefits, that is, what Will it Prophesyingly Be when it comes, how would You know it and how would

You measure the package and what is the master key over the three...lock box Treasure enabling the Higher Level Gifts when JESUS Christ Officially

Presents such to You Both Positionally And Personally, and would Your Loved Ones understand the impact, like unto needing food but not having an

opener for Your food can, and like unto not having a car though needing for Your Mission and then to find a key with a bow, and then would You and

Yours know and be with proper authority to properly Best utilize the Given for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose?:

JESUS Christ Will Prophesyingly Give To The Worthy For His Highest Purpose, so Prophesyingly Be Worthy, and Prepare Faithfully In JESUS Christ

and so hardly (minimally: reference in this Series Faithful Maintenance Responsibility) after Signs And Wonders save JESUS Christ Highest Purpose,

and rather of JESUS Christ Highest Faith Work You and Yours may become so entitled and such would become under Your Authority as much as the

JESUS Christ Given Mission applies [as much as for You and Yours to be so aware and understand] yet the far greater was already Given and is

already being Given Now, and is the greater Good unseen and unknown; but not as if UNKNOWN GOD(S) (NOR atheism NOR other confusions);

as the JESUS Christ Faith Best is along the Asecending In The Faith Path. Note the previous "Ascending" word is included in the sentence because

of the Living so "Ascending" and because of the Giving and Working With Word Willingly In The Given Missions and in the New Living even alive in

the Prophesying and in likewise the Transfiguring (even to understand of the Heart about Who Planted the Tree Of Life and the Giving Of Better

Living: hence Power And Authority Over such [reference such as rheostat though hardly about resistors except if any opts to resist]).

So because of JESUS Christ as much as Oneness applies, what i say to You i say to each and all, You Will Know as much as JESUS Christ

hath Purposedeth In Your Heart and as much as You Prepare In This Mission To Be Accomplished In Prophesying Faithfully.

This morning mainly prior to though also during awakening for a moment the Way of JESUS Christ [plural: Word(s)] being heard as if of such

Peace as typical from JESUS Christ The Source Of Love And Peace And Good Catalyst Harvesting Giving was as though that i would fall

asleep again in such comfort but the Mission was clear with His Power to Arise and while Peace Words, it was also of Him Opting To Do.

This was less usual, in the sense that the secular for instance opted separation of Church and state and so opted confusions and problems,

yet this same Public Rights Peach showed not separation for the former lower level purposes yet if with Best Ascending then Best Continuing

without interruption and devoid of any saparation (though measurable and Distinguishable In JESUS Christ, and able to be counted in a

higher level [such as census: not for inquisition, but for better understanding who We The People are of this civilization and so to count for

such as where to Give Charity (Prophesyingly reference Addendum 3 not yet formalized and not yet written)].

So with Your JESUS Christ Mission, is Given for You to opt (not a Command, not a Law, not illegal coercion,...) as a subset ancillary lower

level Mission yet in JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose.

For instance, in 2019AD in this Series (with previous Prophesyings revealed by self and Others), was Given the "JESUS Christ USA" by

the end of 2020AD. Likewise JESUS Christ said "Test Me" in this Your subset Mission.

I have put my reputation on the line, would You for JESUS Christ Do likewise?: the Righteous Answer is: Yes.

Your options are Yes or No, if You opt to be such a Way, or Your options include Yes, No, Maybe, Conditionally, Intermittently, For awhile,

If [so and so happens] then, or other options of Godsling (Prophesyingly as much as Giving JESUS Christ The Full Credit). Prophesyingly

therefore if ibid. applies, then all of the ibid. Will Be Of One Voice, One JESUS Christ Agreeing In: Yes.

So like unto Best Available Precept From JESUS Christ Fitting Upon the pertinent Precept, this is Prophesying on Prophesying yet

JESUS Christ Magnifying [each, and so] the Mass, and the Nation, and the UN as much as so JESUS Christ Best Good Love Catalyst

Motivated (in You, and as much as in Yours as much as pertinent).

A big city is with Rights, and a small town also, yet each has powers the other does not have. In pertinence a small town can generally

change it's ways faster [such as a by Mayor and/or a small group] than a big city with established systems and processes as files go

from department to department for approvals, and if not approved then perhaps resend.

A tiny nation such as Andorra might Sign: JESUS Christ Andorra first: who would be the Exemplar then, USA?: Andorra: Yes.

At the start of the automobile age there were two people that had cars in an area of Ohio, and coming to an intersection neither stopped

(it was hard to restart) and they crashed. Both had state-of-the-art technology, but that did NOT save them.

When Prophesying Important is as JESUS Christ explained in

18.htm "He who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory, but He who seeks the

glory of the One who sent Him is a man of truth; in Him there is no falsehood" (this is

Agreeingly [Best Fittingly as Righteous Precepts and Righteous Prophesyings Best Fit

Together in this Victory Over separation of Church and state as at the linked Precept of John 7.18 the Lexicon

explains "He" is Masculine Singular to Best Fit With Feminine Singular in the lower level selfishly defining sense [inappropriately

Save Faithfully Loyally In The Name JESUS Christ concerning Maintenance Responsibility and conditionally even extending

beyond such as a clean hand for to plant seeds in the tilled soil but not for the lower than Maintenance confused reason to

make the hand soiled], and then JESUS Christ explains the Higher Level in the Ascending of this Living Precept [including

Prophesyingly] the Righteous Purity when Righteously Applying Masculine Singular of the lower level [a mid level in this

sentence] to the Higher Level ["mid" Becoming Worthy] Masculine Singular that "sent"; and the same applies for the

Feminine Ascending in the sense of the Female Righteously Applying "sent" [to Sender] Masculine Singular JESUS

Christ). So if the previously stated "Feminine" is single, then so, but if Married then through the Husband, though

conditionally (including Marriage Living ongoing negotiations, Public Rights [speaking and doing, such as citizens

or as elected or appointed officials,...], and such as Rights within agreed parameters such as Churches, corporations,

and/or government).

The previous two cars crashing was of a wonder [which would stop] as a type of sign that higher civilizing was needed

and that ascending in the secular was a stop sign or yield sign not to stop people from Rights And Privileges but as needed.

Higher Levels do not need stop signs (reference superhighways with appropriately pertinent looping ramps at intersections

[not excuse to be looping in the lower level confused former ways]).

If to Agree with JESUS Christ Announce On TV And Show The Signing: JESUS Christ Andorra, and JESUS Christ USA,

and JESUS Christ UN. So to speak look around, but You already looked around and gained counsel: they hardly do the

ascending for You; Ascending right to left:

Lift the Worthiness of the UN / Lift the Worthiness of the nation / Lift the Worthiness of the self;

A higher level of Planet Prophesying / A higher positional group level of Prophesying / A personal self level of Prophesying.

The previous triad to the right is Good, the Way of the former Prophets. The previous triad mid is Good, the Way of the

former Prophets that were also Church [Temple] Mass Anointed Appointed Leaders of Their Churches [also including

speaking in secular public]. The previous triad to the left is Good and Best so far (save if JESUS Christ or likewise of

High Level per se), the Way of the former Prophets [with mid (with Victories Over ancillary levels)] Speaking And Doing

[for each and] For the whole of this civilization and the greater unseen: for the Glorifying above, and with the Edifying,

Helping, And Guiding, for making the lower levels more worthy but not for lower ways and rather for uplifting to their

Benefiting [for Them To Give of Themselves and Their Groups Likewise].

Two people grinding away at their desk jobs day after day at work, and the one is promoted and the other not and

reacts at first but as things become revealed after-the-fact the not promoted realizes that the promoted was really

on the ball and helpful above and beyond the requirments of the position (above the law). No one is above the law

except for the Creator (similarly such as how Congress has served over the elastic clause, and now anewly the

Precedent Establisher [vested 100% often] Christian Dictator President King President Don Trump ("King" if He

so opts, for symbolic examples reference such as: "King of the Hill", "King of Queens", "King of Creole", and if

Precedent Establisher then able to be King Of USA, and if Congress and the Judicial Branch say no then He

can opt to say it again as long as in Office [but don't say King as if over JESUS Christ]): in other words, if the

government refuses to Sign and so refuses to control communications Best and so can't control definitions,

then government is self failed and self doomed and censored itself.

Words without Works is dead, and no words ("censored") [no communications is uncivilized (Save JESUS

Christ Final End Time the same as the JESUS Christ New Beginning Save Better: Best).

Censorship includes by default: lack of prophesying ability (as if: it is self lack of prophesying ability in the

lower levels). If to tell some of government, or some of a group a secret but not tell everyone else is of a

risk of self devaluation.

Credibility is of the Highest Level, and the other lower levels ancillary amounts of credibility faithfulness

loyalty amounts accordingly. Addendum 2 is as a stop sign, to make worthy (see above "ramps") and so

toward making the governed more worthy, not secrets from the governed save if JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose (see above "Signing", "Precepting", and "Prophesying"...).

Mixed spirits have been as various definitions such as meaning the opposite of each other, let not the Christian

fight the Christian, nor the other fight the other, as much as able. China is with many people but a disloyal people

(mainly a secular site though discussing Christianity:

But is secular China better than secular USA: they are both secular. "Secularism may refer to any"...(wiki),

whether goodly badly or undecided (as a ship in a whirlpool looping going down): this JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Drawing shows Point E lower than what had already ascended higher to Point D.

JESUS Christ Guides Over the above shown looping. JESUS Christ Calls This Guidance: the Straight And

Narrow (Vertical Line at Point A). At Point B something happened of the self to opt other, to deviate from the

Way of JESUS Christ, such as being told there is a terrorist and nothing can be done except to kill and in

other words to pretend JESUS Christ does not exist and never existed.

Point C is that after-the-fact the fake self gladness of the false strayed opted makes the heart sad and there

is guilt and depression and trying to somehow justify or secretely hide the traceability tracks that only become

a longer trail with each step revealing the problem increasingly (Parameters Of JESUS Christ Original Plans).

So Point C is also with trying to get back on course, and if so trying to stay there but without Wholely Agreeing

in self to be One With JESUS Christ then continuing [if allowed] out of control in more aspects increasingly

(see "plank" discussion in previous Sermon in this Series at

Point C is the start of looping.

Point D is go near the target the next higher level but to continue per the after-the-fact plan to stray and turn

down and away from JESUS Christ.

Point E has looped and spiraled and even downward with respect to the goodly amount of Point D that tried

but failed.

Line F is the next higher level: goal: JESUS Christ [including JESUS Christ Way]. See previous Sermons in

this Series Distinguishing Firmaments and other levels, and see text below.

So while some spirals are downward, as a boat in a whirlpool, some spirals are as shown above about a mix

of directions up or down or laterally: mixed spirits. China is overwhelmed by "mixed spirits", but like to above

stated Andorra, and above stated Precedent Establisher, the Emporor of China can Sign JESUS Christ China

first to be Exemplar.

Even so, JESUS Christ explained some ["looping"] can be worse than the prior [at the start, some spirals are

small as shown above, but some are large and can encompass many levels, not Firmament Levels] (example

map at largely secular site yet with mention of the Christian Faith

Christian President Don Trump, Official Precedent Establisher: as JESUS Christ clearly

repeatedly explained to You (including through this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons

Series) that because You opted to not Sign "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God

will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.", and therefore

Given to another:

Harry S. Truman, "a more typical American than Roosevelt", said

"We want to see the time come when we can do the things in peace that we

have been able to do in war. If we can put this tremendous machine of ours,

which has made victory possible, to work for peace, we can look forward to

the greatest age in the history of mankind. That is what we propose to do."


except Harry S. Truman did not care per se, and did not Best Give JESUS Christ Highest Recognition, and said

"It's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit" (ibid.).

"If, then, you have not been faithful with worldly wealth, who will entrust you with true riches?" (Luke 16:11).

JESUS Christ explains the higher level than the current secular level translation of "will be taken away", as

it "will be taken away" initially and primarily means "To raise, lift up" (see Lexicon at


Look at how the other nations wanted to be as USA, as the Americans, to speak English, and to be with a Democracy

[the Best at the time (this Signing ACT has not much discussed types of future governments, though such too would

be with concerns later as when to so be Best able to consider)]. If to love money, then world trade so one language,

if to love world peace the same JESUS Christ Flow applies though others try to change the Flow for selfishness and

not for "world trade", hardly even for money: for self glorifying: some relish in popularity, some in their artworks instead

of other artists, some in their own preachings when supposed to be for JESUS Christ Source of "love world peace".

JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Christ USA / Democracy / [Definitions: Language in] English / To be as the Americans.

"To be as the Americans" used to mean not merely weapons, but Christians with weapons. Signing Recognizes

that JESUS Christ was not about being armed with weapons, much (see verses 36 through 38 and the word "enough" [so You and We don't have to repeat violence: that was a source of pains and miseries

amidst cultures, nations, and their peoples]).

The former translations and interpretations were of lower levels of Christian Faith often, yet now because of Their

Leadership(s) We are advantaged toward the more Pure the more Perfect the Lord of the Declaration Of Independence

and the JESUS Christ One. The following sentence includes about "pain", though JESUS Christ would that You Be

devoid of pain, including in others: the Bible reveals often that when a group does excellently in the Way of Ascending

then not "pain" but Joy, Abundantly(!), not with pains, not not embarrassed by anything (let Christians boast of You and more abundantly and so the nations with JESUS Christ UN).

Do You want pain for You and Your Family and Your Loved Ones?: Fear the Lord instead of other confused ideas

( though for each and all includes the secular such as concerning ibid. "There

was no pain," ( though do not be distracted (

nor deceived ( together in JESUS Christ We

The People Can Best Lead Guide Help And Benefit each and all

not merely in this generation yet in those to come.

Given the above exception ("except"), also with being in the NEEDFUL (rather Grace) Prophetic Signing Year 2020AD,

Beloved Christian President Don Trump the value per se is not currently removed from You nor Given

to another as of yet: though JESUS Christ Would that You Conquer this problem as this is the JESUS Christ Signing

Converting Precedent Establishing time, "the time"..."when we can do the things in peace":

"put this tremendous machine of ours, which has made victory possible, to work

for peace, we can look forward to the greatest age in the history of mankind" save

2,000 years ago with JESUS Christ, and save prior to being cast out of the Garden Of Eden. Yet to be JESUS Christ

Exemplar and then to better is to Give Birth Best to JESUS Christ UN. This is the JESUS Christ Ascending Path (see

older Sermons in this Series on "superhighway").

You are the Living President, You are on mainstream TV daily, You Mr. President can make the Hope of the "typical

American" and the Hope of the Nation come True.

Who will help You?: Signing JESUS Christ USA With Addenda is Best Help From Above as the Door that Opens as

JESUS Christ Said "I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find

pasture." (John 10.9).

But Matthew 18.6 Will Apply to the option to not Sign, as written "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who

believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned

in the depths of the sea".

There is a reason in JESUS Christ why i am not President, and likewise a reason You are not writing this Sermon:

You are Right for President here now, and i am Right for Writing this Sermon here now. If i discontinue then i become

a mere Follower, if You don't Sign then You become a mere Follower.

JESUS Christ is Authority Over secular government, the same secular government that does

not in it's own given highest authority Officially In Writing In Law Recognize In Signing this same

JESUS Christ Authority.

Although it continued to be secular, the following was a higher level than it's former level, it was

as a step in the right direction but opted to go merely 9 yards (reference American football) when

10 yards was needed instead of handing to leadership over to others.

"History of 'In God We Trust'. Page Content. The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed on United States coins

largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon

P. Chase received many appeals from devout persons throughout the country, urging that the United States recognize

the Deity on United States coins." (

So USA, United States of America, went from the wrongful love of money (1 Timothy 6.10) to the

worse: the excuse to love money, but in vain trust in an as if UNKNOWN GOD.

If "JESUS Christ" is printed on money, it is no excuse to love money more than JESUS Christ With

Highest Purpose With The Way Of Loyal Faith.

If "JESUS Christ" is Signed into law, it is no excuse to love written law more than JESUS Christ With

Highest Purpose With The Way Of Loyal Faith.

People don't want to be without Rights. People don't want to be slaves to the pompous rich in control

(ancient Egypt House Of Bondage). People don't want to be in luxury by killing the innocent (ancient

Romans), though there have been many confused followers of various types of followers. The adage

"Don't rock the boat" only applies if on the smoothly Ascending Straight And Narrow.

"Go with the flow" only applies if on the Straight And Narrow likewise (see above Drawing).

JESUS Christ set the Best Course: no good need to deviate exists.

You are with a set of laws. The law is spiritual (Romans 7.14). But be not a slave to laws to be under

them nor under the Inquisition nor break them to be with prison pains nor to crucified. Be boldly for

JESUS Christ. If to be a slave at all, then a slave to JESUS Christ (ibid.), though rather be not of

mixed spirits of laws that do not perfect, and rather Lead As Does JESUS Christ and so Rejoicing]

though hardly to offend nor to insult nor to wrongly tempt others, so Be for JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose including for their sakes Best.

To Be as JESUS Christ i (I) do not accuse You nor seek to punish You as many have done or tried

( though state ibid. intentionally for JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose now for Helping Guiding Edifying You Best, so You understand cleary whether an

Executive Branch, Legislative, Judicial, or a new Branch, the people in positions might stray such as

out of habit mixed with wrong interpretations and such as heard wrongly (see previous Sermon as

discussed on "the word re-downed it makes a lower level sense" per se though the Right word per se

is "redound" see above on Prophesying). So the high level

government crimes have been presented for You In JESUS Christ to understand that crimes are essentially

for selfish purposes even if dragged into such [in the secular sense cliche] and similarly many laws have

been passed for "selfish purposes": Behold, if people cannot obey their own

selfish laws, how hardly able to obey the law(s) of another,

how hardly to obey the Command Of God JESUS Christ:

it is impossible, Save Through JESUS Christ The Holy One

Of Israel and note in pertinence for this Prophetic Year 2020AD and for this

Signing the Bible Gap: according to the search, the

"Holy One Of Israel" appears often in the Old Testament, and often in the Third

Testament, but not in the Second Testament [known then as the New Testament

(upon which so many in USA and elsewhere have established many laws)].

 Even so JESUS Christ Speaking For Highest Purpose so including for each and all so including about Himself

and His Kingdom and How It Functions, Did Say in 3 Nephi 22.25 "For thy maker, thy husband, the Lord of Hosts

is his name; and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel—the God of the whole earth shall he be called." and

the Lord of Hosts He was called, and is called and Will be called Prophesyingly, and more precisely, more

Perfectly, and Perfectly Perfectingly He is rather called JESUS Christ.

Note for the less aware "He" might be called Christ JESUS (if they understand the title "Christ" though hardly

about "JESUS"), and "He" is with many goodly titles and names, any and all as much as Good and rather Best.

JESUS Christ Gave the Way to Convert [as a light switch, from lost to found, 1 Samuel 9.20 (more perfectly stated

in Luke 15.24 and Perfectly stated in the situation and at the time JESUS Christ said it about 2,000 years ago)] and

Gave the Traceable (like unto a Holy Line, like unto a type of genealogy, see previous Sermon Drawing and subsequent

discussions on lines of notes as at Godsling Progressions [note a

self turned progression is shown above of mixed spirits: up, down, left, right until undoing itself, rather opt JESUS

Christ Grace prior to need of Good Samaritan Help prior to worse] Ascending from 10 Commandments to 2, and

these two Precepts Accordingly:

1. In JESUS Christ if to be with Good Outpouring From The JESUS Christ One Heart, then You would Be Outpouring

The Best First, Signed in the name JESUS Christ, the name above all names, the name of the Most Worthy.

2. If in JESUS Christ then also not leaving the other left undone, so after Praying and Doing of the previous sentence

(a JESUS Christ Victory [With You One as much as Continuing in the previous sentence]) then to be Continuing in

the Same Holy Spirit Will Outpouring In The Word And In The Work.

A. JESUS Christ Perfect Faith is sufficient for the Heart Of Innocent Children, not for to fall from the Garden Of Eden,

though higher as the Priests with Charity Sacrifices, and higher Abraham though for greater as stated above for

"JESUS Christ Highest Purpose".

B. JESUS Christ came from Highest Heaven into the census revealing this "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose" With So

Preaching And Doing.

JESUS Christ USA With Addenda Signed is as "sufficient" except the "fall".

So Addendum 1 was Given to meet the Charity provision ("A"), and with it Addendum 2 was needful [again (JESUS

Christ already was crucified once for all, let USA no longer be as the crucifiers nor the conspirators to that end)] to

conclude [with ending] the step and leave it [not cast it away (let the Loyal Ascend too)] to Ascend to weigh in on

the next higher step ("B") with Having Signed.

So this JESUS Christ USA Addendum 2 next higher step (with the Prayerful Thankful Broadcasting the Good News

of the Signing JESUS Christ USA Exemplar and the Charity conversion from lower level love of money [to instead

Love JESUS Christ and each other as much as goodly]) needfully in JESUS Christ USA government starting in the

highest federal level would with Recognition (Miracle) would plan [such plans already] yet as stated above [with a

little needed repeating here in this Sermons Series] the specific goals that federal government thinks [from "Heart"]

needful in order to conclude the ideas for "war. If we can put this tremendous machine of ours,

which has made victory possible, to work for peace, we can look forward to the

greatest age in the history of mankind".

JESUS Christ Truly Will Show The Way ( that the Way Be With His Power

Faithfully, then at the slow rate [at least (reference the timeline delay to Signing so far as a key indicator)] though

moving index [range per Godsling lineage (so JESUS Christ Help already, like unto Healing, Healing the former

system)]. This is the Way though as stated above ("2") "as much as Continuing in the previous sentence ("1").

So of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Distinguish Pure Faith from (though With [not a competition]) Faithfully

Loyal Maintenance (so like unto Parents with Loyal Children and functioning High Tech Mansions and Communications

and With Jets: so in JESUS Christ Distinguishing each Child, each Jet...though treating each accordingly for Best).

Not merely about Signing, each step through the history of this civilization and the others, and likewise each set of

stairs and in every type of [somewhat Ascending] Progression there has been the range, the JESUS Christ Godsling,

that as You "federal' Ascend through Firmaments, the lower levels sets can be Gifted unto others (see older Sermons

in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series with text and Drawings covering a multitude of specific details [the loyal would

opt to Agree to Ascend to the Given Level Of Responsibility: to receive and so Be Found Doing Matthew 25.21]),

but first Ascend.

JESUS Christ Faith reveals for You [as much as Christian Faith amount is Anew Christian Position Of Authority

(humble you)], likewise reveals for me even now while typing. Keep the Faith while Giving The Same Faith from

JESUS Christ citing JESUS Christ, and also citing JESUS Christ USA. This is Righteously True Leadership, while

JESUS Christ Guides the multiverse (for You [Signed One], for We [and we]), You Guide this civilization, and They

("the loyal" Agreeing With you federal government to be of Your Given Gift "Level Of Responsibility") would likewise

Give as You Over Them Monitor and if Good then allow (perhaps Congratulate in the name JESUS Christ USA,

perhaps reward) or  [if such as works nor] Advise and such (if to be

with an economy perhaps fine perhaps tax, though rather seek to be with Addendum 1 as required by Law when

Signed so let them know they interfere against the JESUS Christ Way: Advise Vesting Faith In JESUS Christ,

Edify as to the above stated "goals" and perhaps specifically [each goal] how their path was not to reach that Success

Victory as they opted and so as they opted to not do as well).

So there is a Liberty aspect from JESUS Christ, let the exhausted recuperate, and let according to JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose concerns, the Priorities, yet rather the Grace as much as civilization agrees (see older Sermons

in this Series on Accord) and Best Distinguish (moving from oppressing to rewarding).

If any wants to act childlishly the [not to make fun of the less loving nor the less intelligent nor the less skilled nor

the less educated...nor the unaware (few stripes)] consider that a crying infant needs attention, but if the infant

wants selfish attention and cries carelessly needlessly too much then perhaps to ignore a little if or when appropriate.

Remember You (me) (we) were in that situation and wanted comfort, though the fed might comfort ("reward"...)

when appropriate. So there is an amount of "comfort" to go around (to be with each and all), yet with their [Accord

and/or] Agreed "Level Of Responsibility" the amout of "'comfort' to go around" increases (JESUS Christ Grows it,

though with such also like unto perishable food stock being consumed and new and improved [formulas with

processes of manufacturers] replacing the losses).

So as stated above "

JESUS Christ Faith reveals"..."even now while typing", and has revealed this during this Sermon being typed:

the above Drawing (spiral path) was according to JESUS Christ Precepts, though now is also found agreeing

with this Current Prophetic Pertinent Now Timeline (today is September 2, 2020AD and the JESUS Christ USA

With Addenda Holy Law for to Recognize the Best Way: through JESUS Christ, was not yet Signed). This above

Drawing is this Holy Timeline Godsling from the bottom of the Drawing 2019AD Ascending (Point A) to Point B

the terrorism attack at the start of the year 2020AD (terrorists attacked their opted no go zone by going there

[even if the zone was made by others]) (and the attack against those people [terrorists]) and so the start of

the spiral), and then to try to secularly (not Signed) make peace (from Love: JESUS Christ Is The Source)

but selfishly as if separated from JESUS Christ Love (Point C) so goodly but not wholely good, and so a

moment(s) of vertical then on selfish course (unrepentant, Point D) missing the mark (horizontal higher level

line Point F) to not unravel the Holy Scriptures but to conceal to withdraw to lower options (decreasing amount

of options, fewer places to run hide) so to spiral to Point E the current Timeline point, so while a victory as

Christian President Don Trump Righteously Broadcast on TV and elsewhere, it was not the greater Victory

Signed In JESUS Christ that it could have been: all that work along that long spiral line, if Straight Ascending

Vertically could have been through that higher level line and farther.

If to pay taxes, We The People want Our Public Rights: that government should try it's best.

Government, you looked around, as did the Romans and such, there were no better solutions than JESUS Christ.

Friend You Wasted My Time, and i wasted Your all too often.

Youth has ways of wasting time (see above "few stripes" [if any, rather let Exemplar be with no stripe giving:

see above on "goals"]), as did the House Of Bondage and as did the Romans, though even after Signing JESUS

Christ USA it is not yet the Final End Time yet (for instance see JESUS Christ UN With Addenda Prophecy

before 2022AD), so even with Signing this is a realm of an ongoing process (reference various examples such

as at secular site and as with above stated Precepts functioning together

Best in JESUS Christ Flow Way Of Prioritizing In Highest Purpose, this (Signing) is like unto streams that flow

and merge to reveal the more comprehensive greater Flow (like amps) Together (like volts) Power (like watts)

for communities (Gifts from JESUS Christ USA Exemplar).

Formerly since not signed [to be clear (JESUS Christ Edifying / Of Precepts)] then relatively: laws for worse,

spirits for worse. Though not to tempt wrongly, be Edified that Yahweh (JESUS Christ One Of "Us" of the Garden

Of Eden) of continues to grow though from Priests to Abraham to [and so on Higher Levels] so not merely in the

midst of the secular, yet also Righteous Leadership Leading [even if history books pretend other]. Behold the

Christian Missionaries of this current time: Righteously Leading the various nations: Thank You!

JESUS Christ is the Shepherd Of The Sheep [His Mass, {He [Innocent Protector Yet harmless as the Great I AM

("α%u1F30ων%u1F77ου") From Heaven And With Heaven Bringing Heaven The Creator (not destroyer) with His "Sheep"

(symbol of innocence)] His Congregation to leave no One left behind)

(Be Aware that His Apostles did not call Themselves JESUS Christ as if to boast selfishly, though JESUS Christ

was/is in Them, example Matthew 14.28 & 29}.

But note the linked Prophesy ([You now Witness the Faithful Christian Ascending] then, boldly: today Prophetic)

with the mention of the "dead" at the site meaning merely sleeping (reference story of JESUS Christ With His

Disciples concerning Lazarus) (reference Transfigurations and High Levels, and reference older Sermons in

this Series on lower levels in the secular such as on the nitrogen cycle).

JESUS Christ / I AM / Signing / Conversions needed (example: census as if not Edified e.g. nitrogen cycle).

To be Edified, His nation(s) must Ascend With Him in Spirit and in Righteousness (

25.htm ["Study Bible" includes JESUS Christ Explained He Is The I AM]).

The JESUS Christ Preacher With Choir may be traditional or such as with the latest Christian Songs, and the

"traditional" is a great value such as for those feeling in an ever changing world and so enjoy "traditional"

reminders (reference Eucharist), while "such as with the latest Christian Songs" is a great value for those who

[such as stuck in a rut, and/or anxious to Ascend] like the better new and exciting (reference: an even more

excellent Way): though either can be pleasing.

So the previous sentence is not for to stray from Church to Church, though if appropriate some visiting other

Churches is with great value (such as on vacation visiting relatives and friends and their Churches) (Luke 10.6

& 7). Even so, consider Leadership. If to go to another Church, which is better?, to go as a visitor as though

perhaps unworthy and secular, or to go as an Ambassador Of JESUS Christ Faith, and if so as an Ambassador

for JESUS Christ, then first before leaving ask Your Priest or other Church Officer(s), explaining Your planned

absence to so visit other Church(es) and whether They would like any special message or other provided from

Them to the other Church(es).

These previous sentences (such as with "traditional" and with "new") concern the next sentence, and some

Churches may not agree with the next sentence (Matthew 21.12), while others would agree (reference Church

fund raisers such as bake sales and attic sales and rather the greater as much as for the Church and not for

selfish gains with too high prices against others [not the same as donations] 2 Corinthians 11.8 and in the secular

levels for instance "Spoliation. Any erasure, interlineation, or other alteration made to Commercial Paper, such

as a check or promissory note, by an individual who is not acting pursuant to the consent of the parties who have

an interest in such instrument.. A spoliator of evidence in a legal action is an individual who neglects to produce

evidence that is in her possession or control." (sic)) [not reason to separate into another denomination because

of lower level Liberties Given to the Worthy accordingly as much as Faithful for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose,

also reference Luke 10.8]; so with the above the following sentence also applies to economics and some of the

future options available to government after Signing.

A Christian for instance came to me years ago and asked me to attend the new Church He was starting, and

i asked where, and He said a far place: no. It is hard to start a tent Church or invest in a building as ["the new

Church He" had Hoped], and it is hard even to meet together in an apartment such as due to distractions. A

group needs not merely the Mass including the money such as for Eucharists [since in an economic system],

but also the Church Officers with know how and experience such as in charge of the various departments such

as the complex 501(c)(3) if opted which is temporary unless largely funded.

So the Church Mass (with previous sentence matters) is in the current situation normally key in JESUS Christ

and it is difficult to make a startup and difficult to continue a startup. The point per se is "to separate into another

denomination" is very problematic (reference political failure so to opt to go to battle [even the lower level secular

is aware that if to turn against those that were friends then to need to beware of repercussions and collateral

consequences such as if to one side then to turn to go too far to the other side can be two problems instead

of One solution in JESUS Christ, see previous in this Series on Ascend to the needful Higher Level, as at the

Sermon]: Signing JESUS Christ USA [UN] With Addenda

solves in so many ways, and grows up and expands).

There was a Church Member that moved to the beach to establish a minigolf business, and with the opening He

alerted many Churches that if They went to His minigolf course and paid to play and brought a Church Bulletin,

They would receive a free small ice cream cone: He paid off His loan and became a millionaire in 1 year.

The previous story is no guaruntee of success. If government wants a guaruntee before Signing, go to the oldest

Sermon in this Series and understand it and the subsequent Sermons, and the Christian Bible likewise. Coins

were printed by the Romans, but that Roman cash in hand was no guaruntee that the Roman [Nation] Empire

would endure a day much less a month nor a year.

JESUS Christ Gives to me as to others, and in this First Year of 7 abundant harvest years (then 7 famine years,

with Signing JESUS Christ USA With Addenda some Converting though most of 2020AD has expired, though

the Good And Innocent [see below "the governor found JESUS Christ Innocent"] One JESUS Christ is

exceedingly greater than the anti-Signers) JESUS Christ has Given me one of the Best years of my life [perhaps

the Best] mainly even this Series You see and read (and may set Your computer to hear,...), as even this JESUS

Christ Word And Work fill gaps, such as to watch movies and finding [Sermon Series examples] gems in the

movies to be applied (as delights like digging longsufferingly then finding gold traces then gold sand then gold

nuggets, yet exceedingly Better in JESUS Christ) so hardly able to concentrate on the lower secular as the

"exceedingly Better" is Found To Apply And Give.

So You already have the Gift with the JESUS Christ Parameters for Your Situation. How You opt and do

is hardly my enslavement of You rather Giving Good the Way JESUS Christ Edified for His Highest Purpose

is Your Mission [likewise, Saying And Doing Your Best "Giving" to each and all while "Giving" JESUS Christ the


"In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land" (from Ruth 1.1), but understand this current

situation is less about people, and the Rights And Privileges, including government Rights And Privileges, nor

about kids so much nor even census counsels often, and instead (NEEDED) is the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

that Righteous Prophesying Faith becomes Prophecies, such as Miracles, hence including Signing.

In USA many suffer hardships including lack of money and lack of food so turned from Highest Purpose to be

as if "judges" to little avail. To steal a TV is not the same higher value of legally earning minimum wage if able

to be employed [note many lose houses daily] such as for $1.04 in Russia (

around-the-world/) or such as "The minimum wage for employees who earn tips in North Carolina is $2.13 per hour." (

And if to invest in a temple or in a place to live then it is not necessarily a solution, such as in the secular news "Wooden chariot of Andhra Pradesh's

Lakshmi Narasimha temple gutted in fire The 40-feet high chariot made of teak wood was parked in a shed on the temple premises. The chariot is

normally used only during the 'Radhotsavam' at the Lords celestial wedding festivities. (Zee News September 6, 2020AD).

It is said the Judges should be as Advisors. Here is advice of a specific type for instance, currently TV news

blames frats for keg parties spreading COVID, while not blaming the jet setters that originally spread the virus

nor the unmasked politicians in taverns; in secular lingo, to kick those that can hardly defend themselves is

evil; so the "advice" is this, and "Test Me" applies: toward the start of a frat party (put this on fliers, let them

be invited and aware) be with a moment as with a microphone to seriously Give Thanks for JESUS Christ

and for the Institution and the Frat, and return to the [now Blessed or similar] situation, and such as perhaps

"on fliers" Give the Public Awareness that the admission price would double if arriving after the Speech

(also consider such as the "Church Bulletin" story).

Public Rights include Missionaries Volunteering For JESUS Christ, and the Signing does not forbid the other

various types of faiths, except the Christian Church(es) With Involvements Per Se.

Protection of the President [Donald Trump now], the government, We The People, Public [including Private]

Rights, and the Best is in the Signing for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, so leader of people as in USA [so

the Branches currently namely one person legally to head the nation] Christian President Donald Trump

please consider for the future hence including for "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose" that the Christian Churches

And Missionaries went prior centuries in Person and Many were so living though many were slaughtered by

governments and cannibals ( others against

Christians and for various other reasons, though You have something the "slaughtered" did not have.

JESUS Christ Gives Precept upon Precept, and likewise nation upon nation, Way upon former lower level Way(s),

that is You have grown with a better clarity like unto the previous linked site but not merely that site (see above

"Look at how the other nations wanted to be as USA"...) [We were taught what not to do, and key what to Do:

(JESUS Christ Better Way, see below "As Christian President Don Trump said")], We have (Ascending right to left):

[JESUS Christ USA Exemplar /] President Trump / Joseph Smith /[...JESUS Christ...]/ Moses / Abraham.

Abraham Gave [sufficiently, offered] His Own Son.

Moses brought His Own Nation.

[JESUS Christ for each leader and all leaders (conditions according to situations, faith types, faith amounts,...)].

Joseph Smith continued the JESUS Christ Prophesying Gift, not dead "Prophecying Gift" yet Anewly and legally,

so not under law illegally as many that broke laws on purpose, hardly equal to law in the sense of a law abiding

secular citizen, hardly above the law in the sense of the secular House Of Representative, yet above law in the

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Righteous sense ([at least as much as able example:] if an ancient House Of

Bondage person whether a slave or not, Prophesied that Don Trump would become President, it hardly mattered

to them back then: as if an insignificant Prophecy to them then).

JESUS Christ Give His Righteous Prophesying Gift for Pertinence Today and Tomorrow and such as much as

Highest Purpose Faithfully Righteous, and let the Worthiness apply, and consider the situation (government),

and the Highest Priority and then accordingly ( accordingly). For instance

i did not figure out the above Timeline Prophesying aspect (from center of whirlpool to Straight Up if You opt),

instead it was JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Righteously Faithful Loyally Precept On Precept yet the whirlpool

is with a prior Prophecy from this Series as so explained in specifics in great detail(s): so the whirlpool Prophesyingly

does not continue at Point E (smaller and smaller, tighter and tighter turning until no place to go except change from

former ways pattern: so with the 2020AD Prophecy upward Straight With Signing Now or curving until Signing this

year 2020AD).

The Signing is needed. As Christian President Don Trump said, "American infrastructure was the envy of the world.

True. Go back 30, 40, 50 years, they would look at us like -- now, we are like, in many cases, a Third World country.

It's an embarrassment." (


Secular laws have been based on opinions such as popularity (example Senators favored the names of some Roman

Emperors and their legal ideas more than the names and ideas of some of the citizens) or similarly "based on the

number of illegal schemes" and such as "United States v. $84,740.00 Currency, 981 F.2d 1110, 1113 (9th Cir.1992)"

( (sic: violation of the Right Of The Accused to the "standard of reliability" over the USA Constitution

over federal government: the "$84,740.00 Currency" is not a Defendant and so cannot by law be accused [save such

as if a bundle of money falls on a person though legally such has been called in the secular an act of God [though see

previous on "situation"]).

JESUS Christ is Perfect (including was in

the census sense) and Perfectly interpreted

all the laws, even Pilate the governor found

JESUS Christ Innocent but killed Him in order to prevent rioting (https://biblehub

.com/matthew/27-24.htm) as seen in cities today.

If it was popular to close Churches and burn things, the secular naysayers (anti-Christian [reference above "amount of faith"]

anti-Signers) have done it.

Because Congress did not Sign [nor make public and similar (Legal Recognition, Public Rights And Privileges)] (not to blame,

instead for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Edifying) to allow people to go to Church is more important than to all secular

Congress to meet together or even exist.

Children carry weapons, many kids have learned secular legalese to the amount of having become criminals against teachers,

administrators, against their cars and bus matters, against school computers, and against schools and other public properties

(Publicly Owned Together Rights). Send 1,000 troops to kill the next generations of children 1 year old or less is not the best

solution (in plain language it is sin), and if to support them (government such as spending money for them to be taught) merely

to kill them later is worse.

You Mr. President and Congress and government and many others, very often try to obey laws rather than breaking laws, and

those "laws" have been secular "laws" such as to go with the flow even if some are in the midst of and go with the rioting group

or even is to accept an unfair rider to an otherwise goodly Bill in order to accept the greater advantage even though temporary

(and accordingly unfairly taken) (at least according to JESUS Christ: John 21.18).

The Good [Signing] continues in 3 Nephi 27.21, 22, and 23, and this is important and key if to continuously improve: verily this

is Prophesying from JESUS Christ including for You now to Sign and Do make known and the Addenda.

Above are stated things such as "worse" and such as "anti-Signers" (see above on Edifying). But also stated above are better

things and JESUS Christ said write these better things that they "may be brought to a knowledge of me, their Redeemer"

(3 Nephi 16.4).

The above Timeline ["whirlpool" shape] is a reminder of some paths many have taken unawares, and comedians have made

sport of such, made fun of such. I think one or more of the Three Stooges and perhaps Lucy of I Love Lucy similarly were on

floor machines that spun and the electrical cord wrapped around [as if a precious scroll or] as a fishing reel or as a crane

cable (note [including pertinent to the "whirlpool" Timeline course correction] one way to break metal is to bend it back and

forth). More currently Dawn Harper (Lizzy Greene) of Ricky, Nicky, Dicky, & Dawn  was on a riding lawnmower that spun

with the electrical extension cord wrapping around [and the cord easily fell away (by falling, You don't have to fall: Sign)],

and such as latest high level tech Turbo Man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) in the movie Jingle All The Way spun around in a

large banner over a street queasily until going straight. So there is a progression (reference above Christian President

Trump important "infrastructure" concern) of [and through] situations and through time from smaller machines to spin a [each]

person to the larger lawnmower to the super high level tech state-of-the-art (see above "JESUS Christ Standardization is key

to future Public Rights And Privileges 'above the law' as legally stated and defined" and see above "standard of reliability")

including that the lawnmower might carry extra passengers though against policy and perhaps laws, and the high level tech

Turbo Man caught and carried a falling child not by court order nor a specific law (as if: "you are required to catch a falling

child") but above the law and according to Grace Of Heart he caught the falling child and carried to safety [the child's

safety and his own safety, even safety for the parents over the family, and safety for those on whom the child might have

landed, and so on]: above and beyond the call of minimum duty, above the legal minimum requirement, with the law already

fulfilled (except for the movie comedy broken laws) Turbo Man went above the law to the rescue and the best he could


Children are literally the future to a large extent, more than vessels lower level than the Human Firmament, including

unmodified (not with human parts, many conditions apply [JESUS Christ Word concerning across Firmament lines

tampering especially if unrighteously, see older Sermons in this Series]) plans, systems, supercomputers, machines,

tools, and creatures. But children are not more important than adults (exceptions may apply though normally reference

Old Testament Evaluations: see subset types of faiths examples at shekels

noting the family unit is with great goodly value: Exodus 36.10) (women bear children so allow the valuation as

stipulated, as explained at [quality as to type of faith and amount

of a faith type...are also keys] "JESUS Christ would like to now Help Emma Watson to answer that United Nations

speech concern 'tits' are associated with typically less ability" in the "valuations" sense as the Wife needs help

during and after pregnancy and normally with raising children [children related Public Rights And Privileges matters]

as the Husband typically lifts heavy things and builds the home vessel and greater Public Rights And Privileges

Leadership). So in pertinence of "greater Public Rights And Privileges Leadership" "plans, systems" in the sense of

being comprized of humans, not machines, a human group can Righteously be for their own group if for JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose or at least for each and all humans (such as to help a child therefore to help all of this

civilization, though typically since priorities apply for instance sometimes a child needs to accomplish on their


In the movie "Turbo Man caught and carried a falling child" [his own son] and concerning large groups meeting

(including preparatory pre-meeting [Word Praying Work In JESUS Christ]) for convening and assembling for

planning over "systems" for "greater Public Rights And Privileges Leadership" then whether to catch the "child"

or if the meeting is about a bomb falling on the pertinent nation(s) (and/or such as on Earth from outer space

[perhaps a giant meteorite / asteroid]) then the Faithful Maintenance Responsibility "since priorities apply"

and since JESUS Christ Precepting Applies (lower level than JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying [yet even

higher level conditions apply]) then the Maintenance Responsibility Needfully Ascends to "catch" the giant

asteroid such as the Planet destroyer to undo it's fall mission with retasking such as to become an extra Space

Force step to the stars; in similar reference such as "Republic of Malta is a small country in the central

Mediterranean that consists of seven islands. In 1814, as part of the Treaty of Paris, Malta became a crown

colony of the British empire. The colony was used as a shipping waystation and fleet headquarters.

Because of its close proximity to the Suez Canal." ( [sic].

So it is JESUS Christ Faith on which to rely, even whether Your Own Child lives (perhaps another would

catch Your Child, perhaps the wind would blow a large soft thing under Your Child or would blow Your Child

safely to the roof, but if Your Child would perish You NEED to understand there is Highest Purpose In JESUS

Christ including Better than You currently understand: reference Eternity and Eternal Joy). And in lower levels

at least in a special situation You tried to save the planet and that does not make You irresponsible concerning

Your Child (not pertinent per se, though not excuse for typical Responsibility NEED).

Children, Teens, Spouses: if with a Priest and/or an Ambassador... in Your Family understand They are with "a

special situation" very often, and somewhat concerning Parental employment (perhaps often very importantly so

Give Parents Respect And Graceful Support [perhaps being quiet and doing chores yet Pray JESUS Christ Best

Oversee (perhaps to Convert "chores" into Joy Tasks, and rather to Convert "employment" hardships into "Joy"

and instead of Righteously Prioritizing: JESUS Christ UN]).

In the name JESUS Christ, if to have an economic system then understand quality for sale to the lowest bidder is

often not the JESUS Christ Best Way (see previous in this Series on purchasers [not being expert in many highly

complex matters so conditionally should be under the auspices of the more aware: reference in this Series Addendum

2 with harder work needed than the Grace option that went un-Signed]).

I saw a little football on TV the other day, and the football culture cult (less about the fans and more about the players

on the field), and JESUS Christ Solving for the greater Good the [flip-of-coin pertinent] close calls and the close games

aspects specific to when coaches [leading players] reveal wrongful physical disapprovals against referees which may

or may not be biased, though this higher point applies: if a team cannot clearly be the earner by far, then don't get mad

at the ref; more formally don't be biased against JESUS Christ, nor biased against: the UN Leadership, nor a President,

nor Congress, nor Police, nor Judges, nor Parents, nor Teens, nor anyone. Righteously Best Distinguish situations as

JESUS Christ Explained And Did In Highest Holy Eternal Good Father Purpose. Clearly Be The Best By Far: JESUS

Christ Said "Test Me" per se, within context, as Best Pertinent, as most importantly.

If to opt to be mad in spirit and unfairly biased, then to opt to lose in the future, as written in Mark 7.20-23.

Secular governments through this civilization have wanted people to be with improving and so improving through

hard work (longsuffering sometimes as the excuse [interpretations by mixed spirits of anti-Signers]) with the premise

that if you work hard your whole life then better and you can hope for "Strength Through Joy" (

_Through_Joy): they were horiffic failures.

It's not goodly to worship Hitler (similar to some rioters today) nor to hate Hitler (if a group has followers and/or the

members of the group leading together, then for a reason, a goodly reason even if mixed with other reasons: each

in the census except JESUS Christ has been of mixed spirits in need of Converting), and if they opt against Converting

and/or Signing for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose then from the Higher Level Perspective they fell, asleep, even

through JESUS Christ a Righteous Joy (Away In A Manger [also known as Crib Song] "The little Lord Jesus asleep

on the hay" [like unto family safe at home] goodly though actually Righteously see previous Sermon with "But stay

awake at all times," at [note this does not mean wake a sleeping parent])

(see above for instance on Earth currently more important than personal selfishness, and see previous in this Series

on Maintenance Responsibility [including former secular family responsibility] lower than higher level Faith Leading

the greater amount and over Maintenance) (Sign to Guide others to be responsible for You Family Members instead

of others rioting in the streets and in homes and at police stations).

"Strength" doesn't matter, "Joy" doesn't matter, nothing matters Save JESUS Christ, then They Matter. Help Them

Matter for Your Children and Your Mass and for Your Sake. With JESUS Christ The Father Matters, with JESUS

Christ The Holy Spirit Matters. A new nation, a rebellion, a don't rock the boat; such means nothing ("dust in the wind"

from Psalm 18.42) as if without JESUS Christ.

In the comedy series Hogan's Heros the spies of high ranks and complex missions were not funny, but when character

Sargent Carter (Larry Hovis) infiltrated the German Army as a Private and then was Promoted to Corporal it was funny

as lay people would more easily relate to it [and the situation] such as since many lay people have thought of

themselves as being stuck in a rut (search: world news riots September 7, 2020). It is like unto Dewey Finn (Jack Black)

in the movie School Of Rock when asked for money responding "Well, music is my life, man. What do you want me to do?"

in other words if to work hard all Your life such as to be an MD or a CPA...and to do nothing wrong concerning that

vocation and perhaps to be one of the few of the very best but then the employer closes or downsizes or otherwise

terminates employment due to no fault of Your own, hardly should You flip burgers for [see above on] minimum wage

while not a chef, nor do as the state employment office says to learn the new skill of high speed food processing as

to waste time there when proven able to solve multitudes of restaurants problems without added cost and with better

profiting [per se such as to add Christian music in the background calming rioters while pleasing customers to be loyal

customers (whether rock music or other notes, though fittingly with Christian lyrics [perhaps in favor of loyal restaurant

customers (see Banquet Table Drawing: JESUS Christ Anew Civilization Firmament Level at


To Pray JESUS Christ With Your Child (Faith) and then to feed Your Child (Faithful Maintenance) is Good, though

likewise to Best Feed All Children is also Good yet Best.

If to Best Feed All likewise, but Your Child falls (such as in the above movie the child ran away to the top of a building

dangerously [prepare the child in JESUS Christ Rightly Before-The-Fact]) or doesn't eat for some reason, perhaps

already full (also reference secularisms such as "You are your own best doctor" and "I scratch because I'm the only

one who knows where it itches" [JESUS Christ is the Best Doctor and "knows where it itches"]) shall You Holy Fairest

betray another Child that Longsuffers Righteously in order to spare Your runaway?: even whether, be of Good Cheer

and Rejoice in that JESUS Christ Will not tempt You beyond Your Righteous Faith amount.

The "machine" is mentioned several times above, such as by former President Truman, about the USA system and way(s).

JESUS Christ has Anew state-of-the-art 2020AD "machine" as offered to You for Your Best Benefitting. It does not tangle

itself in a whirlpool way such as to drown, and it does supply power, and if to follow the Straight Line of it then to Best Lead

as much as Agree (Others Likewise: One Leadership) or of accord or others can witness: let them be attesting (also see

above "Test Me" in pertinence here).

A "machine" for instance is the economy, and of Rights And Privileges a person can see how the economy is so to speak

in the secular (yet stated here for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Edifyingly) broken down, such as to simply look at a

dollar sliced into various sized parts labeled such as so many cents for: interest, taxes, reserve, materials and operating

costs, payroll, depreciation, amortization, and such as energy (breakdown similar to letter mailed to me from Duke Energy).

JESUS Christ Leads the secular even as the un-Signed secular Legalese recognizes not (see above "popularity (example

Senators favored" and "selfishness" [the two do not always go together though as specified in the above Precepts the two

do in JESUS Christ Highest Leadership Purpose]). JESUS Christ in the above Sermon is for to Help Guide Senators,

and Senators hardly talk about comedy shows when convened, so serious (Thank You). So why discussing comedy?:

for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose yet often in this Series also not merely for Leaders yet for others growing into Leading

Positions and the Public can relate [understand functioning] to and with these of "Highest Purpose" applied "popularity"

known understood precepts, though the above Three Stooges...comedies were not as well understood by this writer

then (more toward Faith) though JESUS Christ made it more clear (Miracle Responsibility [Maintenance]) now: i watched

a little bit of the Goonies yesterday (funny movie, interesting, see Goonies level of interpretation of Heaven and Earth at

previous Sermon seeing the part when a trap was sprung and

giant rocks one by one fell and nearly killed the fumbling childishness of the kids as they in the secular searched for

treasure, and something occured [from JESUS Christ Heart] that it was as the secular [movie] Apollo 13: hence the

kid Senator relationship.

Christian President Don Trump Loves His Children: Good Great!

Public it is Your Right to Help Guide Him to Love All Children (Matthew 19.14: the Parent Child President relationship)

(Christian Leaders, if the President will not hear You, let the President Hear Your Children Ask Righteously For JESUS

Christ USA Mark 10.13 & 14).

Previous Sermons in this Series spoke of Moon trips with multitudes of course corrections, including high cost in terms

of fuel load to carry (NASA, [and of un-Signed USA: Space Force is not immune] there are many not sensed anomalies

and many sensor conditions).

JESUS Christ would that in Highest Respect You consider the above Timeline, if Straightened [and in the Relativity level

to Edify (see Affiliated GodMath Testament)] then [as if] to bend the entirety of at least the balance of the created including

Heaven, but such does not agree with the Original Creation Parameters, though allowed in the Love of JESUS Christ

Given You and then Precepts considered from the Tree Of Knowledge.

Note: the word "entirety" [concerning the above JESUS Christ Timeline And Righteous Prophesying] in a secular definition

includes "A type of concurrent"... and "Concurrent powers refer to political powers that are shared by both the state and

federal governments. A number of powers are given to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, without barring

those same powers to each individual state.Such powers as establishing a court system, taxation, and regulating

elections are common examples of concurrent powers of federal and state government. (

powers); but the ibid. secular definition failed to respect Public Rights And Privileges:

"'You don’t become king because there’s a federal emergency,' New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo" (


But You can Best Sign to Recognize the King JESUS Christ (

21.htm) (see above "Pilate the governor found JESUS Christ Innocent": hence the required hence obey the Law) (ibid.

is not about "popularity" nor "selfishness", it is JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including "Law" in pertinence James 2.20 & 21).

Rights not reserved to the states and local governments (if to be with state and local [and corporate...] governments) ARE


To put the above Timeline Straight in the Good Best Way as JESUS Christ prefers for Highest Purpose including for Your Sake,

then understand the fall can be as lightning while the Ascending can be longsuffering [long time]: so the results after Signing

are proportional to the resistance or delay from January 1, 2020AD to the date of Signing, though if Signed in 2020AD then

"Test Me" applies.

So instead of straightening the line it may Help the More in JESUS Christ Faith to see it as it is with the [highlighted so to

speak] aspects clearly showing rise and fall of the empire 2020AD (all nations, this civilization) in this time cost sense

(cost of lives, cost of lack of continuous improving Best Ascending, cost of trillions of dollars, losses of multitudes of

businesses, bankruptcies, lost homes, mortgage defaults, banking chaos, and many sane going crazy on the streets:

see recent Sermons in this Series).

So In JESUS Christ Best Precepting from Point B to Point D is the "The end of June tipping point, though rates apply,

there has been a momentum", so Point D is the Miracle Announcement, with the Sermon later completed "June 5,

2019AD" ( So with the spiral continued un-Signed from Point

E to Line F is 1/3rd year (this is JESUS Christ Prophesy Code) Agreeing with the previous Sermon (http://0www.20m

.com/jesuszygote.html) in the Straight Overlay line of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, though in the curvilinear

Christian President Don Trump has a little more wiggle room (Mark 9.44) (ibid. "9.44" is yet another added Sign: see

previously linked site and "9" in Affiliated GodMath Testament page 297 "Nine is about almost complete, and about

lacking. 9 also deals with the final stage"..., and on page 287 "2, of New"...).

Government lacks JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ preparation for this Sermon, as this Sermon is being written, is of the Christian Bible and largely of

the New Testament [known as red text, with the Gold Pages of] the Third Testament, though not leaving the other

left undone, including such as looking through the Internet for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Pertinent Info at

sites, especially the sites with His Name. And today pertinent to the above whirlpool Drawing Precepts, and the

Timeline, now JESUS Christ Anewly Gives from many sites (indicators, clues, Miracles,...) that this above whirlpool

Drawing also is as the back of a brain, as though the above whirlpool is the back of a head looking to Your right

but the front of the brain is not shown, this agrees with the lower Drawing under "Light the Way" to the left at http:// concerning Preceptor reliance on past ways that might have

worked at the time(s). For example the good of the past in a situation such as to give a thirsty person a cup of

water does not necessarily work in a situation today such as if the person is thirsty because of a condition that

their body does not continue with the water and there body is losing water faster than drinking (see previous

in this Series on working for money but with pockets with holes): so the right Precept needs be with the right

Precept and the other criteria of JESUS Christ applies. Likewise as previously stated in this Series if to have

a boat and to undo a bottom plank to place it on another bottom hole can make the situation far worse.

So from below, from the body, Point B is as government officials should behold how government paranoia

and other (such as Luke 10.41) missing the point about greater Best Value anti-Christian works manifest

such as about washing hands and cleaning house excessively after rape or after plague (see the previous

Sermon in this Series at about government "contradicting itself"

about COVID) and though a secular site reference such as the following:

"The caudate begins just behind the frontal lobe and curves back towards the occipital lobe.  It sends its

messages to the frontal lobe (especially the orbital cortex, just above the eyes), and appears to be responsible

for informing us that something is not right and we should do something about it:  Wash your hands!  Lock your

door!" ( sic) to Point E "The globus pallidus (underneath)"


"Wash your hands!", instead exceedingly needful is JESUS Christ (Luke 11.39).

"Lock your door!" as if only you can protect yourself, or as if only listen to secular government of former lower ways

as if only secular government Legalese can protect you according to [anti-Sign] trials and errors costing lives

and funds methodologies including the courts and leaving to chance as casting of lots (see above the Goonies: kids

stuff, unlearned ways). The Lord JESUS Christ Gave the Best Way and repeats for people (but pertinent Holy Parameters

include Isaiah 57.16 and Genesis 6.3 concerning those that decided to fail and fall and suffer needlessly) (also see

"neurons" "concerning heart" messaging Sermon Drawing at

pertinent to the brain such as including per se to Point A [in line, on course until otherwise strayed to past ideas more

delimited than the opting to Best Ascend In JESUS Christ]).

JESUS Christ would that You consider 4 types of people, 4 groups, 4 faiths:

1. the rioters,

2. government,

3. the Ascending, and

4. others.

Currently many are buying weapons, such as to shoot and perhaps amputate a person's arm as the person reached

to steal a TV. Group 1 (faith type 1) after JESUS Christ UN With Addenda is Signed, would want the addiction thrill

to do it again and risk arm amputation in hope that a stolen TV would satisfy an addict, it does not.

Group 2 government would want to do the same, the ads abound on TV of mutilated people that prefer to fight instead

of utilizing the JESUS Christ Given Gift of Political Solution(s), and to fight instead of politicians wanting to Best Do the

Will of JESUS Christ, so many politicians would want to return to former ways to have the governed fight to steal to

be with luxuries that indirectly the "hope that a stolen TV would satisfy an addict, it does not" and would post many ads

for people to lose arms in order to serve government [stolen TV] addicts. People hardly kill because of Democracy, nor

Communism, nor Dictatorship,..., but because of addictions.

Group 3 the Best Ascending in JESUS Christ know both Groups 1 and 2 are wrong toward addictions that have been

toward arm amputations, and blinding, and leg losses, and such, and that both the people at the trigger end of the pistol

and the other end of the pistol are wrong. Group 3 is also aware Group 4 is wrong though often hardly as the others,

as Group 4 is the mix of followers of the various, whether about the next most popular fads, or about studying faith types

or about being alone in a fishing boat, or about strong work ethic, or about football, and whether with others of same faith

or about others or meeting others, Group 4 is an often peaceful aspect of secularism. Many types of addictions apply to

Group 4 toward temporary paths and toward temporary addictions while looking for the best path.

To Group 3 the JESUS Christ Faith is key to all things considered. To Group 4 the self is key and not necessarily about

Group 1, 2, nor 3. To Group 3 the JESUS Christ Best Ascending Path is Top Priority And Being Accomplished Normally,

Normal to Group 3, though Group 3 is with ancillary lower levels of Faithful Maintenance Responsibilities and so this

same "Maintenance" is as if Group 4 but it is not. So many from lower levels see and perceive Group 3 as if the same

as others in the secular and full of hot air fluff, but Group 3 is Righteous and the perceived from the relatively low levels

per se is as Group 4 follows things of former lower level history for merely patterns of signs and wonders and miracles

after-the-facts: not the leadership way.

After Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addenda, the Groups would yearn to continue in former ways to not rock the boat

even if to seek the best, so it is the name that is key even if not "perceived", and the name above all names and with

greatest Righteous Power..., and also to Overcome the yearnings to return to former mixed spirits

ways are the Addenda!

Faith in JESUS Christ (With Highest Purpose) is sufficient for the Group 3 Some Few Best Ascending,

though for the larger number the need is to [in secular lingo as if to break the pattern, but instead improve with Best

Converting] Ascend instead of reverting to various tangible census people and things such as worship of a statue of

an UNKNOWN GOD (Acts 17.23). Ibid. is unseen JESUS Christ Faith Working Converting worst to Best ("worst" as

a possibility, such as Buddhists for instance have worshiped statues of destroyers, see above Group 1, and similar

though indirect Group 2, and even "followers", Group 4). So ibid. is as a net that catches all types of faith types as

many as the yet to be converted made available, and ibid. Faith Ascending Saves the Good and releases the others

to be as formerly;

yet in JESUS Christ UN With Addenda Signing the Anew Better Improving Righteously Prophesyingly is coming

whether the other Groups opt to believe such or [pretend] not: as written in 2 Corinthians 3.3 "It is clear that

you are a letter from Christ,

the result of our ministry,

written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but

on tablets of human hearts" ("human hearts": fleshy).

Not machine hearts, not stone hearts, not supercomputer hearts, not even software nor marshmallows: Group 3,

the Best Ascending in the Name And Will of JESUS Christ Write in the hearts of others.

Group 3 wrote the minimum often, even if the Sermons were exhaustingly long, goodly, a step in the Righteous

Group 3 Direction for JESUS Christ, and yet now in JESUS Christ New Christianity a Better Gift is Given from

JESUS Christ for to no longer be toward repeating (such as the red words of the [King James] New Testament,

the words their ears have grown dull of hearing) yet rather with the Known God Words the Anewing Spirit

Of JESUS Christ and How to accomplish such?: Righteous Prophesying, and How to accomplish

Rightesous Prophesying?: JESUS Christ Precepting.

JESUS Christ Anew Ascending Best / Righteous Prophesying / JESUS Christ Righteous Precepting.

JESUS Christ Righteous Precepting = JESUS Christ Anew Ascending Best x JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying.

JESUS Christ is with Victory Already Over Given Righteous Precepting, so the Anew Ascending Best is added to

and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and so to add JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying in order to know

what precepts are most needful and Best. So these function together as One.

This is a Public Right to be so Privileged!

From Privilege the Rights follow. From power and authority the Rights come, not from riots whether direct nor indirect.

A secular definition is privileged: adjective allowed , authorized , chartered , empowered (

From JESUS Christ UN With Addenda Signing the whole civilization fold automatically enters into the Privilege and so the Rights: from Privilege then

Growing the Rights because of JESUS Christ Enabling: see previous triad Proving.

Group 1, rioters, are certainly harming individual businesses and infrastructure, so for instance the huge piles of obsolete infrastructure regulations

that President Trump on TV threw out, has with anti-Signing become meaningless as the rioters destroying businesses indirectly destroy secular opted

government. The rebels have won, government is undone according to anti-Signing.

The Group 1 rebels with missing arms and missing legs, and the Group 2 similarly, the soldiers, and indirectly the politicians with missing Churches and

similar missing restaurants and missing Town Hall meetings and missing the Right of the accused to face their accuser, and the right of the voter to be

with open mouth unhindered to speak outside the voting place, such things politicians made amputated against their own [as if best] interests.

Does the Town Hall newly elected know which button to push to send in troops of missing limbs?: not likely: no.

Many Christian Churches are with few present that have missing limbs: fact: proof. The Way of [(in secular lingo to Edify in JESUS Christ) preserving] life,

and instead of "preserving": making it better, is the Way of the Righteous normally. Many people are afflicted, whether Christian or not, but the people that

opted to break moral principles of Christian Faith have often been with hurting others and to often with retaliations and so with amputated limbs or self

mutilations such as tattoos (secular example


A Best Ascending Church is with fewer missing limbs and fewer tattoos, and instead with JESUS Christ Peace and Healing Efforts, not toward amputating

efforts nor tattoo efforts nor toward dead ( A group with amputations and martyrs is hardly an indicator of the group being

wrong save the need to ascend, but a trend of a group being with amputations and worse is that the group is on the wrong path exceedingly, the wrong

direction or the wrong direction far too often.

In the current government plans to make it worse for families as with sending more females into battles and so less pregnant and so less children and so

less about family (reference secular site

"Demand for VA Mental Health Services" continues to increase (

In the secular system it is hardly right to blame the veteran for the type of government system, but to blame government that has been over VA disabilities

and deaths: whether government opts to make disabilities and death per se or not. Secular laws that say kill are not the same as laws that say be nice, in

fact "be nice" is hardly mentions by government when it administered over the military, instead orders were shouted to kill others.

To kill a terrorist attacking You seems best, it is not best. Many terrorists have attacked Christian Missionaries, including cannibals, yet reference Addendum

1 included with the Signing (JESUS Christ has Taught "love" and so "charity": To escalate wars is toward the worst

answers, not toward the best; to escalate wars is to plan wrongly, to escalate wars is to know in the heart the wrongdoing the lawbreaking against JESUS

Christ And The Righteous Trend and against government and it's own citizens and the families, and so against supporters: to escalate war(s) is toward

defeating the self (even low level naysayers know such things: as in Numbers 16.14 [reference road signs "Temporary inconvenience, permanent improvement"

even if not "permanent" since secular], but naysayers have been on their own paths down as the Best Ascending In JESUS Christ: see Prophesyingly above

and beyond [often minor] inconveniences).

If the secular government is with laws such as to quarter [house] soldiers, then behold the soldiers already fit and able in the houses known as Christian

Churches, not for being drafted to kill and lower levels have opted, but for higher levels politically and exceedingly higher for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Do not impede the Congressional Member from going to convene, more importantly if to close things, close all things and the last to close would be the

Christian Church(es) and do not impede Christian ["convene"] Spoken Planning and Help Serve Christian Work. If the law was to protect the people and

especially government over such law, then protect the best of government with Recognition of JESUS Christ of the census 2,000 years ago, so protect

the Workers of JESUS Christ Government Eternal Good Best for each and all.

JESUS Christ Explains the Soul of human Rights And Privileges with the [(First Sign JESUS Christ UN With Addenda to Best Comprehend) and then:]

understanding of the lower than humans Firmament souls, the souls of lower level things (tangible objects and sensed anomalies) and critters. For

instance [a tool or] a rowboat living soul is the functional aspect ready (prepared, as to be a follower of as though UNKNOWN GODS, such as a critter

such as a bat might use it as a home), and such as a new rowboat ready for being sold to a not yet agreed customer, and with purchase the rowboat

continues in higher level function (reference contingent upon higher, ultimately JESUS Christ Highest Purpose In Original Plan Eucharist).

So pieces such as living souls ascending (living so little relative to humans that such is known as if inorganic, asleep) of wood or aluminum or fiberglass

are put together to form the higher level rowboat, and the rowboat ascends from seller to buyer (as much as for higher level faith [in JESUS Christ even

if the rowboat and/or the buyer have been toward unaware of little faith, of mixed spirits).

When the buyer rows the boat similar to oneness, then the soul of the rowboat is more toward the oneness higher level: as written in Acts 19.12 "so that

even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them". So for instance if the buyer near

shore steps in mud and becomes stuck and a person in the water nearby starts to drown the buyer might push the rowboat to the person and rescue the


The UN is similar, as though a lost rowboat flowing with the winds and currents, hitting against people and things according to the natural waves. Unlike

the "inorganic" level of the rowboat, the UN is a living boat: when not in session many people obey under the UN advice and guidance. It is the Soul of

the UN, the living Soul and the greater faith type and amount when more toward inline with JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow [except not inline since

not yet Signed: JESUS Christ UN With Addenda]. Also ancillary, more inline when with the many obeying and also in session as much as with previous


So the soul of Human Rights And Privileges is currently in this given situation of this civilization in the hands of the UN option as to Sign. The hands,

like unto the rowboat oars, are hardly to be worshiped (see above and previous in this Series on Maintenance). Instead the Signed Recognition of the

living higher level than the UN is key.

Similar is that the UN is hardly for the Ambassadors [even though paid (Maintenance, otherwise virtually inconsequential: 1 Timothy 6.10)] and instead

for to best serve this civilization.

For instance a rowboat is with it's soul as long as within JESUS Christ Parameters, a high level saving a human life, a lower level gathering food from

fishing, and a lower level if it sinks and can be reclaimed and repaired, and as though a lost asleep disintegrating level at the end of it's useful [census

type (accounted, records,...)] vessel life.

So too the soul of the UN and the souls of the nations and the "census" (ibid.) vessels have been, and their higher levels as though become no more

higher (values lost to them but not to others, such as for "the person" rescued and the gooliness "the person" does [let "the person" and the UN seek

to do the Eternal Work (Romans 2.7) though if "the person" Soul Does (hence Christian Baptism) but the secular anti-Signed UN does not then "the

person" Will witness the disintegrating of the UN].

You Christian Ambassadors worked hard to form the UN. It is a lost cause unless Signed. In other words, Your Hard Work is souless. JESUS Christ

Gave You the full repentance option, JESUS Christ Gave You the Christian Baptism, JESUS Christ Gave You the Eucharist, JESUS Christ Gave You

Himself and all that He had [in the census sense legally] and the exceedingly greater as much as You Agree Say And Do Givingly.

Let the Witness ("the person") say (after the self "disintegrating of the UN") be not as the UN was.


JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.

Coming soon:

JESUS Christ Addendum 3 Sermon.

Click for Christ JESUS ICCDBB Main Site at

Special Reference Credits: thanks for and angelfire and as these have often helped this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons' Series.

UN / USA Law, click here: JESUS Christ UN at

Tags: JESUS Christ Prophetic 2020 Timeline unless Signed Addendum 3 Will Come With Force You Will Respect USA and JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 And Addendum 2 Addenda to Recognize Best Priorities Way ReDefining Public Rights And Privileges rebels won riots infrastructure Convert Ascend Proof Christian Precedent Establisher President Don Trump in 2020 Prophecy 2021 pertinent whirlpool spoliator dollar per hour Loyalty Test Me Prophesying Anew greatest age in the history of mankind Ascending under JESUS Christ GodMath TV Dawn Harper Lizzy Greene Ricky, Nicky, Dicky, & Dawn football referees movie Turbo Man Arnold Schwarzenegger Jingle All The Way Goonies Apollo 13 amputations brain caudate globus pallidus neurons heart
