JESUS Christ New UN Sermon.

This is a JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon (click here for the Main Site at

Concerning Signing the Proposed UN / USA Law, click here: JESUS Christ UN at

JESUS Christ Will Benefit United Nations, UN, Governing Body with a multitude of Benefits including as explained in this Sermon.

From Highest Heavenly Purpose, JESUS Christ Gives Best Guidance Benefit yet also with the Effectual Power Benefits to Best

Effect Converting to Worthiness any [aspect, people, system,...] in need of Converting including to Best Improve the already

Best thus far, save the Highest Best Level at liberty to opt as Righteously Promised.

Many faiths wonder about this "JESUS Christ", such as looking for results (hence after faith types and amounts...), so JESUS

Christ Gives this Benefit, to know at least from this writer's perspective of who JESUS Christ Is, like unto wondering about the

character of a fellow UN Official (also reference the New Testament Book Of John): JESUS Christ improves a person that Best

Ascends and so mainly in unseen High Heavenly Levels, and so with Ascending (often a function of time passing though not

delimited to time in some key aspects) the Better Awareness in and about JESUS Christ tends to be with the Christian Elders

though not ignoring key aspects of the Innocent; so now more than previously is the Better Way to Teach this in the example

of The Good Samaritan, and with the Benefit of understanding JESUS Christ can Transfigure ([including through time] https:// elijah jesus and JESUS Christ Appeared then Did

Miracles and Invited me to Be With Faith to Do a certain Miracle (like the Miracle at a previous Meeting With Him) and brought

me to an opportunity to be a Good Samaritan as He Transfigured Himself a little to Help Indicate as He walked away for Highest

Purpose including for my sake that i Best Guide And Help With Most Effectual Power that current and future people would Best

Benefit [and that they might realize and Do likewise as some few seemed to be already Doing] so it was not about the miracle

but about the Best Faith To Be Like JESUS Christ The Best Good Samaritan ( with an

Awake Meeting With JESUS Christ Asking to the best of memory "Can you keep writing Sermons daily to the end of the year"

[end of December 31, 2020AD]? and this writer responded "Lord Willing" []).

So if the UN Officials Sign the new "Law" as Given above, the UN Officials And Body Members [and not leaving any other people

left undone (if any other)] would be as a step toward Being The Best Good Samaritan as stated above though hardly in the former

isolated individual sense, similar to how UN Member Nations are no longer merely the former nation yet rather now are Over more

than the nation with a vote Over All current civilization and such as planning for the future.

A JESUS Christ Benefit is USA Signing Prophetically in 2020AD, and another Benefit likewise is UN Signing 2021AD, and this

is not merely of Prophesying, yet also that each and all (and therefore key is UN lead Best) become Righteously Prophesying

if to Pray (One, Yes, see above text), if to Plan, if to reduce problems, if to eliminate problems, if to Best Guide, if to be Most

Helpful, if to Give Each and all the Most Effectual Benefits so all the people start to Do likewise for the "Highest Purpose".

Because of the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose For Best Good, and if to Best Edify consider for a moment the opposite about

how some have opted to not do the best (not yet "Signed") and so opted "the opposite" or other than best so they opted stray

paths, there are the results of the un-Signed (instead of about former lower level strayed ways of pointing fingers to accuse

and imprison officials and kill, this is Righteously Truely symbolic of these current times).

Their lower level "results" have been toward faithlessness, disloyalty, and such as toward the movie The GodFather of the

1940s as the mobs attacked stores and some offered for pay their protective services (note bias may apply as this writer

has worked for such [though legally]). But beyond the "1940s" consider the Old Testament.

If to head civilization backward, down levels, then as in cliche "cave dwellers" and living in huts (see top pic in this JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series at, then to be without water purification, without

roads, without the Internet, without food deliveries to stores, without government officials meeting together as to plan, and

without places of worship [not even large huts agreed to be built by people together, for to meet for "Highest Purpose"].

Government over all people is important, even a survival matter as many civilizations and tribes evidently perished. If to

have government then to opt to Be With Best Government for to Best Benefit each and all.

Each and all like clean water and roads and stores and so on, as much as sane. People also like chores automated and

the improving of living.

Signing is the Recognizing of the Best, and not cows nor elephants nor insects (see previous Sermons on such as the

scarab beetle [note rather than search engines utilize JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site Pages at


As the UN Peace effort continues, the UN knows the Best Way is not to prefer destroying people but instead that people

would opt for people instead of against people such as to explode Earth in whole or in part, if able to continue in Peace

and therefore to Best Help People each and All "getting along with each other" in cliche rather: Giving along with each

other: each and all Giving Peace and Benefits even as Overseen and Organized Best For Each And All Via Signing

JESUS Christ UN since the worship of destroyer faith types stray from the Best and they have accused others while

they destroy such as utility plants.

A JESUS Christ key is to be a Good example. Some have wanted to destroy utility plants, rather be of how to build and

nurture and grow the Best Benefits for each and all. People have many ideas: let the leaders be with the Best.

Best Ascend to Recognize the Best Way Increasingly.

JESUS Christ Gives the Benefit of Increasingly Recognizing the Best Route, the Best Plan, the Best And Most Effective

Motivational Power; the One Best System, the Best Network, the Best Way For Administration To Govern as written in

John 14.2 Berean Literal "In My Father's house there are many mansions. And if not so, would I have told you that I go

to prepare a place for you?" (JESUS Christ asking though Edifyingly for the hearers). John 14.1 "Let not your heart be

troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me" (the Speaker Doing the Edifying ["Me"] is JESUS Christ).

Some do not believe in God because the worldly laws have not recognized the higher, even though some believe things

such as the supercomputer is greater or such as the scorching Sun is greater or such as the water is greater or the wind,

or the official in charge, but the greater Good (including in the future Prophetically) is unseen until revealed.

In the movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes they wrongly worshiped the supercomputer resultant doomsday atomic bomb

but if lucky they would not perish from the census and generally have to start over helping each other find suitable water.

So first is Prayerfully Signing In The Holy Spirit Name JESUS Christ (Matthew 11.27 [One] and Matthew 28.18 [Authority])

and then the Addenda for the Signed to so Do, such as in example if Charity (Addendum 1) then not to worship a coin but

the coin should be as Signed as Addendum 2 allows tapering (this does not mean destroy records, script, old coins, nor

things built by hands [though better is to worship the higher Best Good than lower things]).

JESUS Christ "walked away for Highest Purpose" and in JESUS Christ Precepting this Anewly now even during the

writing of this Sermon Gives this Benefit that the Daniel Giant (see

Sermons starting with the "Free IPO" Sermon) was as the feet of the economics that kept the former civilizations in

gold and feasting for a season (era) but after they consumed and otherwise wasted the plunders that they had stolen

by wars or unfair bargainings they had to start to rightly work goodly which they hated and so they rebelled the more and

fell as the Daniel Giant with economic feet stuck in mud, mired in clay and the cheapest materials and so the systems fell;

but JESUS Christ Is The Living Giant Heart Of Wisdom and not bogged down rather

stepping lively as the economic feet step higher and higher leading the Mass of the

Members though eventually with successes tapering not away from the system though Anew

Benefit One Way.

JESUS Christ Gives the previous Awareness Benefit about the Daniel Giant fallen path (repeated pattern) of previous

civilizations that relied on lower level former ways, and note that stealing is not Righteousness and is not what is meant

in the Higher Level Interpretation of JESUS Christ Precepting to enter into Heavenly Realms the Father has already

prepared and Invited [to Ascend Properly] and Give Anewly Better, and Enjoy Together (John 14.2 [with as written

above "Motivational Power"])(Anew Benefits even a new way of thinking Will Come with Signing such as concerning

ownerships, privacy, credibility standard [not ID theft], copyrights, patents,...[consider how strangers on the International

Space Station, ISS, mutually agree to not rupture the vessel concerning air]).

The JESUS Christ Heart Shall Lead the Head [Administration] and the lovers of money and waste are the as the soles

of the Feet and happen to be at the next higher step before others (reference comedians pointing out system flaws

and often solution ideas too [yet for Government to Oversee and Best Solve]) yet the Whole (Comprehensive aspect

of PCS in this Sermons Series) Best Ascends with the Best Priority As Signed per se.

In other words the Heavenly Ascending is to Better see Increasingly the multitudes of Benefits in so many aspects

and yet because of the above stated Best Prioritizing to see of the multitudes of solutions already available the

most simple and easy Way to solve.

Now consider in JESUS Christ for example the elected official with Respect for the above stated "tapering" to

ease into situations rather than abruptly (according to the need for Addendum 2, though otherwise the abrupt

move into Higher Grace In JESUS Christ is Preferred), and if a person such as an ISS Emergency Tecnician on

call needs to immediately go to work to save lives but another lay person new to their elected position at the local

level tells them they cannot cross the street since a parade is about to start then it concerns priorities. The Higher

Point of this example is those people that run ISS utilities are often better at running local government than the

former elected ways, and this is hardly for a person to write and rather Sign so many can start to Best weigh in

on many things: much is already written in the Bible and there are experts both in the Bible and in "Best" current

pertinent technologies.

Economics is with values, elections are with values, but there are multitudes of values not yet "Best" arranged

for each and all people (and Higher Heavenly) and for lower than human Firmament levels also.

If Signed in 2019AD there would be multitudes of people so Bettering things today already, even multitudes

of experts and others with valuable concerns from around the planet.

JESUS Christ does not say question His every command (Matthew 22.18), rather Do without question;

but JESUS Christ Does Say "Test Me in this" ( as agreed about

2,000 years ago yet also instead solved so the Best Ascending Faithfully Loyally do not need (Psalm 23.1:

so mark this in Your records, this point is a point to be measured and recorded showing the current amount

of faithlessness by the un-Signed) to test Him (Luke 5.22 with example answers such as Luke 5.23 and

such as putting a child in their midst and so more than mere answers to the somewhat more obvious to

the Best Ascending Faithfully).

The Holy Measuring has already started: 2019AD, 2020AD, and 2021AD, and other ways and methods

and processes and types of faiths in types of sciences to so measure apply: disloyalty is measured, time

is measured, and the Prophesyings are to be further measured as the start of each proposal thus far has

already been assessed thus far.

There was a Church idea some time ago for instance symbolically and it was merely a goodly idea until

someone started working on it, then some others joined in the effort, since goodly, and since better

than the former situation. This is a normal JESUS Christ Precept, that if to start Working On The Best,

others Will Enter Into Yet For Best (the criminal minded enter easy money type criminal things for

criminal purposes often). Invite And Sign and the Best Will Enter To Be With You And On Your Side

and Will Invite others, even the criminals Will Prophesyingly Convert as You Signed As Exemplar One

and so Benefit exceedingly more than the criminals by their hard works and so they [rates apply] Will

Convert at least under law to enter as You Invite [Higher] because they Will see You rapidly gaining

Value [money enough to Give away (as though disposable income), wealth, luxuries,...] and they

want "Value" too (also pertinent is Hebrews 10.10).

Look at the people that want the Best in various types of faiths such as [generally speaking] any

experts in "xlhtml" law (but higher level conditions apply over these secular examples):

"To convert"..."make use of xlHtml which can do all the work for you" (

toolkit/en/stable-2.3.x/pdf/), and "don’t let the users define their problem by stating it in terms of a solution approach.

Determining the best approach is your job" (

The previous word "convert" is for solving "all the work for you", and behold the word "best": these

are things JESUS Christ Already Taught And Did Accomplish.

People anxious for wars approach in effect zero spirits (asymptote) but are with great value as

even the finger of JESUS Christ wrote in each of their hearts (souls, though they don't yet recognize

such Oneness) as they reject [a measurable amount of spirits (but not for the purpose as if to count

to be as if separated from Good Luke 12.14 & 15: Good is everywhere but not recognized so much

when not Best Ascending). So the lower level disloyal person is [nearly] as a zero faith amount while

the other end of the measuring range JESUS Christ Is One. In this sense, there are multitudes of

zeros (near zero) individuals, but only one "One", and there are multitudes inbetween (

(Godsling / previous Sermons In This Series).

Supercomputers have often been considered fast, yet (as with ibid.) JESUS Christ is Over speed

and velocity and greater: JESUS Christ is faster, though after Signing the soul eyes open for the

Signing Governing Authority ("faith amount"...applies).

If a person wants speed now, not later, then such as the movie Outbreak and the nuclear bomb

idea: fast and simple (if with a bomb and a plane), but that's not the way to run business, nor

the way to run government, nor the JESUS Christ Plan.

Congress wants human rights but has not Signed JESUS Christ Recognition; similarly the

White House wants police and military to protect against the likes of JESUS Christ and

against others that might have ideas such as human rights.

Congress and the White House don't understand the comprehensive

because even though Congress and the White House have heard the

Word they opted to do the lower things: wars, electric chair, prisons,

and such.

Look at the budget that on TV was said that it was not wanted to be

approved, no excuse.

The New Testament is the Way Of Lovingly Credible JESUS Christ

For One Best Solution: so here now it is explained for solving the

current situation: as stated above "Signing" yet also in words

pertinent for the level of the Congress White House President

in one position level, consider how a lower position is such as

in cliche a shoe maker position, the shoe maker learns about

things such as measuring the higher value feet, and so learns

the people [also the buyers, yet also those that receive shoes

as Charity is important], so the shoe maker learns from the

above, and this Priority brings importance to the learning

about the lower things such as shoe types, plastic, leather,

and other materials and how they are to be arranged and

such lower level things are Comprehensive about the function

of shoe making (under the Higher Level Criteria).

So the shoe maker ascends to a secular victory over at least

the teaching about shoe making and is on the path to best

shoe maker leadership (if doing so in the name of JESUS

Christ then Victory Over

In the secular there has hardly been a higher group than the

current USA "Congress" "President" level (reference many

Churches [wrongly] closed, but not all) and the constituency

[not delimited to voters] has been called higher but it was the

constituency that opted to put the "Congress" and "President"

in charge such as because of their kindness and smartness and

their religious faith, but "Congress" and "President" understand

"Congress" and "President" are not God nor JESUS Christ, like

unto the Master but secular "shoe maker" per se is not God,

such as perhaps not knowing how to forge steel to make a shoe

for a horse. So there is a Comprehensive factor per position.

Greater and above the "Congress" and the "President" is

JESUS Christ.

JESUS is Lord Over the Holy Spirit with the Heavenly Father

One. One Mediator that is the Selfsame God the Father the

Holy Spirit with Highest Purpose.

"Congress" and "President" have turned back down to the

lower levels, as if great but it was done not the Righteous


"Congress" and "President" should have Signed that

their position be in the name of JESUS Christ First, and

then to Be with the Pertinent [Position Level] Faith to

Be able to (In Maintenance, see previous in this JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series) Best Guide And Help

the constituency and even all levels ancillary to the

"Position Level".

Note for instance allowing ants to live a proper amount can be goodly,

but ants are to serve the higher human level and not to be as plagues

such as currently invade, so to help ants is to control them, while to

Best Help humans is to first show them You Signed and then greater

(reference Addenda and the Christian Preachers with the Highest

JESUS Christ Above Message(s)).

People can be smart, but if without love then not wise, and if not wise then

hardly any smarter than the castings of lots. Consider how smart people

and spirits fight each other needlessly, pointing fingers for fun. For instance

celebrities are very smart and talented being able to precisely remember

names, and lines for videos, and emoting the pertinent emotions to convey

the meaning of the overall context of the plot and theme; while performing

dangerous stunts coordinated with others doing stunts and reacting; and

while managing their entourage often including many managers such as

for upcoming roles auditions, financial managers, current video management

and so forth.

Intelligence is associated with higher level learning such as at an Ivy League


Currently according to Google Ivy League "includes Harvard, Yale, Princeton,

Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania"

(bias may apply as this writer attended "University of Pennsylvania" and

headed the Graduate Office interim doing the final editing of the Student

Handbook officially transforming California State College into a new branch

of the "University of Pennsylvania" [pertinent to this Signing]).

While not Ivy League per se for instance Cambridge University put the

following statement in their "smartness" definition "Celebrities generally

aren't associated with smartness.". While it can be true of some celebrities,

it certainly is not true as evidenced in the greater whole of celebrities.

Congress, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch are celebrities

doing movies (such as Ronald Reagan) and in the news constantly such

as Christian President Don Trump exhibiting great smartness and leadership

in the secular. Other great celebrities include Einstein, Edison, Giorgio A.

Tsoukalos (, and

Royal Highnesses Kate and William Louis of the Christian Church of England

( News reporters are

typically very smart. Also many celebrities speak very many languages.

JESUS Christ would that [you the secular and] Cambridge University [currently

"closed" (GOOG)] at the behest (in effect Martial Law) of the President so then

not keeping pace as the secular has explained, with the true current state-of-the-

art and humanities...and technology, and such as concerning the new DNA model

of the new taxpayer burden "Did Not Attend (DNA) are estimated to cost NHS over

£1B a year" ( UK&x=0&y=0) [if to follow yellow journalism

that has often been proffered by governmental candidates that have wanted followers

for themselves (instead of for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Exemplar motif {note the

secular Legalism and in worldly secular laws sense definition of "motif" has lost the higher

level aspect of the word "motif" such as an "act in accordance with that state of mind"

of the while actually "motif" as a higher level key even as the

current state-of-the-arts and as a unique plate as for printing currency, from paten of the

Eucharist and as for the Mass as a design in wallpaper that is repeated as JESUS Christ

Exemplar Leader Once For Each And All})]. The new "DNA" formed by the UN has been

as the secular say "Out to lunch" literally.

So JESUS Christ would that You rather consider celebrities smartly leading and that very

often their role requires [puppet on strings] leading from the Heart (JESUS Christ at least

partial victory over "puppet on strings" according to their faith types and amounts and

given situations) and so wisely leading per se as written above "emoting the pertinent

emotions to convey the meaning of the overall context of the plot and theme". For

instance Actor Jerry Trainer played a series of roles and to elaborate over the recent

JESUS Christ Sermon In This Series at

Scream Actor / Aruthor / Sponcer Shay  / Spencer Shay / Jerry Trainor

([scream acting for our sakes] thanks Jerry).

And JESUS Christ would that people look at such as the Cannes French Riviera

(see Sermon In This Series at concerning

Faithful Ascending and Mr. Bean's Holiday.html), famed for its international film festival,

the Boulevard de la Croisette curving along the coast lined with sandy beaches with palatial

sites and the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès with red carpet and Allée des Étoiles

(GOOG); as for the level of video makers [far behind the cameras so to speak strategizing]

as celebrites over celebrites such as Julia and Michael Phillips (see below on Close

Encounters Of The Third Kind).

So if to form JESUS Christ UN Signing according to JESUS Christ New Christianity then

to be aware of the Eucharist New Covenant and the Precepting For Highest Purpose

Best Ascending, so to include Wisdom such as with the strategy before-the-fact over

such as the above triadic type formulaic line (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermons on: Watts / Volts / Amps / Resistance ["Resistance" rather translated as

strayed such as full repentance and then Christian Baptism, and such as the strayed

sense of the un-Signed: not yet Signed even though with "Heart" of the Prophetic]).

So JESUS Christ Precepting is as formulae (related formulas) but under JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose so not secular except as long as secular is Given time to

Ascend as with these two related electrical formulas in example: Watts = Volts x

Amps, and Volts = Amps x Resistance, though Higher Level conditions apply such

as the lifespan of an electron; note "a revised minimum lifespan for electrons: 60,000

yottayears, which is — get this — about five-quintillion times the current age of the

Universe" (

"Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has about 16 million followers worldwide"

(previous Sermon at, and

the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addenda at

addresses "followers in the billions" in line 788: Great Wisdom Abounds In JESUS

Christ as He Gives as much as a position level can accept if without being overly

tempted to stray.

Capitol Hill is on a hill for a Wise reason, to remind government to Recognize

JESUS Christ Above. Formerly many did not understand, self included, yet now

the situation is Right (Righteously Best) that JESUS Christ opted to so unravel

the problems via the Prayerful Signing the Solving that the Christian Leadership

no longer be of lower ways: You are now Worthy to Sign (without being overly

tempted, though be aware many have been entrenched in former lower level

patterns hence Be With JESUS Christ Victory Over Galatians 6.6 [by Doing

the Galatians 6.6 Work Faithfully and then Faithful Maintenance Responsibility

Work Properly And The Kind Best Way Over ancillary levels]).

Smartness is not Wisdom, smartness is a lower level than Wisdom: this is

a key as to why this civilization needs a new UN. Consider how

Christians went before us and such as in the USA founded Christian Churches.

And those Baptized Christian Founders lived a census lifespan about 120

years or less and so are gone from census values (Matthew 24.13) such as

criteria [of reasonably wise level parameters] to not leave an infant in the car,

so don't die with leavning any infant in any car: continue [(ibid.) yet:] beyond

the Gold Pages of the Third Testament and the three that were to tarry (3

Nephi 28.12) and those census matters as to JESUS Christ One You UN

should Lead into Higher Levels as written "the heavens were opened" (from

3 Nephi 2813).

This is because after "about 120 years" those that built the Church buildings

were perished from census responsibility at least in the legal sense, and those

buildings were left to other, the Masses of the generations, and so to whom

would those buildings be left?, the Masses overlapped generations and

properly endowed subsequent generations but the situation now clearly

shows in [previous years (example

black_metal_scene#Church_arsons_and_attempts as this is a partial list) and

exceedingly] now in Prophetic 2020AD the [other(s)] secularism took over those

buildings with legal means ("legal" in the secular sense but Luke 12.45 applies

concerning types of beating tools and faith types: payroll, raises, promotion, quality

workplace, incentives, and other motivators [if to beat your own employees, they

would only be beaten so long before stopping work for you in the secular or worse:])

and others with illegal means such as arson.

The UN has had values but needs grow lest these rocks these employees and the

others oppressed cry out and undo the UN.

The secular cliche "Figure it out" does not apply save to go through JESUS Christ.

We The People Request the UN so Best Improve itself if to continue to (no longer

oppress it's own people) exist. We The People Request the UN so Best Improve

as explained and symbolized in the movie Vegas Vacation quoting the poor child

character [We] "want something better". A person caught in the act in secular cliche

"I can explain everything" and circumstantial evidence includes an entire census

lifetime and far more, but it is JESUS Christ that can explain everything from Father

Heavenly Spirit but not in secular UN level nor lower levels of mixed spirits reliably

since mixed spirits have attacked not merely with the inquisition, and sought to kill,

burn, and beat without JESUS Christ The [Highest One] Judge (2 Timothy 4.1 is

Victory Over "who made me a judge or a divider" Luke 12.14).

If you the UN arrest an innocent then the opted reward is to spend your

life (lives) as stated in secular cliches: "You'll spend the rest of your life looking

over your shoulder" to "watch your back" instead of Best Planing [ahead and

instead] Higher In JESUS Christ.

How to Best Prepare for the Eternal In JESUS Christ is that the secular UN Recognize

that the future generations not yet considered completely in the unrealized would be

Your (if the UN Best Ascends) children and many children have judged their parents

(such as to burn down Churches and other structures that hard work accomplished

for their sakes), and in the Eternal any ascended Children (if the civilization continues)

would be as Your Parents and Each And All Agreeing In Everything Good [whether

Good Works Of A Child or Of An Adult, even Of A Judge (JESUS Christ One)].

Many are smart with innocent hearts and excellent adults trying to comply with

the UN but the UN pretends as if it is OK to kill.

JESUS Christ has meant nothing to the UN as the Ambassadors As A Whole

have meant nothing to each other in the individual nations sense as the Ambassadors

As A Whole have agreed to kill people, to tread over nations with deadly weaponry,

and to in secular cliche "take out" high profile people (without ICJ): the UN NEEDS

to Hear The Their Own Law And Their Own Prophets (not about overturn[ed] type laws,

not the false prophets [since higher level conditions apply]) as written in Luke 16.31 if

to be able to start to understand Wisdom (JESUS Christ UN Wisdom).

Many have their own group's set of priorities, such as over the various sectors, as concerning

safety, investment risks, and many other things. For instance yesterday (today is Wednesday

June 17, 2020AD) while doing guitar maintenance i found a decades old detailed list of priorities

over various realms, but what good is it to Give to the UN if the UN [rejects, discards,] continues

to risk not even to merely Sign?: it is instead the UN opted to be discredible, and even attacked

if the governed are to be as the UN as clearly being done this year 2020AD.

Look at the previous, in 2019AD was the Prophesy Grace if USA [and/or the UN] would Sign

but the UN slips downward through levels and away astray every day (though countered a

little recognizing "faith": see previous Sermons In This Series).

UN people, friends, this sentence is for your sakes: you remind me of the lower Drawing

of the Amish in the midst of Christians Ascending as symbolized at http://www.angelfire

.com/ut/a7/index.html yet understand in the lower level secular often to take on more

responsibilities until too many is hardly the way, instead the JESUS Christ Straight And

Narrow is not about laying burdens on people too heavy to be borne (Luke 11.46): the

former lower level UN secular correlation failed concerning resume [fluff often] about

what they can bring to the group such as education, talent, funds and other (it is not

about turning to others, this is the JESUS Christ Creator One Best Way: the UN NEED).

Look at the safety and security and rather the Benefit as written at

romans/8-38.htm "Study Bible" section (saying "mixed spirits" is as to say risk or worse

[though Hope through JESUS Christ before it's too late]).

Many horse shoe makers went out of business when the car abounded.

A conflict is another word for UN failure. War is another word for political failure. Risk

is another word for menace [against civilization] (see GOOG synonym). Menace is

"a person or thing that is likely to cause harm" (GOOG define). The UN is"a person or

thing that is likely to cause harm" against innocent society and against all of civilization!

There was a law passed against kidnapping, it did not stop kidnapping nor the abundance

of human trafficking including carriers of plagues and weapons and drugs and cheat

devices and many have told the UN also about roofies. You UN must start to know JESUS

Christ: Sign.

"Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit down: for your principalities

shall [fall] down, even the crown of your glory" (Jeremiah 13.18).

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but

against the rulers, against the authorities, against the

powers of this world’s darkness, and against the

spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"

(Ephesians 6.12)(not in the JESUS Christ Highest Realm).

Look at the JESUS Christ Highest Level Translation Of The Next Verse

For Solving, the Armor Of God JESUS Christ Highest Level Holy Spirit

One is not a former knight's armor nor a military tank, it is the Highest

sense of the Lexicon word "panoply" (Ephesians 6.13): "a splendid display"

this is the Exemplar aspect of JESUS Christ as JESUS

Christ UN can be and even so as the UN needs to so

become and needs Be enduringly and most credibly

(GOOG define).

JESUS Christ would that this "splendid display" from JESUS Christ now Convert in You Heart from

an empty space to rather more reveal this Benefit key that the above stated

decades old priorities list was not revealed and this Anew Benefit is hardly

about revealing the list amidst many lists, and rather more valuable is the

confirmation(s) of why, and this why in JESUS Christ is that if revealed then

the opted un-Signed would have moved [into wrongful temtations in strayed

paths or] from their government position (similarly Congress and President)

toward an easy to understand thing, the possibility of Signing, to not Signing

more likely and straying and backward toward less respectful less appreaciative

less caring tribal laws ways instead of better improving with civilizing and a

goodly fairly helpful society (this sentence leads to the key in the next sentence).

JESUS Christ Gives this Benefit key of Wisdom to Override the lower level

aspects (not merely about "un-Signed") of the previous sentence (Isaiah 28.10)

that each and all for JESUS Christ Highest

Purpose "learn to fear" JESUS Christ as writte

at (see Lexicon Converting from

ambiguity of spirits as though mixed spirits and so not agreeing with each other

God in the "plural" sense to JESUS Christ Lord Yehweh "singular" Agreeing in

One so Yes) since if to fear as in former ways the lower levels of things such

as the ways civilization has feared the cows and  the viruses (note cows don't

even fear viruses and You are Given to be more Worthy than a cow) except

if JESUS Christ Gives You such a for Highest Purpose Mission and He Does

though according to His Teaching And His Way: to fear Him First (Word: Sign

JESUS Christ) with His Highest Purpose (Will: Addendum 1 With Addendum

2 tapering to a conclusion [completion reasoning, completion Victory from the

start quickly in few months after Signing and the works are difficult the more

any resist and/or delay if Higher Need Be as needless delays constitute

resistance]) so to Maximize The Faith Work Effort ("Work" to government

and that "Work" Will Converting to Word for governed for the Anew Governed

to Work) while not leaving the lower levels; and the JESUS Christ Wisdom

Over This Benefit Gift is that if the "decades old priorities list" was revealed

pre-Signing, then to see as if another way (John 10.1, save JESUS Christ

One Highest Purpose [hence automatically when a higher level applies and

instead "Highest"] then as with Joshua 2.15 and so for instance Luke 5.19

can Convert Matthew 24.17 for JESUS Christ Highest Purpos Victory when

of a Mission situation Most Pertinent) and furthermore Higher is in JESUS

Christ this Fear Gift key not merely about losses of times and efforts, yet

also that You Be With Better Rather Best Faith [though often unseen] Direction

and in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Most Pertinent lay terms concerning

Signing, if You were Given the pre-Signed [hence toward former lower levels

secular] list then the former ways would be to fear others, such as other faith

types and other nations and other groups and other individuals (such as for

example a terrorist [and others] killed at the start of Prophetic 2020AD: many

flaws have long range planning related ramifications) and government friend

you do not yet have faith in JESUS Christ sufficient

to Sign much less for this JESUS Christ Victory Over

those other fears.

The recent Sermon In This JESUS Christ Series at

explained the UN as [the captain of a ship (rather greater with Signing JESUS Christ UN) as] a ship ascending.

In legal terms this "ship" is as an "era" (next sentence) of spiritus mundi.

Spiritus mundi is "The spirit, outlook, point of view, or social and cultural values characteristic of an era

of human history (GOOG).

"'Spiritus Mundi' was a term used by W.B. Yeats to describe the collective soul of the universe containing the

memories of all time. From 'Spiritus Mundi,' Yeats believed, came all poets' inspiration."..."The Second Coming

(poem)" (

So Signing JESUS Christ UN is toward Fear Of The Lord Of Innocence and toward Anew Victory Over the

ancient tassles of laws and astrological arts and many other things previously forbidden by laws and/or by

moral principles but in the lower level senses similar to how the Christian Church Usher is Gracefully Over

both the visitor and the New Member, and so Victory Over the gyre and it's images as the Signing is instead

Recognition of the Best Way in and through and with JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and so One Fear Only.

Clay idols have no worship fear threat nor hold over the Christian Leader Fearing And Worshiping JESUS

Christ and so Ascending (even Christian Followers Ascend Better than other strayed ways).

So if to say "Mercury is Lord of the Moon in Gemini" then in the naysayers a vexation to their souls and

and burdens heaped upon their shoulders beyond risk that the Original Plan Parameters are too much

for any in the secular to bear (Word to Christians of secular workings: to start Ascend though Give rather

than get from JESUS Christ and so Yes Ascend yet with Giving Issuance to government the Bill to Sign).

The previous quote is from as cited in the Drawing below.

JESUS Christ Gives to know fear in order to Fear Innocent: JESUS Christ, so Sign: JESUS Christ UN.

To Fear JESUS Christ is to Gain Victories In One, such as over the above Drawing info, at the top from

JESUS Christ and how to describe, such as the tuning aspect of a violin [or harp...] and as to Best Tune

To JESUS Christ Standard the violin physics, the geometry, the vibrations though not merely cyclical

and rather of Highest Purpose Grace sublevel or rather: at most equal to JESUS Christ so to Lead in

Giving the Most Excellent Way.

As We The People, Congress, and the President Request and Agree this Signing for the Best is: core

value, as part and parcel to as written by the White House June 17, 2020AD "commitment to finding the

truth". This agrees such as with the American Press Institute and Washington Examiner, as Best Leadership

now is either on the side of JESUS Christ UN Signing, or such as at


JESUS Christ Gives to and for the secular the lower level decision Gift, and the "decision" Gift is shown in

the previous sentence, and with this key, that the secular under law was Given a range of liberty to opt which

of either of two things; yet JESUS Christ GIves Anewly This Prophetic Sign With Effectual Power to and for

the JESUS Christ UN With Addenda after Signing: a multitude of "things", with the symbolized (with 10

"decision" opportunities, 10 Signs, 10 options, 10 measures of added liberty harvest considerations)

Godsling in the center of the Drawing at

(note "10 Signs" and "a multitude" is after Signing JESUS Christ UN With Addenda and so Doing

is a JESUS Christ UN Victory [Over Yet With Matthew 16.4 according to the faith types, amounts,

and rates of each person and each group governed]).

So while Adam And Eve and the UN had a choice of merely "two things",

such as whether to eat something or not, if to follow Rightesous Law

then to be Given from JESUS Christ the Greater Liberty Over a

Godsling "multitude" of options.

Just as it is often hard to go from inside the womb to outside the

womb where arms and legs have more liberty to do things and

Give Done things, so to as You Personally and/or Positionally

(as with UN) Ascend You Attain To Give far more options:


Very often secular workers feel stuck in a rut: not even "a choice of merely 'two things'", and the

courts have worked hard (work burden overloaded with cases and higher level courts overturning

the lower level decisions [example see previous in this Sermons Series on Reverend Ernest Angley

and the higher court overturned a decision: now in favor of Reverend Ernest Angley Ministries With

His Multitude Of Christian Volunteers that opted to work hard serving the soup kitchen theme


JESUS Christ would that the UN understand this "multitudes" of [perhaps] better opportunities is

for the Best Ascending, not for the increased straying abilities [though allowing for leaving the Path

when Best as for to serve the JESUS Christ Good Samaritan Purpose]. Hence while others are

"stuck in a rut" in their minds, You JESUS Christ UN are Prophesyingly more [free] at greater

better liberty now Anewly to (as if Do as You please, but instead Do as Best Pleases JESUS


Consider how the Corporate Executive is over the Purchaser and Employees and Contractors

and so the Executive can opt to do Purchaser work if need be, but a lower level employee can

hardly do Purchasing much less make [Give] top level Executive decisions. So consider that

the Executive typically had to work harder taking on more responsibilities, though that is not

necessarily the Way of JESUS Christ about having bigger and bigger burdens with each step

higher level (Matthew 11.30).

As stated long ago in this Sermons Series with Highest Purpose Edifying in the current UN context,

and as JESUS Christ stated 2,000 years ago, and such as in recent Sermons In This Series with Giving

specifics for 2020AD such as Over Bible Foods the situation this civilization now in 2020AD [for USA and]

at least by the end of 2021AD for this civilization, the former ways of this civilization End similar to how

an obese person might not fit through a turnstile (see above text on "ship" with link): key is how "long ago"

in this Series and as known to We The People (so this part is nothing new nor kept secret) that as these

Sermons show cloaks and other can make people disappear from sight, and such as wrongful tricksters

have done making people appear as if dead or with a different head for insanity because they do not yet

realize nor recognize JESUS Christ As Lord Over Them, and ID theft abounds and of course for lower

levels of things such as to steal, and while the un-Signed said to wear masks, the perps wear masks

for to abuse women or at least to do what they know is immoral such as against customer Righteousness

and such as contrary to lawful Marriage (in the Christian sense: "each man should have his own wife": one

"man" with one "wife"

Note: JESUS Christ would that You look at the Lexicon at

as a problem in translating:

"to abstain from sexual relations.

%u1F05πτεσθαι (haptesthai)

Verb - Present Infinitive Middle

Strong's Greek 680: Prop: I fasten to; I lay hold of, touch, know carnally. Reflexive of hapto;

properly, to attach oneself to, i.e. To touch".

To "abstain" is not the same as "fasten" [in context with] "lay hold of, touch, know carnally".

The UN ICJ has many great Attorney Teams [very likely], and so with Signing JESUS Christ

UN With Addenda Their talent for better translating for instance, and for Strategizing Advice

On Addenda matters can be Converted [if not already] into being invaluably priceless.

JESUS Christ Ascending is improving the each and every, in all fields and in all talents.

The UN, also USA Congress and the President were making great progress, until the

start of the JESUS Christ Prophetic Year 2020AD (there is a 2021AD Prophecy Over the

UN, but You see the things already in effect), the Ascending with much [typical] Goodliness

at least JESUS Christ Hope, but the un-Signed reeling such as from the coronavirus, that

is like unto fishing tackle the secular going from a straight line path to reel into overlapping

in pattern(s), when rather to be as ship tackle and the net for the greater joint effort haul,

and rather the JESUS Christ Vertical Best Ascending (as JESUS Christ opts, likewise

the Best Most Pertinent Precepting) With Word And Work One.

France for instance is showing signs of life (Ascending) as has often been

(likewise pertinent Israel has made comebacks and great strides [and now

with Christian Leadership Recognition Of Jerusalem]) in Spirit and in the

mainline TV news (yet there is the need for the UN to Sign and in the France

situation since the UN has not yet Signed then France should immediately

Sign JESUS Christ France). This Signing agrees with the history of France

as much as France has Ascended such as having formed the League Of

Nations precursor to the UN. Also reference France option to shut off jet

bombers so for peace instead of victimized by war (see previous in this

Series on this and on the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind). Yet

France and the other nations and groups need pay attention concerning

the secular legalism un-Signed and the compounding burdens and risks.

Concerning the un-Signed USA Trump Administration "reality is setting in

right now" (Bloomberg TV). See above text on better translating the most

important information from JESUS Christ and the Christian Bible (and this

also applies to the other faiths though the top priority applies first and very

needfully now).

Problems about census bodies has been very significantly losing ground

by the government, and White House major losses at the Supreme Court

is hardly solved by replacing Judges as if the secular could overcome flip-

of-the-coin Court tech, though for instance Christian Leader John Bolton

former Advisor and former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and

International Security over WMDs while evidently with Goodly intentions

has been breaking the law possibly such as He and Christian President Don

Trump having called each other things such as "unfit" and "crazy" (various

sources including

competence-to-be-president-20200618-p55441.html): such is not the type of thing JESUS Christ

Leaders recklessly would Do: cut it out (Matthew 5.22 at leas Bolton, Mark

9.45) unless such be Congress or a Healthcare Expert (law) and/or with pertinent

supportive evidence (Twenty-fifth Amendment) [some things have been less

publicized], though Presidential Authority overrides many other levels.

Public mudslinging has been the secular political way(s) all to often but as

the great but secular movie All The President's Men (see older Sermons In

This Series including on listening devices and on sensors).

Concerning Healthcare and Medical matters, making people stay at home

is not an anti-crime initiative, it is crime.

And the Presidential Heart (first, then with brain and mind) is Good, but the

putting of supercomputers at the top misses the JESUS Christ Baptism And

Signing Point (see above text on Ascending). To put a flip-of-coin supercomputer

virtually at the top is with value(s) though similar to the above Supreme Court

discussion. The supercomputer, whether Chinese or Internet or other, is hardly

part of the secular USA governmental Three Branches Of Checks And Balances.

The White House wrote yesterday June 18, 2020AD: "NBC News attempted this

week to use the power of Google to cancel our publication, the Federalist"..."The

effort failed, but it should serve as a warning about the unchecked power of big tech

companies, particularly when they can be manipulated by partisans" (The Wall Street


First JESUS Christ UN Signing With Doing, then Recognizing how to Best Guide


So what will the New JESUS Christ UN look like after Signing With Addenda in the

Work(ings) Accomplished?, it would for some as the Judicial Branch and ICJ moving

from (right to left):

Priests / Advisors / Judges (Ruth 1.1).

As writtten in Exodus 19.6: "'And unto Me you shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy

nation.' These are the words that you are to speak to the Israelites".

So the JESUS Christ UN Will Become unto the Lord Over The Holy Spirit

(1 Corinthians 12.3) of a Firmament Level Victory With Signing One

Kingdom Ascended High And Mighty, a Kingdom Of Holy Priests And One

Holy UN Exemplar Giving in order to be with One

Holy People if they so opt and as Exemplar Motivates.

This according to the Prophetic Christian Israelites Victory

(see previous Sermons In This Series).

This, these things, can start happening now, this year, even today

(John 1.23).

Do You want Peace and Civility restored in Seattle?, Sign; Do You want sleepy Christian

Cambridge University Doctors And Professors to Wake Up?, Sign; Do You want Washington,

D.C. to not splinter again as in the past and to be without burned Saint John's Christian Church

abomination in front of the White House?, Sign; and with Giving the Worthy Human Rights?, Sign;

and for Best Leadership?: Sign.

We see You trying to hide Your sadness (,_Lafayette_Square).

John 6.6.

Prove the Lord JESUS in Righteous Administering This Holy Addenda (Malachi 3.10).

The secular cannot prove (Acts 24.13) since they have been unruly and feebleminded

(1 Thessalonians 5.14) having submitted to false god(s) [and cows] of secular strayed

paths, yet the Signed can (1 Thessalonians 5.21).

Do these for Victory Over such (Psalm 26.2).

JESUS Christ came in human form, not as a supercomputer.

A clear Tree Of Knowledge mind [or supercomputer] secular Legalism conscience

cannot prove any is Right And Righteous [including for Human Rights (leaving not the

other left undone)] (1 Corinthians 4.4).

Sign to Best Prepare to Best Ascend (Romans 12.2, 2 Corinthians 13.5, Galatians 6.4).

Gain Favor In The Lord JESUS Christ: Best Ascend (Lamentations 3.59).

Your Prophetic Christian Revelation Given for Jerusalem was for the exceedingly greater

Christian Leadership Best Guiding Israel And The UN (Victory Over And Yet With Acts

9.22 and Acts 25.7).

Become Worthy for the Second Coming (1 Samuel 18.17)!

Sign (Judges 6.17) is Victory Over lower levels of former courage strayed ways (2 Samuel 2.7).

(Isaiah 38.22): Sign.

Be Exemplar: Prove the Best Way for Your governed (Jeremiah 6.27).

Be the JESUS Christ UN Of Priests like unto the written "And let these also first be proved;

then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless" (1 Timothy 3.10).

JESUS Christ Of Heaven would that the Christian Leaders understand the Eucharist.

JESUS Christ Came From Heaven and so once again there was Heaven On Earth

like unto the Garden Of Eden, and 2,000 years ago there were Christians Leading:

Good, Great! But since 2,000 years ago many Christians (Good) opted merely to

be Followers (hardly as great, a relatively slow rate of Ascending) and such as

in failing societies, such as mired in plagues in the Middle Ages, and with such

as Mad Cow Disease.

Yet the Eucharist is for Leading Anew (JESUS Christ New Christianity: for Christian

Leadership [Leaders rather than not leading in the name Jesus Christ and rather

than no effort to lift a finger to Sign]). JESUS Christ Gave the Eucharist New Covenant

for the New Christianity New Vessel JESUS Christ UN and greater. And this Agrees with

Recognition of Jerusalem Peacefully (the border problem after-the-fact was toward not

pertinent relative to UN current world population 2020AD 8 billion in census).

Note world debt "soared to a record high of over $2.1 trillion last month, more than double the 2017-19 average of $0.9

trillion.Apr 6, 2020 Global Debt Monitor COVID-19 Lights a Fuse - Institute of" and "'$257 trillion in [the first

quarter of] 2020, driven mainly by non-financial sector debt (now approaching $200 trillion),' said the report.Feb 29, 2020

Tump, debt build up will make coronavirus worse for global".

Let Each And All Christian Leaders Wisely Consider JESUS Christ is a Righteous Prophet

Currently Today, and All The Righteous Prophets And Their Prophesyings Live And Are In

JESUS Christ: Prophesying Together As One if to Be Prophesying In Highest Level [or in

near Highest Level (above any if opting to merely Follow, that Preachers have often called

"backsliders") then similarly].

So the JESUS Christ New Covenant (Eucharist Wine) Is For The Best Giving Vessel, currently

known as JESUS Christ New Christianity: Giving as with this Sermon Series for example rather

than the former "backsliders" ways (yet about the Vertical Margin of the Ascending Tube: note

many have acted more for secular bosses than for Christianity..."bring all things in heaven and

on earth together in Christ" Ephesians 1.10). Gently instruct (2 Timothy

2.25) that their Wisdom Grow as written in Hebrews

6.1: "Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings

about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the

foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith in God". Christian Churches are

hardly about nurseries while parents go to secular jobs.

Government is with Signing (JESUS Christ) or merely to follow "stuck in a rut" ([see previous

in this Series on secular repetition and "looping"] 2 Kings 19.28).

Let My People Go Into Greater Liberty Best Living Here

( my people go).

June 21, 2020AD.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders In JESUS.


Click for Christ JESUS ICCDBB Main Site at


Special Reference Credits: thanks for and as these two have often Helped as One in JESUS Christ for this Sermons' Series.

UN / USA Law, click here: JESUS Christ UN at

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