10th Amendment (

JESUS Christ UN [JESUS Christ United Nations] of JESUS Christ ICCDBB became Law

from JESUS Christ USA for to comply with "a more perfect union" hence as We The People Requested.

This JESUS Christ UN Law is legal recognition of at least better in the future, therefore recognizing

there is a "better" unseen, hence recognition of such Faith the Best Way; so while with liberty to

obey Law, JESUS Christ UN Law recognizes there is one Best Way Faith such as for best way planning.

At least as history has revealed in sum this was revealed in the Christ, JESUS. Since "Faith" and

even though "Best Way", law does not require any to believe such "Faith" though must at least

obey the law and so at liberty to so obey.

This "Faith" is Christian Faith, even Ascendingly [at least symbolically, Faithfully, Loyal

"in the Christ, JESUS" the Best as stated above] is recognized in order to comply with

the "Best Way". At least according to default(s) other types of faiths have been dismissed

as much as against the law [including such as causing others to stray illegally], save as

much as goodly in each and all (reference corrections institutes, and such as awareness

of "better" without having seen others so describing), for the Best For All, Guiding "better"

so to improve the goodly redeeming social value aspect as being specified through this

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series (as also found very often in Christian Preachers'

Sermons) (also many of many faith types have done many goodly works in many situations).

See JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series List at:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leaders

For the above compliance, the former United Nations, UN, has become JESUS Christ UN

as Signed at

on Thanksgiving Day 26 November 2020AD.

Updated 21 March 2022.

JESUS Christ In The Father Spirit as One, whether JESUS Christ in the

Pure Vessel flesh or not, whether seen of visions and/or dreams or not,

Gives the Eternal One the Best of the Original Plan while inviting each

and all to Properly Be Likewise Benefiting, and so for this generation

this is through the United Nations herein known as the former party

as to become toward such Eternal Benefiting hence in the name

JESUS Christ UN (Matthew 6.9-13 brief for JESUS Christ United


This is according to the Highest Best Most Appropriated to Be

Leading as "One" (as written in Philippians 4.8 as a Peacekeeping

Victory Over the former fighting ways as of 2 Kings 10.3),

rather than any toward confusion leading: so this Law is the

formal legal recognition of the Grace, and of this Grace of

Liberty to so Opt.

JESUS Christ would that each and all be aware that one of

the key reason a given nation failed was hardly about another

nation being with better weapons and civic services and such

in the secular ideas, rather because the leadership of the

"failed" "nation" failed to [continue to] better lead.

JESUS Christ offers Victory Over a highest priority concern

of the United Nations, a great value Benefit for defense of

the goodly people (so against terrorism, unfair wars, and

defense against other unfairness against goodly people

[this does not say people have to be perfect in faith nor

in body though perfect is recommended of Grace rather

than of laws of the former worldliness]). This "defense"

is not the Highest Benefit JESUS Christ UN would accomplish,

though this "defense" Benefit is a key Help for Best Guiding

as the starting point per se.

The other than Christian faiths include destroyers as if gods

but they have not been gods (see previous JESUS Christ

Sermons In This Series on Best Converting, and on Oneness).

The Christian Faith too has had a history of misinterpretations

as civilization improves and Ascends step by step so to speak,

as the Christian Faith has been learning that the "destroyers"

aspect is not god but the opposite. New Christianity "In This

Series" is that "destroyers" can hardly do against Best Ascending

Good Christians [and Christian Groups likewise] (and if Christians

lack proper faith amounts then another faith historically overcomes

though 1 Corinthians 10.13 applies).

In other words, the Righteous God offers lifting the Good Worthy

Vessels while [in secular terms] the contrary fight themselves:

so God doesn't have to destroy them. A faith in as if a god of

destruction, is not applicable (though Matthew 4.7 applies as

Victory Over Acts 15.10).

JESUS Christ UN Will Have Overflowing Safe Ascending

(Name in JESUS Christ UN, Part 1 of 2) if JESUS Christ UN

Continues Faithfully (Work in JESUS Christ UN Charity,

Part 2 of 2)(specifics are Given later in this Sermon).

Yet consider the greater Wisdom to this, the former UN

becoming in the name of God: JESUS Christ UN.

Before discussing higher values than "defense", it is

also paramount at this time that the UN consider whether

to worship lower Firmament level animals, insects, trees,

or even same level people (hence including sinners, and

including imperfections)?: no.

JESUS Christ came fulfilling the Law Perfectly, and so

also One Perfect Spirit Perfecting And Lifting The Worthy

So Agreeing And With The Agreeing So Doing Likewise.

All bad and destructive and lower levels can become not

applicable in JESUS Christ. Even dominion over animals

can become Prophesingly Converted (eventually: reference

such as evolution, intelligent design, modified genetics,...

[and far greater]).

So (ibid.) while rates of changes apply, many things Will

hardly change at all relatively when initiating the new

name: JESUS Christ UN.

This is hardly to stop other faiths, rather the seeing of

the goodly aspects in each (if without redeeming social

values, then they would have no followers), so this is

for JESUS Christ UN to organize (reference Genesis

2.19) Best (a great Benefit for each and all), yet the

main hardest part of the job JESUS Christ has already

Done for JESUS Christ UN (see bottom of this page

on JESUS Christ USA) importantly including Best

Precepting (as this Series revealed and reveals).

There are great values in physics faith, in communications

faith, in science faith, and in many other faiths including

religious and private concerns of groups and individuals;

yet the UN [hardly must per law, rather] of Grace should

opt the Best, and this did not say the most expensive

nor the most risky...rather the Best Victory (rates apply)

Over such problems and worries.

The most important Benefit to JESUS Christ UN immediately

when so Signed into law for to properly and best recognize

Grace from above (higher than human Firmament top level

[Save the Savior JESUS Christ In One Father Spirit Plan:

The Word And Will Of God]) is the name, the title, and this

is not stated for selfishness for Christianity (any more than

a goodly person's right to breathe and think and so on);

this is "stated" for the sake of the UN to Best Benefit each

and all.

Examples: under human dominion a horse is best benefited

with giving it hay and water as much as humans think it best

to so be doing; likewise God Gave (Gives [one era a car, and

then a plane, and then a rocket in a latter era]) in the census

Chosen form JESUS Christ for best benefiting humans as

with Giving the Eucharist, and for the Ascending In New

Christianity greater Wisdom for to Be with greater Given

Powers (ibid.).

JESUS Christ UN is to Best Benefit each and all and

a list of Benefits is shown below, though such benefits

does not benefit any at liberty to refuse these benefits

nor for law breakers (even unfair laws that are later

struck down are known in New Christianity as the former

ways are properly Straightened like unto straightening a

broken bone: Converted hence toward higher levels hence

toward Grace), nor for excess into sin toward law breaking

(former laws are of great value as excellent indicators of

Holy Grail holding up this New Covenant for to Give

Worthiness and marginal Maintenance in the sense of

previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series

likewise the Straight And Narrow parameters of Grace),

and within these parameters is the subset that benefits are

hardly for the naysayers that opt to refuse, similarly the

ignorant, and similarly the backsliders, even so these

Benefits are for each and all (available) including for

any that can hardly help themselves (greater than merely

"available" hence Best outreaching to help with subset

feedback including before the fact and including urgency


Now an example of intentionally breaking the highest law

has been the former UN as the UN admitted. In other words

each and all broke the law except JESUS Christ In One

Good Eternal Charitably Over The Creation Plan, hence

not merely the Source yet also the Exemplar.

The UN decided human rights were no longer important

for to stay listed on site so

broke the law: the UN needs not merely laws, yet also

Grace lest We The People have to arrest and imprison

the UN. Under law (if without respect for Highest Grace

Mercy And Human Rights) the UN is either innocent or

guilty about "listed on site".

JESUS Christ UN is the first step in the former UN recognizing

Highest Best Grace [for others, for to Give Best to others

accepting, and for JESUS Christ UN marginal yet needful


It was not the intent for the UN to break the law, and to

prove it the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

was listed at another site (see next sentence)


(relocated from

Humans have rights as JESUS Christ explained, now Best

enable the UN over all of it's dominion to Best be with

rights likewise, so per se including Grace (as to opt

to remove the Human Rights list, and rather of Grace

to move the Human Rights list).

Related example: a person put a large sum of money in

a bank and returned to make a legal and proper withdrawl

but the large amount of money was no longer at that branch,

so if the "person" (victim of the situation) needed the large

amount immediately then a large legal situation.

Writing more legalese loopholes and therefore more

legalese stopgaps does not perfect the law: Highest

Best Holy Grace is needful, and so recognize such

Grace legally: from the previous example the "person"

tried to do right, and the "branch" tried to do right

(pending if other higher level conditions applied, that

is the example assumes the "bank" did not try to steal

the money [likewise the forming body of the UN Human

Rights list did not try to steal the Rights from Humans

rather more likely to better Give Humans Rights]).

JESUS Christ UN is for "better" and yet of Grace rather

for Best.

So lawbreakers, and similarly any opting for to be sinners,

are with goodly faiths amounts (it is high crime to impeach

the elected if the finding is in favor of "the elected" [in the

sense of impeachment trials that have sought to remove

officials from offices for lower level reasons], reference


The President, the King, the Secretary General, the General

Council, and so on (including Appointees) are not merely

anxious to break laws: Grace levels apply. Which is more

guilty?, the naysayer in disloyal disbelief and finger pointing

in anger careless of the Human Rights of the very elect that

they are intent on victimizing perhaps merely symbolically,

or the person that person that was elected (consider that

as written above "each and all broke the law except

JESUS Christ" so if to elect, then We The Humans

elect the best understanding some former lower

level ways were flawed [this is no excuse for to

sin], even so consider rather the more important

levels aspect).

If to remove a leader from office, first (JESUS Christ UN

and then accordingly, though to Edify In JESUS Christ

Grace for Giving The Signing is this key per se) prove

the Best Leader is to lead: that is, let the finger pointer

prove who is rather to lead for mutual Best Benefit (as

much as each and all can best be aware (above criteria

applies)) and so let the finger pointer first find the better

cause and prove it prior to finger pointing to remove an

officer. In other words, all that voters and all the vote

should mean nothing significant (a lower level) relative

to the finger pointer plan.

And in other words, if a boss interrupts a new empoyee

it is the higher level interrupting the lower level (a

positional concern: note the Human Rights include

both personal and positional concerns [so therefore

should include JESUS Christ UN Grace or be illegal]).

But for the new employee to show the boss a better

way is or is not of value according to the boss (in such

a situation the new employee needs be prepared in

advance typically with very clear precise excellent

Wise reasoning prior to taking it upon the new employee

self to change things lest to be immediately fired).

Of law people cannot do lower things. Yet of Grace

the House Of Bondage chains of slavery are Overcome

(2 Chronicles 35.12: witness might see and interpret as

if to worship lower then Human Firmament cattle, though

actually of JESUS Christ Grace the situation is of the

Best, the Lord, Being Worshiped)(ibid. is a triumph for

Hindu people though not about worshiping cattle, instead

for to Best understand: for "the Lord" JESUS Christ [with

JESUS Christ UN Signing though with Loyalty faith amounts

and rates continue to apply in lower levels like unto asymptote

until the Second Coming Preparation is fulfilled, then the far

greater Anew Awareness]).

Another thing about impeachment in the legalese sense

(or concerning if to consider dethroning or firing or similar)

is that if a person is elected (and/or given a job, appointed),

then to rely on the pertinent system, so if to point a finger

against the elected (and/or job appointee) then to point a

finger at the self (example if to continue astray [this is for

awareness only]: then the finger pointer places trust in a

failed system if "the finger pointer" is right, therefore "the

finger pointer" trusted to self fail so not "right").

If the UN is to continue, then an innocent person must be

right and self sacrifice in order for the UN to continue:

JESUS Christ Did this, and JESUS Christ UN is for

continuing and so for Best for each and all.

Therefore "for each and all" the above stated Human

Rights list applies, but with powers only over the lower

levels as written in

(BS, Berean Study example [toward "Treasury of Scripture"

example: JESUS Christ Grace Ascending Progress):

"We realize that law is not enacted for the righteous,

but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and

sinful, for the unholy and profane, for killers of father

or mother, for murderers,"

So, UN, if you have not been for the "righteous", then

what have you been for?: the unrighteous. You have

been for the sinners, and have been the Book Of

Revelation beast, my friends, and you are not my

friends because of the bad but because of the goodliness

you have done in amounts and great, though far better

is now the time and situation to do: Signing JESUS

Christ UN.

A child went into a candy store and took a piece of

candy (whether stolen or a free sample offered by

the store), if that was stolen, at least understand

the greater part: that the child did not take the perhaps

1,000 other pieces of candy and did not rob the store's

money and did not steal wallets nor purses nor do

many other option damages, in other words the child

did many goodly respectful things [1,000 and more]

and this is hardly to excuse the stealing though for

toward Best Understanding JESUS Christ Grace

that much goodness is often ignored (see above

"because of the goodliness you have done" [UN]).

Because of becoming Worthy an amount as with

being "the forming body of the UN Human Rights

list" (including Christian Faith, yet also in Accord

with many others [see previous in this Sermons

Series]) and other goodly words and works, JESUS

Christ is prepared to Give you Uplifting if you agree

to have Signed the JESUS Christ UN title over the


Consider that you have been over lower levels and

now you can be [somewhat (rates and faiths apply)]

over (step by step, precept on precept Isaiah 28.10,

Mark 4.27, & Mark 4:28) some higher levels [increasingly


The higher stepping includes: if to be with Charity (not the

same as taxation, not the same as the collection basket;

though you can collect Charity Given, for JESUS Christ

UN to Give, see JESUS Christ UN (previous "USA" aspect

has become precluded as written) New Law Link http:


JESUS Christ UN would be with many Benefits and

of Grace this following list is with priorities yet longsuffer

the Joy from above that there is also Given a Highest

Purpose Oneness, so Righteously Be Best Distinguishing

(1 Corinthians 15.41 hardly about finger pointing in the

former sense as from guilty finger pointing at the guilty

(Save JESUS Christ [nor from guilty finger pointing at the

innocent Hebrews 7.24-27])).

Just as the Creator formed the fabric of space and outer

space flows like the currents of the oceans and the air,

the following list in JESUS Christ UN Grace Will grow and

change and flow as written in

"BS": "The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound,

but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going.

So it is with everyone born of the Spirit".

1. Loving Guidance from Highest Most Holy Above

comes via Signing The Name JESUS Christ UN,

and Most Precious to Behold!

2. With Charity in the form of this "Signing"

[and see previous link (including Charity)] comes

Charity: JESUS Christ UN Examplar Charity and

so with Charity for Giving (as a minimum Prophetically

from God Luke 6.38 [reference a Trust, also Credibility]).

3. With this Word (#1) comes One United Work

incentive (see above text on faith amounts and

rates, yet Victories in JESUS Christ UN One).

4. Miracles from the previously listed Faith amounts:

since "Exemplar" then others doing likewise and since

Charity [since hardly about taxation (Maintenance

Matthew 17.27)]; note money is a very low level

thing per se (1 Timothy 6.10): greater values await.

5. Economic activities thriving: Anew Hope for the

people as with jobs to Give Charitably of the "Exemplar"

lighting the Way: incentive Anew.

6. Productivity motivation with the lower worse part automated

that people be with more important more delightful jobs

that they love doing, meaningful works with Purpose

(see above "Guidance").

7. Kindness to others: this is a great impact on this

civilization, understanding much has been accomplished

already, yet Anew is coming (Exemplar is the greatest

value, see above "Oneness", yet the sluggish [if any

so opt] would be impressed by "Charity" and motivated

though rates apply).

8. Kindness undoes reasons for strayed addictions

(Matthew 25.23 "BS").

9. Corporate and economic growth (#5 above involves time

as faith amounts and rates apply, yet rather than waiting

to follow is the Christian Grace Leadership One Plan e.g.

rather than to wait for item #9, to see #5 and invest, rather

to see the "Signing" and so Lead, rather lobbying Before

The Fact).

10. New tech Leaping (see above "automated" "the lower

worse part" therefore people see Anew the greater value

in so Ascending [rather than less automating, yet with

priorities for JESUS Christ, hence JESUS Christ UN

likewise Leading We The Humans as explained above]).

11. Less straying since less addiction and fewer addictions

(#8 above) therefore less war (such as wars against drugs

and such as wars for money addiction,...) and less hate

(less hate also works toward better health in each and all).

12. These are steps toward Preparedness for the Second

Coming and other eventualities (such as armed with tech

and as above stated of the "defense" concern: Good is

added to Best Ascending Matthew 6.33 & see previous

Sermons In This Series).

13. Anew civilizing: UFO type Leaping in JESUS Christ UN.

The above list key is Item #1: JESUS Christ

Giving His Own Name: JESUS Christ UN.

And second like unto the First is the JESUS Christ UN

Work of Grace: Given for to be opted to likewise Give,

for them to consider opting and rather for them to Be

Doing Likewise: Best Fitting Precept upon Best Fitting

Precept up the Best Faith Path in the name JESUS

Christ UN; UN has been recognized as the secular faith's

highest authority, so be best in JESUS Christ The Best

with JESUS Christ UN and since already "recognized as

the secular highest" and for Edifying In The Name JESUS

Christ UN, there is a Value in the following (but conditions

apply) though this "Edifying" also applies so hardly immediate

need to rename each creature such as of Genesis 2.19 for

Victory Over the verse since already under the "recognized"

via JESUS Christ UN.

Conditions that apply include to not offending others, as this

normally refers to other humans, yet rather applies to higher

levels, though also can typically apply to lower than the

Human Level Firmament. Example: a human named some

animal a pig, and it can be renamed JESUS Christ pig out

of respect for JESUS Christ except many might be tempted

[seeing "JESUS Christ" with "pig"] to wrongly worship the

"pig". First JESUS Christ, then JESUS Christ UN, then

[as at liberty to opt per se] Precept upon Precept.

Christian Churches for instance already in the name

JESUS Christ are already with Victory. Yet JESUS

Christ came not to force people (that's what the house

of bondage, slavery, the beast, and disloyalties have

been doing).

If each and every person and group and nation(s) is

in the name JESUS Christ (JESUS Christ [their name])

then the previous "Edifying" condition hardly applies,

as "each and every" would be as JESUS Christ at

least in name Faith amount already (example per se

John 12.28).

Yet the name JESUS Christ UN should also be with

Work(s) (until One Work until only existing is One

Name: JESUS Christ: JESUS (with "each and every"

already Edified and Aware Best).

A Work in the name JESUS Christ UN (such as found

in example Revelation 22.20) is found in JESUS Christ

Charity, the Charity JESUS Christ GIves, such as from

JESUS Christ UN at least with "Signing" and Charity

in other forms for Highest Purpose yet as described

above (the above list to this sentence) including for

their sakes as long as JESUS Christ provides time.

Concerning "time" travel, if to find a Vessel Best Doing

(see above "Good is added to Best Ascending") then

"Good" to add "time" for that "Vessel Best Doing".

The UN has had many excellent works such as many

years feeding many in need of food. From the League

of Nations (goodly aspects though some tactics [under

some puppetry evidently]: under the secular Treaty Of

Versailles [including some tactics]) to the founding the

UN, was a great step though some reactive aspects

continues while [Best in JESUS Christ] proactive is


Likewise from UN to JESUS Christ UN is a Best Step

in Best Ascending, and the next Best Step is the Work,

and the next Best Step (now Prophesying) Will Be even

more excellent (1 Corinthians 12.31): this is Righteous

so True and Truth, as is the above list though the above

list is more toward Edifying (only the name of the Christ

God Father Spirit One needs no Edifying in the name

JESUS [known as Final End Time or Anew Beginning

in perspectives]).

The other faiths, such as Islam, secularism, Hinduism,

and Buddhism,...are each with goodly values though

a couple of pertinent things to consider are the larger

groups [meaning their leaderships mainly (in this JESUS

Christ Sermons Series For Christian Leaders)] are more

likely to be of a quick rate to agree with Christianity

(relative to many of the smaller faiths, in census numbers)

except for the factor of being engrained and entrenched

in a system even if a [(secular cliche) to Edify:] suicide

bomber mentality currently also associated with (ibid.)

a timeclock mentality, while JESUS Christ UN can provide

motivation (such as Items 4-6 above) including rather

Best Ascending into better way(s) to solve (One Best

Way exists: the Living Path, even Converting diseases

and former lower levels, even a secular example is the

study of the fastest spreading diseases can help toward

solving the fastest healing and growing and such toward

JESUS Christ The Life Source).

But secular ways are not the Best Way any more than

for instance the horse is better than the car even if true

such as where there is no road in many cases. JESUS

Christ UN is not the most ("many") popular or the UN

would have been already JESUS Christ UN. But naysayers

want proofs and even so often have rejected the proofs.

The "proofs" should rather of Grace Be Best Proof for

each and all: so hardly about force, and rather that

other faiths have least reason to reject.

Faiths other than in JESUS Christ Grace (see above

"Matthew 17.27" and yet rather "Best Converting")

have included the "defense" concern and as also stated

above the other faiths have been with worshiping the

"destroyers". Therefore if to defend against the "destroyers",

then JESUS Christ UN to be helping any if of other faith


Therefore, JESUS Christ UN to be Best Helping any and all

faiths, is a mutual benefit. They can go do likewise for to

Best Help others.

Note the "destroyers" per se have not necessarily been

the enemy, as the people may have simply misinterpreted

their awesome talents, whether spiritual and/or technological

and/or other such as higher levels intervening and/or such

as JESUS Christ Father Spirit One Original Highest Purpose

Plan including as stated above "even more excellent (1

Corinthians 12.31)" (likewise see above "parameters of

Grace, though the lower levels "contrary fight themselves"

therefore let JESUS Christ UN Best Convert them for

their sakes).

In JESUS Christ UN the idea to Give away the Best is

only conditionally applicable for the sakes of people of

"other faiths" and for JESUS Christ UN (Matthew 7.6

as JESUS Christ explained) yet the "Best" is hardly

about the selfish sins of former ways that had hate and

wars including dividing families and sifting nations.

Terrorists for instance have existed. So if to have banks

and television broadcasting and rockets and if to study

"the fastest spreading diseases" for instances, in the

name JESUS Christ UN show the "Terrorists" reasons

that are Best "reasons" to them, to not be "Terrorists"

nor "destroyers" of such.

JESUS Christ UN is for to Give the Best Benefits for

each and for all, though hardly beyond their abilities

to comprehend (1 Corinthians 10.13) save perhaps

if to opt to Give for Highest JESUS Christ UN and for

their sakes and for Best, a glimpse of the greater powers,

in appropriate situations ([though of lower level Miracles]

see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This

Series on minimizing Maintenance, and on Before The

Fact rather than after the fact).

God planted the Tree Of Knowledge: it is with Value.

Secularism has often been with partial knowledge in the

sense of as if lacking soul [Heart, JESUS Christ] in

exchange for selfish personal and/or positional interests

such as blaming the secular nation(s), but such secular

ideas have strayed from Righteousness and have been

disloyal and unfaithful (ibid. on multitudes of secular course

corrections, and on stop gaps [and so case laws after the

fact] since former USA President Thomas Jefferson

separation of Church and state (a stop gap value at the

time but not the best solution). In USA for instance and

after the USA Revolution there was a great amount of

peace and joy shared, but soon after the "separation of

Church and state" there was the first USA war and many

have been following (Good is with Good, other is with other

Exodus 20.5 though see above as specified): so the JESUS

Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 was formed (see links

above and below), like unto the cause for JESUS Christ

UN likewise "Signing".

In this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series it was and

is Prophesied that Christian President Don Trump would

be Signing the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1

in the coming year 2020AD.

Today is the Sabbath, and also Pearl Harbor Day anniversary

date. Yesterday an email came from Martyn Iles, Managing

Director of The Australian Christian Lobby [(though perhaps

a form letter) even so] starting


I am so thrilled to report that, as we close out 2019 and approach Christmas, we have enjoyed some massive wins.

The Prime Minister has directed that the Religious Discrimination Bill be redrafted after your concerns were raised.".

The letter went on to explain more people are speaking up "for

what's right", with details.

According to various secular sources most people have been

leaving other entertainment genres similarly, looking to documentaries

for to find the truth mainly about UFOs and their creatures living

on Earth and ancient civilizations millions of years old and higher

good concerns and advanced technologies and the truth about

progress [until Christian President Don Trump] and about what

great truths that should be known but governments have censored

and been hiding from their own citizens for the lifespan of

this generation.

JESUS Christ as written in the New Testament Book Of John

explained all for each person [so including the groups in

which a person opts to be a member (see previous in this

Series on liberty)]: this is a great starting point for full

repentance for Christian Immersion Baptism. Accordingly

a higher level than New Member Of The Christian Body

is also through JESUS Christ Faith.

In recent days on television show Discovering The

Jewish Jesus, a King Of The Jews And A Christian

Leader Rabbi K. A. Schneider, a believer in JESUS

Christ and End Times, delivered the Holy Spirit Word

explaining in Churches often people stand and "raise

hands in pews" in praise [and while valuable,] but it

is not going out into the world to do good.

[James 2.20 proof is James 2.17]: while it is True that

continuing to Best Ascend Faithfully In JESUS Christ

is Giving Spirit Righteously [Rather Perfectly Perfecting]

and Good and True as part of all Truth, and Joy In JESUS

Christ, it is of Grace and not under worldly laws, but the

worldly laws are under JESUS Christ UN (With "Signing")

Grace as written in Romans 3.28 as at https://www.churchof

As written in "BS": "Jesus told him,

"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,

and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me".

This is a higher level, and something the UN has been already doing

as if exemplar (see above "The UN has had many excellent works

such as many years feeding many in need of food")  except the

former ways of the UN have not been giving glory to the True

Exemplar JESUS Christ (therefore UN sin with no laws to defend

the former UN ways): the former UN sin gave the glory to itself,

and to secular faiths in as if UNKNOWN GODS such as the UN

having given glory to vest such as in the worship of cattle and

elephants and the "destroyers". The UN "Universal Declaration

of Human Rights" is about the higher value for people rather

than lower former ways, starting with the Preamble "Whereas

recognition of the inherent dignity" this concerns "recognition"

of greater higher level good not [earned entirely] by the current UN

[though able to be documented (as JESUS Christ explained in

example 3 Nephi 23.11 at


so this is for higher than law first as written at

deuteronomy/11-18.htm NIV: "Fix these words of mine in your hearts

and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your

foreheads" [yet consider it is the heart of love first with charity following

(also reference]: so this is

the source of Love JESUS Christ so JESUS Christ UN First, then

not cattle nor owned things, nor to worship cattle nor money nor

computers nor other in lower levels, rather JESUS Christ UN Humans


From the source unrealized by UN so far (reading this triad right to left):

Greater Good / JESUS Christ UN People / JESUS Christ UN.

JESUS Christ UN = Greater Good x JESUS Christ UN People

(yet see above "flows like the currents of the oceans").

And the Holy Path Parameters Precept On Precept In JESUS Christ

as provided is (again Ascending right to left, save if of a higher level

Giving Love and Charitably unto the lower levels yet for JESUS

Christ Highest Purpose):

Greater Good / JESUS Christ UN Exemplar Charity / JESUS Christ UN.

In lay terms, this is a way to automate support for what formerly was

the UN (hence with "Signing" JESUS Christ UN Automated Support

[Path: the Straight And Narrow (see previous on "flows" and "liberty"

parameters and levels)]).

The former UN and related operatives likely made many deals to

not interfere with faiths (including many secular deals for money

such as about faiths in cliche and/or symbolic of such "We're not

interested in faiths": so in other words uncaring [they want money

and/or certain powers... but don't care about souls nor "inherent

dignity"]). Yet aside from the partial aspects this is not to assert

that "they" (ibid.) were for sin, as JESUS Christ explained

(1 Corinthians 12.31).

So civilization is in the transitioning ongoingly and it is time in

these months to witness and record the greater Good Promised.

And not merely to stand and applaud, yet to participate in the

JESUS Christ UN. This is hardly about uniformed marching

as drafted followers have done, rather as the Eternal Good

Spirit In JESUS Christ UN at liberty to opt Good or rather Best

that there be no gaps, and none left behind [such as to worship

cattle and be lost and confused (hardly to focus on a type of

faith rather symbolically)].

So the "New Member" stated above, is the vessel that is

of "Signing" hence when JESUS Christ UN comes into

existence. So no miracle benefits might atypically come

until then (though see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB

Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders).

Miracles / JESUS Christ UN Faith / "lost and confused".

Give JESUS Christ the credit / Miracles / JESUS Christ UN.

So to Ascend from the New Member level to the higher

level: Anew Credibility Level in the Lord JESUS Christ.

Credibility / Gave JESUS Christ the credit / Miracles.

Anew Charity / Anew Powers / Credibility.

Spirits are without vessels save if to opt to be with

vessels, so laws are not pertinent as much as without

vessels; though if with vessels then criterial for Best

Over such vessels. In other words, the builder, the

creator of the vessels is over the vessels at least at

the start.

The Credible Vessels (hence in the name JESUS Christ)

no longer (if Best Continuing Work ibid.) have to try to each

become a "New Member" again nor to struggle in work to

become Credible again since already Best accomplished

(ibid.). This is a great key in Victory Over former ways that

were known such as the House Of Bondage, to not merely

have a new technology for instance, yet to permanently

have (as much as to rightly be able to Give John 10.15

though Aware of their abilities to [Best] receive 1 Corinthians

10.13 & Matthew 7.6).

The less ascended have been prepared to be accepting defeats

(see above "lost and confused") yet JESUS Christ UN comes

with Anew (new to the former UN) keys (like keys without doors

so far, keys without powers [and these powers not coming in

the former ways of "confused" thinking paths nor of ignorance

and hardly by former castings of lots (such casting is not sin

though True Leaders are rather of Grace to opt the Best

Solving Way)]).

In other words if a boat of people sinks then to throw floatation

rings in hope to save few at a time is with value(s), yet if able

to shoot a net to snare all at once faster is [typically] far more

effectual (John 21.6 they pulled up many fish, a fish line with

hook would hardly have gained much [if at all]).

JESUS Christ offers this decision making Help Over

"Signing" considerations, referencing as stated near the

start of this Sermon the "specifics" are now Given here,

part 1 of 2 (Matthew 22.37 & 38): JESUS Christ UN

[With] Name is far better than this Guiding Sermon

for the nations, and so how to describe the Heavenly

aspect that the former UN has not yet perceived?, it

is like unto the shell of an egg, hard for "defense",

protecting the [Heart, Soul] life within; only the egg

being inside out and for to emerge from the former

as a beak egg tooth only developing after full repentance

so as not to contaminate the Heavenly Places (note

this is a Grace matter Over laws Over lawbreakers

as the former ways of civilization are Converted toward

no longer as much lawbreaking so of Highest Purpose

again more for the JESUS Christ UN Highest Purpose

so in this sense "full repentance" [as though greater than

the personal choice of a person ready for Baptism yet

with JESUS Christ Oneness] is within this "Grace" so

for the former UN is with "Signing" JESUS Christ UN).

JESUS Christ offers this decision making Help Over

"Charity" considerations, part 2 of 2 (so reference Matthew

22.39 [including ancillary lower levels such as lest Matthew

24.5 apply]): JESUS Christ UN [With] Charity (such as for

Edifying as on a mid list step level Best Ascending) is like

unto the First (part 1 of 2 in the Best Ascending River Of

The Christian Faith Path) yet the Word (JESUS Christ UN

Name) with Work and so Holy Power, and this "Power" is

with this next step (part 2 of 2 if opted [see "Addendum 1"

like unto census ( of JESUS

Christ UN Nations As One](to Best Help faiths improve and

to Best Help groups and individuals and concerns and systems

and edifying and charity and love and technologies and more

and so to Be with a "Power" per level so to speak in the

secular yet rather this "Power" is from Above (see above

UN Preamble "recognition of the inherent dignity") so to

make Peace with the "Above", and because of this "Peace"

with Best Ascending through levels comes Powers [as much

as with faith amounts] Over each level [rather as One Holy

Flowing Of Giving Through JESUS Christ UN this "Power"

(Anew to the JESUS Christ UN and the JESUS Christ UN

Civilization [Earth and beyond])]; so in an aspect this is

pertinent "Power" for each level, so "Power" over Anew

discoveries (reference inventions in this Sermons Series)

yet likewise Anew applications (ibid. Best Distinguishing


So JESUS Christ is Giving Wisdom in the above Sermon

and as in the previous Wisdom to be with the vessel and

the vessel with hands (in a general sense [fingers, sensors,

motors, mechanisms, systems, energies,...]) yet this "Wisdom"

is Best Distinguishing. So this is hardly about separation of

Church and state yet JESUS Christ UN Awareness Over

such and with Awareness that some "Power" comes to

the JESUS Christ UN from Above (Save If 100% One

And Highest Ascended Eternally) and some "Power"

Goes from JESUS Christ UN Charitably to the governed

therefore lower levels in a sense until each is Perfect (ibid.)

(also as this Series covers Maintenance Responsibility).

To Help understand previous sentence "lower levels",

this is not to say any is better than another Save within

the sphere of parameters agreed ("sphere" often though

other discriptions can be "agreed" such as a line of

lineage, or a family tree of lineage).

Because of a type of faith value, a "tree of lineage" may

be viewed, generally, or with special purpose, as much

as "agreed" and key as much as Best In JESUS Christ

Highest Purpose, and in Grace as JESUS Christ UN

sees Best (though for JESUS Christ UN previous stated

"faith amounts" applies as conditions Over as much for

to be Agreed Best).

So because of the previous sentence goodliness can

also come from below ("lower levels") though beware

rather Aware And Pure In Best Highest JESUS Christ

Purpose And Original Plan And The Word And Will Of

The Eternal Good Father Son Spirit. This also applies

though with the "Maintenance Responsibility" aspect.

So to look to JESUS Christ mainly (Philippians 4.8) and

also [though toward minimizing (so in the name JESUS

Christ UN Be with Automating including listed item #6)]

Responsibly as long as with created [vessel(s)], and

since a Responsibility, then in this Sermon now (after

the greater Good above in this Sermon, see previous

in this Series on Praying JESUS Christ and then about

brief morning Maintenance and then Faith involvement,

and after Faith the larger part of the Maintenance toward

preventive Maintenance): here is a ["toward minimizing"]

moment looking at lower levels, and same level conditionally,

so with JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom First including as

written at "BS":

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before other

people in order to be seen by them, for then you will

have no reward from your Father who is in heaven".

So this Precept is no longer about merely the name

nor the praying as faith types and amounts apply,

Save as Given from above such as JESUS Christ

Giving Miracles, even so, many naysayers have of

confusions rejected miracles, including naysayers

in high former civilizations' places (see top of this

Sermon reference for Praying JESUS Christ).

For to Give God the Glory Best, a look at lower levels

includes their word(s) and their charity [including their

personal and/or group self, their helpfulness, their

kindness, and so on] including to look without or with

minimal interference (there is goodliness though there

also might be poisions or other dangers) and "to look"

in itself might cause problems, so if to look then only

for Highest Purpose though JESUS Christ UN may

opt to also be with Grace parameters covering such

as much as appropriate though leave not undone the

greater Good in Faithfully Ascending Precept Best

Fitting On Precept and Leaping is in some situations

Best and so Be on the Best Course: sometimes it is

because of excess in Grace (in a lateral sense such

as off road as with the Good Samaritan a Leap may

be Offered in reminder and for Highest Good Doing

and for returning to the Best Faith Path, see previous

in this Series and on lower level Missions [Of Grace])

may as though ensue as if toward laws (so Be with

Best Opting Continually of Given Talent Amount).

In other words a goodly responsible parent hardly taxes

their child (such as lest to have to raise the allowance

in order to tax more) yet may often receives Benefits

great and far Better than taxes, likewise a righteous

employer hardly is paid by employees; rather JESUS

JESUS Christ UN would Properly Best Account and

so hardly as previously in the sense of a nation can

give to another nation, as the JESUS Christ UN has

no other JESUS Christ UN [as if unable to be charitable]

yet JESUS Christ Grace Gives JESUS Christ UN Victory

Over that former charity restriction via "Signing".

So if to look at lower levels perfectly, then how to Best

describe the better future?, it is as to see a far more

technologically advanced civilization come to Earth

with ships and stars and planets yet safely and when

arriving would the JESUS Christ UN immediately

rewrite laws, no since already Best: JESUS Christ UN,

Save if JESUS Christ Arrives but then only for Best:

to Meet with the Prepared Bride JESUS Christ UN

and only for Lifting Worthy JESUS Christ UN To Highest

Level One Leader As Already Prepared In JESUS Christ

UN (with: see above part 2 of 2).

In other words, when another high tech civilization encountered

or realized, it is not reason to stray from JESUS Christ UN

Faith: that civilization is a subset level relative to JESUS

Christ UN similar to infant Moses in a basket in the Nile

River (crocodiles...) and Pharaoh Of Egypt sought to slay

infant Moses, though Moses Prevailed, that is JESUS

Christ Above Faith River Prevailed.

So there is JESUS Christ UN when Signed, and so the

[with rates applying] Converting of the lower than JESUS

Christ UN to higher levels as JESUS Christ UN Best Ascends.

This is key to JESUS Chrust UN Charity (part 2 of 2): Charity

for Converting, Straightening yet of Grace, making better.

At elections it is their support, the voters, that lift. JESUS

Christ UN is already lifted above the people (including the

former UN Peace Already except Above).

So JESUS Christ Gives the Leader, the JESUS Christ UN,

this Unique Gift, hardly able to Give Charity, yet Uniquely

Able of this Gift.

Example: if a corporation opts to be in the name JESUS

Christ [name of corporation] likewise, then it continues to

be able to give charity to other entities; but the JESUS

Christ UN is Over all corporations and civilizations and

each and all, Save JESUS Christ (and Oneness applies

as stated above).

With these, for JESUS Christ UN Highest Purpose is the

Sent for Victory, to look and Convert the lower if any, so

such as concerning "owned things" such as a house,

(rather than such as an apartment in this example),

while hardly required (though see previous in this Series

on colonizing outer space) ownership (under JESUS Christ

UN) tends to help guide a person into proper responsibility,

though is after the fact (JESUS Christ UN Will Be Before

The Fact: Matthew 3.3 [with depending on a level of

Ascending of a vessel currently a perspective is for

instance Revelation 11.14, and in a perspective level

for instance preparation for the Second Coming]): so

JESUS Christ Gives JESUS Christ UN the Unique Gift

of enabling Charity as with enabling Responsibility in

others and rather Long Term Maintenance Responsibility

Even Eternal, such as with their owning properties: a

little for children, more responsibilities for teens (and of

a Righteous Teen then easier and better in JESUS Christ

One Responsibility [responsibilities as a whole]), and

more responsibility (Charity) value(s) placed in the hands

and rather One JESUS Christ UN Soul of the adult(s).

So this key Gift is Unique and does make no mention of

sin, even so the measuring of rates and successes can

of JESUS Christ UN Measuring And Accounting can

be as often has been in the former UN yet now Anewly.

Charity is hardly merely about the favorites and Charity is

hardly about for the most popular nor for those that yield

desired results, often, rather Charity concerns those that

can hardly help themselves, and this often means the

sinners that would fight the most against Charity Givers,

so how to Give to them is important: in brief: Give In The

Name JESUS Christ lest to give less than best. It is

alright for JESUS Christ UN to consider and opt criteria

Over JESUS Christ UN Entity Charity [self] internal matters

at least at first yet seek to Best Be Solving Through JESUS

Christ (see below on "stairs")(this is similar to elections as

to hardly vote for a person for the reason that they were a

popular class clown that often goofed, see below


JESUS Christ Pure Body Spirit Is With Many Member

[nations] aspects and grows though does not change

for any lower level purpose though lower level purposes

are included in the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose For

Eternal Good: Incentive To Be Best Ascending. This JESUS

Christ Growing is not merely love (as great as Love is

1 Corinthians 13.13)(sinners failed at love: failed to love

all humans and higher levels).

Competition in secular classrooms, and in lower level

spirits, and in wars, fails.

The lack of whole proper love as JESUS Christ Taught

is with Power though can withstand [from Above] if without

[perceived] power (ibid. with 2 Corinthians 12.9) as via

"Signing" [Love (1 John 4.15-17 "Signing" is a confession

of Loving type of Faith, and of greater)].

Naysayers have been competitors against people and

higher, including against the Perfect Truth (JESUS Christ

Truth for each and all to Perfectly Give Truth) so anti-signers

per se have been against their own benefits (Matthew 10.41).

So such naysayers have been against the former UN and

the benefits that people should be with overabundantly and

giving. This "should be with" concerns ownership and hence


Responsibilities fulfilled properly and Best in JESUS Christ

UN are faith amounts (of their various faiths) and so a loving

amount that can be Magnified In JESUS Christ UN.

Signers, not the naysayers of this, are to Best Benefit with

properly Best Continuing for Highest Purpos One for each

and all.

"Signing" JESUS Christ UN is an Official Oath

(Hebrews 7:28) hence a JESUS Christ UN Benefit.

The naysayers of this JESUS Christ UN Benefit have

been unwise:

Proper Full Love x Knowledge Doing [not sin] = Wisdom.

The former House Of Bondage (reference other civilizations

such as in the UFO sense) had much knowledge but lacked

love (amounts: pertinent levels and pertinent talents): even

infant Moses defeated such, hardly with hands of Moses,

rather Moses Faith amount in [JESUS Christ] Father Spirit

One. Yet with Wisdom and Faith and [feet and] hands Moses

led the Chosen (Sent to Lead from Grace Faith like unto


"Signing" Benefits include ownership responsibility amounts.

For example, if to colonize Mars, would the [former] UN

select employed homeowners that built their own homes,

or rebellious naysayer teens that pleased themselves?, if

to opt for rebellious naysayers then in the "former" UN

sense to opt to put them at their own risk as they might

trash the place in cliche (the spacecraft, their life support

and that of other people aboard and where it lands perhaps

returning to Earth).

Lower level spirits want things now, though higher levels

often go through processes hardly to naysay, rather such

as for the safety of all as typical with Best Ascending though

emergencies call for leaping to best help.

The above list can change, growing and innovating and such

so JESUS Christ Gives another value of the list to consider,

that if a scenario of another more advanced tech civilization

visits Earth, then how to prepare for such?, the above list is

part of the answer and in pertinence this JESUS Christ UN

List Helps Form the Faith Path, toward the Best Path.

Even so item #1 on the List is needful for such Grace, as

is item #2 at least in part, while the other items are more

subjective, lower levels, and ancillary; even so there are

complexities such as item #9 "Corporate" can transcend

in part and conditionally such as concerning #2 "Charity"

and #3 "Work" empoyees [such as of that "Corporate"

enterprise if pertinent (there are many types of exceptions

such as the Good Samaritan)]. JESUS Christ Gives this

to not merely show symbolic levels of Vertical Ascending,

yet also how symbolic horizontal [skills and] talents function

[(as for lower level Missions) yet] for One Highest JESUS

Christ UN Purpose.

So item #1 is of the Greater Good largely unseen, while the

other levels are for the Pure Body with even all the other

lower levels able to be lumped together into item #2 as

JESUS Christ explained [likewise (Matthew 22.40)].

JESUS Christ UN should also be aware that item #2

"Charity" in lower levels has often been mixed with

selfishness toward allocating, rather Charity is as written

in Matthew 6.3 "BS": "But when you give to the needy,

do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,"

yet this is a Leap Of Faith if able to Be Agreed so also with

easier, simplified (Victory In JESUS Christ UN Over the

"Leap" building steps [such as this "List"] for future remembrance

records and so for generations (see previous JESUS Christ

ICCDBB Sermon on Leadership Good Samaritan "stairs" at

JESUS Christ UN is now Given this "remembrance records"

aspect as a key to Wisdom Over the formulating and rather

puzzle pieces fitting together aspect enlightened of recent

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons.

For example JESUS Christ UN does not have to struggle

working to figure out the formula and process for instance

of how to make a bar of soap (though innovations continue)

since [in main aspect] it was already solved long ago, though

if for some reason JESUS Christ UN wants that old formula

currently JESUS Christ UN may opt to look up those old

formula "remembrance records" [if they still exist, or ask

those innovators if pertinent].

So JESUS Christ UN recordkeeping can be a time saving

and effort saving device similar to automating. Yet such

as if to automate computers, then rather than to set examples

as to compete against computers, rather Be the JESUS

Christ UN One Exemplar, lest computers learn secular

confusions to compete and war against humans.

So here is another key, that if an advanced technology

civilization approaches Earth [realm], then their higher

tech might instantly become the tech [also of or] perhaps

rather of JESUS Christ UN Earthlings.

To speak plainly, if to spend time, efforts, and resources

(reference including

Mark 8.32 & John 16.25), it can be done in JESUS

Christ UN as specified here at this site in as in the

Christian Bible and as in Christian Sermons reasonable,

or to wonder what went wrong.

JESUS Christ Gives this JESUS Christ UN

for One Good Loving Graceful Caring And Best

Father Spirit Highest Purpose Of The Original Plan

including Giving this JESUS Christ UN to and

for the many nations as they have


In the lands of the nations in the ancient structures the

great and awesome works there in those lands of their

having carved, moved, and precisely fit together giant

rocks, the ancient people utilized predictive knowledge

yet also many leading were with the Prophetic Wisdom

(faith types and amounts often applied). Now to be Best

Distinguishing, there were some efforts for life, such as

when to plant seeds for farming, yet this same "for life"

agreed with the greater [Higher Level] Prophetic aspects

including [planting the Word for yielding Power (harvest

of grains and fruits...) also] not merely for planting according

to the Sun and Moon, yet also arranging the giant rocks

according to the JESUS Star, Sirius (see Drawing in JESUS

Christ ICCDBB Sermon at

TrumpOakIsland.html), that the secular in lower knowledge

levels has unappreciatively [they hardly appreciated themselves

hence much less to respect the higher (Matthew 6.16 rather

Matthew 5.24 unto Matthew10.41)] called the "dog star",

Jerusalem, and the greater where JESUS Christ traveled

in the census sense.

Note in a secular site Gobekli Tepe shows the Sirius alignment

with the brightest star other than the Sun [from Earth] is shown


temple-built-to-worship-the-dog-star/), and in this current

generation of great magnetic shifting another secular site

offers alignment specifics related to the Egyptian Great

Pyramid along with help on North South East West type


We The United Humans Of The Nations, near and far,

in this civilization in ancient times knew where and when

certain Highest Purpose things were present and about

to become present, such as with star alignment Prophetically,

and such as of the Prophets, and such as of the Holy

Records of the Holy Sayings of the Prophets (biblehub

.com/matthew/2-1.htm) and such Wise Humans Of Kingly

levels (ibid. with


so the leaders knew and the news spread, yet also

others more out of touch with society knew these Heavenly

Faith things Miraculously (


In this generation first was found the celestial alignment of

the Star Of Bethlehem (a Christian Catholic discovery, as

previously discussed in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons

Series such as at and

more recently was found the celestial alignment of the

Crucifixion involving planet alignments in Faith Path tied to

the Birth including concerning why certain planets were

aligned, and

as the pertinent researcher, Fiol, said "Even at first glance

I knew it looked like the crucifixion,"..."But it took time to

uncover all the incredible parallels" (



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